VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 564: Crazy

“Manghuang, have you seen Xiao Qingren?” Xingyun Longbow asked.

“No, even Xiao Xue didn’t see it, and the only one at the front of the team was Yaozi, the leader of their warrior regiment, something was wrong.” Manghuang was also extremely vigilant.

“No, the White Begonia Guild on my side is attacking, but they are not here when the Begonia Blossoms bloom!” There was also a problem with Shen Zhuo.

“Sleepless!” Xingyun Longbow hurriedly shouted.

A moment of silence.

“The cool autumn breeze is not here.” Wu Mian’s tone was gloomy, and he also smelled something unusual.

A guild is waiting, but the leader is completely invisible; a guild is attacking, but the leader is still absent; the last one is preparing to attack the city, but the leader is still missing.

The only one who showed his face was quietly watching the president.

At this time, the hearts of each of the four of them twitched fiercely, and that unknown sense of panic arose spontaneously.

“What should I do? Bet?” asked calmly.

“How to bet? We have shown up now, as long as we move, we will definitely be detected by their spies.” Wumian said coldly.

They are in the light, and Yemengqingcheng is in the dark. If their top combat power moves, then Yemengqingcheng and the others can completely move to another position.

“It’s okay to use the invisibility potion.” Heavy.

“It is possible, but the use of the invisibility potion will greatly reduce our speed. Ask some of your men to wear cloaks, and we will put them on together.” Manghuang said.

“That’s a good idea, so the remaining question is which city gate they will choose to attack.” Xingyun Longbow nodded slightly.

“Anyway, it can’t be on my side.” Said calmly.

The Baihaitang guild is the weakest of the four guilds, and the calm Yayao guild has two strongest units: archers, shield warriors and knights. It can be said that it is the strongest defensive guild, with a thick human wall and powerful long-range output, it is too difficult to break through from Ximen.

“It’s most likely on my side.” Xingyun Longbow looked at Jing Jing in the distance and said with some uncertainty.

“Chun Yujing has used several large-scale boosting skills?” Mang Huang asked.

“Five, it feels like it’s all an increase in attack attributes.” Nebula Longbow said.

“Is it all aggressive? Did you ask the spies in Quiet Guild?”

It’s all aggressive, and it’s obvious: I’m going to attack from here, come and support me to stop me.

It is also very clear to tell them that they must send high-end combat power players to defend, otherwise all our latent high-end combat power may lead the players to smash their defense line in one fell swoop!

At least this side is a point that must be defended.

“Ask me clearly, it’s all offensive, attack power increase, magic power increase, strength increase, intelligence increase, and speed increase. It seems to be increasing. How many large-scale increase skills does this sinister MD have? She wants one Have you finished adding all the attributes one by one?” Nebula Longbow scolded.

Four turns, three skills per turn, plus extra learning or occupational tasks, it goes without saying that you can quietly look at the total skills. But the large increase can only be, indeed, everyone has it.

Attack, magic power; strength, intelligence; speed, agility; defense (double), and toughness are all available, while health and stamina are the buff effects of priests, which are not available to counselors in general.

“What about the radiation range and the specific value?” Mang Huang hurriedly asked.

“Each value is increased by 20%, and the buff effect has no radiation range. She set a limit of 100,000 people!” Nebula Longbow said through gritted teeth.

The breathing of the other three people is a little bit heavier, because under the effect of this increase, it means that it is very likely that there will be an army of 100,000 at the east city gate with a 32% increase in overall attributes! Moreover, it is composed of elite players from Quiet Guild, plus the consumption of potions, etc., the full attribute can at least rise to the limit value of ordinary players – 50%!

The upper limit of ordinary players’ tolerance is only allowed to increase the overall attribute by 50%, or increase the individual attribute to 300%. And the two cannot be increased at the same time. If the total attribute is increased to 50%, the single attribute can only be increased by 75% at most, and it is only limited to one single attribute.

Otherwise, the body will exceed the limit of its endurance and be injured, just like Lan Xue’s full speed bonus exceeding 300%, coupled with the extreme explosion, directly crippled his legs.

“I can’t wait any longer, make a decision quickly and guard the gate on the other side!” Mang Huang said immediately.

“Give up on the west gate, I’ll bring high-end players with A-level hidden professions and above, and only leave the counselor leader to defend.” Shen Zi also responded immediately.

The Xingyun Longbow side must be defended, and the attack of 100,000 people is no joke.

It seems that the total attribute has only been increased by 50%, but as far as the fighter is concerned, the original 10,000 physical defense has been increased to 15,000. A physics class with an attack power of less than 15,000 or no armor-piercing attribute can’t break the defense at all, that is, it can’t lose blood at all!

Not to mention the other players whose attack attribute has been increased by 50%.

