VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 1474: Treatment

Yumen Fortress.

At this moment, the firepower defense network of Yumen Fortress has begun to show exhaustion. Facing the large number of enemies, it has no time to cover all aspects of the attack. s attack.

The melee players have already arrived under the fort wall to meet the enemies who came to attack and try to climb up the fort.

“MD! Xiao Qing, don’t you still have the useless forbidden spell skills? You also have the Golden Sacred Dragon King’s. Don’t you throw them out now to relieve stress and save them for the New Year?” up.

“I can still defend my side. I don’t need to use forbidden spells for the time being. If your side is difficult to defend, I can temporarily send some people over.” Yemeng Qingcheng.

“Then call it here quickly! The ammunition of the goblin weapons on my side is almost exhausted. Under the high-intensity combat situation, it can last until tomorrow morning at most!” The Nebula Longbow is saving ammunition now.

Because of this, they began to be unable to hold back the army of players in the African region, as well as the fearless attack of the world-eating ants.

“Xiao Qing.” Han Tan also sent a message suddenly.

“You can’t hold on anymore?” Yemeng Qingcheng asked.

“No, I’m okay here. With Yayoi’s help from the City of Creation, at least it’s relatively easy to survive until tomorrow. The main problem is on your side. How long can you last in your current state?” Han pond.

“There are still more than three hours at most, and my state is completely unbearable. Up to now, I have not rested for three consecutive days, and I have spent all of them in a certain degree of fighting state. Now it is Xishan The stimulating auxiliary magic for me is the pillar.” Yemeng Qingcheng said truthfully, without any concealment.

“You can only last until three o’clock in the morning, right?” Han Tan said.

“Well, it may not be very long for Xiao Xue to come back.” Yemeng Qingcheng is also very clear.

Without help, it is basically impossible for Lan Xue to complete the task quickly and return.

“Well, then I will start to move towards you now. After Yayoi activated the city of inheritance, there is no possibility of moving. I can only come to fill your vacancy.” Han Tan.

“That’s troublesome.” Yemeng Qingcheng.

“Nothing.” Han Tan.

The defense situation of Yumen Fortress has begun to slowly develop in a bad direction.

Now that Yemengqingcheng is still there, the defense can be stabilized, otherwise the African region can easily attack the fortress. Once he can’t hold on and can only be forced into a state of silence, the defense of Yumen Fortress will be in jeopardy!


An extremely bad weather covered the Yumen Fortress at this time.

It is already deep winter, and such weather will appear from time to time. As long as it is not changed by the weather manipulation magic, there will be a big snowstorm in the Yumen Fortress in a few days.

Now, it’s time for another blizzard.

The visibility at night is too low. Even the current 150-level players can’t see too far. Now the snowstorm is starting to appear again. For Huaxia who is defending, it will undoubtedly make the situation worse.

“The weather doesn’t seem to be on our side.” Yemeng Qingcheng whispered while looking at the blizzard in the night sky.

“Is the Yumen Fortress preparing a weather magic circle? It’s best to minimize the impact of this snowstorm.” Yemeng Qingcheng asked a member of the Yeming Guild.

“Report to the president! Originally there were, but due to the high consumption of fire magic crystals, all the supply of the weather magic circle was completed by the vice president Lan Xue and the holy beast Phoenix. , now…”

Now, Lan Xue and Fenghuang have left Yumen Fortress.

Unless a large number of fire magic crystals are temporarily transferred from other places, it is impossible to activate the weather magic circle that can change the weather in a large area.

“I see, you continue to organize the defense.” Yemeng Qingcheng.

It is impossible to activate the weather magic array now. The fire magic crystals have basically been taken by the fire magicians, and the various fire range magics they have arranged are activated.

Now defending the city, fire range magic is the main force, because it is the most effective magic skill against the world-eating ants, and it can also superimpose damage to African players and their summoned beasts.

Just as Yemeng Qingcheng was thinking about whether to consume part of the light system fetish lighting.

“Report! There is a special situation!” Suddenly the messenger came to Yemeng Qingcheng.

“What’s the matter?” Yemeng Qingcheng frowned.

“President Xingyun Longbow did not use the people who had just been transferred, but let them continue to hide behind the fortress wall. Players in the African area attacked, and even many world-eating ants rushed up.”

What’s going on?

Is the Xingyun Longbow slack in defense? Or is there any purpose?

“Zhang Xingyun, what do you want to do?” Hantan’s question was first sent on the command channel!

It seems that the news has also been received over there.

“What are you doing? Of course it’s a big gamble! Now, with people transferred by Xiao Qing as guarantee, if it’s really impossible, we can just drive out all the enemies violently, and the loss here will not be too great.” Chief Xing Yun There was a hint of madness in Gong’s response tone!

“Are you going to use your ‘Hai’ level weapon? Is it a weapon with a range of damage?” Han Tan asked tentatively.

They had known for a long time that Xingyun Longbow had always held an extremely powerful weapon, and he had always advertised to them that it was definitely the highest “Hai” weapon among all the goblin weapon levels he had classified.

