VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 16: Hungry

“Hoo, hoo, hoo…”

The current picture of the village entrance in the wet grass is a bit shocking. I saw a man standing at the entrance of the village holding a sword and panting heavily. with. There are still a few players around this corpse, holding the weapons in their hands nervously, as if they are considering whether to kill the exhausted teenager in front of them…

There are still many players blocking the gate of the village entrance. Among them, I don’t know who are watching the show and who are preparing to attack. None of these people feel uncomfortable because of the **** scene. Maybe they are used to it. .

But there is still one exception that is worrying inside, and that is Lan Xue.

Although Lan Xue was very angry about what happened before, she was still worried about Lan Feng. Because she always thought that Lan Feng was a victim, even if Lan Feng took on the task herself…

Especially when looking at Lan Feng standing exhausted and covered in blood among the corpses, Lan Xue’s hands tightly clenched her fists, looking very worried.

As for the protagonist of this incident, Lan Feng stood there with a peaceful mind, as if everything had nothing to do with him. Although the body is already very tired, the indifferent eyes still exude a faint and frightening light, looking straight at the person in front of him.

Even without a system prompt, Lan Feng still clearly remembered how many people he had killed, 82! And Lan Feng also saw the upper limit of the number of people limited by the old man, 9. As for whether it will change in the end or the fact that there are more people online, Lan Feng doesn’t really care about it. Lan Feng just has a question: “It seems that I’m getting tired faster than when I killed the bull king. It’s only about ten minutes. That’s it, it shouldn’t be ten minutes, because the first body hasn’t disappeared yet.”

Now Lan Feng wants to just spend it like this, at least he will recover some of his physical strength, but it is impossible to think about it, the old man will not let Lan Feng be so relaxed.

Suddenly, a voice sounded from the void.

“Hehehe, brat, you’re tired, you haven’t eaten since the beginning. Hmph! You deserve it, I’m calling you crazy.” The old man’s voice taunted triumphantly in the void. This sentence has undoubtedly reminded many people, and those players who are hesitant to make progress are even more eye-catching.

“This game is really…” Lan Feng thought in his heart, and instantly understood why his fatigue came so quickly after hearing the old man’s words. I started the game at noon in the morning, and now the sun is almost setting, and I have been fighting without eating. In reality, I must be tired. How can people ignore the negative effects of hunger in games that make people have physical activities such as going to the toilet? If Lan Feng pays more attention to the game, maybe he wants to get it.

The game considers everyone’s game data, but it doesn’t care about your physical condition in reality. With Lan Feng’s physical condition in reality, he wouldn’t feel hungry due to the battle and time, but the game relies on data to speak. The system for everyone is similar. If the system says you should be hungry, then your body should be hungry. When you are hungry, of course fatigue comes quickly.

“Hey, I’m still a stupid rookie. I really don’t know how he leveled. If you don’t eat well in the early stage, excessive physical exertion will seriously affect the leveling. The tavern is too expensive, but the snacks on the street can still be replenished .” Said a player who watched the excitement at the entrance of the village.

“He has that strength, he can fight even when he’s tired, can you do it?” A player next to him joked.


“Little rascal, this big idiot, doesn’t even eat anything. It looks like he’s hiding his professional mission, so he definitely can’t just help out. What an idiot, he even called me an idiot, huh!” Lan Xue also said in her heart Because of the last sentence, Lan Xue didn’t say it out loud.

“Hey, his overall attributes should have dropped now, should we go up now, and wait until that pervert’s physical strength recovers, it will be difficult to fight.” A team around said in a team voice.

“Yes, the opportunity is rare now, and his task is almost completed. If he doesn’t make it, there will be no chance, and there is a limit on the number of people. If we don’t get ahead, we won’t be able to get in.”

“Indeed, there are not many players outside the village, but there are so many guys in the village who don’t know what they are thinking. It should be that everyone present has received the mission, whether it is first or later. Then, prepare .”

Of course, Lan Xue was ignored in the last sentence. The only player present who didn’t receive the mission didn’t know what kind of medicine was sold in the old man’s gourd.

Looking at another group of people approaching, Lan Feng still stood quietly, waiting for their first attack.

“Let’s go!”

One of them shouted, and in an instant, 7 people from a team rushed up together, and at the same time, there were two players who didn’t know if they were together at the entrance of the village.

Facing the attack of nine people at the same time, you must stand still and not put the knife too far. There have been such situations before, but now Lan Feng’s physical strength is a bit weak, and those who can endure to the end, at least not too bad.

“Pfft.” He directly stabbed one in front of his body, -276, instant kill. Then the body rotates and retreats, the blade is placed horizontally, and the blade rotates horizontally with the body. The rushing player has to block it, otherwise it will die. Lan Feng was forced to do nothing about this kind of cheating attack speed. Fortunately, it was semi-realistic, and the system recognized this attack method.

The way of rotating the body directly repels the two with the crushing strength value. Since one player was killed with a similar trick at the beginning, the players behind will be prepared and block with weapons in front of them. Although they will still be shocked, at least they will not be instantly killed.

Finally, he kicked one of them away, and for the rest, Lan Feng could only dodge their attacks temporarily. Originally, Lan Feng thought about kicking several people away in a row with martial arts at the beginning, but Lan Feng found that even physical attacks had an attack speed limit. Because of this, Lan Feng was almost attacked during the test.

