VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 157: rose

Krugalo and the others were still a little confused. Looking at the jar of wine, they didn’t know how to deal with it.

Originally, Lan Feng should be thanked, but the things Lan Feng gave casually are of high value. If the trust of other races is excluded, the value of this jar of wine is still higher than that of the small axe.

They didn’t know what to do, especially when they learned that the process of Lan Feng’s obtaining this fine wine was really the same as picking it up, and their emotions were very complicated.

Lan Feng also saw their entanglement.

“If you feel that you won’t be rewarded for nothing, help me build some hidden weapons.” Lan Feng said lightly.

Krugalo and the others’ eyes lit up immediately, it’s much easier to handle this way.

“Okay! Whatever style you want, we can help you create it at any time.” Krugalo said excitedly. Because of this, they can accept the jar of wine with peace of mind.

“It doesn’t matter, you can figure it out.” Lan Feng said in a lazy tone.

He thought of it on the spur of the moment. Now that the matter is over, he can leave after taking the hidden weapon, so he became a little lazy.

“In this case… let’s build you a set according to the general thieves.” This time it was Klubdy who spoke, and he knew that Lan Feng knew the ability of thieves.

Krugalo, the patriarch, looked at Krubdy, who nodded, and Lan Feng didn’t object.

“Okay, let’s build it according to the general thief, but we still have some hidden weapons like that in stock. When we build a new set, I’ll give them to you too. Anyway, let’s leave them alone.” Krugalo is very excited Soon to be decided.

Soon, the dwarves began to work.

Originally, Klubdy wanted to show Lan Feng a tour of the building process, but Lan Feng proposed to take a rest. He was a little tired from the journey, and he was too lazy to go to see the building process.

The most important thing is that the place to be built must be very noisy. Lan Feng hates noise the most, he likes quiet.

Actually, Lan Feng thought of it just now, and asked them to help unseal the sword blade given by old man Fang. Some materials are required.

However, Lan Feng thought about it carefully, and it seemed that he didn’t need to do that, a sword was enough.

Actually, it doesn’t matter if there is…

Now Lan Feng is resting in a specially arranged double room. As for why it is a double room… the dwarf’s bed is so big, it is impossible to lie down without putting the two beds together…

Lying on the bed, Lan Feng did not close his eyes to rest, but lay quietly, staring at the top of the cave in a daze.

Lan Feng, who was in a daze, felt an inexplicable loneliness emanating from his body at this moment. He felt that he was lying on the bed, as if he was isolated from the world.

Inexplicably, a little suddenly.

Obviously just chatting with the dwarves before, but now he looks isolated and lonely.

In an empty room, the sound insulation effect is surprisingly good. In the small room opened in the cave, the magic lamp on the side exudes a soft light, and the smell of earth permeates the room. The natural freshness makes Lan Feng even more impressed. Now, here is an independent world.

Even if you open that stone door and talk to the dwarves outside, it still feels like this.

“If there were no human beings in the original world, this would indeed be a good world.” Lan Feng said to herself the lonely words, and thought of them gently in the room.

Inexplicable, incomprehensible.

“This is only one race, even if there are some flaws, but…”

“It’s also very good.”

Lan Feng’s mood is a little sad.

Originally he was nice and indifferent, but now he looks like this, just as You said, this is a strange guy. Doing strange things, speaking strange words, and expressing emotions are also very strange.

It feels as if Lan Feng doesn’t know what he’s doing, no matter whether he let the demon general Garilo go and search him, or the dwarves who should have prepared gifts for him, but gave them to them himself The best wines are all unknown things.

In the eyes of outsiders, there is simply no reason, or the reason is somewhat absurd.

And now, Lan Feng is acting strangely again.

Slowly, a dark blue sky fire condensed in his hand, the faint light of the fire flickered quietly, bringing a bit of warmth in the somewhat cold and damp room, but Lan Feng felt even more disappointed.

The flame slowly began to change, this time, it no longer turned into blue feathers.

Stacked layer by layer, like petals of petals, slowly piling up in Lan Feng’s hands, a blooming rose, beautifully appearing in Lan Feng’s hands, gently waving with flames Swaying, vivid and beautiful.

This is a beautiful blue rose made of dark blue flames. It is not as gorgeous as it is charming, but it is profound, mysterious and intoxicating.

Lan Feng stared at the rose, dazed,

“Is it true that I… shouldn’t have come to this world?”

