VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 748: Horror

At this moment, the ancient giant tree tried its best to keep its aura stable. He already felt the huge threat from above. Lan Feng’s was still ready and could be activated at any time!

During the period when the ancient giant tree launched the Destruction of the Wood World, Lan Feng even interspersed ten 150-level dark gold swords that launched the Abandoned Sword Art in the blade storm! The self-explosion power of a dark gold-level sword is basically equivalent to that of an ordinary boss of the same level!

Seeing the end of the ancient giant tree’s skills, Lan Feng immediately controlled the blade storm to attack the ancient giant tree below, but the attack method was not the range attack as the ancient giant tree imagined. Instead, it spirals into one strand, just like a tornado formed by countless swords!

The ancient giant tree fluctuated slightly, but he didn’t care about it: “Do you want to penetrate through my canopy defense and attack me? It’s a pity that even if you penetrate my canopy defense, you can’t hurt my body or anything! As long as you have a large number of fire-type fetishes to attack, I see what other means you have!”

In the eyes of the desolate ancient giant tree, people like Lan Feng and the others can barely compete with it only by relying on the power of the gods. As long as their fetish power is exhausted, its victory will be nothing more than a breeze!

This time Lan Feng consumes a lot of fire from heaven and earth, as long as he successfully resists the ancient giant tree, he will make a lot of money! It has absolute confidence that even if it is temporarily weak after releasing its skills, it can block most of the damage with the canopy, and it will never threaten its body!

The spiral-shaped blade storm bombarded down brazenly, with the momentum to forcibly smash through the defense of the canopy of the ancient giant tree, thus fully revealing the posture of attacking its body.

At this time, due to the weakness of the desolate giant tree after releasing powerful skills, it almost used all its strength to defend against the threat from above. And the rest of the people were temporarily trapped by the death of the wood world, and their lives were uncertain, so the ancient giant tree now has extremely weak protection against the weak point at the bottom.

It’s just that there are two thicker branches horizontally placed there instinctively. Compared with the terrifying defense net made of many branches in the crown of the tree, the defense below is simply useless!


In the middle of the spiral blade storm bombardment, a black hole appeared in the sky! That is a space channel formed by the power of space!

At the same time, You’s figure instantly appeared at the bottom of the trunk of the desolate ancient giant tree, just standing in the huge pit where the thunderbolts bombarded that section of the trunk before! They had already blasted a hole more than ten meters deep in the trunk of the ancient giant tree before! It is precisely because of this that the ancient giant tree will feel a strong sense of crisis and explode!

Space Tunnel—Open!

Another passageway appeared directly under the ancient giant tree, and the exit was facing the big hole formed by the bombardment!

It’s over! Got it!

The desolate ancient giant tree was shocked, and even a trace of despair flashed in his heart!

The attack of Lanfeng Bladestorm will use the short-distance space tunnel led by You to forcibly change the attack position from directly above, so as to bombard the weak point of the ancient giant tree at a fixed point!

The horrifying and terrifying blade storm, under the blessing of the terrifying power of a large amount of fire from heaven and earth, bombarded out from the space tunnel dominated by You. The pale defense directly hitting the weak point of the ancient giant tree, the two thick branches with a diameter of more than ten meters, are as fragile as willows blowing in the wind at this moment.

The thick branch was shredded directly, and the torrent of metal flames formed by the blade storm easily crushed the outermost wood grain of the ancient giant tree trunk. That was the last struggle of the ancient giant tree, and the partial divine wood grain defense launched hastily, but it was still too weak after all.

The sword storm was wrapped in the terrifying power of the fire of heaven and earth, constantly destroying the trunk of the ancient giant tree, and the big hole was constantly deepening. The bombardment of the sword soul summoned by each blade storm will make the big hole in the tree trunk a bit deeper. These thousands of sword souls are attacking in a spiral shape, like a huge flame metal drill!

The ancient giant tree screamed and wailed!

Its misjudgment, its carelessness! It has caused such desperate pain, and it needs to bear the price for it, which has lost its strength after launching a large skill, and has neglected to guard against its weak point!

The tree hole is as deep as 20 meters!

The tree hole is as deep as 30 meters!

The tree hole is thirty-five meters deep!

Thirty seven!



Forty meters!

It’s not enough, it’s still worse! The trunk of the ancient giant tree has a diameter of 100 meters, so it needs to be bombarded to a depth of at least 45 meters!

Finally! The ten 150-level dark gold swords activated by Abandoning the Sword, all blasted out!

Ten dark golden swords equivalent to the self-detonation of the boss, all exploded in the tree hole that was already 40 meters deep! The destructive power of self-detonation is even more terrifying when it explodes in the narrow space of the tree hole!

