VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 1604: Looking quietly

Half an hour later.

In the channels of the presidents of the major guilds.

“Tsk, Black Cherry has devoured another second-tier main city. The guild players basically escaped, but the loss is still too great.”

“That’s right, less than 80% of the non-guild players can escape. They don’t have the teleportation array to use, so they can only try to go through the city gate when they escape, but there are also guild organizations to retreat from the city gate. They can basically only climb over the city wall.”

“The city wall is the edge area of ​​the doomsday domain. Unlike other areas, the edge area not only does not weaken the power, but will eventually forcibly absorb a wave of survival points. Players at level 150 will at least absorb three survival points at the end. Idle players can escape to the city wall, and there is basically no survival value left.”

“It’s too fast, the speed of devouring is really too fast! Even with the magic blessing of the Holy Spirit, at most it can only reduce the speed of reducing the survival value to the speed of cutting a survival value in one or two minutes. How easy is it to escape from a second-tier main city with at least millions of levels within half an hour?”

“I really want to disperse everyone into small cities on various maps.”

They are also very sad.

Although the guild didn’t suffer much loss, the ones who were devoured were, after all, the humans from the same planet as them.

This engulfment is basically equivalent to pronouncing their death, but it is only delayed, and it needs to be executed after sleeping for more than two years. Thinking that they didn’t even have the stable time of the last two years, they, the presidents who issued the order of banning membership, were also full of guilt and self-blame.

“Don’t have scattered ideas, it won’t work at all.”

“Yes, in the big cities, we have king-level powerhouses who can try to delay it, and the holy spirits will also feel that they can help us buy some time. If they are really scattered, Black Sakura will randomly appear on the map Every corner of the world, devouring players without any protection and transfer ability.”

“At that time, the safety of the stronger guild players will not be guaranteed, and basically everything they pass will die!”

It’s not like they haven’t thought about this method.

But after thinking about it, I feel that it won’t work, and it won’t last long under the protection of king-level powerhouses and holy spirits. If it is in other places where there is no guarantee, as long as Kuro Sakura drives around the doomsday domain, players at level 150 within five minutes can be said to be dead!

Stay a little longer, even high-level players will not die, at least the survival value will be reduced to single digits!

If the survival value is too low, the follow-up national war will still be difficult to carry on effectively. High-end combat power can be reused, which is the key to their victory in the demon war! If even this favorable condition is wiped out by Hei Ying, then they might as well choose to return directly.

“Here are today’s stats, you all should take a look.” Jing Jingkan sent a statistic to everyone.

That is today’s general record of idle players who left the second-tier main city through the teleportation array.

Guild players and non-guild players use the teleportation array, there is no relevant record, and the NPC in charge of the teleportation array will not record these things. At most, it will only record where it is sent from, or where there are few people going, and where there are many people.

This record was collected by Jingjing and asked the system to help with statistics. There are still permissions for this, and the system will also help.

“Tsk, they have already begun to flee from the second-level main city on their own initiative, and headed towards a small third-level main city.”

“This is inevitable. As long as the secondary main cities are attacked continuously, as long as the non-guild players are in it, there are basically not many players who can escape. It is strange that they can continue to stay in the secondary main city with peace of mind.”


It also means that the further you go, the closer you are to the second-level main city in the north, and basically only our union players will exist. In a short period of time, it is not good news. “

“That’s only for a short period of time. Thirteen Demon Gods will continue to look for the second-level main city. It’s not about the number of NPCs, but the number of players. As long as the NPC level is not enough, it is not worth devouring the player’s survival value at all. The effect is strong, as long as our follow-up retreat is still fast, if she does not devour enough survival points, she will definitely transfer the city target.”

“Yes, I believe that after a few second-level main cities, she will have the opportunity to turn her attention to the third-level main city, which is easier to devour a large number of players’ survival points. At that time, the pressure on our guild players will be much less. As long as we Occupying a big city and a large teleportation array, we have the ability to move at any time.”

“Sure enough, I still feel sorry for them…”

“No way, sacrifice is inevitable. Now that we have made a decision, we can only continue to implement it. Anyway, they have to face this solution, but in the next two years, there is no There is no way to have fun, but to sleep.”

Different players.

Start to move to different places, according to what they think, the safest place to move.

With regard to this incident of Hei Ying, all the guilds announced to Huai that the news is the same, and it is a unified news that has been revised.

That is:

The player Bai Ying has been demonized by the demons. This is because Bai Ying itself is a part of the selection plan, not just a player. This is also the reason why she can have two SSS-level occupations at the same time, everything is set.

At this stage, she will be demonized!

