VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 424: The last step

East gate.

Yemeng Qingcheng has already received a private message from Half a Cup of Black Tea, and he has already made preparations.

“It’s finally time to start.” Yemeng Qingcheng also smiled.

“All members above level 65 listen to the order, and the wind mages collectively apply the movement speed BUFF, and take the low, medium and high-level agility and movement speed potions purchased by themselves.”

“Everyone is ready…”

“Attack to the south gate!”



The momentum of the collective run is extremely powerful.

There are still more than 20,000 players above level 65. With the increase in movement speed, they quickly ran towards the south gate. Coupled with the open terrain and the advance move to the left, their actions were not hindered in the slightest.

And all the players below level 65, as well as the two guilds of Quiet and Emperor, quickly filled the vacancies they left, and continued to attack the city from all directions.

But although it is a siege, it is mostly harassment. The shield warrior is in the front, and the shield warrior protected by the priest in the back increases blood. If you hit me, I will retreat. If you don’t fight, that’s just fine. The people behind me will build city walls such as pontoon bridges and ladders.

Anyway, it is to hold back the large number of defenders at the east gate. Although the combat effectiveness of their remaining players is not high, the victory lies in the large number of people.

As long as the number of soldiers defending the city is reduced to a certain number, they can forcefully ascend the city wall and open the city gate!

Although the guild has no siege equipment, the remaining few thousand soldiers can defend more than one hundred thousand players. After all, the Hu moat and the 20-meter-high city wall are no joke. It’s a pity that they can’t all stay here. The elite players above level 65 are all transferred, and they have to respond.

“Once the city gate is broken, if you fight in the streets, without the cover of the city wall, thousands of soldiers are just wild monsters. What’s more, the 90-level elite cavalry has been solved, and this battle has become a foregone conclusion.” Jingjing said to herself. .

“After we go back, it’s almost time to plan some of our guild’s residences. By then, there won’t be so many SSS occupations. It’s really difficult.”

Although he said so, there was no worry on his quietly watching face. Instead, it was still the same smile as before, as if nothing could be difficult for her.

Yemeng Qingcheng led the team away, and now all command over the south gate is temporarily handed over to Jingjing.

As for why the Yeming Guild should be handed over to Jing Jing instead of Lan Xue, because…

Hearing that the low-key great man had escaped, she tensed up from boredom, and quietly ran to the south gate ahead of time, watching quietly and had no choice but to take over the command. Anyway, the rest, in fact, there is nothing to direct, just procrastination.

Once the city gate over there is broken, nothing will happen.

“For those of the Emperor’s Guild, retreat 30 meters from a long distance, and change the melee siege to harassment. The swordsman is on the right side to defend a place with few people. Use a hook to lock dozens of people and try. Don’t fight, waste time That’s fine, but be careful to avoid the arrow tower attack.”

Looking quietly, the command arrives casually.

“The remaining members of the Yeming Guild…uh… you should do whatever you want, just play around.”

“Our guild… what do you want to eat at the celebration banquet tonight?”

“…” Guild member.

South Gate.

The flame is still burning, releasing light and heat to its heart’s content, but compared with the light and heat it releases, the energy contained inside is terrifying to the point where it cannot be added.

“Wow, the ability of this fire-type fetish of the little rascal is terrifying, but it’s a pity that it takes too long to activate. If there is a fight, everyone will run away.” Lan Xue said.

“Sister Lanxue, shouldn’t you be in charge of the people in your guild after Yemeng Qingcheng left? Why did you come here early to watch the show?” Half a cup of black tea said speechlessly.

Lan Xue actually ran over early, but she didn’t dare to run in when she saw the flames, so she had to wait for half a cup of black tea to come out of the flames.

“It’s all right, Xiao Jing was guarding there, anyway, nothing happened in the end. After a siege battle, I was not allowed to kill the enemy, and I was not allowed to lead troops. Finally, leave it to me I won’t do the finishing touches.” Lan Xue pouted slightly.

“So it’s better to come here and watch how handsome Lan Feng breaks through the city gate, right?” Half a cup of black tea teased.

“Who… who will come to see him specially, I just… yes! I just want to rush into the city gate to kill the enemy as fast as possible, and I don’t want to see how the little hooligan is doing.” Lan Xue wrote Said over the head.

Whoever defends will tell the reason why he came here to watch, half a cup of black tea is speechless.

“Yes, prepare to watch, the energy should be almost there.” Half a cup of black tea said helplessly.

“Well…but, Bai Ying’s ability is really strong…” Lan Xue murmured while looking in Bai Ying’s direction.

“Huh?” Half a cup of black tea.

“No, it’s nothing, let’s continue watching.” Lan Xue quickly waved her hand and said.

Half a Cup of Black Tea Although he was a little puzzled, he and Lan Xue moved their eyes to the city gate.

