VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 1287: New Status

November 3, 2222.

After two days of preparation, the African region quickly organized about five million army players, and began to attack from the South African region in the southeast of them, heading towards Guangning City! Even if Lan Feng doesn’t watch the news of the war, he can feel the movement of this army in Ninghui City nearby!

Ning returned to the player’s territory in the city.

Wan Lu.

“What’s going on? Has the African region changed its strategy?” Lan Feng looked at the southwest defense line suspiciously.

Guangning City is in the south of Ninghui City, and the current player army in the African region is in the southwest of Lanfeng.

“This fluctuation… I’m afraid there are millions of players in the army. Sure enough, I should go and have a look. This kind of command should not appear at this point in time. There should be some problem.” Lan Feng left immediately own territory.

Skyfire teleportation activated!

Over the west side of Guangning City, Lan Feng had already appeared there, and at the same time encountered the reconnaissance air cavalry in the African area!

“Ah! It’s ‘Yu’! Hurry up and inform the situation!” The air cavalry players in the African region immediately became alert.

Lan Feng ignored him. Anyway, most of these people were just warning him and didn’t dare to attack him at all. They directly scanned the ground below and turned on the see-through ability of the pupil of the sky fire, otherwise the vision would not be clear enough in this weather.

“This number…” Lan Feng roughly saw the number of player troops in this area.

Guangning City is surrounded by hilly terrain, and the number of players in the mountains and forests is very large, and it can even be described as full of mountains and plains! If all areas are of this level, then the number of millions of player troops can basically be determined!

“It’s really a big move. I don’t know why the African region made this choice. It stands to reason that Chunyujing’s defensive ability should have taught them a lesson. The weather conditions are even worse now, so it is unlikely. This is the right way to attack.”

“Even passing through the neutral area from South Africa and directly entering the European and American cities that China has conquered, are you not afraid of being made dumplings by the player army left by China in the Europe and America? As long as the Chinese player army sets off from Ninghui City at this time, It is completely possible to block their retreat.”

“What is the purpose of such a risky attack?”

Lan Feng is very puzzled by the offensive strategy in the African region. It can be said that it is reckless and does not care about the right time and place. Even if he wants to attack, he should choose Ninghui City where he is located. The choice of Guangning City is not to tell others. Come and make their dumplings?

What the **** command! ?

“Huh?” Lan Feng turned to look in the direction of Guangning City.

A familiar figure is flying towards him, he is a low-key great man.

“Yo, what a coincidence.” The low-key giant greeted with a smile.

“Millions of players are about to attack your Guangning City, do you still have the heart to laugh?” Lan Feng asked indifferently.

“If they really want to attack, they will definitely choose to attack Ninghui City. At worst, they can just avoid your territory and attack. There is nothing to estimate at all.” The low-key great man was not worried at all.

“Do you know why this is?” Lan Feng asked.

“It’s very simple, 80% of us are testing our internal problems in Huaxia. If there is a multi-faceted attack at this time, we will definitely re-discuss what to do internally. There will be delays in orders. At the same time, the style is obviously not good. It can be seen whether it belongs to one person, to put it bluntly, it means realizing that your fiancée is no longer in power.” The low-key great man explained.

“Is that so, but it’s quite courageous to expose such a big flaw to test it.” Lan Feng.

“What’s the big deal, it’s as if we dare to fight with them now, they must be ready for us to make dumplings, so basically the army of players who surrounded them in the past must also be in the skirmish. We have the advantage of city wall defense, so it would be a stupid decision not to fight against them to increase our own consumption?” The low-key great man.

“Yes, this kind of encirclement operation is suitable for Chun Yujing who has a unified dispatch. Every time you make a change, you need to discuss it collectively, which is extremely unfavorable for the ever-changing battlefield like encounter warfare.” Lan Feng nodded slightly.

“So, it is estimated that the situation in the future will be even worse. After they made such a test, people in the Asian region are not fools. They can definitely see that Chun Yujing is no longer in power. If they had guessed before, So this time it is directly confirmed.” A low-key great man.

“Are you coming here now to check the level of the attack, and then plan to re-negotiate after reporting the situation?” Lan Feng asked.

“Yes, do you want to help? If you cut a few swords casually now, I can guarantee that they will withdraw immediately.” The low-key great man said with a hippie smile.

“If you want help, I’ve already done it for you.” Lan Feng said.

“It’s too late for the gang, you just need to find Aisha now, kill her and we can directly reverse and attack the African region.” A low-key great man.

“I thought you wanted me to kill Baiying, and then directly attack the Asian region.” Lan Feng said.

“That’s definitely the easiest way, but you have to be able to do it, but I feel that as long as you want, she must be killed by you. It doesn’t matter. I suddenly feel that it is really easy to talk about the national war with you. Look.” A low-key great man.

“You should contact the head of the school, and then discuss it with the head of the warden. I will lend you Tiansha for your use. If you cooperate with Xiao Qing, you should be able to get rid of Aisha, right? Aisha’s actual combat ability is not strong.” Lan Feng wondered Why don’t you do it now.

