VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 897: Help me once

The sword of hope.

What they have endured is destined to be nothing but sin.

Accepting employment, the hired party will not thank them, because it is a relationship of interest. Do it as hired, and the injured party will be no less grateful to them, because it is an enemy relationship.

At this moment, You who had been silent all this time suddenly spoke.

“A murderer is evil. He has never regarded himself as a hero. Although there is nothing wrong with you wanting to help him alleviate his crimes, he himself doesn’t want to at all. You are going your own way.” You said coldly.

She has no appearance of being affected by the power of time.

Killer is evil, this is what Lan Feng said to her before.

“You’d better not use the power that you don’t have in the game. The system’s tolerance for you is limited, and so is my tolerance. You’d better leave the matter between me and him alone.” His tone was cold.

The conversation between the two made people who were interested in hearing it secretly startled.

A power that was not originally in the game?

Especially the low-key great man is more determined: “You and the others really are not from the earth, and they may even be people from our destination, but how are they connected to this game? They should Didn’t you come to the Earth Fleet to log in to the nutrition warehouse?”

“Forget it, it might be that they have technology far superior to ours, but You and Chun Yujing feel a little bit rivalry now, what’s the matter with this inexplicable feeling of grabbing a man?”

Thinking of the end, the low-key great man couldn’t help becoming wretched again, his nature has not changed.

“But what you said is not wrong at all. Even if they want to save more people, as long as they cause a lot of killings, it is still impossible for everyone to admit it.”

“While they are saving the world, they are also killing the world.”

“If the earth is compared to a village, and the country is compared to a family, what they do is to kill a person in every household to reduce the burden when the village is about to fail.”

“So, it is only a matter of course that the whole world will hate them. There are many good-hearted people in human beings, but in the dark environment of the earth, there are not many good-hearted people left after all, and human nature often They will only remember the evil that others do to them, and ignore the good that others do to themselves.”

“To the extent that I want people all over the world to thank them, it’s just a dream.”

Looking quietly, I also know what effect I will have if I do this.

“Then what is your purpose for doing this? You should know that you are wasting our time now.” The principal said, already dissatisfied in his tone.

The ultimate purpose of doing this is to help Lan Feng after all, and it has nothing to do with them. Whether he is the head of the garden, the warden or Ou Huang, they are just watching here, wasting their own time.

“There is no other purpose, I just hope that there are more people who can understand them, and those who do not harm their actual interests will stop following the trend and venting their inner darkness without thinking. “

“As for those guys who say that the country’s hatred is equal to their own hatred, I don’t even need to say anything now. After a while, you will understand that the existence of the country can only last for two years at most.”

“When the national war is over and everything is a foregone conclusion, there will be no differences between countries, because after the national war, if the demons cannot be defeated, everyone will have nothing.”

“Maybe at that time, you still have to rely on his help, because he has the most powerful power in the entire game.”

Look quietly, that’s all I want.

“Chun Yujing, do you really think this is all right?” The low-key great man finally spoke.

“That’s good.” Jing Jing looked frankly.

“If you do this, you will lose your fiancé.”

“Forcibly change the things he is unwilling to change, even if you make him suffer less sin, so that there will not be so many people who hate him, but will he really accept it? His own concern for his former companions It’s impossible for you not to know the extent, right? If you let him live alone until now, he can enjoy the lightening of the burden of sin, will he really feel better?”

“When your partner passes away, you can enjoy the lightening of the burden of sin by being alone. Don’t you think it’s more cruel?”

The low-key great man asked.

“I have my own reasons. Whether he will accept it or not will be proven in the future.” Watch quietly.

“Since you say so, as an ally, I will help you one last time.” The low-key great man suddenly looked solemn.

Looking quietly, he suddenly smiled, not knowing what the smile meant.

“If I’m not mistaken, Lan Feng is also ‘Yu’. His real surname is Zuoqiu with a double surname like yours, right?” said the low-key great man

“Zuoqiu?” Xingyun Longbow was taken aback.

It should be said…all the people on the Huaxia side were taken aback.

The mercenary master who was sitting in the back, his burly body trembled slightly, his surname was not Zuoqiu, but his biological mother had this surname.

“Wait, you’re talking about that Zuoqiu of the Zuoqiu family whose entire family was destroyed because of the Battle of New Loulan nearly twenty years ago? Didn’t their entire family die because of the Battle of New Loulan? Have a marriage contract with Chunyu’s family?” Xingyun Longbow asked hastily.

“Who said they are all dead? Aren’t I still alive and well?” The voice of the mercenary master suddenly came.

Everyone was shocked! Then look away.

“The master of mercenaries? You are from the Zuoqiu family!?” Xingyun Longbow was shocked.

“It seems a bit messy.” Han Tan felt a little headache.

“Reckoning, the master of mercenaries became famous more than twenty years ago. Could it be that Lu Yuan was declared dead by the Zuoqiu family at that time…” Wanli Wuyun recalled carefully.

