VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 728: Change

The sun set, and the game map gradually fell into the darkness of the night, and the blood moon once again exposed a small part of the horizon. The center of the game map is located to the southwest, but there is no silence as it should be at night.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

The ground trembled violently!

Consecutive strong blue fire explosions resounded in this area. All the ordinary players who heard the terrifying explosions carefully hid themselves, for fear of being affected by the fish pond.

At this moment, there are two S-level thieves running away, dodging chasing from behind in embarrassment. Their invisibility has no effect at all, and they are also covered with strange blue flames that cannot be extinguished, and they are completely locked.

“MD, you are mentally retarded, how does this Xiao Xue look like a vase who got a powerful profession because of Lan Feng’s good luck? He died alone in a face-to-face meeting, and his follow-up ability to fight us head-on is simply terrifying. If I didn’t know she was Xiao Xue, I thought I had met Xiao Qing!” One of the thieves cursed fiercely at the other thieves beside him.

“The ghost knows that this Xiao Xue is like a different person. Her combat ability has soared in a straight line. With her current combat effectiveness, unless she is a top-ranked SS class, she is no match for her at all.” Another thief It’s also unbelievable.

“Fuck! What the **** is going on? How long will it take for combat power to enter the top 100 in the game? That **** Lan Feng, what kind of job did Xiao Xue give to this little bitch? It’s so scary.”

They are all members of Weeping Prison. For killers like them in this game map, it is easy for them to mix in various maps. Prompted by the competition system, they rushed here, and using the unique marks among their Weeping Prison members, they gathered three together.

This is also what they do instinctively. Even if they don’t cooperate or form a team, it’s relatively safe to see how many of them are left and whether they are safe. However, just after the three of them got together, they happened to find Lan Xue who broke out from the disaster area.

Because of the previous rumors about Lan Xue’s powerful career, and those intermittent videos, the three launched a surprise attack on Lan Xue with a skeptical attitude. In fact, they also looked down on Lan Xue from the bottom of their hearts. Like everyone else, they thought she was just a princess spoiled by the family.

Even if one obtains a powerful profession, it is nothing more than a weak person with low combat ability.

But precisely because of this, because of their underestimation and contempt, the swordsman player among them, that is, the guy they called Lonely Boat, actually launched an attack from the front after getting close to Lan Xue.

Then the next thing was their shocking scene!

Only during that short time of meeting, Lan Xue swiftly dodged the attack, and instantly swung more than a dozen swords. Extra action!

Afterwards, Lan Xue directly spotted the hidden positions of the two thieves and launched an assault. The speed was so fast that he almost killed the two thieves who couldn’t react in time!

Fortunately, they had the daggers in their hands, and they quickly parried Lan Xue’s attack, but the subsequent attack was much fiercer than they imagined! If they hadn’t relied on the speed of S thieves and their fighting ability as killers, they might have been instantly killed by Lan Xue on the spot!

Even so, both of them suffered from different injuries, and their bodies were even covered with inextinguishable blue flames. It made them unable to get rid of Lan Xue’s pursuit no matter what method they used.

That is the ability of Earth Fire, its powerful continuous burning, indestructible nature and attachment ability. Once infected by the ground fire, without strong enough flame resistance or corresponding means, he will only face Lan Xue’s endless pursuit and cannot get rid of it!


A burst of flaming sword energy slashed at the ground where they were fleeing. Even though they managed to escape and were not directly hit, the aftermath of the explosion still made them flee and were caught up by Lan Xue!

“The killers should be killed!” Lan Xue looked cold, and came with a sword!

Quick blast!

Lan Xue’s speed suddenly soared, like a shooting star across the sky at night! This is an explosive speed skill that calculates damage according to the speed. The higher the speed, the more terrifying the damage!

The locked thief suddenly gritted his teeth and launched a defensive scroll. He knew that his speed would not be able to avoid such an attack!

“Bang!” The defensive magic shield shattered!



The thief screamed and flew backwards. Even if he used the defense scroll, he still couldn’t defend against Lan Xue’s attack. It’s also his fault that the previous scrolls were too much wasted in the game map, and he used the last high-level defense scroll when he was just escaping. Now the spare mid-level defense scroll can’t completely block Lan Xue’s attack!

“So strong!?” The remaining thief decisively chose to abandon the other person, turned around and prepared to escape!

