VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 879: Storage Ball

“What about the second weapon?” Han Tan asked.

“The second one is not considered a weapon, it is more functional, and it is specially prepared for magicians. There are not many goblin magicians, this thing is completely developed by myself, so you still have it It needs to be tested in the arsenal, and I will not participate in the specific test results. If there is any problem, just ask them to give me feedback.” Yayoi.

Just as weapon blacksmiths can create non-game weapons, goblin mechanics like Yayoi can also create non-game goblin machinery.

“The magician’s stuff?” Han Tan.

“Yes, it is an energy storage ball that stores magic power. You’d better monopolize the key metals you need now, or you can not rush to manufacture them, and strive to quickly occupy other countries during the national war. It is an important place of origin for metals, and it will not be too late to intensify efforts to manufacture. Of course, this premise is that the energy storage ball can be used and the effect is not bad.”

“Then how much magic power can he store?” Han Tan asked.

“Under normal circumstances, it should be possible to store three tubes of mana for a level 120 ordinary mage. I think it will be more useful than returning blue crystals and potions in an emergency. The most important thing is that it can replace part of its own mana, allowing ordinary players Using magic that cannot be used beyond its own mana value should occasionally have good results.” Yayoi explained.

Hantan was stunned.

At this moment, a shocking thought appeared in his mind!

An important change in the collective strength of mages!

You must know that in this game, many low-level ordinary mages are not completely unable to cast particularly powerful magic, but their own magic power is simply not enough. Many powerful magics require a lot of mana to support them, and this is the main limitation of ordinary magicians.

In addition, when the mana value is low, many skills cannot be used when the mana value cannot be restored immediately by the mana returning potion. But this energy storage ball can replace part of its own magic power to release magic when the magic power itself is insufficient.

This is simply the gospel for weak magicians!

If the energy storage ball is well made, it can even give extra help to powerful magicians, allowing them to cast more powerful magic alone!

“The energy storage ball can be recharged, right? How long does it take to recharge, and how many times can it be reused!?” Han Tan asked hastily!

If it can be charged quickly and used enough times, wouldn’t it even have a good replacement effect for blue potions and blue crystals! ?

It will undoubtedly be of great help to the consumption of the war!

“The recharging time is very long. If he is allowed to recharge by himself, it will take at least half an hour to fully recharge, but as long as the number of uses is not damaged or has quality problems, it should be able to be used unlimited times.”

A trace of disappointment flashed across Han Tan’s expression, but it couldn’t change his excitement at the moment!

“If a magician takes the initiative to recharge in his spare time, he can fully recharge within a minute, but if he is caught in a war, he may not have this time. Although I have been making changes before, I can reach this level There is no way to improve it.” Yayoi said regretfully.

“It’s all right, it’s completely enough, as long as it’s more convenient to make, it will be a great help to the mages if we can equip a large number of our mages with such an energy storage ball!”

“You also know that many large-scale magics that are jointly cast are due to the lack of magic power of the players, so they can only be superimposed on the manpower. But with this, it is absolutely possible to cast large-scale joint magic with only a small number of people, this is definitely a reform of the era!”

“It’s hard to imagine that players can do things that change the game!”

Han Tan, a person with a cold personality, is now excited like this, if it were other people, I’m afraid they would be crazy!

United magic, as the name suggests, is a big magic that requires many magicians to sing spells at the same time, and gather the power of all people to jointly cast it. The power of this kind of magic is completely beyond the reach of ordinary players, and only hidden professional mages can release it alone.

However, there are only so many magicians with hidden professions in the game, so when it comes to war, many large magics still need to be stacked with the number of magicians.

“It’s hard to imagine.” Yayoi took off the goblin glasses on her left eye.

“Researchers like us exist to develop things that span the ages. If we can’t even do this, then our existence will be meaningless.” Yayoi said slowly.

Han Tan was taken aback for a moment.

“Hahaha, that’s right! Researchers are a group of people who exist to develop things that cross the era. There is no doubt that you are definitely the first person in this game now!” Han Tan laughed happily.

“For the first person, it’s better to add a ‘player’. After all, all the goblin knowledge I have was taught by my teacher. It’s almost time to see my teacher, but he said to me I, the first excellent work I developed by myself, if there is room for improvement, he can help.” Yayoi took off his dirty research clothes.

“Wait!” Han Tan froze for a moment.