Lan Feng has been struggling with whether he should appear in this world. He always thinks that he should not appear and enjoy the beauty of this world.

However, people always have selfishness, especially when it comes to themselves and those close to them, so Lan Feng still wants to stay in this world, so the entangled emotions are always in his heart, but he is usually not won’t show it.

And today, I saw the tribes of other races that I saw for the first time in the game.

Although he tried his best to control himself not to look or listen, he still saw it intentionally or unintentionally. live their wonderful life.

The blue flame rose in her hand floated quietly in her hand, like a sleeping beauty.

“It’s my best choice to sleep peacefully for five years. These five years are meaningless.”

Lonely for him, these five years really don’t mean much, the difference is nothing more than the difference between sleeping and waking, maybe he is a little selfish, he doesn’t want to waste five years in vain.

The rose was still quietly floating there, quietly burning out of thin air, and Lan Feng’s soliloquy continued.


“Rose…you can’t answer me…”

Lan Feng spoke quietly with a sad tone.

As soon as the words fell, the rose in my hand began to bloom excessively, and then…slowly withered…

The petals of the petals withered and turned into a ray of blue flame. The beautiful rose that was blooming could only helplessly dissipate in the end, without a trace of residue, as if it had never appeared.

Blooming magnificence, passing away ordinary…

A withered rose.

Lan Feng was stunned, and put down the hand that was holding the blue flame rose, and fell into peace again.

This state did not last long.

Afterwards, Lan Feng’s eyes slowly returned to their usual indifference and calmness.

“This time, it won’t be Jing’s arrangement, so… is it really a so-called coincidence?” Lan Feng was a little puzzled.

The original sad emotions are gone, as if just now.

Lan Feng is really good at hiding emotions and hiding himself…

At the same time, he doesn’t believe that this will be deliberately arranged. Since he first discovered the abnormality in the game, he has followed his schedule in any way, and no one can guess his whereabouts at all.

The decision to return to Ike City was made not long ago. Lan Feng didn’t even have any plans to return to the human city. He even thought about continuing to wander outside after three turns.

His subsequent actions are like tossing a coin. Whatever comes to mind inadvertently, may go there.

The time and place cannot be guessed.

“Is there really such a coincidence?”

For those who believe in strength and themselves, they don’t quite understand coincidence and luck, but Lan Feng still knows that there is such a possibility, but when it really happens to him, it is not easy to accept.

“I’m really bored, so what if I did it quietly? She’s always been like this.” Lan Feng laughed dumbfounded, and slightly supported her forehead.

“Today, it’s the 25th.”

Speaking, Lan Feng called out the calendar, checked the date, and confirmed his thoughts.

Today is indeed 25, and there are two days left, which is the time given by the game official, when the cherry blossoms in the game are fully blooming.

Come to the boundary of Gongliang City, of course, to see the cherry blossoms. Even Lan Feng couldn’t explain why he came here, obviously he didn’t promise anything. It may be that there is nowhere to go, or it may be the so-called vague feeling that he should come here. In short, there are some things, who can tell?

After confirming the date, Lan Feng turned off the floating fluorescent panel of the date and lay softly on the bed.

“Building a hidden weapon won’t be finished until the afternoon, so I’ll sleep for a while…”

Lan Feng’s eyelids closed tiredly, as if he was very tired, and fell asleep deeply…

In the quiet room, there was the sound of even breathing, and the soft light was still on, but I forgot to turn it off.

Just as Lan Feng fell into a deep sleep, Yu quietly came out of the pet space, and stood at the head of the bed in the form of a black eagle. Tilting his head, he looked at the sleeping Lan Feng with some puzzlement. He could watch everything outside, but he kept silent.

Afterwards, Yu returned to the pet space quietly without any disturbance.

At the same time, turn off the lights in the room…

After this sleep, he slept until the afternoon, until a dwarf came to wake Lan Feng up and informed him that the hidden weapon had been crafted.

So he got up and woke up in a haze, and led by the dwarves to the place where the hidden weapons were made. Along the way, he still looked indifferent and approachable as usual, without any change in emotion.

Currently, Lan Feng is just thinking about what is going on with the general-purpose hidden weapon for thieves? He didn’t refine the thieves very much before, so he didn’t pay attention to them.

Now, I feel a little hopeful.

Maybe a new toy can divert his attention.





I declare in advance that there will be absolutely no stallions in this novel, and there will only be one heroine.

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