VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 270: Thunderstorm

“The little rascal just admitted that he and I are… no, no, the little rascal just said that I am a troublesome guy…”

“But what if the old lady really changed our room tomorrow? Maybe we didn’t complete the task tomorrow, and we will come back…”

“Is he and I really like a couple…”

Now Lan Xue’s head is in a mess, she simply followed behind Lan Feng, and Lan Feng came to the room on the third floor under the guidance of the old woman.

Soon, under the guidance of the old lady, Lan Feng and the others came to two guest rooms, which were all next to each other. The guest rooms in this hotel are not graded, and the configuration of all similar rooms is the same.

“There are two rooms here, and the scenery is not bad. You can see the willow trees outside.” The old woman opened the door and let the two of them see the layout inside.

The configuration in the room is very classic, all of which are antique Chinese ancient buildings, but the door is very strong and protected by the system. A simple bed, table and chairs, and a small bookcase, and the toilet is also equipped in the room.

“Well, I’m sorry to trouble you.” Lan Feng said politely.

“Well, okay, call me with the magic crystal if you need something.” After finishing speaking, the old lady left directly, wondering if she was in a hurry to knit a sweater.

Seeing the figure of the old lady disappearing down the corridor, Lan Feng said to Lan Xue.

“Where do you live?”

“Ah! I…I can choose any room.” Lan Xue was thinking wildly just now, but Lan Feng’s sudden question made him unable to respond in time.

Lan Feng gave Lan Xue a strange look, not knowing what happened to Lan Xue.

After allocating the room, Lan Feng went out directly. He wanted to take a look at the town. In the old-fashioned goblin tape recorder, only a piece of music was recorded, and the location of the town. Then it was said that there seemed to be some kind of treasure in Booming Valley.

The only way to find specific clues is by yourself, so Lan Feng decided to wander outside. But Lan Feng didn’t know why Lan Xue didn’t choose to come out this time. It just happened that he felt that it was easier to act alone, since the hotel was safe anyway.

But in the end, Lan Feng still didn’t find any useful clues, not even anything related to music. Lan Feng still cares about the music in the tape recorder.

But this small town outside the valley really doesn’t have anything related to music, not even a musical instrument store.

Lan Feng even asked someone about it, but found nothing related, especially when Lan Feng played the music to some elderly people, but they didn’t hear anything, no one knew about it at all.

The only thing that is certain is that the music is a sad piece of music, and it should be played by Xiao, and only Xiao.

“It seems that there are no clues in this small town, so I can only go to the Booming Valley tomorrow to look for it.” Thinking this way, Lan Feng also returned to the hotel from the outside.

After returning, Lan Feng casually settled his dinner problem, and as for Lan Xue… he ate the Dandan noodles he got from somewhere…

At night, everyone fell asleep one after another, and the whole town fell silent, but the lights in many places were still on.

Today’s night is a bit dark, and the stars and the moon cannot be seen. It feels like it might be raining, and there will be occasional rain in spring.


Suddenly, the sound of thunder was faintly heard.

“Huh? Thunderstorm? It’s rare to see a thunderstorm in spring.” Lan Feng lay on his back on the bed, only taking off his windbreaker and shoes and socks.

However, this did not attract Lan Feng’s attention. Instead, he decided to go to bed early in order to better perform the task tomorrow.

Slowly, a strong wind blew outside, whistling, and it was already looking like a thunderstorm in summer. At the same time, the thunder from the sky became louder and louder.


With the sound of water droplets falling on the window, the heavy rain hit in an instant, and the strong wind swept the rainwater, slapping on the window mercilessly. The wooden windows looked fragile at the moment. Although they knew that the windows with system protection would not be damaged by rain or strong wind, it always made people feel uneasy.

At this time, a strong light came from outside the window, it was a bolt of lightning.


Afterwards, a huge thunder resounded over the entire town.

Lan Feng also had some signs of waking up because of the thunder, and felt that he only needed one more thunder, and he would wake up from his sleep.

The strong wind and rain beat against the window, and the thunder and lightning made the night even more disturbing. Especially when the lightning came, you could see the willow trees swaying their branches violently due to the strong wind outside the window, which was a bit frightening.

“Boom boom…”

Suddenly, there was a knock on Lan Feng’s door, which made Lan Feng wake up from his sleep.


He opened his eyes in a daze.

At this time, a bright light came again, and another flash of lightning flashed across. The sound of knocking on the door suddenly stopped.

Lan Feng also woke up because of the lightning, and his first reaction when he woke up was that some guy came over and knocked on the door in fear.

“Really, this idiot is so big, is he still afraid of thunder? Wouldn’t it be better to lower his hearing for a while?” Lan Feng just finished speaking helplessly, when there was a huge thunder in the sky.


It felt like the whole house was shaking because of the thunder.

As for Lan Feng, he also turned over and got up, ready to go to open the door. As long as he wasn’t hallucinating, Lan Xue’s figure should be standing outside without accident.

Lan Feng had just arrived at the door when the door knocking sounded again.


After only two knocks, Lan Feng opened the door.

Unsurprisingly, Lan Xue, who was wearing light blue pajamas, was hugging a pillow at the moment, standing outside the house with her head bowed, and she was still knocking on the door with one hand. That frightened look made one feel distressed, and one could faintly see Lan Xue’s slightly trembling shoulders.

“What’s the matter, come in first.” Lan Feng’s voice now softened a lot.

“Yes.” Lan Xue said softly, and walked into Lan Feng’s room silently.

From the looks of it, he was really scared. This should be the first thunderstorm since entering the game. Maybe there are good soundproof rooms in reality, but obviously there is none here.


Lan Feng closed the door casually, turned on the magic lamp, and at the same time walked to the window to check whether it was closed tightly.

When she turned around, she found that Lan Xue was still standing alone at the door, with her head down, she looked so weak. Because of turning on the magic lamp, Lan Feng realized now that Lan Xue came to look for him without even wearing shoes.

Being barefoot, she may have forgotten because of fear.

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