To put it simply, a 50% increase in all attributes is an existence that completely breaks the balance.

“I’ve already asked the players to prepare potions, and the counselors are also increasing the overall attributes, but the increase is estimated to be no more than 20% at most.” Nebula Longbow said.

Because of them, all attributes are definitely weakened by 10%!

“My side…” Mang Huang was still a little confused.

After all, what he is facing is Night Dream Qingcheng, the degree of danger is second only to the existence of Jing Jing Kan, and it can even be said that he is better than Jing Jing Kan in terms of single-point breakthrough. If you want to leave here, you must think carefully.

“I suggest Mang Huang to give up for the time being. Anyway, with the strength of the gates of the second-level main city, they can at most be allowed to climb the city wall. But the degree of danger on my side…” Wumian paused and continued: “It should be said that the danger level of the first wave is higher than that of Chun Yujing!”

“What’s going on?” Xingyun Longbow asked quickly.

“Do you know how many summoned beasts there are in the Heroic Guild on my side?” Wu Mian asked back.

“How much?” Mang Huang asked cautiously.

“500,000 heads! This is still a conservative estimate.” Wu Mian said seriously and heavily.

“I rely on it!”

“Why so many? It’s only a few minutes?”

Wumian did not respond, but silently shared his perspective on the past. Looking at the sea of ​​beasts densely packed like a sea dam under the high city wall, they are now eyeing their continuous and solid line of defense.

Those wild beasts and monsters of different shapes, each with a ferocious face, managed to keep themselves from rioting under the control of the summoners. But that ferocious aura can be felt from far away, and the fear of being stared at by wild beasts is palpitating!

“I have to say that Autumn Cool Breeze’s emphasis on the tactics of the sea of ​​beasts has reached the point of madness. The number of summoners he brought this time should exceed 100,000. I’m afraid this is him and his affiliated guilds. The Summoners are reconciled.” Wu Mian said with a sigh.

This sea of ​​beasts tactic seems powerful, but it has a fatal flaw, that is, as long as the first wave of attacks is prevented, their follow-up attacks will be surprisingly weak. Because the summoner’s summoned beasts will not be replenished so quickly.

But at this time, it is undoubtedly the most terrifying.

Because this strongest wave happened to be a plan that was quietly watching.

East City Gate must be defended. Originally, the second defensive target had to consider the Yeming Guild, but the first wave of the Heroic Spirits Guild was the strongest among all the guilds!

500,000 summoned beasts, even if they are all beasts and monsters around level 70, under the impact of such a huge number of summoned beasts, any line of defense will be vulnerable.

“There must be a limit to this crazy madness. The proportion of summoned beasts in the game is only 5%. How many million players does the Guild of Heroes have in total?” Shen Shen was surprised.

Because he knew that he was defending the Baihaitang guild, he didn’t know much about the lineup of the Heroic Spirits guild this time.

Very few players will choose the Summoner profession, usually only one out of twenty players. Most gamers prefer the thrill of killing wild monsters or opponents. Many of them like to kill themselves, but they always feel lacking in the non-self-killing of their summoned beasts.

At the same time, the most critical thing is the difficulty of operation, because there are often many summoned beasts, and even weak summoned beasts can reach dozens or even hundreds, although such summons are of little significance. But this profession requires distraction control, and multitasking is very common.

If the summoner doesn’t control the summoned beast by himself, then the summoned beast is basically no different from the wild monster. Players with a little game awareness or ability can basically challenge several low-level wild monsters.

So the Summoner profession is generally relatively rare. Only some players who prefer gang fights and the pleasure of killing without their own hands, and who have the ability to operate will choose the Summoner profession.

“Anyway, let’s come here, I have to defend even if I don’t have to, even if I don’t need Xiao Qing, who is hiding in the dark, to take action, it will be difficult for the people on my side to resist the first wave of beast attack. “

“This is really…too **** much!” Wu Mian uttered a rare swear word.

Looking at the sea of ​​beasts that was still slowly increasing below, he felt that madness was not enough to describe the tactics of the sea of ​​beasts in the autumn breeze, and he looked like a desperate gambler who went crazy.

“Okay, I’ll go to your side, Li Jingwei, you go to Zhang Xingyun’s side.” Manghuang said.

Li Jingwei is the name of Shen Zi in reality, and it is basically difficult for people who are familiar with him in reality to change their name and change their name in the game.

“Okay, do you still need to use the cloak to confuse?” He asked calmly, he actually felt that he didn’t need it anymore.

“No, just come here.” Xingyun Longbow said helplessly.

There is no need for conspiracy and calculation anymore, these two directions have to be guarded against. The other two directions are at most a surprise attack on the city wall. It is very likely that one of these two directions cannot be handled well, and that is to directly break through the city gate!

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