Wanderer of Myriad Worlds Chapter 1031: Source patching

The same exercises, supernatural powers, and different people’s cultivation may go out of a different avenue.

For these, Fang Qingshan is most valued.

In addition, there are all kinds of spiritual root seeds, like the magical powers, whether it is top-level or low-level, as long as there is none, Fang Qingshan will collect it and plant it in all worlds.

As far as Lingbao and materials are concerned, they are ranked last.

Regarding the Jingjing Pavilion, like Baojie and Xingxinglou, this is the evolution of Fang Qingshan using a piece of heaven and earth.

The other functions of this thing are just that. The only and most important thing for Fang Qingshan is a perfect and deduced function.

That is to say, no matter what the practice is, it is placed in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

If it is incomplete, the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion will take the initiative in deducing it, helping to perfect this practice and fill in the incomplete parts.

If it is complete, then he can continue to perform. For example, the original complete seven-level exercise can only be practiced to the Daluo Jinxian, then after the improvement of the Tibetan scriptures, it may be deduced to the nineth and tenth levels. Cultivate to the quasi-saint, and even Hunyuan.

This feature is extremely powerful.

Of course, it is not without limits.

Low-level supernatural powers are fine. Once at the intermediate level. The degree of perfection and deduction is surprisingly slow. Not to mention advanced and top-notch. It simply needs to be calculated in units of epoch and volume.

Of course, there is no way to make up, that is, the more the collection of scriptures, the stronger and more comprehensive, the faster the perfection and deduction.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan has been collecting various kinds of scripture books all these years, not only wanting the stones of other mountains to attack jade and bypassing it, but also wanting to perfect and deduce the Tibetan scriptures.

Not to mention these, but with the connection of Fang Qingshan, the method of cultivating various mixed elements automatically in the Tibetan scriptures, the method of viewing ideas, the tips for condensing immortal substances, and the creation of Qinglian The records of all kinds of top lotus treasures of the everlasting Qinglian have been infused into Fang Qingshan’s mind.

This powerful information flow is placed on weekdays, even if it does not explode, it will cause Fang Qingshan Yuanshen to be seriously injured and drowsy.

But at the moment he is immersed in this vast ocean of endless blessings, constantly drawing the laws of the road he needs from countless roads, but it is easily carried, and quickly combed, summarized, taken The essence is removed from its dross, and it is constantly improved to the Daqing Qinglian visual map.

For a time, it seemed that the entire mind was completely integrated with Dadao. In my mind, various perceptions. Various exercises, various methods, are constantly flashing.

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Various mantras that involve imagination, mixed element cultivation, condensing immortal substances, etc. At this moment, all are flashing quickly in the mind, constantly circulating, among each other. A spark of wisdom collided.

Full at the beginning of the fly.


Nanqianqin wisdom, turned into spiritual rain nutrients, poured on top of the third grade green lotus, so that the green lotus is more crystal clear, the lotus leaf is green, the lotus stem is tender and straight, but the third grade is still the third grade, and it has not continued. Signs of blooming.

In the end, it is the cultivation method of the 12th layer of Hunyuan. If it was not because Fang Qingshan observed the outline and charm of the eternal green lotus, plus the memory of the creation of the green lotus in the imprint of Pangu Kaitian, this road is green. Don’t talk about lotus flowers in the lotus imagination, even if it’s a single product.

Although there are many other exercises, most of them are just under the chaos.

After all, Fang Qingshan’s previous cultivation practice has not yet broken through the Hunyuan and can be traded. There are very few magical skills at the Hunyuan level.

Therefore, although the collection in the Buddhist scriptures is broken, it can really be enriched, and there are not many of them turned into nourishment and nourishment.

The outside world, I only saw that the other shore was completely enveloped by the heavenly blue light, and a mysterious force passed from the light, quickly integrated into the sky boat, and transformed the sky boat. Degrees become faster.

At this moment, the breath of Tianzhou, or the breath of Lei Di, has completely broken through from the sixth layer of Hunyuan to the seventh layer of Hunyuan, and has not yet entered the seventh layer, and has almost reached the peak of the seventh layer of Hunyuan, although there is no Breaking through the eighth floor, but jumping three levels in a row is already very valuable.

After all, cultivation is cultivation, and combat effectiveness is combat effectiveness.

Although the breath is only seven peaks, the combat effectiveness is not weaker than that of the eighth and nineth floors. Even in the face of the Hundred Yuan Consummation, the tenth floor, although it can’t beat it, it is still a breeze to go.

This is the comprehensive strength of Tianzhou and Lei Di. As for the heaven and earth, the heavens and earth in the world of sailing units everywhere are also growing and transforming. Continuous expansion, although still not breaking the shackles and advancing to a new level, but the foundation has become more solid.

As for other eternal unit weapons, like the world, under the nourishment of eternal blessings, although the limit has been broken and improved, this improvement is not a new level of improvement, but a breakthrough of the limit.

It is a life and death gourd. Although there is no breakthrough, but under the infusion of the mysterious power of eternal blessing, the previous damage has been greatly repaired.

The life-and-death gourd used to be a chaotic high-level demon god’s associated spiritual treasure, which is no worse than the killing demon’s killing gun.

Heavenly Tribulation, attacked by Kaitian Axe and Du Tianshen Thunder, although not completely separated from the Thunder Gun, but the background is greatly consumed.

If you are good, you can also keep the innate treasures, which is almost like dropping the top-level innate spirit treasures directly, even lower.

Even if you have practiced the laws of life and death, or there are repairs to the treasures of life and death, it is impossible to reach the original grade.

Just not see it. After the Junjun’s patchwork, the killing gun has melted a part of the demon god’s body, but it is only restored to the level of innate treasure? It is comparable to the three treasures of Kaitian.

If life and death gourds are not an accident, this is the most.

But it is different with eternal blessings.

Although this time did not break through the congenital treasure like the thunder flag~IndoMTL.com~ but his background and potential have been patched up. If the chaotic spirit treasure is restored in the future, it is almost a matter of finality. This is unquestionable.

However, the difficulty of breakthrough is that it is much easier to lose water than falling treasure money, and the power will naturally be more powerful.

But the already-broken prohibition began to repair a little bit.

One, two, three, five, seven, nine.

At this moment, it came to an abrupt halt, but with this moment of effort, the life and death gourd finally recovered a bit of Chaos Lingbao’s power and vitality. …


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