Their president-level voices can be spread through the power of the arena.

“Oh? You actually know my name. You must have been a kid back then.” The mercenary master was a little surprised.

“Fortunately, I looked through the information of Zuoqiu’s family, and I just remembered it.” Wanli Wuyun responded.

“The Zuo Qiuling who died in the New Loulan Battle 20 years ago was my nagging mother. The guy in the arena now, in reality, changed his name to Chen Feng because he followed the surname of the person who raised him, and was later taken by the black sword. Let’s train him to become ‘Yu’. His true identity is the son of my uncle Zuoqiufeng——Zuoqiuwang.” The mercenary master said slowly.

“No wonder the Quiet Guild’s guild residence is called Jingwang City.” The low-key great man felt suddenly enlightened.

He finally understood why Jing Jingkan named the guild’s residence, why it was called Jingwang.

Chun Yujing, Zuo Qiuwang.

“This story is interesting. In other words, the real age of ‘Yu’ is actually 20 years old, right? It’s really perverted.” On the contrary, the warden didn’t feel that his time was wasted, but listened with relish.

Lan Feng’s current age is not 19 years old, but his real age is 20 years old. The person who picked up Lan Feng deliberately registered him a year less out of good intentions. If there is any enemy, even when checking the age, it may be staggered by an age.

Even if the age gap between the enemy’s search is widened by one or two years, at least it can increase the difficulty of the search, so Lan Feng’s age has always been wrong.

“When he led Xijian to destroy Heijian, he was only 13 years old. I have to say that Heijian, who once surpassed us, is really powerful and can cultivate such monsters. It’s just a pity that they I didn’t do a good job of controlling the monster, but it was swallowed instead.” Ou Huang said in a flat tone.

“It’s not entirely Heijian’s fault, it’s that idiot Yan who didn’t handle it well, which resulted in his own death and the first destruction of the West Asia branch.” The warden even had the leisure to talk.

“In any case, they are the sons of the Zuoqiu family who have protected our China for nearly a century. There is always a sense of justice in their blood. The negligence caused by Yan’s ignorance led to their own tragedy.” Low-key great man interjected.

“Huh?” the warden.

The rest of the forces are all frowning.

They all know very well that what the low-key great man is saying now is nothing but beautiful words.

The sense of justice in the blood is not enough, it’s just nonsense, let’s not talk about whether it exists, even if it exists, it is to protect Huaxia, and Lan Feng and the others who want to be rescued by idiots The concept of the world is different.

This kind of words is obviously not for them, but for those Chinese people who need these beautiful words to stabilize their hearts.

Then he means…

The quick-response person couldn’t help but refocus his gaze on Jing Jingkan.

“That’s right, that’s almost what it means. ‘Yu’ itself is a child of the Zuoqiu family, one of the former guardians of China, and a cousin who rebelled against the mercenary master of the family more than 20 years ago.” Jing Jing Look.

“That is to say, the Zuoqiu family that once protected our Huaxia has not been completely wiped out in history.”

“It’s just that what he is doing now is not only inheriting the will of the Zuoqiu family to protect China, but also doing something that the whole world will not recognize…”

“Save the world.”

In an absolutely **** way!

Jing Jing smiled lightly, it was the same smile that the low-key great man just said to help her for the last time.

That is, the low-key great man is helping her.

“It turns out that ‘Yu’ is from the Zuoqiu family, and my father was rescued by the army led by Zuoqiu Feng.”

“No, is it really from the Zuoqiu family? That’s our Chinese hero.”

“Chun Yujing is not trying to make excuses, is he?”

“Excuse your sister, didn’t you see that the emperor mentioned just now? He didn’t even dare to reveal the identity of ‘Yu’. Obviously the relationship is not good. Can you help him now?”

“That’s right, if you’re not from the Zuoqiu family, how could you be so powerful? You see, he is also the mercenary master of the Zuoqiu family. He was such an amazing character before…it seems to be the same now.”

This is the help of the low-key great man.

He can’t help people all over the world to believe and thank Lan Feng, but at least…

Under such a big rhythm, many Chinese people can reduce or eliminate their hatred for him and Xi Jian. Now in the whole world, Chinese people already exist the most, and this kind of help is already the greatest degree up.

The Zuoqiu family sacrificed themselves in exchange for the protection of China in the New Loulan Campaign. As long as Lan Feng was not committing a heinous crime against China, he would always be recognized by the people of China.

Ordinary people may not realize it, but people from other forces have already realized it.

They are already very familiar with the control of this general trend, and they are very clear about what the low-key great man is doing now.


What the low-key great man said: Help you one last time.

“Help you once” already knows what it means and has done it.

So what does “finally” mean?




PS: This is a chapter owed by the sixth watch yesterday.

Well, I have to admit sorry, I underestimated the writing speed of this important plot, it was almost twice as slow. It started yesterday afternoon, and there were only five chapters until four o’clock in the middle of the night. I feel that the original three chapters tonight are also difficult to complete.

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