VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 1175: Things

Into the night.

The player’s territory – Wanlu.

Wanlu Town is completely in the inland area, the summer nights are a bit muggy, and it does not have the cool feeling of the coastal areas. The game aboriginals here also come out to chat and entertain at night one after another, so they can be active for a while at night.

The same is true for the servants in the castle manor. They have been improved by Lan Feng, and they have reached the second rank in front of them. They are all in their thirties, and they are no longer ordinary people. .

At least, I can learn some martial arts skills and understand a little magic.

However, after all, it still can’t reach the point where it can get rid of the temperature troubles. It is only at level 90 and four turns that it can be immune to a little negative impact brought by the environment.

At the gate of the ancient castle manor, two male servants chatted boredly here.

Maid Xiaomei just came over to deliver some herbal tea.

“Wow, Miss Xiaomei, you are here. The temperature in summer is getting more and more annoying. Our place is also sultry and hot.”

“Is it herbal tea with ice magic power? I feel like I’m going to die if it doesn’t cool down.”

The two male servants hurriedly said that they were in charge of guarding the gate tonight, and the sweltering heat made them very uncomfortable.

“It’s all added with ice attribute magic power, which can keep you from getting hot for about an hour.” Xiaomei chuckled lightly.

I also know their hard work.

Although their lord has a good heart, most of the manor castle is actually cleaned, but this kind of guard work must be done well. As for asking someone to knock on the door?

It is also the duty of the lord to handle affairs in the territory.

“If you are hot, you can ask your lord to cool down your manor and castle.” A familiar female voice came.

“Miss Cat!” Xiaomei was surprised: “Why are you here, I will open the door for you now.”

“Well, is he there?” asked the confused cat.

“I didn’t hide my aura, can’t you sense my presence?” Lan Feng’s voice was a little speechless.

At the same time, the door was opened remotely by him, so that Xiaomei would not have to put down the things in her hand to open the door.

“Lord Lord.” Xiaomei and the others also shouted respectfully.

They are already very familiar with Lan Feng’s sound transmission ability. His voice can be heard in every corner of the entire manor and castle, and even his reply can be heard. They were very surprised at first, but then gradually got used to it, and even found it very convenient for Lan Feng to use this ability.

“I didn’t pay attention to the induction.” The confused cat said,

Emotional state does not appear to be good.

“If you have anything to say, let’s come in first. It seems that you are not in a good mood. What do you want to drink? I will prepare it for you now.” Lan Feng said.

“Whatever, anyway, you have quite a lot of drinks, and I can’t name them.” The confused cat said casually, and then walked towards the direction where Lan Feng was sitting.

Now she has begun to sense Lan Feng’s location, and she can also find out where he is.

In the territory, Lan Feng basically does not hide his aura, which is equivalent to telling outsiders not to bother him here, and at the same time telling the rest that he is here and has not gone For the rest, don’t worry too much about him.

The confused cat came to a living room. She had been to the living room before. It should be said that she had been to almost all the halls in the manor castle, and Lan Feng seemed to like to change things when meeting guests. I come from the living room, anyway, I don’t like to reuse a place.

“Sit down.” Lan Feng motioned for the sofa.

It’s new, and it seems to show off its new sofa, but the confused cat doesn’t have the mood to pay attention to it now.

Just silently, she picked up the drink that Lan Feng prepared for her. It was herbal tea, which was very suitable for this weather.

Lan Feng didn’t say a word, and continued to look at the book in his hand. It was a modern book, and it was entered into the database by the system. Every player could call it up and check it out.

Just like that, one person reads a book, the other sips herbal tea casually, all in a state of silence.

Basically, Lan Feng has always been like this. When confused cats come to him, most of them are not silent.

But today.

The confused cat is indeed taciturn, in a preoccupied state.

“There are still snacks here.” Lan Feng finally spoke.

“Yeah.” The confused cat.

The result was still silence, and the confused cat just picked up the snack and took a sip.

It is sweet.

At the moment, she probably only has this kind of evaluation or feeling in her heart. Regarding the specific taste of the dim sum, she has no intention to taste it at all.

A few minutes passed.

The herbal tea in the confused cat’s cup bottomed out, and the pastry didn’t want to move any more. It was just a silent state with two small hands holding the cup.


“Pfft.” Lan Feng closed the book and made a soft sound, breaking the silence.

“What’s the matter with you now? You look preoccupied?” Lan Feng finally asked proactively.

“Are you concerned about me?” the confused cat asked back, with a silent tone.

“It should be counted. If a woman comes here with her own concerns, as a man, if she doesn’t even care about the basics, then she really loses her manners, doesn’t she?” Lan Feng said.

