VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 1152: No response

The plan that the African District wanted to achieve ended with Aisha’s failure.

Indeed, according to the background setting of the game, the Antarctic Ice Beast would not accept such a request. In fact, there was a similar existence before the Antarctic Ice Beast, and that was Bai Ying’s master, Mu Lianxi. However, Mu Lianxi will not restrict Bai Ying, at least because of Lan Feng’s existence, there is no restriction on following her ideas.

Now, Huaxia temporarily has the upper hand in the southern waters of the European and American regions. It will only take a week at most, and Iceland will be sent by China to send millions of troops to attack the southern cities of the European and American regions. As for the millions of troops, half of them were naturally mobilized from the fortress of Uri Dahei, and the other half were mobilized from within.

In the case of ensuring that too many internal forces are not used, it is also guaranteed not to reduce the strength of the first front.

In contrast to the African region, it feels a little bit at a loss.

In terms of geographical location, it is actually inconvenient for them to attack the southern part of Europe and the United States by sea. It is only rare, so the player fleet in the African region needs to detour a long way to reach the waters in the European and American regions.

Although the Huaxia District has to take a detour, the southern wilderness area is actually not too big, and there is actually an island in the south of the Huaxia District that is similar to Iceland-Qiongnan Island, and the Deep Sea Guild started from there. Reduced length of supply lines at sea.

Now, the Huaxia region has gained Iceland again, not to mention the greater convenience for naval battles, and even better beach landing operations. The southern gates of the European and American regions are being opened for them!

Africa region.

In the conference center of the first-level main city, the presidents of various guilds gather here. Most of them come here by projection. They themselves have many Gibraltar fortresses on the front line.

“Has the king of the extreme south still failed?” asked the president of the South African district.

“It failed, even the help requested by ‘Yu’ personally failed. This kind of direct war assistance is more likely to fail.” Dark Mist shook his head.

“Then what should we do? We will gain very little profit in the southern waters of the European and American regions. Perhaps we can only launch an attack after Huaxia attacks the southern cities. At that time, we can only get two or three second-level main cities at most, and the large Part of the southern interests of the European and American regions will be obtained by them.”

“How about withdrawing troops? Strengthen our defense line in the eastern sea area to avoid sneak attacks in Asia.” Someone suggested this.

“Inappropriate.” Dark Mist shook his head: “We still need to contain the seas of the European and American regions, otherwise the Huaxia region will not be able to successfully invade the southern mainland, even if the strait is only 50 kilometers long. They cannot attack the southern cities, and our frontline fortresses are under pressure It will still be very large, which will hinder the implementation of the overall offensive plan.”

“On the contrary, I don’t think it’s a bad thing if China can take the lead in attacking the south, then even if the European and American regions are struggling to retaliate in the end, they will be the first to pour to the Huaxia region, then we can win more northern and Cities in the west, and due to the geographical constraints of the Asian region, we should be able to control a small half of the European and American regions in the end, and the rest will be divided between Asia and China.”

Dark Fog analyzed.

“Well, this seems to be good. It is true that what they do will attract hatred and consume most of their combat power. The subsequent competition will be beneficial to us.” The president of the Egyptian district.

“However, I’m still a little upset about helping China so indirectly, even though they helped us a lot on Earth before.” said the president of the Congo District.

“Don’t be so stingy, just take it as a thank you from the previous earth, let them get more resources from the southern cities, and let us take the northern and western ones ourselves. Anyway, our fleet is just a diversion, and we don’t If there will be any loss, of course, if the European and American regions focus on defending the Chinese fleet, we can also take the opportunity to launch an attack quickly.” The president of the Libyan region.

“Well, then let the European and American South China Sea continue to maintain this, and we will devote more energy to the Gibraltar Fortress.”


“Agree to…”

The African region temporarily gave up its offensive plan for the southern part of the European and American regions, and turned to contain the navy of the European and American regions to help China strive for more benefits.

Of course, the ultimate goal is for themselves. If Huaxia can attack the southern part of the European and American regions, the European and American regions will definitely divide their troops to defend, otherwise Huaxia can directly penetrate Europe and the United States from the southern region. Then once the European and American regions divide their troops, the defense of the three major fortresses will also be weakened. This is an opportunity for the three major regions to attack frontally.

As for the offensive pressure that the Huaxia district bears, it will become the most serious side. At the same time, the desperate revenge of the European and American districts will definitely pour out like the Huaxia district.

Even if it wasn’t for Huaxia and Jingjing, they wouldn’t be in such a miserable situation now!

According to the development of this script, the African region, which will not be targeted and has a good offensive position, will be the party with greater profits and less losses in the end. Anyway, the price to pay is just to contain it, and it will not cause any loss, so why not do it?

June 5, 2222.