Her killing is also part of the game plan, in order to eliminate the weak players, so that the remaining players can better prepare for the battle. This is the fate of the weak, so as to motivate the remaining players to devote more efforts to the demon war.

Roughly, that’s it.

Anyway, they concealed the reason why this incident actually happened, and there was a reason why Yemeng Qingcheng killed Lan Xue and caused Lan Feng to commit suicide.

Jingjingkan also helped to explain that it was because of a third-party intrusion that caused Yemeng Qingcheng to be exploited. It can be regarded as helping Yemeng Qingcheng to share part of the pressure, at least there will be a president-level existence, thinking that the third-party invasion was caused by quietly watching the disadvantages of this executor.

In other words, the makers of the plan were not rigorous enough, which led to the leak of the plan.

Anyway, the pressure Yemeng Qingcheng was under was a small part, but it was still a lot of pressure after all.

“I think you haven’t read all the data yet.” Jing Jingkan continued.


The data panel will be found if you continue to pull down.

In addition to the data about the transmission from the second-level main city to the third-level main city, there is also data about the transmission array from the third-level main city to other towns.


Data for new guild creation.

“Wait! It is understandable that the third-level main city can be teleported to other towns. After all, the teleportation array of the town can still teleport very far. Every novice village can understand that they are trying to hide in the mini-map to avoid the limelight, but what happened to the establishment of the new guild?”

“Guild building orders should no longer be dropped long before the start of the national war mode, right?”

“Without the guild building order, the system would not allow players to create guilds. Why do you still have new guild creation data here?”

Everyone was puzzled and surprised.

Guild building order is a drop item, they are big

Part of the guilds are obtained by killing bosses by themselves, and they know it all too well.

However, after the end of the martial arts competition, Jingjingkan announced some secrets of the game world, and the game system was subsequently updated. Killing wild monsters and bosses will no longer drop any items and props, and the Guild Establishment Token is naturally one of them. It was simply more than a year ago that there was no longer a channel to obtain it.

Even if there are still stocks of guild building orders on the market, they are all used by the major guilds for the establishment of branch guilds, and they have been bought out.

Even in the black market of the Sword Death Guild, there is no order to establish a guild. How can there be a guild established now?

“These…wouldn’t be built by a single person?” came the dignified voice of the low-key great man.

Everyone is shocked!

“Yes, the applicants of the guild are all anonymous, but you can find out by casual investigation that they were actually established by people alone. The iconic feature of orcs is really easy to find, plus I can also use some authority to investigate this aspect.” Jing Jingkan said with certainty.

“The trouble is serious. The lone army has probably started to incite those non-guild players, or players with lower rankings.” The low-key great man became irritated.

“It’s just an obvious thing.” Looking quietly, it was not surprising.

It should be said that this kind of thing is inevitable.

“As the strongest player in the game, the existence of the stable person who formed the hidden rules later disappeared. It is strange that those guys who were restricted by him would not take this opportunity to come out. Anyway, in their eyes, the real The threat is nothing more than that one person, as for you…”

“It makes them feel no real threat at all, and they even think that you are easy to deal with, because you are not a group of people in the same way anyway, even if you are in the same region, you all have your own ideas, Each has its own concerns and will not take it lightly.”

“Even encirclement and suppression may not be possible, so what can be used to target them?”

Looking quietly at the indifferent words, there seems to be a hint of ridicule.

That’s right, now that there are no real checks and balances for the lone army, it’s time for them to explode.

In addition, right now, the right opportunity just appeared, and they can take this opportunity to blow the horn of the so-called “counterattack”! The non-guild players who were abandoned by them are good targets for them to use!

Non-guild players, as long as their survival value is low enough, they are willing to be used!

Because they can be said to be doomed to be eliminated, maybe they can still get new hope in this chaos!

At least, the possibility of them gaining hope in the chaos is definitely much greater than eating and waiting to die, and falling under the terrifying power of Kuro Sakura!

“Although there is no such thing as a guild building order on the market, it is impossible for the lone army who have made such preparations early on to not have a guild building order. As for how many guild building orders they have, I don’t know. My authority to use the system is also limited, and even many of them are restricted, so I can’t let it help.”

“So the rest is up to you.”

“This, the lone army has long planned something, you can handle it yourself, the most I can do is to provide you with some information.

Looking quietly does not intend to help at all.

As early as the moment Lan Feng died, she no longer decided to help the players, no matter what they did, it was none of her business.

Just watch quietly.

The matter of the lonely army, even if it was something that Lan Feng had been concerned about before, she would not care about it.

With the strength of the lone army, how many guild building orders have been saved before this, and the current president-level existences can only pray a little less.

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