VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 781: Preferably

The imperial capital of the orcs, the exclusive castle for the lone army.

I don’t have the chaotic mercenary life in my impression, it’s the same as the Lei Shenwei’s back then, only strict and awe-inspiring. This is one of their basic qualities as the strongest mercenary group in the world at present, and their strong discipline is a factor that has survived to the present.


Suddenly there was a strong spatial fluctuation in the sky! Almost like a conditioned reflex, the mercenaries in charge of the vigilance immediately sounded the alarm!

“Enemy Attack!”

A signal flare dedicated to the goblins made a piercing sound, and the sound spread throughout the small castle in an instant! The lone army members resting in various positions immediately enter the state of preparation for battle! No one slacks off, and everyone’s responsiveness is terrifyingly high. This is the quality that the strongest mercenary group should have!

The castle defensive array was activated quickly, and the defensive magic in all directions was activated almost one after another. Yanran wanted to protect the castle into a powerful defensive position!

Storm Feather Blade!

Countless energy feathers about three meters in length covered the castle in all directions like a torrential rain! This is the posture that Yu’s skill should have, the posture of full firepower! The terrifying attack intensity and range destroyed a large number of buildings in an instant, and many mercenaries were directly hit and died tragically on the spot!

Fortunately, the raised defensive array blocked most of the attacks, and the places that had not yet raised their defenses were completely destroyed by this attack! It’s not hard to imagine what the consequences would be if the defensive magic circle was not raised immediately!

A huge figure with a length of about 100 meters rushed out of the space and slammed into the defensive magic of the castle!


The overall defense toughness bar of the defensive array was knocked down by 10%!

“Fuck! What monster?”

“This is the leader who can only destroy about 1% of the defensive formation with a full blow!”

The people in the lone army were extremely shocked, but they didn’t panic at all. They all hurried to their positions in an orderly manner. The magician profession goes to the magic platform, and the archer profession goes to the arrow tower. This small castle still has these infrastructures.

“Kunpeng? Where’s that **** Lan Feng?” Repentance stood on a rooftop, asking Yu like a parent of a child.

“I don’t need my brother to deal with you!” Yu hovered in the sky, setting off gusts of wind.

“Oh, as expected of the little guy he taught, they are all virtuous and arrogant, you, a minor holy beast, don’t talk about dealing with us, first break the defensive formation here!” Mercy also stood up , not far from Confession.

Golden Winged Roc King once taught: to attack a city, if the number is insufficient, use the strongest attack and the fastest speed to blast the opponent’s defense ability at once, so that it will lose its defense skills in a short time. Only then will you have the opportunity to quickly destroy the opponent, otherwise you will be passive by the opponent’s continuous strengthening of defenses!


Pseudo Forbidden Curse Scroll——Thunder Fire Meteor!

In Yu’s exclusive space, a large amount of combat materials obtained by him and Lan Feng has been kept, among which there are five scrolls of fake forbidden spells! Only the real scrolls of forbidden spells are stored on Lan Feng’s body, and what Lan Feng allows Yu to use any means is that all scrolls can be used!

“Pseudo-Forbidden Curse Scroll! Are you crazy!?” Repentance felt the fluctuation of the False Forbidden Curse, and found that it was too late for Yu to open the scroll!

Under the cover of Heiye and Yu’s huge body, the pseudo-forbidden spell scroll has been successfully activated! Confession never imagined that Yu would use such an important thing so decisively and unsparingly! He wouldn’t be surprised even if Yu came here with all his strength, after all, Yu was about to enter adulthood, and it would be a waste to keep the opportunity to go all out.

“Go to hell!” Yu didn’t have any nonsense, and directly controlled the skills and slammed down!

“Fuck! Bilson!” confessed.

Beast God Asylum!

Mercy launched a range of defensive skills as quickly as possible, trying to help the defensive array offset part of the attack, so as not to be directly blasted. You must know that once the defensive magic circle is forcibly broken, even if the defensive magic circle itself is not damaged, it will temporarily enter the cooling state like a skill cooling.

So we must not let Yu be smashed so easily!

In the sky, dark red fireballs mixed with terrifying thunder, quickly fell towards the castle defense array below! In the dark night sky, a strong stream of thunder and fire soon burst out, and all the attacks poured down on the castle below!

“Those who can defend against magic, block them all! Throw all the magic scrolls out in steps, be careful of mutual interference between skills!” Repentance quickly commanded.


Just the first lightning fire attack that arrived first directly blasted through Mercy’s range defense! The attack power of this purely attacking range magic is too terrifying!

Pseudo-forbidden spells cannot be resisted by a skill released casually, even if the one who releases this skill is the Beast God Shaman Mercy!

The subsequent thunder and fire attacks continued to fall, and the terrifying power blasted through the defensive magic scrolls released by the members of the lone army. The unstoppable and terrifying power destroyed everything it touched, and there was no way to resist it! Lei Huoyun had only released half of it, all the defensive magic had been broken through, and the attack hit the castle’s defense array directly!

