VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 457: bad guy

The speed of going back was much faster, not as cautious as before, and soon returned to the big rock, meeting the confused cat.

When I came back, I found that the clouds in the sky had dispersed, and the bright moon finally appeared.

It’s just that today is a rare red moon.

“How is it?” asked the confused cat.

“Estimate the number of ghouls based on the density, about 15,000.” Lan Feng said truthfully, her indifferent attitude was already familiar to her.

“Why are there so many, what about the blood-eyed ghoul?” The confused cat was horrified.

“The blood-eyed ghoul is unknown, and the ghoul king is unknown, so I dare not investigate further. The most important thing is the bad news, which must be resolved as soon as possible.” Lan Feng said.

“What bad news?” The confused cat became nervous.

15,000 ghouls are already bad news for her, but there are still more!

“The missing kitten man, Jiushi and Ming are still alive.” Lan Feng said indifferently.

“That’s not yet…” The confused cat was pleasantly surprised, but was interrupted by Lan Feng’s cold words before he finished speaking.

“They are going to use the kitten people as a shield to break through the high defense line.”

The confused cat suddenly felt as if a heavy hammer had been hit in her heart. She naturally understood the meaning of Lan Feng’s words, and instantly thought of the possible scene.

If the cat people of the cat people tribe soften their hearts, and the blood-eyed ghouls use this to break through the line of defense, it is likely to be a disaster!

“Then what should I do?” The confused cat suddenly became anxious and stomped on the spot.

“You must have a way, right? Can you save those cat people?” The confused cat asked Lan Feng, the Lan Feng she hated once, but for the kitten people, she had forgotten those things, praying Then he will find a way.

Lan Feng stared at the confused cat, as if thinking about something.

“Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do, so I came up to see if there is any way to save you.” Lan Feng said indifferently.

Maybe he can save one or two kittens, but there are more than ninety cat people, he is powerless. Once in a hurry, it is very likely that the ghouls will directly kill all the kittens, and the result will still be the same.

“No, you are so strong, you must have a way, right?” The confused cat asked again expectantly.

“It’s easy to kill, but too difficult to save.” Lan Feng said indifferently.

The confused cat froze for a moment.

Yeah, how easy it is for him to kill people, nothing more than swinging a sword. But what about saving lives? With only two hands and two feet, how is it possible to face so many kittens who need to be rescued?

“Is there no other way?” the confused cat said dejectedly.

“No.” Lan Feng said indifferently.

The confused cat was thinking of a way in pain, and seemed to want to find a way to rescue the kitty.

Suddenly, a spiritual light flashed, as if…

“Don’t even think about contacting my master. He issued the mission. It’s impossible not to know the situation here.” Lan Feng’s cold words shattered her last illusion.

She knew that Lan Feng had the ability of the space system, so her master must have it too, as long as she contacted his master to come and save the kitten, maybe it would be fine. But unfortunately, old man Fang never planned to save the kitten.

I don’t know if I didn’t find it, or I have other intentions.

“Then contact the patriarch and grandpa, maybe they can do something.” The confused cat can only hope like this.

“Do you want to kill more cat people?” Lan Feng said blankly

“I…” The confused cat was dumb.

Send cat people to the rescue? Don’t be kidding, using the cover of a high wall may not be able to defend, and actively attacking here is simply courting death! Perhaps the narrow terrain can be solved in one pot, but the premise is that when they come, the ghouls will stay in the valley obediently!

“Then what should I do?” The confused cat was completely helpless.

Lan Feng was silent and thought for a while.

The confused cat looked at the thinking Lan Feng, and still kept this last hope, hoping that Lan Feng could do something else.

“It can only be killed.” Lan Feng said indifferently.

It seems to be talking, a common thing.

“No…you’re talking about killing those ghouls, and then take this opportunity to save the cat people, right…” said the confused cat, grabbing Lan Feng’s skirt in despair.

“Kill the kitty man. If the cat man waits until the ghouls attack, the cat man may cause the line of defense to collapse because of soft-heartedness. The best choice is to kill it now, together with the ghoul.” Blue Feng looked at the confused cat in front of him with a cold expression.

At this moment, he is like a machine analyzing the pros and cons of things.

And his words completely made the confused cat despair, this answer was not acceptable to her. Yushou also let go of his clothes, with despair.

“How can this be…these are all…”

Before the cat finished speaking in a daze, it was interrupted by Lan Feng again.

“Do you have a better way?”

“But you can’t kill them directly like this, they are still just children.” The confused cat finally couldn’t help it, and shouted at Lan Feng.

“The ghouls below have heard what you just said, it’s best to be quiet now.” Lan Feng warned coldly.

“You…you devil! Bastard! A murderous murderer!” The confused cat cursed in a low voice, with a gritted expression, almost wanting to tear Lan Feng apart.

Lan Feng didn’t reply.

“Sometimes kindness is really not a good character.” Lan Feng thought as he looked at the petite figure in front of him.

