VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 394: Unarmed arrows

The giant toad fell down suddenly, and everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief. It took a lot of effort just now to explode when the health value was below 10%.


Seeing the situation here, Yue Ling greeted from a distance, and then led people towards this side, leaving a small number of people to clean up the battlefield over there. And send thieves to continue to guard the surroundings. After all, there are still many toad monsters. Killing the boss can still level up.

The wayward Mr. Bai responded with a smile and waved his hands, while the cross light touched the giant toad’s corpse to see if there was any good thing dropped. Looking at the equipment is basically his job, and the rest of the people basically have no objection to this, even if he is not completely a member of the Gods Guild.

At this moment, no one noticed, a strange breeze blew past the treetops not far away.

“Hehe, you guys are lucky today, three pieces of dark gold!” The cross brilliance suddenly shouted.

“Wow, what occupations are they all? Mr. Guanghui.”

“Are there any thieves? I have enough team points today.”

“It must be a swordsman.”

“Go, it must belong to a mage!”

Three pieces of dark gold equipment made the team blow up. Before seeing the specific equipment, they began to talk excitedly about the issue of ownership. The equipment allocation mechanism for large teams is different, and it is not absolutely allocated according to needs.

Everyone in a large team will accurately calculate the accumulated points by the system in terms of killing monsters, killing bosses, exploring paths, anti-reconnaissance, and assisting. Points are used in the final allocation of equipment, and those with the highest accumulated points are given priority in exchanging corresponding points for equipment, followed by the same occupation.

You can also ignore the equipment exchange for the time being, and when you return to the guild, the points will be added to the total guild points, and then exchanged for the equipment stored in the guild warehouse. The equipment stored in the guild warehouse is generally accumulated after the team task, and the unexchanged equipment is stored.

Not only equipment, but also rare material items. In particular, the unredeemed equipment at that time was generally very good, and most of them were the points from the mission at that time, which was not enough for the players of the team to redeem.

Of course, if the team members who perform the task do not have enough points to redeem items at that time, but they have enough points stored in the guild warehouse later, they have the priority to exchange rights compared to other players. Corresponding professional equipment, materials, etc. have priority exchange rights, and corresponding attributes of the same occupation have priority exchange rights.

It is also possible to exchange equipment for friends across occupations, but the points consumed should be increased by a certain percentage according to the situation.

This is the advantage of large teams and guilds. At least there will be no disputes over equipment allocation, and the guild warehouse where the entire guild collects resources is much easier to use than the system store.

“Okay, don’t waste time, you’d better show them those equipments quickly, we have to brush the toads here for a while.” The willful Mr. The illustrated book was sent to the team channel, and he couldn’t help but said.

“Tch, look at you all acting like little brats in a hurry, now I…”

Cross Glory said contemptuously, but his words were interrupted by Yue Ling.

“Be careful!”

The giant toad, which was already dead, suddenly opened its eyes, and locked onto the glow of the cross that was gesticulating in contempt. The tongue in the mouth was like a sharp arrow, and it shot towards the defenseless vest of the Cross Glory!

Cross Glory also felt the threat from behind, and his pupils shrank sharply!

But it’s too late to dodge! The last blow of this flashback was really too fast!

Suddenly, a wind blade shoots out quickly, slashing towards the giant toad’s already sticking out tongue!


Blood splattered, and the tongue was cut off straight!

The front part of the broken tongue continued to fly towards the cross, but it obviously lacked stamina and could no longer pose a threat.


The tongue with blood and saliva stuck to the back cloak of Cross Glory with a snap, and he jumped instantly in disgust.

“WTF! Oh my gosh, why is it such a disgusting thing, my poor cape!” the Cross Radiance jumped up and yelled.


When everyone saw that the crisis was lifted, it was such a funny scene, and they couldn’t help laughing. It seemed that while laughing, there was also a sense of revenge for his delay in posting the illustrated book, which was quite refreshing.

“My poor friend, shouldn’t you thank me? I saved you at the most critical moment.” The willful Mr. Bai said in English.

Only when talking to Cross Radiance, would he use English. Usually, when talking to people from the Gods Guild, he would politely use his somewhat awkward Japanese.

“Thank you bastard, I don’t believe that you **** is incapable of sending out two wind blades and blowing this disgusting thing away!” Cross Guanghui said angrily, pointing at the big tongue thrown on the ground.

“I’m sorry my friend, I do have that ability, but I didn’t do that.” The wayward Mr. Bai spread his hands and said frankly.

“Sh**t! Fu*kyou! Icurse…” Cross Brilliance cursed all kinds of obscenities directly.

They can understand most swear words without even needing a translator.


But the curse words of the cross made the rest of the people laugh even more happily.

Yue Ling and other women also cover their mouths and chuckle like a lady. It has to be said that the arrival of these two people not only greatly increased the team’s combat power, but also added a lot of fun and exotic customs.