There are 5 left, turning sideways, bending over, blocking… Dodging the attacks with difficulty through several consecutive movements. If it wasn’t for not being able to stay more than three feet away from the knife, Lan Feng would have easily dodged these attacks.

After dodging, there is a counterattack. Choose the one that Lan Feng feels is the most threatening to kill first. The reason why it wasn’t the initial attack was the one that felt the most threatening. It was because the player rushed a little slower at the beginning, which seemed to be on purpose, and there was no way to attack at the beginning.

And that player’s attack just now was also the most tricky, it was a blind spot to avoid, and the block was also used in that attack, so he couldn’t dodge it.

“Finally there is someone with strength, I wonder if the old man found it.” While thinking this way, Lan Feng slashed at the player with the sword in his hand.

Similarly, Lan Feng’s attack angle was also very tricky. The player had no way to dodge it, so he had no choice but to block it with his own sword.


The player was directly knocked away. Although Lan Feng really wanted to catch up to him and deal with him, he couldn’t stay too far away from the knife. I can only give up, but the rest of the people can’t ignore it. The players who were kicked away and sent flying have not come back yet. There were only four left around, and while Lan Feng was attacking the player, these four also rammed towards Lan Feng with their bodies at the same time.

For the actions of these idiots, Lan Feng responded with the first tricks, and this time it seems that the four players cooperated very well.

The blade is placed horizontally, the body rotates…

-278, -282, -267! Just drop three in seconds! At the same time, it flamboyantly avoided the impact of the remaining one.

“The little rascal did a good job, that’s it, get rid of these bad guys!” Although Lan Xue was a little uncomfortable watching the **** scene, she still cheered excitedly.

“Idiot.” Lan Feng said lightly to the remaining player who hit him.

Indeed, the four players are idiots. In order to prevent Lan Feng from dodging and colliding with each other in a row, they happened to strike three times with one sword, and they didn’t use weapons to block their bodies.

Then Lan Feng stood quietly on the spot again, waiting for the attack. At this time, four more people gathered together, it should be a team, but they all looked very nervous. And the player who was a bit threatening retreated wisely, and if he went up, he would die. He was alone, not a team, so there was no need to fight.

And the remaining four probably set up a team contract to complete the task to the death, otherwise those who don’t know each other can’t die for others without gaining anything.

Soon, the remaining four people were resolved without accident.

And Lan Feng felt even more exhausted, with a mission completion rate of 90%!

At this moment, the old man’s cheap voice came from the void.

“Tsk tsk, not bad, brat, you’re still so lively even when you’re hungry, I should have set up more people if I knew it.”

“Bad old man, you really know that others are hungry, and deliberately set up an impossible task, bad old man! Bad old man!” Lan Xue began to complain again.

“Uh… the old man is not a bad old man, I repeat again.”






“I…, this old man is not as knowledgeable as a little girl, hey! Brat, your luck is good, just right, nine.” The old man’s voice paused for a while: “You have also seen it, you have to deal with the stinky How about the boy?”

“Thank you for the reward from the old man.” A respectful voice sounded in the void, and Lan still stood quietly unmoved when she heard it, while a trace of doubt and surprise flashed in Lan Xue’s beautiful eyes.

“That’s right, the young man is very confident, go, beat that brat!” The old man’s voice was full of excitement.

The moment the old man finished speaking, a large white light flashed across an open space not far away. Then nine voices and shadows appeared.

One of them was a handsome man with a fair face and a faint smile on his face. His appearance made the woman a little jealous. The confident appearance seems to be able to fascinate thousands of girls. At this time, he was not looking at his mission target Lan Feng, but at Lan Xue at the entrance of the village, as if Lan Feng couldn’t attract his attention. Combined with what he just said, it means that he believes that getting rewards is nothing more than a simple matter.

“Xiaoxue, I didn’t expect us to meet so soon. It seems that we are very destined.” Evil.

“Hmph, who is destined for you, and don’t call me Xiaoxue! I don’t want to see you at all!” Lan Xue became angry the moment she saw this man, and she became even more angry when she heard the man’s words. is a stern rebuttal. If it was said that Lan Xue was surprised and doubted when she heard this man’s voice, now it has turned into disgust.

“How can you say that, I’m your admirer anyway, and I’m a few years older than you, so it’s okay to call you Xiaoxue, right?” the man said with a bit of evil spirit. Biwei’s fair and handsome face looked a little strange at this time.

“Bah! Disgusting transvestite, that, you little rascal, help me beat up that dead transvestite.” Lan Xue said angrily. When Lan Xue mentioned Lan Feng, everyone’s eyes returned to him. Lan Feng’s body, and the man also looked at Lan Feng with a gloomy face after hearing the “shemale”.

At this time, the surroundings happened to be quiet, only the sound of “rustling” was heard, and the source of this sound was Lan Feng.

I saw that Lan Feng also ignored everyone, squatting on the ground and stretched out his hand to grab a corpse, then put it on the knife, and finally muttered something in his mouth.

“It disappeared, trouble…”

In the end, Lan Feng seemed to feel that the surroundings were suddenly quiet. He looked around as if he had suddenly awakened, and suddenly said something that made someone stunned.

“Are you finished?”

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