The shock wave of the explosion blasted out along the tree holes, and the barbed roots and trunks in front of the tree holes were all destroyed in an instant! The self-explosive shock wave even directly blasted to the huge root system “grave” enveloping the big ice monster, shaking the impenetrable root system!

The space tunnel along the way has long been shattered, and You also used the power of space to launch a flash in time, and returned to Lan Feng in the sky above.

From a bird’s-eye view, staring at everything below.

The damage caused cannot be calculated in detail due to the constant explosion of damage values. It’s just that the thick blood bar that made people feel powerless in the ancient giant tree is rapidly shrinking.

Three of the overlapping five layers of health bars have been emptied!

In other words, Lan Feng’s attack must have hurt the root of the ancient giant tree, which is its weak point – the center of power operation.

Adding the previous damage to the damage caused, the total blood volume of the ancient giant tree has dropped to 37%!

In other words, the damage caused by the blow just now probably wiped out nearly half of the ancient giant tree’s blood volume, which is… 10 billion!

Sure enough, there is a huge difference between a knife piercing the skin and a stabbing heart.

If this attack is only attacking the crown of the tree, or attacking the trunk when the ancient giant tree is prepared, it will only cause a billion damage at most. But breaking through most of the trunk, and then hurting the weak point of the ancient giant tree, that’s another concept.

Lan Feng already clearly felt that the aura of the ancient giant tree below was constantly weakening, which was a feeling of being extremely seriously injured. Lan Feng himself has experienced this level of injury, and the feeling of weakness and suffocation will spread all over his body!

The domain effect of the beginning of ten thousand trees has also disappeared, and the sense of depression from the domain is gone. Presumably, the ancient giant tree is no longer able to maintain the existence of its own domain skills.

Due to the heavy damage to the ancient giant tree, it was no longer possible to maintain the follow-up control effect of the fall of the wood world. That’s because the aftermath of Lan Feng’s Abandoning Sword Art’s attack made the original confinement effect much looser, and the big ice monster was able to get out of trouble relatively easily.

However, it can be seen that the blood volume of the big ice monster has been reduced by about a quarter, and he himself was also injured. In fact, if Leihe hadn’t used the earth-type fetish to help defend, the injury of the big ice monster would have been worse.

Compared to what happened to the big ice monster, the bone dragon not far away is much better. After all, it is not the key attack position of the ancient giant tree. The bone dragon’s HP still dropped by nearly half, so that it temporarily lost its combat ability and could only be used as a meat shield.

The most comfortable thing is the magma one-eyed monster who blocked the saplings of the ancient giant tree from a distance. Although his own defense ability is not strong, but fortunately, he has restrained attributes and is far away from the giant ancient tree. The degree of injury is actually lighter than that of the giant ice monster. Some, as little as one-fifth of the blood volume was reduced.

“My mother, if there is no dumb man here, wouldn’t we all have to hang here?” Wanli Wuyun sighed as soon as he got out of trouble.


But he found that no one paid attention to him, because…

Almost everyone looked at the scene in front of them in shock, the miserable state of the ancient giant tree!

The thick trunk with a diameter of 100 meters was blasted out of a huge tree hole with a diameter of about 60 meters and a depth reaching the center! There are also deep sword marks and ravines all over it, as well as scorched black traces of flames, and even a small amount of blue flames remain!

In the deepest part, the part that exudes a soft green light also looks extremely chaotic and tragic at this moment.

The center surrounded by wood-attributed green light is the power center of the ancient giant tree, which is equivalent to the existence of the human heart. Not to mention the complete thunderstorm in front of everyone at this moment, it still looks like it has been hurt to a certain extent.

The current barren ancient giant tree is also using all its strength to quickly strengthen the defenses here and there. Circle after circle of wood-type power shields are built, and some of the divine wood grains condensed in the tree holes are also constantly activated, trying to build a thick defense to protect the exposed “heart”.

They all felt the disappearance of the Domain of the Beginning of Ten Thousand Trees, and the desperate and incomparable powerful aura before the ancient giant tree was also weakened to the extreme. The thick blood bars that made them feel troublesome before have been emptied as many as three at this moment!

The total blood volume dropped by 63%!

What did Lan Feng and You do while they were trapped! ?

They did see Lan Feng accumulating his signature big move Blade Storm, and they also felt the violent energy fluctuations from the outside world during the trap. How could the ancient giant tree be penetrated so easily through its trunk, and even Attack to the weak point! ?

And this life value…

At least 10 billion life points were destroyed just now!

This is too appalling!

They were trapped, which was the process of Lan Feng’s attack, and it only took about ten seconds. When they appeared in front of the ancient giant tree again ten seconds later, the ancient giant tree was already weak and dying.

God, what happened during this period! ?

How did he do it! ?

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