VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 203: No. 92

“Arrogant boy, you still look around.” Heiye Yu looked at Yu who was looking at the auditorium, and felt humiliated again in his heart.

The thieves’ attacks basically come from the back, because they can maximize the damage by doing this, and the back is also the most difficult place to guard against. Rogues have invisibility and are the best cover for moving behind a target.

This time, the direction where the fish in the night attacked was Yu’s left rear.

“Do the thieves really only attack from the rear?” Yu was very puzzled, he knew the location of the fish in the night.

When Ying attacked Lan Feng, it was indeed a surprise attack from behind, but when Lan Feng was not prepared at all, in the subsequent siege, many of Ying’s attacks were actually not from behind. Although he didn’t know why, and Lan Feng kept telling him not to come out to help, but he knew that Ying was actually a very powerful guy.


The fish in the dark night has made a move! A thief stabbed at the back of Yu’s head with his hand!


The back of the sword in Yu Jiang’s hand blocked the attacking dagger.

“The sneak attack is so fast! Shouldn’t I continue to wait, wait for my opening, and wait for the opportunity?” Yu was very puzzled by the sneak attack of the fish in the night.

“Is this the result of irritating the other party and making the other party lose part of their calm judgment? It’s amazing. In this case, the thief loses his calmness. Great chance of winning.” Yu thought quickly, and he began to really understand Lan Feng’s words gradually.

Actual combat is the best catalyst to turn theory into practice!

“Ding! Ding!”

Hei Ye’s Yu and Yu continued to fight twice, but there was no effect at all, and they were forced to continue to fall into a state of invisibility. It is unwise for a thief and a swordsman to fight against each other, the only way is to give full play to the advantages of one’s own profession.

“Want to go?”

Yu saw that the fish in the night had fallen into invisibility, and followed decisively, sweeping away a sword energy like a random attack.


The fish in the night was terrified, and it took a sword aura, and it appeared. He was eager to attack Yu just now, the original stealth did not cool down, and now the strong stealth skill was seen through by Yu, and he couldn’t fall into stealth for a short time.

In other words, he lost the biggest reliance of thieves! Although he didn’t have the so-called support when he started the battle, but he didn’t know it, so now.

He panicked!

“How did he see the movement track of the fish in the dark night just now!?”

“That’s right, it’s amazing, I found it all at once.”

“Did you get it?”

“That’s right, it feels like the sword energy is chopping randomly.”

“What should I do? Calm down, stay calm, hold on! Hold on until I sneak to cool down!” The fish in the night forced himself to calm down.

Blade rush!

Universal swordsman skill, rushing forward for a certain distance, causing 150% attack power damage to the target.

“Bastard!” The fish in the night dodged in embarrassment, turned over and hid to the side.

But Yu’s sword is coming!

Normal attack superimposed combo!

Swinging the blade three times in quick succession, the fish in the night dodged in embarrassment, and couldn’t stop it if it wasn’t prepared enough!

“Ding Ding!”



Finally, he was hit by the second attack of the chain attack, and then Yu took advantage of the momentum to pursue, and continued to attack with a fast swing of the blade, leaving no room for breathing.

Normal attack superimposes cleave!

-1868, -2347!

Heiye’s fish still has the last few hundred blood left. As a thief, he only has more than 6,000 blood, which is only a little more than Lan Feng, and he can’t stand Yu’s attack at all.

In the end, he had no choice but to…

“Admit defeat.”

The fish in the night raised the dagger above his head with both hands and surrendered.

His stealth still has about 10 seconds to cool down, he knows that he can’t hide for ten seconds, and there is no hope. Instead, it’s better to simply admit defeat and avoid the fear of death once. The fear of death in the game is very terrifying.

The fear of death is created by the game system stimulating people’s fear nerves, and the data collection comes from the prisoners who were executed. What fear they have when they die, the game system will create what fear of death, and even adjust the fear of death according to the actual situation.

That’s why the cats who were confused at the beginning were so afraid. The fear of death is too real.

And this is also the reason why Tian Kuang looked at Xiang Yu when he was about to leave, full of resentment. He lost a lot of judgment when he was angry, and before he had time to admit defeat, he was killed by Yu, and felt the fear of death once.

But Yu didn’t take back the blade, he still pointed at the fish in the night!

Because the big screen in the arena has not yet judged him to win. The opponent still has a weapon in his hand, and his blood volume has not returned to zero, and there is still the possibility of counterattack.

This is also what Lan Feng told him very early: Don’t believe in any life-and-death struggle, because in life-and-death struggle, there is only life or… death!