At this moment, Lan Feng was still fighting around the city wall, killing if he could, and not forcing himself to kill if he couldn’t. Anyway, with flexible skills and strong invisibility, he is not worried about his own safety, as long as he does not try to advance aggressively.


The earth rock snake demon soul is also attacking the city gate frantically. The durability of the magic barrier of the city gate has dropped by about 30%. As long as the energy of this magic barrier is exhausted, it will be broken a lot. After all, it takes time to recharge the magic energy of the city gate.

As for the attack magic for self-defense, it took less than a minute to destroy the earth rock snake and recover nearly half of its HP. After all, it counts as damage between NPCs, which is more solid than the damage caused by players.

“Damn it! If this goes on, the city gate will be smashed!” The commander of the south gate yelled.


He looked at the ever-expanding blue sea of ​​flames outside the south gate, and his scalp felt numb. Although I don’t know the specific role, but it has reached this level, and it is probably related to the broken city gate, and he is not a fool.

Lan Feng looked back at the situation in the sea of ​​fire and the blood volume of the rock snake, and felt that it was enough.

“Is it almost…” Lan Feng thought.

Lightning combos!

Beheading four people in an instant, Lan Feng leaped in two volleys and escaped from the city wall. After crossing the moat, a shadow disappeared in front of the soldiers.

For a moment, the soldiers were stunned. This terrifyingly strong guy who had been fighting with them for another minute disappeared cleanly. There was no defense at all, and I couldn’t accept it for a while.

“Has it started…” Bai Ying murmured.

Slowly falling back to the ground from the emerald green halo and milky white brilliance, the transmission of wood and life energy stopped.

Skyfire, which had lost its stable energy source, instantly became furious like a beast whose food source had been cut off! The angry blue fire cat opened its teeth and waved its claws, and the flames nearly ten meters high looked so hideous and terrifying.

Like the raging waves of the sea, wrapped in the momentum of a volcanic eruption, it went completely berserk!

“Oh, it’s already started, so let me help you one last time.” Jing Jing smiled and said.

Feeling the berserk flame energy from the south gate, they also knew that they had reached the final stage of breaking the city gate.

Opening the simple book, a pale white halo flowed, and a strange energy spread from the quietly watching body. It was as if an invisible wind had formed, agitating her robe.

The gaze of the eye of fate!


A white light beam shoots up from Jing Jingwang’s body, and gradually disappears as the height rises, but on the other side…

In the sky above the south gate, a white spot of light gradually expanded, forming a light cluster like an eye, staring towards the ground. A ray of light was emitted and converged at one point.

Lan Feng’s figure appeared.

“Ding” game prompt: “You receive the gaze boost from the eye of fate that watched quietly. When the next attack is released, the damage will increase according to the attack strength. The minimum increase is 10%, and the maximum increase is 300%!”

“Ultra-long-distance fixed-point boost?” Lan Feng murmured.

It is really only sometimes inadvertently that one can feel the horror of Jing Jing’s ability. She never knows what ability she will exert on the beneficiary.

“He’s there, attack!” the soldiers on Quyun City shouted.

At a distance of 500 meters from the city wall, the magic crystal cannon can be fully attacked, and the arrow tower can also be attacked!

“Magic crystal cannon, launch!”


The terrifying bombardment instantly submerged Lan Feng’s location, creating a huge crater with a diameter of ten meters. But unfortunately, there was only gunpowder smoke after the explosion in the big pit, which did not hurt him.

When it was activated, he had already left his original position and came to a position a little behind.

He did this to consume a magic crystal cannonball, so that the barrel of the most threatening magic crystal cannon could not attack again after cooling down.

Heaven fire, get together!


The crazy sky fire seemed to be tamed at this moment, and they all began to gather towards Lan Feng’s Guiyin sword! Like a torrent of flames, they gathered around Lan Feng from all directions.

But this time, Lan Feng didn’t intend to absorb so many flames into the Guiyin Sword, not because he was worried that it would not be able to withstand the collapse, the Guiyin Sword could completely withstand it.

It’s just that today’s Skyfire energy is used, and it only needs to be absorbed by Guiyin Sword as a guide.

The eyes turned completely blue, a blue halo flowed in the eyes, and a powerful wave erupted from Lan Feng’s body.



For a while, the sunny weather also turned dark, and the sunlight above Lanfeng was mercilessly swallowed. Instead, there is a dark sky, with a diameter of 100 meters, and it is still expanding!

And a series of sword blades appeared in the sky, suspended in mid-air, and each sharp sword carried a strong killing aura. Condensed a mighty coercion, suppressed in the hearts of everyone.

It was as hard as a heavy hammer hitting the hearts of the soldiers in Quyun City, it was extremely heavy!

Skyfire, as if being guided, formed a flame vortex. Gathering towards the countless sharp swords in the sky, attaching to every sharp sword that appeared!

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