VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 1185: Passing by

Now in the whole game world, who doesn’t know that this guy is an idler. He looks like he is bored and accepted an ordinary task. Is it because he is looking for trouble when he goes up and gets him into trouble?

“Hey, you guys go first, we’ll call later.” The passer-by directly signaled to give way.

The rest of the people are also temporarily staying in place. It is impossible for a fool to enter the game, so they all know what to do now.

“Well, captain, what should we do? Should we run now?” asked a mage next to him in the distance.

But he saw that the distance didn’t pay attention to him, but stared straight at Lan Feng, which seemed to have a bit of resentment in his eyes.

While the man was thinking about when his captain was killed by Lan Feng, or what happened in the end, Yuan Fang took the initiative to speak.

“Why are you here?” Yuan Fang asked directly.

I don’t know why, maybe it was because he had met Lan Feng before, or maybe he didn’t expect to survive this time, but he was not so timid when facing Lan Feng, and he was not intimidated by his identity and strength.

“Huh?” Lan Feng lifted the hat covering his face.

Looking at the distance, with their current hearing ability, they can still hear the words at this distance, and now there is basically only a slight breeze.

“It turned out to be you, and you can still live until now, but it seems that you have run out of luck now.” Lan Feng naturally knew Yuanfang.

I still remember the members of the confused cat’s team, but if he didn’t see the names above their heads, he definitely didn’t know the names, and he didn’t have time to memorize them.

“Ah~” Lan Feng yawned: “As for you asking me why I am here, I naturally come to the battlefield to take a look when I am bored, and if any force accidentally burns down this grain area If so, I can save the day.”

Just kidding, these grains will be eaten by NPCs in the future. The NPC army is out of grain, and even **** with the demons. In order to ensure more reliance for clearing the game in the future, Lan Feng will naturally visit these areas. Before the war in Huaxia Ludong City, he often went there for a walk, because it was also an important grain production area.

“You are really kind.” Yuan Fang said mockingly.

Naturally, it is alluding to the matter of killing them before, which is not something that kind people can do, although in fact it is actually kind…

“Go slowly, but wait for the convoy I’m escorting to pass first. These are materials used to change the environment, and the food area must be maintained by this.” Lan Feng added another sentence to let them know the importance of the matter To prevent these people from doing it, but it seems that it doesn’t matter whether they add it or not.

Anyway, no one dares to do anything, and Yuan Fang is not an idiot. He can only say a few words at most, but he will not really go up to attack Lan Feng.

“Phew… It’s a good thing we didn’t get to know each other easily.” The passer-by breathed a sigh of relief.

He just watched Yuanfang talking to Lan Feng, and his heart almost jumped out nervously. The most fearful thing is that Yuanfang and Lan Feng know each other and have a good relationship. If Lan Feng makes a move at this time If not, the people here are probably just swinging a few swords casually.

In the eyes of everyone, Lan Feng is a truly stateless person who will not favor the existence of any country.

After the martial arts competition ended, many people re-analyzed the tasks that Lan Feng and Xi Jian had done according to the way Jing Jing saw it, and found that it was indeed as Jing Jing said, it was completely for the whole Acting in the world, there is absolutely no such thing as nationality.

Xijian itself is a member of people from various countries. He was never instilled with any national ideas when he was raised since he was a child. Naturally, he will not favor any country.

The sound of horse bells echoed in this vast rice field, and everyone just watched Lan Feng and the convoy he was in charge of escorting slowly pass by the path between them.

Looking at the speed, I estimate that it will take a long time to reach the nearest city. Maybe it will be evening when we arrive, and it will be very late when the summer evening comes.

However, if you walk in this direction to reach the nearest city, you can indeed pass through this grain-producing area. It seems that Lan Feng’s purpose of inspecting this area has just been achieved.

“By the way, just to remind you, you can prepare for the annihilation of the entire army, because Huaxia is chasing your player army, and now it is only less than ten kilometers away from here, and it will come soon Oh.” Lan Feng waved his hand far away on the carriage cargo and said.

The hearts of the remnants in the European and American regions could not help but sink.

The chasers behind will still catch up after all. They will definitely not be able to escape in this state, so they can only fight with all their strength.

Take a deep breath.