“It can be regarded as a weapon of range damage, it depends on whether they give me a chance to attack in range.” Xingyun Longbow.

“Think about it for yourself. Anyway, our ultimate goal is to defend the Yumen Fortress, no matter what method you use.” After Han Tan emphasized the purpose of defense, he stopped talking.

It is also impossible for him to forcibly change the decision of Nebula Longbow, just like the other party has no way to interfere with him.

Now they, without the commander-in-chief, basically can only rely on their own decisions to fight. Even some of the decisions they make don’t need to be reported to others as long as they don’t interfere with the defense of the rest.

The overall command has completely disappeared the moment the low-key great man died in battle.

The Nebula Longbow side.

As he looked at the high walls that were constantly being climbed by players from the African region and world-eating ants, the madness in his heart gradually expanded!

“Go to the **** national war restrictions! Don’t let me stay out of the matter and resell the goblin arms. You have to tie me to the Huaxia chariot, and because Chunyujing’s biao left such a big mess!”

“If you can’t betray…”

Thinking of this, Xingyun Longbow is full of anger!

From the beginning, he never thought of helping Huaxia sincerely, but the restrictions of the national war had to make him stand on Huaxia’s side. This is related to the interests of their entire family, no matter how unwilling they are, they can only choose to join the war.

“The defeat of Huaxia is inevitable now. We can only find a way to win more points for our family in this final war. This kind of aggrieved feeling is really f*cking unpleasant! Lao Tzu When did you receive this kind of treatment!” Xingyun Longbow’s expression also became more ferocious.

“President Xingyun Longbow! If this goes on like this, you will soon be unable to hold on. Are you sure you won’t let the brothers behind you step up?” An anxious question came from his subordinates.

“I know what to do! Now go back and defend me honestly!” Xingyun Longbow scolded!


A helpless answer.

In the face of the command that the high-level does not explain, they have no other choice but to execute it. They can only hope that the order they received is correct.

The artillery position on the city wall has begun to be attacked, the first layer of defense has also been disintegrated, and the artillery defensive firepower network has also been hindered, making it impossible to effectively shoot and kill ground and air units!

Magic positions, arrow towers and other positions also began to suffer attacks of varying degrees, and the exhausted defensive firepower began to pour out, and was further weakened again!

If things go on like this, don’t let it last until tomorrow morning, the African region may break through directly from the north of the Yumen Fortress tonight!

Xingyun Longbow is also very anxious at the moment!

“A little more…a little more…a little more…”

Continuously meditating in his heart, he who released the eye pupil skill is also staring at the camp in the distant African region!

He is now staring at their every move, watching them slowly move towards the defense zone where he is, more army of players and the army of world-eating ants are moving towards his weak Click to move!

When a weak point appears in a solid defense, the attacker will inevitably move in this direction!

Even if you won’t launch an attack directly because of vigilance, it is obviously normal to gather the player army in your hand close by.

Weak point.

Maybe it is a trap deliberately set by the defender, but it also naturally means an opportunity!

African region, how to choose?

“Father, I made the World-Eating Ant Army move towards the longbow sunset, and the defense strength there has begun to decline. It should be that the ammunition is almost used up, and it is about the same time as we speculated from behind.” Aisha’s The voice came from the dark fog’s ears.

“Yes, but don’t rush to attack, wait until the other guild leaders have judged whether it is a trap or not, judging from the current situation, the possibility of fraud on Huaxia’s side cannot be ruled out.” Dark Mist is still vigilant and experienced.

“Well, in short, I’ll gather there first, and I’m not in a hurry to press on it, right?” Aisha asked.

Although she is now in control of the World Eater Ant Army, and her own strength is still strong enough to crush anyone in their African region, she still has to obey the arrangements of her father and the other presidents in terms of battlefield choices.

“Don’t gather too many, an army of 20 million world-eating ants is the limit, and I even suggest that an army of 15 million world-eating ants is enough. Once there is really an opportunity to attack, this number of world-eating ants The ant army cooperates with the players, enough to directly attack the inside of the fortress!” Dark Mist.

“Understood, I will control the amount you said.” Aisha.

We will never push all of them up, even if we have an advantage, we must be vigilant!

This is the cautious attitude that the African region has always held. Even when they first fought against the European and American regions, they would never take risks if they could not take risks. When playing games between the four major regions, we also tried our best to maintain a relatively balanced state of power, not to attract attention, and not to show weakness to give the enemy the illusion that they are easy to bully.

It is not unreasonable for them to survive until now, and they are about to become the winners.

Being vigilant enough and being able to find opportunities is the trick for them to get to this point!

They have already been able to use it very skillfully, and now they can even be said to be able to win if they only need to fight steadily.

Of course, if they can win more easily, it’s not like they won’t fight for it.

After all, it is more advantageous to win, and the national war points obtained in the final judgment are relatively more.

There are naturally more places to survive.

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