“You mean, you can go to the Creator Emperor and let him improve and upgrade the energy storage ball, so that his charging time will be shorter!?” Han Tan asked.

“That’s right, maybe it can also increase the mana reserve of charging.” Yayoi smiled lightly, a rare smile.

“It’s perfect…” Han Tan murmured.

“Now I regret the contract that I promised you not to sell to other countries. If this thing is resold, I don’t know how much money I will make.” Han Tan said with a smile, which can be regarded as his true feelings, because He really wants to sell.

But there is no chance now, so I will do my best to equip Huaxia. Anyway, when the time comes to get a share of the benefits, he will ask for more, and he won’t lose money.

“That’s why I didn’t want to give it to you before. If you sell it, I don’t know how much threat it will be to China. There is no patent right in this world. If something is in their hands, they can copy it as they want. Especially if it can be of great use in the hands of the koala, allowing him to use this to forcibly activate the small forbidden spell, the consequences will only be more terrifying!” Yayoi snorted coldly.

This is the reason why he is unwilling to make blueprints for the arms dealer Hantan, because he may really sell them, and this thing may also cause serious consequences.

“So it’s better to add self-explosion magic to it, so that if the owner dies, it will self-destruct, otherwise other national forces will get it.” Han Tan said.

“I added it, but you can’t understand the blueprint.” Yayoi said lightly.

“…” Hantan.

Okay, I don’t understand, you are amazing.

“This method won’t last long, and sooner or later it will be obtained by the koala, so I don’t recommend equipping it with the magician from the beginning. After turning 5 at level 120, the koala can also use the small ban When the mantra is used, it can be distributed in large quantities.” Yayoi gave another suggestion.

“That’s about all I can say. You’d better get these two blueprints from the most trusted arsenal and develop them separately. Bring back the energy storage ball.”

“You can let the arsenal directly test it now. It happens that the problem can also be reflected there in real time, and it is also convenient for upgrading and transformation.”

Yayoi has now changed into her luggage and is about to drive away.

The eyes are still covered with dark circles, and it doesn’t feel like what it should be like to see the master, and he will not go to groom any more. To Yayoi, being able to change into a decent set of clothes was a rather solemn feeling.

“I’ll ask someone to take you off.” Han Tan.

“No, I still have a bit of fighting ability, and I can barely drive a mecha or something.” Yayoi refused.

“Be careful on the road. Please also send my regards and thanks to Senior Chuang Shi Ji Emperor.” Han Tan.

“Understood, if you remember it in time.” Yayoi walked directly to the door of the research room.

Hantan is also dumb, he will remember something when the time comes, he estimates that judging by Yayoi’s personality and the degree of inattention to things other than research, he probably won’t be able to remember.

However, it is not important anymore, the most important thing is these two drawings.

Han Tan looked at the blueprint in his hand, even though he couldn’t understand anything, he sighed.

“One can change the command of the sea, and the other can change the status of a mage. Yayoi really gave me a big surprise.”

“No, it should be said that he will give players all over the world a surprise, a surprise that catches the other three regions by surprise.”

“Researchers exist to develop cross-age works. It’s a good statement, I like this!”

The more Hantan thinks about it, the happier he is. With the two blueprints, the status of the Longtan Guild and their forces will also be greatly improved, and the benefits gained from the national war will also directly increase!

“But it seems that Yayoi didn’t develop the ship-mounted cannon or something… What the hell, anyway, he gave it to me so solemnly, and I can’t get it from other goblin hidden professions. .”

“However, there is no name. Is it written on the blueprint…”

While talking to himself, Han Tan personally took the blueprints and went to the main arsenal he trusted the most, planning to look for a few of his trusted researchers first. Then conduct experiments and development in secret, trying to collect enough data in the past few days to upgrade and transform Yayoi.

At the same time, he has to go to supervise it himself. After all, he and Xingyun Longbow have the main arsenal in China, which cannot be missed.

The transfer and deployment of the guild, which was watched quietly, triggered a series of butterfly effects, causing the four major game areas to directly enter a state of emergency preparations. And at this time, there is really no need to consider keeping secrets from ordinary players.

Anyway, the end of the martial arts competition and the start of the national war are coming soon.




PS: Although I feel that it is a bit inappropriate to be cheeky to ask for a monthly pass, but I feel that if I don’t have a cheeky face, I can only eat dirt

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