Because of the kindness of the confused cat, of course she couldn’t bear to see the end of the kitten being killed, but she also knew that if she didn’t do so. Then it is very likely that it will only end in a worse way, or if it is not done by Lan Feng, it may be a catastrophe due to soft-heartedness.

“Brother, is there really no other way?” Yu finally couldn’t bear it and came out.

He has roughly understood what Lan Feng said to him before, and he has heard the conversation between the two of them, but he still can’t keep calm if he really kills them directly as Lan Feng said.

“Are you booing too? Or do you have a way?” Lan Feng gave Yu a cold look.

Such an expression made Yu’s heart tremble, and he even felt that Lan Feng in front of him was still the arrogant one who was only cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

“Wouldn’t it be possible to save them if you started the flames and enveloped them?” Yu said unwillingly.

The eyes of the confused cat suddenly lit up, is there any other way?

“Yes, but there is no energy storage, and there is a quick guide. I can only send them to this valley. What about after that?” Lan Feng asked indifferently.

Yu and the confused cat were taken aback.

Afterwards…the ghouls caught up, and they were powerless to protect them. Even the blue maple flames were exhausted. After that, the tribe’s defense battle might directly fail.

It is possible to save people, but they cannot bear the consequences.

“Do you think I haven’t thought about it? Whether it is what you said before, or using goblin grenades to blow up the rocks on both sides to isolate ghouls, or using hypnosis, it is only temporarily effective and cannot be saved at all. Don’t leave them.” Lan Feng said indifferently.

He has thought about all of these, he has thought of many plans before, and the most important thing is – they can’t take the kitten people away. Even if they escape with them, Lan Feng can’t protect them, there are too many ghouls!

Ji Zhuqing gave Lawyer Lan Fengyin the ability, although there is a group of hypnotists, as long as they don’t attack, it can temporarily put a large area of ​​targets into a light sleep state. But the ghoul king will definitely find out that everything will be in vain by then.

“Take these things, they are already in action, and when the time comes, they will blow them up casually, as much as they can kill.”

Lan Feng stopped talking nonsense, and directly gave Yu the fifty goblin grenades and forty-nine goblin bombs stored in the backpack. Let him fly over the valley while blasting as many ghouls as possible. As for the collapse of the valley, unless all of them are concentrated in a few places, it is impossible, so the direct bombing is the most damaging.

Yu Momo put everything into the exclusive space, which couldn’t store living things yet.

“You will watch the attack yourself.” Lan Feng casually said to the confused cat.

“Are you really going to kill them?” said the silent and confused cat suddenly.

“Yes, no choice.”

Yu didn’t want to continue listening to this heavy discussion, and flew away in the form of a black eagle with the intention of running away.

“I’m going to prepare first.” Yu dropped such a sentence.

For a moment, only Lan Feng and the confused cat were left on the big exposed rock. Under the moonlight, noisy voices came from the valley, and the silent two showed faint shadows under the moonlight.

“Can you inform the patriarch first?” the confused cat said while biting its red lips.

“Yes.” Lan Feng threw the communication crystal.

He knew that the confused cat couldn’t bear it, and the cats who died under such circumstances had no way to be known by the cats.

“However, I advise you not to say it. Sometimes ignorance can save a lot of pain.” Lan Feng said indifferently.

“Hehehe, do you think everyone is as ruthless as you? Even if their parents know that their children are dead, they should know how they died, instead of dying in the hands of a murderer like you. !”

The confused cat looked at Lan Feng indifferently and mockingly, and she felt more and more disgusted by the Chinese man in front of her.

From the beginning to the end, Lan Feng was so indifferent and calm, and he didn’t have any emotional fluctuations at all when he was about to kill the kitten man.

“They are just data.” Lan Feng said “reality” indifferently.

“What about the data? In my opinion, this world is so real. In my heart, they are real existences, existences ten thousand times better than reality!” the confused cat said angrily.

“The reality is indeed too cruel, but is the game really beautiful?” Lan Feng’s indifferent expression suddenly carried an inexplicable sadness.

“At least in my opinion, it is beautiful, and everything in it is real.” The confused cat said firmly.

Lan Feng looked at the stubborn petite blond girl in front of him, and finally sighed.

“Perhaps… your kindness expects everything to be good, whether it is virtual or real, but some things still have to be faced. Just like kittens and others, the only possibility of death is the same.”

“As for me, you can be the evil in the virtual and reality, and create a murderer.”

Lan Feng looked calm, as if he was stating the facts.

“As I told you before, I…”

“It’s a bad guy.”

“And this world… always needs bad guys.”

Lan Feng took off his glasses calmly, the suppressing power disappeared, and the power rose accordingly. The blue light of the pupils of the skyfire was no longer suppressed, and the pair of indifferent blue eyes under the moonlight looked so deep.

The confused cat stared blankly at Lan Feng under the moonlight, and said his sinful words in those still indifferent words.

Inexplicably, she seemed to feel that the person in front of her might not be a simple killing demon…

Let’s jump down the valley!

“Bad guy…” murmured the confused cat.

She didn’t seem to hear the furious voice of the ghouls in the valley, she just felt as if…

Know what.

But… can’t figure it out.

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