What is the actual combat ability of Aisha? He has fought her once, and he knows very well that as long as he can contact the people he mentioned, it is a breeze to find Aisha and kill her.

“Didn’t you know that the only person who contacted the principal was your fiancée who had a headache?” The low-key great man was speechless.

“You can force her to order. She also has restrictions on not being able to betray Huaxia. She is not a lone traveler like us. She has a certain degree of freedom.” Lan Feng.

“Well, to be honest, the most important thing is that we can’t find Aisha. The weird ability of the dark fetish can disturb Chunyujing’s detection. If there is no way to pinpoint her location, we can’t help her. Carry out an assassination. And if assassination is really that simple, we would have figured out a way to get rid of Baiying a long time ago. Even a priest can’t be killed, so how can summoned beasts be killed?” The low-key great man was also very helpless.

“Only when the light breaks the darkness can we find Aisha in the darkness. It’s a pity that Xiao Qing doesn’t have the ability to do this. He’s only suitable for fighting head-on.” Lan Feng.

“You actually have a way, or have you figured out a way for me?” A low-key great man.

“Yes.” Lan Feng did not deny it.

No denials, but what’s the use?

“Alas…” the low-key great man let out a long sigh.

“Do you know, it’s very irritating for you to be like this, you know the method but don’t tell me, but you also have everything or don’t want it, and you can’t even exchange it, really The more I think about it, the more I feel angry.” The low-key great man said irritably.

“What’s the difference between that and me helping you directly?” Lan Feng asked back.

“emmm…” The low-key great man: “It seems that you will save a lot of trouble by helping us. You are fully capable of killing Aisha directly, right?”

“It’s hard.” Lan Feng shook his head.

“Damn! Isn’t it, you still find it difficult to kill a little girl for a movie? Are you kidding me?” The low-key great man obviously didn’t believe it.

“I also don’t have the ability to find her specific location. In the martial arts competition before, I was able to force her to admit defeat directly because she didn’t have time to arrange it. Otherwise, with the ability of the legal profession, if the magic formation is arranged, the entire The kind where the city is shrouded in it, once triggered, do you think I can find her?” Lan Feng asked back.

“This…” The low-key great man thought for a moment about the cute fairy land arranged by Bai Ying.

One person, help defend the whole city.

Even if Aisha can’t do that, if a city or region is used to hide her real body location, it seems really possible!

“If you don’t tell me, I haven’t thought of it yet, but you are already helping me in a different direction.” The low-key great man winked and said.

“Come on, even if I don’t say it, when you really think about **** her, you will think of this possibility. The physics department and the law department are different. Usually, the encounter is the physics department. Advantages, but if you have time to prepare, then it is undoubtedly the advantage of legal professions, what magicians and summoners need most is time.” Lan Feng.

Law professions, as long as they are given enough time, they can destroy the world or create miracles!

Magi can unleash devastating curses!

The summoner can summon many powerful monsters or alien creatures!

Priests and counselors have the ability to manifest various miracles!

Professions in the law department can give them time to create different situations, which is very different from the physics department.

“Well, that’s true.” The low-key great man shrugged: “Do you want to go back with me for a drink? I’ll treat you. After talking for so long, you’re a little thirsty, right?”

“Are you trying to invite me to create suspicion in the African region?” Lan Feng also saw through.

“Correct solution!” The low-key great man gave a thumbs up.

Now they are within the detection range of the air cavalry players in the African region. They have been chatting for so long but they have been watched all the time. After all, the relationship between Lan Feng and the low-key great man has always been relatively good, at least I haven’t seen Lan Feng and other people get along to this level of casual chat.

“You even want to use me so that your wife won’t scold you for drinking in a legitimate way.” Lan Feng added.

“Uh… this, don’t we need to say it?” The low-key great man was suddenly embarrassed.

This is his truest thought. Using Lan Feng to make the African region suspicious is secondary. Anyway, the African region is at best suspicious, what should be done or what should be done, the most is to be more defensive and blue Maple only.

“I really didn’t know you guys like drinking so much.” Lan Feng was really puzzled.

“There are many benefits of using alcohol to relieve sorrow, to strengthen one’s courage, to have **** after drinking, and so on!” A low-key great man.

“…” Lan Feng.

These are the benefits! ?

“In a word, do you want to go or not!” The low-key great man finally made a firm invitation.

“Let’s go then.” Lan Feng didn’t refuse any more.

He also knows that even if he leaves with the low-key great man, it will not have any practical impact. As long as he still does not take part in the war, everyone else will still be in the same situation. What should be suspicious is still suspicion, but There may be a difference of degree.

“Then let’s go. I haven’t had a drink for a long time. I finally got the chance today. Fortunately, I was the one who came to check the situation, hehehe!” The low-key great man became excited.

“You can really drink as much as you want, and I won’t threaten you by telling your wife.”

“emmm… Then you just intercepted the recording, right?”


“Phew, that’s good.”

“It is a screen recording.”


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