The first direct bombardment exploded, causing cracks in the castle’s magic defense array! The total toughness bar also dropped by about 5%!

As for the lone army, it’s too late to release another wave of defensive magic at this moment!

Lei Huoyun’s follow-up attack completely smashed through the castle defense array! Confession and Mercy can only watch, they don’t have any other defensive means to block such an attack, covering the huge area of ​​the entire castle, even if Confession wants to resist it physically.

“The defensive formation, I have broken it!” Yu said coldly and proudly.

Overlooking the arrogant posture of the lone soldiers below from the sky, it is almost like the contempt of the king, despising everything!

Seeing that the castle was destroyed by a small number of follow-up attacks because of the destruction of the magic defense array, the repentance and pity suddenly burned with anger. This is a naked provocation!

A single minor holy beast blocked their door and destroyed their defensive formation, and even destroyed some buildings. This is something that the pride of their strongest mercenary group in the world cannot tolerate!

“Kill him!” Confessing anger gave the order!

And at the moment when the confession order was issued! All the attacks of all the members of the lone army were out of their hands. Even the melee professions smashed out the magic scrolls prepared in advance, so it is necessary to ensure the strength of the attacks!

All kinds of attacks are indiscriminately heading towards the feather cover in mid-air, his huge body at the moment makes them don’t even need to aim! It can be said that in order to prevent their attacks from interfering with each other, they directly scattered the attacks to every position of Yu Yu’s huge body!

But a weird scene happened!

The arrows that hit Yu first went straight through Yu’s huge body, as if they were only phantoms!

And at this moment!

Pity suddenly stands on end! His pupils shrank extremely sharply to the size of a thin needle, and he felt a strong sense of crisis!



Flash can’t be used!

“Pfft! Puff! Puff! Puff…” Blood splashed, and hot blood sprayed out from all parts of Mercy’s body!

On his blood-stained body, there are many pitch-black blood-stained feathers, piercing through Mercy’s body like hard black metal! His head was even pierced by a halberd, holding one end of the halberd, and Yu, who had re-formed into a human form, stood there with a cold expression.

In the cold and indifferent eyes, there is a disregard for life and a cold arrogance that belongs to him alone!


Instakill with full blood!

“How…it’s possible…” Mercy closed her eyes in disbelief.

It never occurred to him that he would be instantly killed by a “child”, and that the underage Kunpeng had the ability to instantly kill him! And his power of space is simply terrifying!

While leaving an afterimage in the air for an instant, it teleported behind him and sealed off the surrounding space, making it impossible for him to use the flash! And in the extremely brief thought pause that Flash couldn’t make, Yu’s powerful and quick attack instantly killed him!

There is no chance of survival!

“Bilson!” Confession was shocked.

He is the same as Mercy, he never thought that Yu would suddenly kill Mercy in an instant. You must know that Mercy, as the beast **** shaman, also has his own powerful life-saving means. However, before these methods could be used, Yu was killed in a flash!

This is something they never thought of anyway!

They took it lightly!

They underestimate Yu who is not yet an adult and looks like a child!

It is precisely this contempt that gave Yu such an opportunity!

Repentance turned into anger and rushed towards Yu, who was only about ten meters away from him, and directly activated a part of the animalized claws! Yan Ran looked as if she wanted to smash Yu directly!

Absolute barrier!

The attack was blocked by Yu using Lan Feng’s skills. Although he couldn’t use Lan Feng’s perfect blocking ability, it was enough to block the attack of confession!

After blocking the attack, Yu immediately opened his **** mouth in a strange and terrifying way. The whole mouth turned into a black hole and swallowed the pitiful corpse pierced through the head by the halberd. The swallowing movement was so fast that the naked eye could not see it clearly! And after devouring, he quickly escaped into the space and went away, without continuing to stay beside the confession.

Swallow it! ?

Confession suddenly felt suspicious, and didn’t understand the significance of Yu’s actions.

And at this moment, a powerful wave descended!

It is the king of beasts!

“Little Kunpeng, you’ve had enough trouble. You killed one of them too. Please don’t go too far. You can’t swallow this pitiful corpse.” came.

The figure transformed into a human form was directly forced out by the words of the Wanshou King, which shows how terrifying the strength of the Wanshou King is. At the same time, the phantom of the King of Beasts also appeared above the castle, staring at Yu in midair.

However, before confessing and respectfully addressing the King of Beasts as master, another voice suddenly appeared above the castle!

“Can’t you swallow it?” Lan Feng’s indifferent voice came later.

In mid-air, a blue circle of fire appeared out of thin air, with a pitch-black black hole in the middle. The figure of Lan Feng hugging the sleeping little white cat slowly appeared in it.

“What if I want him to devour it?” Lan Feng’s indifferent eyes stared at the phantom of the Beast King without fear.

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