VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 667: Unfortunate?

“That… I thought you wouldn’t come today.” Lan Xue thought for a long time before she thought of this sentence.

“Oh, I promised Jing to come here before, I thought you didn’t reply because you knew about it.” Lan Feng said lightly.

Lan Xue sent him an invitation message, but Lan Feng didn’t reply to her. Of course there was a reason for the reason he just said, but the main reason was that he still didn’t want to reply to the message. As for the reason… huh.

“Has Xiaojing ever invited you? Oh…oh.” Lan Xue was stunned for a moment.

At the same time, I thought sadly: “It turned out that Xiaojing invited me here, and it was not because of my invitation…”

Before seeing Lan Feng’s arrival, Lan Xue was secretly happy, thinking that she invited him to come here, even though she didn’t reply to his message. It doesn’t look like it now, and maybe he wouldn’t have come at all without the invitation to watch quietly.

Even Lan Xue already faintly felt it in her heart. If it wasn’t for watching quietly, Lan Feng might not have come over at all. And this possibility is really too great, especially after hearing his answer.

As if noticing the sadness in her sister’s expression, Yemeng Qingcheng finally couldn’t help but speak.

“It must be very busy, otherwise I believe that Lan Feng would not have agreed to come over, and did not reply to the message to tell you.”

“Are you busy? During this time…” Lan Xue asked cautiously.

Seeing Lan Xue in this state, he glanced at Yemeng Qingcheng again, and Lan Feng had no choice but to agree.

“It’s a little bit, take Yu to the border city and teach him some things.” Lan Feng said.

“Oh, so that’s the case.” Lan Xue then smiled

“By the way, Xiaoxue, the rest are female guests. You can handle it by yourself. Lan Feng and I have something to talk about.” Yemeng Qingcheng said suddenly.

“Oh…well, I can do it.” Lan Xue smiled and left here with some reluctance. She originally wanted to chat with Lan Feng.

She also felt that Lan Feng was really getting more and more alienated from herself, even more strange to her than when she first entered the game. So she really wanted to stay and chat with him more, but now she can only entertain guests.

Looking at Lan Xue walking away unwillingly, with a beautiful smile on her face, she went to the female guests who gathered together. It was still someone from some family forces that she was familiar with before, so it was really no problem for her to go up and deal with it alone.

And Lan Xue also knew that Yemeng Qingcheng didn’t like chatting with those women, especially those who were single. Just like she doesn’t like chatting with other men, because she always feels that there are other eyes hidden in the other’s expression.

“Why are you doing this?” Lan Feng said.

“It’s not that I don’t want to see her sad. Although I really don’t want to admit it, it seems that my younger sister has already fallen in love with you.” Yemeng Qingcheng smiled wryly.

Yu, who was eating at the side, slowed down his chewing speed, and Xiao Mengmeng, who was sleeping in Lan Feng’s arms, also shook his ears slightly.

“Then you still do that, aren’t you afraid that your favorability will continue to rise?” Lan Feng said indifferently.

“Because you have no plans for Xiaoxue at all, you will continue to stay away from her anyway, won’t you?” Yemeng Qingcheng said with a smile: “At least in front of me or today, I don’t want to see her feel sad or unhappy .”

The so-called elder brother may be like this.

“Are you so sure that I’m playing hard to get?” Lan Feng continued.

“You’re forcing me to admit something I don’t want to admit. If you really had an attempt, I’m afraid my stupid sister would have been abducted by you long ago. There are many men who have come into contact with her, including the elders of the family. There are also matchmaking, but it really makes her care…”

“I have to admit, it’s only you at the moment.”

Yemeng Qingcheng smiled helplessly, this was indeed the last thing he wanted to admit, the fact that his lovely sister might like the man in front of him. Although Jing Jing looked at him, at least he should be a good guy, but to them, he was still an existence with a blank and unknown background.

“Really, it’s really unfortunate…” Lan Feng said softly.

“Huh?” Yemeng Qingcheng.

He was a little unsure if he heard Lan Feng’s words clearly just now, and he didn’t understand the meaning of the vague words.

Unfortunate? What misfortune?

“Go and entertain the guests. It’s just a waste of time to waste time with this strange guy like me.” Lan Feng said as he picked up the drink, and turned his head to look at the night scene out of the window again, as if he didn’t intend to continue talking.

“Then you can do whatever you want, I’m going to entertain other guests.” Yemeng Qingcheng had no choice but to say this.

With the departure of Yemeng Qingcheng, Yu also resumed his normal chewing speed and continued to eat his own food. Xiao Mengmeng’s long ears were also slowly put down, and she seemed to be sleeping soundly.

