VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 1213: Trouble

In the roar of the sky!

A huge metal rod smashed on the wall of the east city gate. The wall, which had lost its magic defense, collapsed in half! The city gate below was also squeezed to the point of cracking, and at this moment, a terrifying red flame beam shot away, directly destroying the city gate that had lost its defensive function!

The gates of the first-level main city are very defensive!

But without the assistance of magic defense, it is just a layer of thin paper that can’t even compare with the city wall!

Especially in front of a low-key giant with metallic power, the defensive capabilities of the various rare metals contained in the city gate will be greatly weakened, and the Qilin’s subsequent attack is more like the straw that crushes the camel’s back Like!

“Huaxia Siege Force!”

“Follow me – kill!”

The low-key giant roared with a ferocious expression, and rushed to the front!

When there are not many enemies focusing on him at the same time, he is invincible. Any European and American players who try to stop him along the way will be smashed and sent flying by his metal stick!

There is no single enemy!

Even if there is an existence that may effectively harass him, they will be sniped and killed by the regiment members behind him. Shuangxing Shuangyue will **** him all the way, and all members of the Emperor Mercenary Corps will participate in this siege Among them, assist Chinese players to attack the city from various positions!

“The mage group, shooter group, and auxiliary group follow up! Follow up!”

“Summoner, the summoned beasts assist in the attack, all of them are tank-type summoned beasts, and now they urgently need meat shields!”

“Move fast! Follow in the footsteps of the president of the emperor! Crush them!”

North City Gate!

Xingyun Longbow and the others are also driving that super giant mecha at the moment, leading the guild of the Longbow faction to launch an attack. At this time, they will explode with all their strength and achieve the point of taking the city of Atlanta in one fell swoop. !

“Tank troops ahead!”

“The goblin mech troops follow up!”

“Warrior players keep close to the pace of the movable mecha, pressing towards the city wall, and the long-range and auxiliary troops will follow!”

South Gate!

At this moment, Hantan is already on top of the giant dragon, commanding his own siege players to attack. With all the anti-aircraft firepower being attracted by the air cavalry, his command in the air is basically safe and correct.

“Battle fortress troops, press me over!”

“The goblin mecha unit and the tank unit followed up, and the giant mechs spread out to attack various sections of the city wall!”

“When these Europeans and Americans deeply realized how stupid it is to use a large amount of defense to defend the Longbow forces at the North City Gate, our Longtan faction’s goblin technology is the strongest!”

The forces of the Longtan guild are using mobile armor that is larger than the goblin tanks. The thick armor is glowing with a brand-new metal cold light. The goblin weapons I have seen all appeared in the field of vision of European and American players at this time!

Desperate all European and American players in the direction of the South City Gate!

These are all secret weapons produced in the fog-shrouded area of ​​war in Pavilion Master Fuyun, and they all dealt a heavy blow to players in Europe and the United States at this moment. The bigger the giant steel beast, the more incomprehensible it is exist!

Players in the European and American regions, there are no extra war resources to deal with these terrible weapons!

This is not the most desperate!

West gate!

“Oh! My God! What the **** is that!”

Many huge magic puppets appeared in the magic array led by the Sunset Guild, and various jointly produced magic scrolls even summoned various magical creatures with different attributes! There are even rare metallic and dark magical summoned creatures!

The most massive and terrifying one was summoned by the players of the Sunset Guild using magic scrolls and a giant magic circle arranged together. It is a 400-meter-tall rock behemoth!

Earth attribute summoned creature!

The movement is extremely slow, and every step takes a few seconds, but every time this giant beast takes a step that shakes the ground, it is like a heavy hammer hitting the hearts of players in Europe and America!

How high are the walls of Atlanta! ?

Even at the highest position, this earth attribute summoned creature doesn’t need to do anything else, it just needs to fall down when it reaches the city wall, and it can directly crush the city wall!

“Hahaha! Our forces don’t have high-end combat power, and we don’t have too many fancy goblin technologies. What we have is the research of various magics, the production of various magic scrolls and potions!”

“You really don’t pay much attention to the west city gate, and you only use a million players to defend it, so get ready for the baptism of the magic scroll!”

“Everyone, take the potions assigned to you for each attribute, as well as the booster potions for the corresponding attributes. Let this group of Europeans and Americans see how terrifying the state of drug use in the entire army is!”

Wanli Wuyun laughed excitedly, his laughter sounded so harsh and disgusting to the ears of European and American players!

Hate is also growing rapidly!

The offensive that broke out in Huaxia was much more terrifying than expected. The fighting capabilities of the Longtan guild forces and the Sunset guild forces completely exceeded expectations.