The thief who was attacked and flew out was obviously seriously injured by the blow, and he probably couldn’t escape even if he was suppressed forcibly. Rather than running with the burden like this, it is better to fly solo as soon as possible, maybe there is a possibility of escape.

“Let’s go!?” Lan Xue’s beautiful eyes turned cold.

Snap shadow clone!

Three clones appeared in three directions in front of the thief in an instant, and Lan Xue also rushed over, not giving the thief a chance to escape. At the same time, an instant shadow clone appeared next to the injured thief, making a final make-up!

“Don’t force me, at worst, we will die together!”

The thief forcibly blocked the attacks of the two clones, and took out a scroll that is rare but very popular in the game now – the self-explosive scroll!


It doesn’t work at all!

Lan Xue still attacked and left, the killing intent in her beautiful eyes was undisguised! Don’t care about the existence of the self-explosive scroll at all!

“Then let’s die together!”

The thief didn’t run away either. Knowing that he couldn’t escape, he resolutely turned around and rushed back towards Lan Xue, as if they were going to die together!

Streamer – a moment!

A flash of light: Turn into a stream of light, piercing the target instantly and causing a lot of damage!

Simple and crude skills, but with the usual reaction ability of this thief killer, he can make evasive actions during Lan Xue’s activation, and it is possible to dodge it. But now he, who is holding on to death, can’t escape at all!

In a flash!

A blue streamer instantly penetrated the Thief Killer’s body!

The Thief Killer’s eyes widened, and he looked at his chest in disbelief. He obviously didn’t have any injuries, but…


Accompanied by his long and long screams, beams of blue light shot out from his body, as if destroying his body from the inside, a terrifying injury erupted directly from his body, causing Great pain!

“Boom! Boom!”

The Thief Killer himself was destroyed by the flashing light skill and blew himself up, and the self-destruct scroll in his hand exploded horribly at the moment of his death. The effective shock wave of the explosion covered a range of nearly 100 meters, leveling all the surrounding vegetation!

However, Lan Xue’s figure stood steadily in the distance, turning around slowly amidst the self-exploding magic energy.

Anyone who is familiar with Lan Xue will feel strange when seeing her expression at this moment, as if she is a different person. It was an expression full of coldness and murderous intent. The cute smile in the past seems to have been completely wiped out… replaced by this terrifying expression.

There is also a blue streamer flowing in her beautiful eyes, and even her hair has a faint blue halo emerging. Like Lan Feng, when fighting at full strength, the color of her pupils and hair will change uncontrollably.

The only difference from Lan Feng is that his color is dark blue or dark blue sky fire color, while Lan Xue’s is light blue, sky blue earth fire color.

Three powerful S-level player points, easy to get!

Lan Xue raised her hand, and a ball of light blue flames floated back towards her, it was a small ball of ground fire.

Before attached to two killer thieves, the thief killer was killed by Lan Xuepai’s flash clone in the past. This is the loot that fell out, which is what the thief got in the game map .

Even if the thief killer in front of the explosion blew himself up, there should be a lot of things left behind that can withstand the blew up. She is waiting for the aftermath of the blew up to go and pick up her spoils.

“Who!” Lan Xue suddenly became alert!

A wave of wind energy swept across in one direction!


The sweep of wind energy was blocked by a black shadow, wrapped in a black cloak, and no face could be seen at all.

“I didn’t expect Miss Xiao’s family to have such outstanding fighting power. This is very different from the Xiao family’s vase some time ago.” The black cloaked figure said, with a very ordinary male voice.

“Black Sword?” Lan Xue frowned?

“Hehe, I didn’t expect that not only my strength but also my wisdom would increase. I guessed immediately which organization I came from. It seems that Miss Xiao has changed a lot.” The black cloaked figure.

“Don’t talk nonsense, what’s the matter? You Heijian people never show up on their own initiative.” Lan Xue said coldly.

At the same time, the sword in her hand is clenched tightly, ready to fight at any time, she now has the confidence to face everyone in the game!

“Don’t be so excited Miss Xiao, we are not enemies, to be precise we can form allies, after all our enemies are the same, isn’t it?” the black cloaked figure said with a bewitching voice.

Lan Xue’s expression fluctuated obviously.

“Even if you only need to help us determine one thing, we can take endless revenge on him. Even in this game, we will go crazy against him in every way!” The black cloak voice continued, with a tone With excitement.

“What’s the matter?” Lan Xue completely calmed down at this moment.

“We want to know, Lan Feng…is he really ‘Yu’!”

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