The particularly willful Mr. Bai is still a standard European handsome guy, and the women are even more happy about it. Basically, all the girls here will secretly look at the wayward Mr. Bai from time to time, even Yue Ling is no exception, except for one person who is not here…

Not far away, above the treetop, an invisible figure stood on the treetop, bending the twigs of the treetop.

“It seems that I’m really not here anymore…” Lan Feng looked at the team below.

He just came here, and at the same time, he was standing in the air for the first time with the ability to walk in the wind, and he was only holding the mentality of giving it a try. After all, there were a lot of thieves on guard below, and he didn’t bother to play hide-and-seek with them, and his vision was not very good, so he came up.

Xiao Mengmeng also put it away, observing before seeing Bai Ying, she is still not used to bringing the little guy with her.

Seeing the attack of the giant toad, but didn’t think about rescue, just focused on looking for the trace of Baiying.

But it seems that Bai Ying is not here.

He noticed someone instead.

“This guy, it seems to be from that time…” Lan Feng looked at the willful Mr. Bai, lost in thought.

He will have some impressions of people he has met, as long as they are not too ordinary. What’s more, the willful Mr. Bai talked to him back then, and he was also a strange European who liked oriental culture.

“The strength looks good, but why did it appear here? To understand the oriental culture, it is most likely to go to the Huaxia District with a large population, and it seems to be very familiar.” Lan Feng couldn’t help but say Somewhat strange.

I can’t figure out why the wayward Mr. Bai appeared here, and he still looks like he has been here for a long time. After all, compared to the whole of China, the Japanese region in the Asian region is only a small place.

“Could it be someone from a certain organization?” Lan Feng thought coldly.

It also revealed a trace of killing intent in an instant. After all, it has been a while since the Jiuxiqiao incident where Lan Feng reappeared next to Bai Ying. It is not impossible to send someone over after that time.

If it was because of him that he came to Bai Ying’s side to monitor, since he has already come, then Lan Feng…wouldn’t mind doing it!

It was at this moment that he revealed his murderous intent to the wayward Mr. Bai, and he himself noticed it.


The wayward Mr. Bai instantly picked up his longbow and set an arrow, and shot towards the treetop where Lan Feng was!


For such a long distance, only arrows are the best choice.

“Tsk.” Lan Feng made a sound irritatedly.

Raised his left hand, covered by sky fire.

Catch the arrow with one hand!

With the powerful inertia of the arrow, Lan Feng, who was standing on the treetop, had to use the rune plane of the volley jump behind to take advantage of it, otherwise he would fly backwards.

But after using it, the rune plane disappeared in a flash.

The sudden movement of the wayward Mr. Bai alarmed the rest of the people, and everyone immediately drew their weapons to be on guard, and at the same time looked in the direction where the wayward Mr. Bai’s arrow was shot.

Then saw the terrifying scene of Lan Feng catching the arrow with his bare hands.

“It’s him!” Yue Ling was the first to react.

The second is the willful Mr. Bai who recovered from his vigilance and attack. He is also not unfamiliar with Lan Feng.

“Oh, my God, this guy’s arrows can also be caught with bare hands!?” Cross Guanghui widened his eyes and opened his mouth in surprise.

The sky fire spread from the left hand to the arrow, and soon the arrow was burned into ashes and dissipated in Lan Feng’s hand.

“Is it the Blue Flame Demon King? Why is he here?”

“My name is Lan Feng, but the Blue Flame Demon King is now called by the members of the Yamato Guild.”

“Well… he didn’t come to see Miss Baiying, did he?”

I don’t know who said whether they came to look for Bai Ying, and the surroundings became strangely quiet, and some even became nervous.

It seems that it is a very bad thing to come to Bai Ying at this time.

“He definitely came to find Sakura sauce, then…” Yue Ling thought with certainty, and she didn’t know why she was so sure.

At the same time, he couldn’t help but cast a careful glance at the willful Mr. Bai. Not only her, but many people have this little trick. Those peeping eyes with caution and vigilance, as if they were afraid of something, secretly checked.

At this time, Lan Feng spoke.

“You seem to be very sensitive to killing intent.” Lan Feng said coldly.

The moment his murderous intent leaked, he was noticed by the willful Mr. Bai, which involuntarily aggravated his suspicions.

“The killing intent!? It can’t be true…” Yue Ling’s heart tightened.

Seeing the attack just now and the coldness of Lan Feng’s words, it reminded her of the last thing she wanted to see. It was also the result that everyone thought of, the worst result.

“I do have some feelings.” The willful Mr. Bai said indifferently.

There was a sense of rivalry, and everyone’s hearts hung with the words.




PS: In yesterday’s chapter, Gods Guild was written as Gods Guild, which has been changed. However, pirated readers and friends should not see the changes, so let me talk about them here.

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