To be precise, estimates were made a long time ago. Europe, America, Asia, and Africa all had estimates of the combat power of various forces in China, but they in Europe and the United States selectively forgot at this time. This exists.

Because they know, so what if they know? Even if Huaxia takes the initiative to expose these forces, can they defend themselves?

The real purpose of Huaxia doing this…

In the temporary combat command room, quietly looking at the siege screens in four directions, as well as the air cavalry who are currently engaged in air battles with Europe and the United States, they have fully understood the current siege situation.

“So that’s the case.” Jing Jing looked at the general understanding of the intentions of the low-key great man and the others.

Looking at the current opening situation, it can be regarded as knowing the reason why they did this, and the reason for actively exposing some of their hole cards.

“Siege Atlanta directly with a more powerful stance, as long as the process of capture can be made faster than the other two regions, making them feel desperate and unable to resist, it can offset the last retaliatory resistance in the European and American regions , the idea of ​​choosing Huaxia as the target.”

“Unless the European and American districts want to completely disregard the defenses of Guluo City and NATO City, and also forcibly retaliate against Huaxia, they will mobilize their mobilizable combat power when the other two cities are still on the defensive. Kill Huaxia’s offensive players to the greatest extent.”

“After all, the longer you defend, the more points you can get in the final settlement. Because of revenge, the decision to reduce the survival quota of the entire region is obviously not what a qualified commander should do.”

Looking quietly is already fully understood.

As long as Huaxia kills fast enough, the European and American regions will not be able to mobilize more players here regardless of the defense of the other two cities.

Everyone knows that Huaxia will not take any action at all after capturing the city of Atlanta. They themselves need to rest and enter a truce state as soon as possible, so that the players who have died in battle can be revived quickly in the truce state.

At the same time, as long as Huaxia is ruthless and strong enough, it can also have a great deterrent effect on players in Europe and America!

“According to the normal situation, the leaders of the various forces in the game are not real national leaders, but just some powerful families in reality. With their own selfishness, naturally at the last moment, There’s a vengeful mentality that doesn’t take that into account.”


“The total discourse power of the European and American regions is in the hands of the Russian region. Even if they lose the national war, their own forces can guarantee that the survival quota that they should have will not be damaged. They will still maintain their rationality. If the rest of the forces want to vent their anger, someone will come forward to suppress it.”

Jingjing couldn’t help admiring these guys, they used the hole cards that shouldn’t have been exposed to solve the final potential threat.

After all, Huaxia must have the most cards. As for the other two regions, the current war resources are not as good as China’s. Even if they want to use the same method to force the European and American regions to retaliate, they will not be able to do so.

It goes without saying about high-end standing.

“That’s good, that’s good. In this way, the final revenge from the European and American regions can indeed be avoided. Anyway, the African and Asian regions will definitely unite tacitly in the future. Will they be frightened by the fact that their cards are too strong? It doesn’t exist anymore.”

“I didn’t help you think of things, it’s really good to think of them yourself.”


Looking quietly, she suddenly smiled strangely.

“You seem to have forgotten that there is also the setting of subjugated people in the national war.”

“If you can’t deal with this subjugated person, then…”

“There will be endless troubles.”

Fortunately, no one else is in this temporary command room at the moment, otherwise I could hear her laughter at the moment…

Because they all choose to reject her and have their own affairs to deal with, naturally they won’t be with her at this time. Even half a cup of black tea is now at the forefront of the siege, just in the direction of the east gate.

“Oh, what a pity.”

Look quietly and shake your head with a sigh.

“Obviously there is already a good old man, who took the initiative to go there a few days ago and attracted your attention, but you haven’t noticed yet, you still concentrate all the SSS-level combat power here side.”

“But it also shows from the side that he, the soy sauce guy in the national war, really can’t attract your attention now.”

“No one cares about what he does.”

Looking at the current situation, it is true that there is no power left, so it is time to be wary of that idler-like guy. Since the beginning of the national war for more than half a year, the only action was to expel the lone army and the black sword, which has almost dispelled all forces’ scruples about him.

It’s almost like being forgotten, the person outside the war,

“Forget it, it’s almost time to help.”

“Since you want to shock the players in Europe and the United States with a strong posture, then I will cooperate with you. I think you are also very pleased that I will do that?”

“If the time comes to scare someone away and become a subjugated person, then don’t blame me.”


Looking quietly in the temporary command room, leaving behind a string of light laughter like silver bells, it disappeared here…

When she appeared, she gave Huaxia players a powerful legion-level BUFF blessing, allowing them to have more powerful combat power, which was used to crush the defenses of European and American players, and wiped out their first-level main city—— Atlanta!

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