“In the end, it’s just caring according to French etiquette.” The confused cat seemed a little depressed.

But Lan Feng was just a little confused, and didn’t realize anything.

“What’s the matter? Is someone still bullying you? It just so happens that I’m fine now, and it’s fine to help you fight. Of course, I definitely didn’t do it myself.”

Lan Feng felt that with the confused cat like this, he still had to say something, otherwise he would be really unfeeling.

A beautiful girl ran over with a lot of worries at night, and she seemed to want to comfort her, but Lan Feng, who didn’t want to get involved too much, would not care like a warm man. .

“Maybe…someone bullied me.” The confused cat said vaguely.

Lan Feng was even more confused, and didn’t understand the meaning of her words.

“Maybe? Who is it?” Lan Feng continued to ask.

The upright ones don’t even think about hidden possibilities.

“You.” The confused cat was also direct.

“Me? I didn’t add any strange things like lemon to your herbal tea, did I? The pastry tastes okay, right?” Lan Feng still tasted the pastry in doubt.

A totally normal (straight) reaction.

The confused cat looked at Lan Feng and thought to himself: “This guy… seems to be really a piece of wood…”


When she came here before, she learned a word, a special Chinese vocabulary.

“Strange? Then you are like this, isn’t it because the European and American regions are at a disadvantage now? Even if the European and American regions fail, you should not be like this?” Lan Feng was still puzzled.

He knows that although the confused cat still has some concerns about France, and admits that he is from Europe and the United States, his reaction will never be so big.

“That’s right.” The confused cat.

“In this case, I can’t help it. As long as the war situation is not changed by additional factors, I will not care about it. How they fight is entirely their own business.” Lan Feng was still indifferent, but Seriously said.

“I know.” Confused cat.

“Then what happened to you?” Lan Feng was completely puzzled.

“I don’t know, I just want to come to you to relax.” The confused cat replied.

“Really, I told you not to run to my place too often. You will really get into trouble. To be honest, I tried to drive you away many times when I went in.” Lan Feng was speechless, really No matter how many times I say it, I don’t listen.

“Then why didn’t you drive me away?” asked the confused cat.

“This… I don’t know if I can say this, anyway, there is a reason you don’t know.” Lan Feng explained.

You and the others have selected the confused cat, and they are willing to take her to another place to ensure safety. After leaving the game, the confused cat will indeed not be in any danger.

“If it wasn’t for the reason you can’t say, would you have driven me away long ago?” asked the confused cat.

She also knew the reason. Last time I quietly read it and told her about her being selected.

Her future is safe.

Because there is no danger, Lan Feng is less repulsed. If there is any reason for him, it is actually to ensure her safety, just like he wants to protect Bai Ying and half a cup of black tea. , Green ghost like that.

It is dangerous to have a relationship with someone who has no strength. Even if there is strength, there may be accidents. The green ghost has already encountered it once, and he doesn’t want to experience it again.

So last time when Half a Cup of Black Tea wanted to help, he would rather kill her himself and let her go back by force than want her to continue to have too much relationship with him. Teaching her some killing skills can be explained by exchanging benefits, but saving him for no reason is difficult to explain.

“I must have driven you away a long time ago. If you eat and drink with me and don’t pay, you know how to ask annoying questions.” Lan Feng even complained a few words.

Still didn’t admit it, it was something he wanted to protect her, he would never admit these things.

“Oh.” The confused cat.

Complicated thoughts flashed in the confused cat’s heart: “Sure enough, you still won’t admit it, you don’t want me to get involved with you, you don’t even want me to know what you did for me, you don’t want me to know anything. I know, but I won’t tell me…”

“Wish me to stay away from you…”

Lan Feng, always hoped that the confused cat would stay away from him, and it would be best not to get together forever.

He himself is a dangerous collection, and even his own lifespan is running out. Even if something happens, he can’t protect him for a long time. Put yourself in danger?

He tried to get Bai Ying to leave, but he didn’t succeed. Her gentleness reveals her stubbornness, coupled with her special identity, she couldn’t let her leave him completely.

He also wanted Lan Xue not to get too close to him, but the secret control of Jing Jing finally made her sink deeper and deeper.

He was decisive enough for half a cup of black tea last time, but he was still blocked, and the low-key giant stopped him.

Perhaps the only one who succeeded was Qing Gui, who was a killer, who was weaker in emotion and more interested in profit, and managed to keep her away from Lan Feng, even if she didn’t want to.

Now, unknowingly, because of watching quietly, it seems that there is another person involved with him.

He still doesn’t know at all.

“By the way, can I still ask you some strange questions?” The confused cat suddenly laughed.

“Again? Ask, I promise not to answer.” Lan Feng.

Don’t answer…

“Then let me ask.”

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