VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 890: Finals begin

After Lan Feng found Bing Meigui, he didn’t say anything on the surface, and privately used the ability of the voice lawyer to let them follow, and got out of the seats of the mercenary killers.

Then he went to the other high-level hidden professional players of the four major races, and obtained some materials and the military power in his hands by means of extortion and extortion in exchange for benefits!

The image of the villain is fully revealed.

The rest of the people could only swallow their anger and dare not speak out.

What else can I do? This is a ruthless person who can take all mercy out of the game, can you guarantee that you are stronger than a lone army?


Then just shut up!

So much so that the matter of looking for the confused cat before was naturally ignored. Even if he felt that something was wrong, he didn’t dare to think about anything else. Unless it is an enemy, it is definitely not a wise move to provoke Lan Feng, it is an act of death.

As for really trying to inquire about the relationship between Lan Feng and the confused cat, there will be no results, because the query… will only cruelly kill the confused cat.

Time passes by.

The system left the players with thirty minutes to prepare, and there was only one last point left. The magic array deployed by the guild players, the assembly and installation of the defense equipment, etc., are basically put in place, and they are placed on the defense line, so there is no need to worry about anyone stealing.

As time went by, the copies of the ancient arena began to send players one after another.

What each group of players saw was an empty arena. They were randomly arranged to be seated and directly teleported to their seats. There are basically strangers around, not even the same nationality, and then they can’t communicate with each other, even if they collide, they will only penetrate each other, as if everything is an illusion.

Layered storage is the way to store players from all over the world into the arena.

Because the copy of the ancient arena is very small, even the system needs a lot of calculations and practice to accommodate 300 million players in layers.

One more thing.

The players who came to the scene after that can only see the surrounding players clearly, and the rest of the players are all blurred.

If you really want to watch carefully, you can only see the solemn and orderly guild players, and the brutal and **** mercenary group!

The entire ancient arena is simply “very lively”.

No one would have expected such a grand occasion, and I was fortunate enough to experience it.

The number of people in the ancient arena is increasing rapidly, and players will be forced to be sent to the ancient arena by the system in a stacked storage method. Game players in the four regions are being teleported in as each city and town disappears.

Looking quietly at the data panel and time display in front of him, he also knows that all the forced transfers are about to end, and it’s almost time to prepare.

As Jing Jing got up, the players who were normally introduced into the arena also changed.

Half an hour is up!

The number of people in the ancient arena——300000000!

The nutritional warehouse of the entire game is exactly 300 million!

Official nutrition warehouses such as the army are not counted in the number of public nutrition warehouses. They need to be calculated additionally and do not need to be entered here.

The entry of all players means…

The children from another server also entered this ancient arena!

“Wow, look, it’s really a big arena!”

“Why are those people blurry and can’t see anything clearly.”

“It’s amazing, it’s really much more interesting than school, it’s fun even if you don’t have to go to class.”

“I can see clearly, they are all scary-looking uncles and aunts, and they have a unified logo.”

All children between the ages of seven and eighteen were sent here.

At the beginning of the game, they were from six to eighteen years old, and now it has been a year, and the children who were originally over eighteen years old have also been reclassified to the game server, and they are allocated an average Level characters, let them play the game on the same starting line.

Now in the game, the players who have just grown up come from the learning server.

The entire domain game, in addition to the main game server, also has a sub-server.

It is a learning server specially provided for children to learn. Everything in it is a simple school, as well as some basic entertainment facilities and maps.

In the learning server, there are no babies or toddlers, because the entire migration fleet does not have any.

When preparing the migration plan a long time ago, the way to deal with infants and young children has been planned, and the way to deal with it is very simple.

That’s every country that mandated banning birth plans eight years ago!

If you give birth to a new baby by force, you can!

But new babies will not be allowed to take the migration spacecraft. If the baby grows up using the nutrition cabin, it will bring serious sequelae. The same is true for using the brain wave learning in the nutrition cabin. Infants and young children cannot bear so many brain waves. Electric wave stimulation, it is impossible for them not to learn the basic abilities of human beings, otherwise, after five years, they will be just a simple giant baby.

A six-year-old is the minimum requirement.