“Everyone, use all the remaining potions, even the lowest-level ones that still have hidden scrolls, take them all out, it is impossible to leave them.”

“Use all your strength to kill these Chinese people!”


There is no way out, only to fight to the death!

The killing on both sides erupted just as Lan Feng and the convoy escorting them left. The sound of magic explosions, the roars of the soldiers themselves, even frightened the transporting horses into uneasiness. Instinctively quickened their pace, as if afraid that the following battle would affect them, the fear of killing was spreading.

Lan Feng didn’t feel anything about it, and was still sitting leisurely on the carriage, looking at the rice fields and trails ahead as if admiring the scenery along the way. The ears of rice, which are already golden yellow, and the dark green slender rice leaves, have bursts of golden ripples under the breeze, which is indeed a beautiful scenery.

In particular, the fragrance of rice permeates the air, which always gives people a sense of comfort and ease, coupled with the endless and wide field of vision, it is simply refreshing.

It would be even better if there were no kills in the rear.

“That…my lord…” the leader of the car asked suddenly.

But he didn’t dare to turn his head, afraid of seeing the killing not far behind.

“What’s the matter?” Lan Feng asked.

“You seem to know that person just now, why didn’t you save him?” the leader of the car asked cautiously.

He felt that Brother Lan Feng’s tone didn’t carry any hatred in his heart. Since he knew each other, he should be able to rescue him, right?

“This is their war, there’s no need for me to participate as an outsider, and…he doesn’t want me to save it either.” Lan Feng.


The leader of the driver nodded his head half-understood, and didn’t ask any more questions.

The slightly bumpy carriage was driving slowly on the laughing road, and the slightly hot wind and waves rolled up waves of rice.

In this game world, every season will have different scenery, and every place can give people different characteristics. Some people like the idyllic scenery of Europe and America, some people like the mountains and rivers of China, some people like the vast grasslands of Africa, and some people like the various ethnic customs of Asia.

That’s right, this is a wonderful world, a paradise-like existence, and you need to make a little effort in this game to get the money you want to spend and enjoy an incomparably perfect life.

Before this, last year people were enjoying all this very well. If we can go back to last year today, there may still be players from various countries on this trail, enjoying each other without interfering with each other. Looking at the beautiful scenery here. There may be players from hostile countries who will be jealous when they see it, but there are not many who can really fight in a beautiful place, and the rest will stop it.

Like the cherry blossoms in Miyaliang Castle in Japan last year, if it weren’t for the struggle between the two local guilds, no one would destroy them at all. Even people from various countries are likely to go to enjoy this beautiful scenery that is hardly seen on the earth.


The present world is in chaos and darkness, even worse than the earth.

People on the earth may still yearn for peace, but in the current game world, there may be very few people who yearn for peace, because peace also means that they have no way to continue to become stronger, and they can only stand by. Watching his ranking drop, he was finally eliminated by this game world.

Maybe it’s because the collective is very weak, so weak that they can’t even pass the game, and if they can’t defeat the demons, no one can pass the screening of this game.

Just like the small army of players from the two sides facing the rear now, no one will appreciate this beautiful scenery at this time, and they will not even destroy the surrounding environment when fighting. Whether to use such an environment to give yourself a little advantage.

A beautiful view? appreciate? what is that?

What you have now is only hatred and killing. Everyone lives for profit.

“The world is becoming more and more annoying.” Lan Feng muttered to himself.

Looking at the beautiful rice field scenery in front of him, he didn’t feel any sense of comfort in his heart, and it wasn’t because he was affected by the battle behind him, but because this world was already an existence he hated.

“Unfortunately, there is no reason to join the war, otherwise I really want to end this meaningless war as soon as possible.”

“It doesn’t seem right. There are still many people who haven’t upgraded to level 150. It doesn’t seem to be good to end it early.”

“Tsk, it’s really annoying.”

Lan Feng sighed, helplessly, he lay down on the cargo of the carriage again, and continued to cover his face with his hat, lest the sunlight hit his eyes directly and affect his rest.

There is only a short break to pass the boring time of this slow task.

“Next time, I won’t accept the transportation task, it’s boring…”

Thinking of this, Lan Feng also felt a little sleepy.

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