VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 1339: Ellas fantasy space

Ailas fantasy space.

This space is nothingness without gravity, there are huge rocks that change at any time, and there are even inexplicable and weird energy vortexes that wipe out everything around! The elemental strength of each department here is also relatively weak. It can be said that this place is not suitable for mages to fight at all. Only physics department can fight in this space without pressure.

The most troublesome thing here are those illusions that may appear at any time. Even the demon **** Belial will be confused. Although there is no danger, it will hinder judgment. This is for high-intensity battles. , is extremely taboo.

But what still has to be done is that this place can be said to be the best type of battlefield for swordsmen.

Being able to use the flexible and changeable abilities of swordsmen to the extreme, this can be said to be the best place for Lan Feng and Belial to fight to the death, without any disturbance from the outside world.

“It’s a very good place to bury you.” Belial smiled and took out his double swords.

“Why? Are you not as timid as before? Now that the Demon God King is behind this life-and-death bet, you will become more courageous?” Lan Feng asked with a sneer, and mocked: “You really are a coward Oh, no, it’s a female demon. I’m sorry, I almost forgot your gender, and it’s understandable that you’re not as brave as a male demon.”

“You talk a lot!” Belial swung his sword and rushed towards Lan Feng!

However, what she hit was only afterimages (thousand shadow clones)! Lan Feng is nowhere to be found!

Shadowman’s ability! ?

Belial looked at the surrounding space vigilantly, and carefully examined every rock suspended around him, feeling all the fluctuations in the surrounding space, and guarded against Lan Feng’s sneak attack.

Suddenly, a large number of auxiliary magic fluctuations unfolded in the distance!

“Auxiliary magic? Not good!” Belial realized something!

Immediately broke out with all the speed, turned into a streamer and rushed towards the distance, she had to stop it immediately! Otherwise, after all the auxiliary magic is released, she will be the one who falls into the passive position!

But all of this…


The rocks floating along the way suddenly exploded, and the terrifying explosion energy caused a lot of damage to Belial, directly costing tens of millions of life points! You must know that Belial’s total life value is only 2.1 billion!

[Belial] (Level 245 Demon God)

Attack: 1530000—2040000

Material Defense: 410000—630000

Magic defense: 310000—520000

HP: 2085217258

Skills: Phantom Sword Light, Flicker, Double Sheng Charm, Magic Yuan Surging, Charming Voice!

Passive: super self-healing, twins

(Super self-healing: the general ability of fighting demon gods, a powerful ability that can recover in a short time even if the limbs are cut off, every time super self-healing restores the injured body, it will consume part of its own strength, according to the time Depending on physical condition)

(Twins: When the health value is below a certain level, Belial will change his form and turn into two selves without any weakening in strength.)

Special ability: Low-level demon skills are common, and can use the abilities of all low-level demons of the swordsman system, and some of the low-level demons of other physics systems.

Domain skill: Demon Sword Domain.

Forbidden spell skills: Forbidden Thirteen Blades Kill,? ? ? .

Introduction: One of the powerful seventy-two demon gods of the demon race, possessing almost unrivaled combat ability at the same level, the double swords in her hands can cut off almost all defensive forces. It is even more difficult and terrifying, and the voice of charm can even have a powerful magic power that can directly demonize living beings!

This is all the data old man Fang gave to Lan Feng. The only thing that is still unknown is the forbidden spell skill. The former demon **** Belial only possessed the forbidden and thirteen blades. Will this Belial still have it? Old man Fang didn’t know about other forbidden spells, or whether they were more powerful forbidden spells.

The newly promoted Demon God may be weaker than the old Demon God, but the advantage lies in the fact that there are certain unknowns.

On the other side, Lan Feng, who sneaked over to release auxiliary magic to bless her body, has already released all auxiliary magic!

“It’s too late to stop me now.” Lan Feng opened his cold eyes.

The powerful power fluctuates and ripples along with it!

It was a powerful force that made even Belial feel palpitations. Lan Feng used the powerful auxiliary system scroll that Jingjing gave him, and even the potion he bought from the warden. At this moment, his The attribute has reached the limit peak value that can be tolerated at this stage!

He just used Qianying clone just now to delay time!