That was what Lan Feng warned Yu when he was helping Yu upgrade not long after Yu was born in the forest of elves in the past. During the admonition, Lan Feng killed a high-level boss in front of him that was trying to beg for mercy.

He still clearly remembered that at that time, Lan Feng deliberately let go of the boss, but was immediately bitten back. In the end, when Lan Feng, who had been prepared for a long time, pierced the boss’s body with the blade, he warned Yu word by word.


The fish in the dark night had no choice but to give up a little bit of luck in his heart, and threw the two daggers in his hand towards his back. Originally, I thought that I could use a chisel to stun Zhu Yu, and then kill him in a flash, but…

“Ding ding…” The dagger fell to the ring.

Yu is not as immature as I imagined, not an ignorant teenager, because of that, Lan Feng fell into a light sleep in the auditorium…


“Great! The pressure is right! It’s all money!”

“Wow! A new top 100 player is born!”

“It’s amazing, handsome boy, I’m obsessed with you!”

The moment the dagger fell, following the announcement of the result on the big screen, the audience in the auditorium immediately let out a wave of shouts, excited and excited, and the rest of the two arenas in an instant. The momentum of the auditorium was overwhelmed!

The shield disappeared, and the sound wave belonging to Yu drowned him in an instant, and he was at a loss for an instant.

“This…” Yu was a little dazed.

“The little handsome guy is too powerful, do you have a girlfriend?”

“Come on, kid, I’m counting on you if I want to win money!”

“It’s amazing, the new 92 bit!”

The waves of enthusiastic voices made the shy Yu feel at a loss, but his rationality told him to calm down, not to panic, and not to embarrass himself in front of everyone.

“What to do, what to do… so many people shouted at me…” Yu was very flustered now, and the indifference on his face was almost unbearable.

“It’s so noisy…” Lan Feng, who was sleepy, was also awakened by the sound.

“It’s better to turn up the portable music, it won’t damage the ears anyway… But the volume is too high… and I can’t sleep…” Lan Feng murmured like this, but fell back to sleep.

“Your Majesty, you will definitely enjoy the shouts of the people…” As if on purpose, Lan Feng, who fell asleep in the auditorium, murmured like a dream.

There were constant shouts on the scene, and it seemed that the birth of a new top 100 was a very exciting thing. But if they knew that Yu was actually considered a Huaxia District and a pet at the same time, I don’t know if they would still shout like this.

“Calm down, you are a monster who wants to become the king of the monster clan, how can you be embarrassed in such a scene…” Yu forced himself to calm down, and his palms began to sweat.

Because Yu always maintained an indifferent look and remained motionless in place, although it was a bit strange, it was still considered to be his calmness. The emotions of the audience could only be high. I really don’t know what kind of scene it would be if Yu made it into the top ten.

At this time, the tall archer who was evaluated by Lan Feng as being capable of going to the ring lost his confidence to go to the ring. If he went up blindly, his ranking might drop. After all, not everyone is competitive, like a guy sleeping in the audience.

“In the beginning, he used small movements to show disappointment to stimulate the fish in the night, and then responded to the fish in the night with silence, which already angered him. Cool down and shoot angrily…”

“This psychological control ability, I won’t complain if I lose, I still won’t go up.” The tall archer sighed secretly, hidden in the crowd…

Gradually, Yu has calmed down his heart, even if he didn’t make auxiliary movements such as deep breathing, he still calmed down by himself.

“I said that after my brother came here, he didn’t think much about fighting. There were so many people shouting, and he didn’t like it the most. Why are there so many people in the arena? It’s so strange…” After Yu calmed down , I also started to think about some irrelevant things.

It is estimated that Lan Feng did not expect that Yu would calm down so quickly. However, after all, it is a monster that reveals the majesty of a king in its bones, and it still has this talent.

The shouting gradually subsided, and the arena began to become normal again.

However, what Yu and Lan Feng didn’t know was that there were many Korean players rushing towards the arena. Because many people are paying attention to the arena, as long as there is a change in the ranking of the arena, they will receive corresponding news. And this time, Yu defeated Heiye’s fish with a streak of victories, naturally many players came here admiringly.

With a winning streak, it is naturally possible to continue fighting!

The battle between the strong is naturally what these arena followers like to see the most. Of course, it is also the favorite of gamblers who have been in casinos. Once the rookie rises, the handicap will definitely be opened, and the opportunity to make a fortune will come.

Moreover, most of the militants in the arena might also come here admiringly.

The battle has just begun…

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