The battle of the three fortresses is still going on, and the strategy adopted by the three parties is to consume slowly, looking for the weak points of the three fortresses. They were not in a hurry, and slowly consumed with the strategy of whoever is anxious first and who is an idiot. Whoever strikes first will definitely provoke more defensive forces in the European and American regions.

They are not fools, and no one would take the initiative to do that and make wedding dresses for others.

They are all waiting, not only Huaxia, but also the other two regions. That is Huaxia’s attack on the southern cities of Europe and America. It is the time for them to start a stronger attack.

However, Huaxia, which has only gained control of Iceland for two days, is obviously not ready to attack so quickly.

So, what was supposed to be a fierce three-party attack has now been postponed strangely. Even the attacks on the three major fortresses seem to be perfunctory.

Only those who really understand the situation know that Europe and the United States are in a panic, anxious, and even helpless. But there is no way, what they have to face is the three major districts, this is not an easy task, it is equivalent to surviving in a desperate situation!

Player territory.

Wan Lu.

The NPCs here are as leisurely as ever.

Because they don’t need to worry about the player’s war hitting them here, so there is no risk of moving at any time. Although the system will absolutely guarantee their safety, the feeling of sleeping on the street without their home is okay at all. uncomfortable.

All the credit for this can be attributed to their lord who doesn’t show up very much.

“I said, are you idle or do you like me? Or are you an idiot who doesn’t know that getting involved with me is dangerous?” Lan Feng looked at the beautiful little loli beside her speechlessly.

The confused cat ran over again, as for why…

Because Lan Feng couldn’t remember how many times this was, anyway, the number of times the confused cat came to his territory should be second only to You and Half a Cup of Black Tea. You have nothing to do, half a cup of black tea wants Lan Feng to teach her fighting or killing skills, but you are a confused cat.

That is to say, you don’t ask for anything, anyway, you come to visit like an ordinary friend.

Today, I happened to accompany Lan Feng to Yuhu Lake to fish. The current Yuhu Lake should also be called Lianhua Lake. The coverage rate of lotus has already reached one-third. The lotus is blooming, the fresh fragrance and the beautiful environment are also a good scenic spot in Wanlu Town.

Even Lanfeng has asked people to build a wooden pavilion here, where you can drink tea and read books when you are not fishing, it is a very leisurely place.

“What’s the matter, anyway, the lone army has been driven away by you…”

“Wow, another fish is hooked, I’ll pull it!”


Another big fish was caught, the confused cat is lucky, but someone…

It doesn’t seem to be very prosperous, there are only a few small fish.

“I really admire you, a person with a country like you, who can still relax in my territory with peace of mind.” Lan Feng propped his head on his hands, and looked at the fishing buoy tiltedly.

“You told me not to participate in the war, right?” the confused cat asked back.

“Yes, it’s all my fault.” Lan Feng said.

It seems that there is no way to refute it. It is true that he did not let them participate in the battle.

“By the way, Sister Rose is already with Brother Hailang.” The confused cat said suddenly.

“Oh.” Lan Feng responded boringly.

Indicates no interest.

Rose’s older sister found a boyfriend, which is not something worth caring about. Besides, Hailang is not bad, and his strength is also very strong, but he seems too weak compared to people like Lan Feng.

“You really don’t feel it?” The confused cat was surprised.

She thought that Lan Feng should have something, such as “slightly stunned”, “briefly stunned”, or something wrong with his tone, or complicated expression.

But now it seems…

I can’t even divert his slightly irritated attention from fishing or not. It is true that fishing is not as good as confused cats, which makes Lan Feng a little annoyed now. How come his fishing skills have not improved at all?

“What kind of reaction do you want? You are looking for a boyfriend, getting married, etc., and you still think I can’t give you a gift?” Lan Feng was speechless, feeling that she was here to cheat the gift.

“What, you really don’t care about Sister Rose at all?” The confused cat pouted slightly, feeling as if she had failed.

“I care more about my fishing skills, am I really so talented?” Lan Feng was annoyed.

At most, he only cares about the safety of Bing Meigui and whether someone bullies her, the rest is none of his business, and he doesn’t like Bing Meigui.

“Yes, please don’t doubt your bad skills.” The confused cat said seriously.

“Say again that you’re out of lunch.” Lan Feng said.

“Says like you’re really going to chase me away.” Confused cat.

“Okay, up to you.”

Lan Feng’s temper has almost been figured out.




PS: Thank you “shizukuio_雫” for the reward of 300 oceans, so I added a new chapter late at night, and I also like the anime “The Strange Classmate at the Next Table”.

It’s been a long time since I took the initiative to speak. Is there anyone to discuss the plot? Recently, the plot happened to be very intense. You can leave a message in the major APPs at any time.

The group number… I can’t remember it, I’ll check it out later.


It is 162147903.

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