[Blue Maple] (Level 207 Sword Hermit)

Attack: 1755245-2321046 (+30%+15%+30%+25%+35%)

Defense: 153425-182486 (+15%+10%+50% damage reduction)

Magic defense: 112457-132898 (+15%+20% damage reduction)

Health: 751520

His attack power even exceeds Belial who is a swordsman and demon god!

Ice power seals—all lifted!

Originally, with the help of the monster ice phoenix, the excess power of the ice-type fetish has been sealed before, and can only be used perfectly after reaching the Zun level. Now, with the blessing of many auxiliary system scrolls, he is already able to control that powerful ice power!

The power of extreme cold spread in an instant, and scattered towards the surrounding space!

“This is…” Belial looked at Lan Feng in shock!

“Powerful ice power! How can you have ice power!?” Belial couldn’t believe this fact!

“You talk a lot!” Lan Feng also slashed at him with his sword!

If the same thing is said, he will give it back!

“Clang!” The four swords parried together!

Afterwards, the two separated quickly, and the fierce battle started directly without any excessive words!

The swords of the two fought in Yubo, constantly destroying the suspended rocks around them, all of which were smashed by the terrifying power of the two. In terms of speed, it completely surpasses the speed of sound. It is hard to imagine how normal humans can control such terrifying speeds. If it is not for the nutritional warehouse equipped with unknown biotechnology, which enables humans to have super responsiveness, otherwise this speed would be absolutely impossible. will get out of hand!

However, while Lan Feng was fighting with all his strength, Belial was flustered!

Belial said in her heart: “How can Fang Chen’s disciples use the power of ice? And it is stronger than the power of fire! Didn’t Lord Demon King say that descendants can only use inherited power? The reason for growth is that it can only be simply accepted and cannot create additional power, and it is even more impossible to use this extra powerful attribute!”

“No! He must be killed! If he can’t be allowed to advance to the Zun level, he has already inherited a terrifying power, and now there is even more powerful ice power blessing! Once he reaches the Zun level Level, I am afraid there will be many demon gods who will no longer be his opponents!”

“It is absolutely possible for him to become the next Fang Chen!”

Belial’s heart was strongly impacted, it was another powerful force from Lan Feng – the power of the ice element!

She knows very well that it is not pure attribute power, but a power that has been fused with gods and objects and perfectly controlled! This is far more terrifying than those ordinary manipulations of ice element power!

The fetish is the highest power corresponding to the element!

Instant combo!

Tianyan crit superimposes! Double sword swing!

-8523124! -5324587! -2614572! -356472!

“Ah!” Belial screamed!

The two swords all slashed on Belial’s back, and directly cut two **** wounds on her back wings! The fourth stage of damage also quickly appeared above Belial’s head!

Get out!

Lan Xue retreated quickly, and won’t continue to covet the attack once she gets a hit, she will look for new attack opportunities again! He wants to be absolutely safe!

“Damn descendant! I didn’t expect your talent to be so powerful. In the case of forcibly instilling power, you still have time to comprehend other powers, and it is still a power that is opposite to your original attributes, and you have successfully integrated it! ” “

“Today, you must be killed here! You must not be allowed to leave alive!”

“I will never let you become the next Fang Chen!”

Beliar has inspired his skills!

Surging demon energy surges around her, it is not her own powerful skill, but a powerful skill common to low-level demons!

She can use all the swordsman skills of lower-level demons than her!

Lan Feng didn’t plan to fight directly at this time, but started to move and dodge quickly. He didn’t know what skill Belial had activated, so he didn’t dare to act rashly!

Thousand shadow clones!

A Thousand Shadow Clone strikes quickly, and the Thousand Shadow Clone has the power to strike with all its strength. This is his tentative attack!

“Clone? Hmph!” Belial killed with a single sword!

The speed is so fast that it is an instant thing!

Lan Feng was startled: “What a fast sword! Could it be a skill that increases attack speed? I’m struggling to block now, let another Thousand Shadows clone try it.”

This is not an existence that can be directly connected. He is extra careful when facing Belial Lanfeng. He is well aware of the gap between them. It can be said that they have no ability to resist.

In terms of speed, it was also slightly weakened because of the armor of the swordsman around him.

He didn’t superimpose his movement speed to full value now, in order to guard against Belial’s explosion. After all the cards are used up, he will completely lose the initiative. Lan Feng will not make such a mistake He made a low-level mistake, so his speed is not enough now, even if he dodges, he needs to be extremely vigilant!

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