Lan Feng looked out the window. This is the top floor, where you can see most of the beautiful night view of Kunyue City. In addition, this is a bustling area, where the feasting and feasting are extremely lively. Players and NPCs can be seen below, shuttling bustlingly in the street, and there is a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere under the night.

“Three years ago, I made her sad because of me, but now I need me to keep her from being sad… How ironic.”

“This is not misfortune, what is it?”

Lan Feng looked at the night scene outside the window and murmured softly, only he could hear his words, even Xiao Mengmeng in his arms could only hear a vague murmur.


Half an hour later.

“Do you have any dissatisfaction with today’s dinner? If you have anything, you can tell me directly.” Yemeng Qingcheng said loudly.

Maybe because he drank some wine, his face turned red. The wine in this game is really intoxicating. The game system controls human perception, and can completely create the feeling of dizziness after drinking, as well as all non-dangerous normal states.

“Yes!” The low-key great man said loudly.

“No? That would be the best.” Yemeng Qingcheng ignored the low-key great man’s call.


The low-key great man also shrugged helplessly. It seemed that there was nothing he could do to make trouble, and a beautiful NPC waiter happened to pass by.

“Hey, beauty, I haven’t seen you just now. I’m the president of the Emperor’s Guild in Xiahaisu City. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” If Li Lili were here at this moment, she would definitely kill this wretched guy.

“My guest, I’m also glad to meet you, but can you let me go, I want to put away the empty plate next to you.” The beautiful NPC waiter smiled politely, and politely declined the possibility of continuing the conversation .

“Uh…” A low-key great man.

Well, it seems that everything is not going well today.

“Since there are no problems, let’s get into tonight’s topic. Have you prepared the birthday gifts you are going to give? If the gifts can make Xiaoxue happy, maybe we can dance with her later Oh.” Jing Jing clapped her hands and said.

“Wow, Goddess Jing, aren’t you embarrassing us? No matter how much you prepare a gift, will her sister-in-law brother prepare it?” Wanli Wuyun protested dissatisfied with a smile.

“Tch, big dirty cloud, I think you are too busy to prepare any presents, don’t compare us with you.”

“That’s right, you thought everyone rushed over like you.” The choking fish didn’t forget to add insult to injury, even if it was from the same camp.

“Hey, at this time, it really is my gift that can amaze the audience. Can you invite the little beauty Xiao Xue to dance with me?” If it didn’t work, he came up with this idea again.

However… this is not a wise decision.

“No matter what it is, it’s impossible for Xiaoxue to dance with you. I don’t mind if you want to compete with me.” Yemeng Qingcheng sneered.

He wanted to beat this guy not once or twice today, and now he dares to have plans for his sister! ?

“Uh…forget it then.” The low-key great man was instantly discouraged.

“Huh? You’re so wretched, don’t you want to surprise the audience? Are you admitting it?” Xingyun Longbow pretended to be surprised.

“He can’t beat him.” Han Tan added.

“Hahaha…” Everyone couldn’t help laughing, it’s also a good thing to see a low-key great man deflated.

“What do you mean you can’t beat him? How many of you can beat him? It’s not like you don’t know the SSS combat profession in this game. At least I still have a chance to beat him.” The low-key giant argued.

Everyone looked contemptuous.

“Besides, if you really have to beat Xiao Qing in order to dance with Lan Xue, then besides the guy holding a rabbit and drinking a drink by the window over there, who can guarantee that you can beat him?” Low-key great man Rolling his eyes, he smoothly changed the subject of everyone’s hatred of him.

Involuntarily, everyone’s eyes turned to Lan Feng who was hugging Xiao Mengmeng quietly and watching the night scene outside the window while drinking a drink.

? ? ?

Lan Feng turned his head suspiciously, he felt a lot of inexplicable gazes, he just focused on the night scene outside the window, and didn’t pay attention to the conversation of the low-key great man and the others.

Holding a straw in his mouth and hugging a chubby bunny, his indifferent and puzzled image makes it impossible for people to immediately think that this is a guy with super combat power.

It’s a good thing he didn’t bring goblin glasses over here today, otherwise he would have an elegant image, and it would be impossible to imagine how powerful he was originally. But even so, no one can ignore his strength.

They have basically learned that the warden, Can Jue, and Confession have all been killed by Lan Feng. According to special news, the warden and Can Jue were killed together. It’s just that the news is too scary, and everyone thinks it’s just a rumor.


Lan Feng drank all the drink in the cup, and the straw sizzled.

“What’s wrong?”

Lan Feng asked everyone suspiciously, not understanding why so many people were looking at him all of a sudden, especially after seeing his image at the moment, many people still had weird eyes flashing in their eyes.

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