On the fleet, it is impossible to set up dedicated baby management and assign dedicated management personnel. The actual loss of activities will be much greater than the loss of using the nutrition warehouse, which is extremely uneconomical in itself.

In the semi-sleeping state in the nutrient cabin, all that needs to be consumed is the nutrient solution. And raising infants and young children requires more than just simple nutrient solution, even if the amount required is small, it is a huge burden.

In short, there are many reasons, and the country has considered a lot.

So it’s very straightforward, just cut it across the board!

The prohibition of family planning is also a way to temporarily reduce the burden on the earth. After all, the remaining human beings can continue to survive. If more children are added, it will only increase the burden.

After all…

Even if you are born, you won’t live long.

Earth has no resources.

If you really want to have a child, then wait until you get to a new living environment! Even if it is ten years late to give birth, it is still better than being born and staying on the earth to die.

Anyway, the main purpose is to:

It’s not that you are not allowed to have children, but that you will have children in a new environment, otherwise it will be really difficult to carry and migrate.

At the same time, it can also reduce the burden on the earth, so that the remaining people can live longer, and those who participate in the migration can bring hope to the new environment and spread it.

So now, there are only children between the ages of seven and eighteen.

“Gentlemen and girls, a small number of uncles and aunts, and cute little brothers and sisters, good morning!”

The sound of quietly watching spread throughout the ancient arena.

“As for me, I am the referee of this final, because the system has fully authorized me. As for who I am, there are not many people who don’t know me, so I won’t introduce myself. I feel a little petty Shame.”

“As for why I added little brothers and sisters when I greeted you, it’s because they also came to this ancient arena from the learning server, but you are not in a layered space, You can’t see their existence.”

The children are coming too? The rest of the players are puzzled.

“As for them, the main purpose is to watch the game and listen to the rules of the game in the future. It will indeed have something to do with these children.”

“I don’t have many specific things to say now. You are mainly watching the game now. If you talk about other things now, you will not be able to watch the game with peace of mind. I will say something about this after the game is over. Things about the game, and some changes in the future.”

Quietly, I still plan to sell it now.

“So, now let me explain the rules of the finals, which are basically the same. For example, the team competition starts first, then the double competition and finally the single competition.”

“Mainly in the final stage, a small change was added, which is about the game map. The protective barrier on the game map is the same as the original, but this time the contestants who are under the protection of the barrier can see clearly The spectators outside can even hear their words clearly.”

“And the viewing angle is constantly changing, and it may change to the overlapping space for children. As for the intention of this change, it is to let the finalists feel that they are in the In the finals, the enthusiasm of the players has improved.”

Strange changes.

“There is also the game map, which will directly fix a huge area with a diameter of 30 kilometers, and the map will be completely fixed. And the content of the map will completely become a mixed map of various environments. These mixed maps will also It’s all fixed.”

“The only thing that will not be fixed is the weather and time.”

Nothing special has changed.

“The last one, that is, in the following games, the system’s opening betting will only have the team game market, and the target will only be the players in the surface space of the arena.”

The surface space is the space where guilds and mercenary forces sit.

“As for the content of the bet, you are completely free to bet, even the defensive area of ​​your own guild can be used to bet, it depends on whether you dare to bet!”

There was a commotion in the guild forces!

“Okay, now everyone participating in the team competition has been blocked by the system, and you cannot communicate with them. Now if you want to gamble something else, you can discuss it with people in your own region, and then Gambling to other regions.”

“The team competition has not been favored by you before, so now let the team competition finally bring you some excitement.”

“Whether to bet or not to bet, which team to bet on to win, and what to bet on, you can decide for yourself.”

“As for whether you are worried that I will do something shady, that is your own judgment.”

“Then now, I will give you nearly half an hour to think and discuss, and make a decision at ten o’clock, and the team competition will start at that time.”

“Now, discuss it among yourselves.”

A risky gamble!

Quietly looked at all the players and smiled, then quietly sat in his seat, waiting for the result.

Everything, just wait for another half an hour.




PS: By the way, there is one more thing, that is…

The update is temporarily suspended today, and I will update it six times tomorrow. Is it exciting?

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