VRMMO: Passing of the Sword Chapter 1016: Use?

“Now we in Huaxia, I guess you are the most likely to ask him for help. Chunyujing is in a cold war with him for the time being, and Xiao Xue doesn’t dare to see Lan Feng at all. As for those of us who are full of war breath If more men go there, it is probably useless to talk about the war, so it is only possible for you to go.” The low-key great man was still lying on the table.

“Can I ask him for help? Not to mention that I don’t spend much time with him, basically like a stranger. Didn’t he himself declare that he would not participate in the national war?” Confidence.

“Is there any gossip to listen to?” Xingyun Longbow became interested.

“It’s indeed gossip, but the big beauty of black tea doesn’t seem to be aware of it.” The low-key great man said.

“Are you aware?” Half a cup of black tea was even more puzzled.

Although he also knew that Lan Feng was not a ruthless person, he shouldn’t just help her for no reason.

“You should have guessed it yourself, why did he give you the guild building order in the auction house back then.” A low-key great man.

“Yeah.” Half a cup of black tea nodded.

“As far as I know, he joined your team for leveling. When he first entered the game, he was a very harmonious small group. Do you know why he joined? It was really because he thought it was fun , Bored, want to join a small team and try?” asked the low-key great man.

“Is there any other reason?” Half a cup of black tea asked.

“He will not do meaningless things unless he is really playful. The reason why he joined your team to do tasks is actually very simple. Because he has been alone for too long and wants to experience some small The feeling of the team, you should know that the Sword of Hope is actually just a small group of a few people.”

“In reality, counting from the time when Rose passed away, he had actually lived alone for three years when he entered the game. For an extremely profound person, it was undoubtedly a kind of torment, and even at that time he was under a lot of psychological pressure.”

“So you should be able to understand why you joined your original team?”

Jing Jing gave a short explanation with a smile.

“Did he… come here to find some psychological comfort?” Half a cup of black tea was a little uncertain, but it seemed like this.

In the end, it is this fact.

Because she knows, she has felt it.

At that time, Lan Feng really wanted to join the team. In fact, he really liked the feeling of the team, but deep down he resisted their group of “strangers”. So from the beginning to the end, Lan Feng has been giving half a cup of black tea a sense of loneliness and decline, the helpless feeling of wanting to join but not being able to join.

In the end, Lan Feng’s departure was actually just to force himself not to fall into it, not to fall into that “false” small group.

Because that is not his sword of hope.

So in the end, in order not to leave too many fetters, it can only be after experiencing the feeling of a small group again.

Leave silently…

“He is indeed what you think, he is just that kind of guy, things like emotions are easily engraved deep in the hearts of human beings, and when he just entered the game, he guaranteed that the mentality of playing will enter it , It’s hard to see many friends you just met in the game go together, but when you can only be alone, it’s easy to breed a lot of related emotions.”

“At that time, I happened to meet you guys, so he only needs to have a suitable small reason, and he will choose to join.”

“At the same time, if the atmosphere of the small team is good enough, it will be easier to resonate in his heart, and it will be easier to leave a deep impression on him. Your gang order is the best proof.”

Looking at the explanation quietly, she knows Lan Feng very well, so she can naturally know the reason of all this.

As for Lan Feng, it is indeed because of all these that he will help half a cup of black tea at certain times.

“Goddess Jing, if you put it that way, wouldn’t it be possible that any small team that met him at that time would have made him feel this way? Wouldn’t that be a big profit?” Wanli Wuyun said in surprise.

“Really, as long as the conditions are right, then there is such a possibility.” Jing Jing said with a smile.

“However, it depends on the face. You can see that the big beauty of black tea has an advantage. An ugly man like you is still an uncle, so don’t increase your sense of substitution.” The low-key great man is ruthless Tucao to.

“You’re so wretched, do you want to fight?” There is no cloud in the sky.

These two are also the type that often pinch each other, to be precise…

Actually, these two guys can pick each other up with anyone. When they are together, they are basically like a combination of a low-key giant and shit, I’m so handsome.

“Ignore them, talk to you more, so as to increase the success rate. After all, it involves many players’ survival value and border defense issues.” Jing Jing said.

Whatever those two guys started pinching each other.

“You can contact those people in your team now to see if he has met them after the tournament. If I’m not wrong, he must have met them by chance or something. , I went to look for it secretly, but the end result must be that they started to alienate him.”

“After all, the difference in status is too great. It is normal for them to be unacceptable, and it has been a long time. It is an important thing for him, but for them, it is Different.”

“If one of them, or all of them choose to alienate him, then he will no longer be able to control them too much. At most, he will leave something that allows them to protect themselves. It is a farewell gift.”

The guesses made by watching quietly are not wrong.

Lan Feng, indeed, found Xiao Xiaowen and the others on the night when the tournament ended. In the end, after saving them, he discovered their sense of estrangement, and left something about the Sword Death Guild, which can guarantee their existence in danger and obtain certain protection.

“They did tell me that Lan Feng went to save them who were almost killed by Kusha mercenaries on the night when the tournament ended.” Half a cup of black tea nodded slightly.

This matter is also very important, so Xiao Xiaowen and the others told the half cup of black tea, but now the half cup of black tea feels a little fearful, afraid of watching quietly.


“Tsk, Chunyujing, can you stop being so scary, okay? I can speculate with such high accuracy. I feel like you will know everything about theft if you do it in the future.” Xingyun Longbow was extremely upset said, even feeling a little shuddering.

“Unfortunately, she already knows your character very well, so it’s better to be honest.” Han Tan said indifferently.

“Cut.” Nebula bowed his head.

Looking quietly at their conversation, she still smiled.

“So, Hongcha, you still have the possibility to maintain a good relationship with him. Although he will not let him regard you as a companion, but the person who can leave a deep impression on him at the beginning is probably only you. Because you don’t care about his identity.”

“For that guy, even if you are going to trouble him now, at most it is just a few impatient words of duplicity, but when you are about to leave disappointed, you will definitely help you. Maybe there is something more direct Maybe, if he’s bored enough, it’s time for him to find something to do.”

“Actually, he doesn’t like to be alone at all. If there is a suitable person to find him, he might be happy.”

Looked quietly and said with a smile.

“But if I go to him now, he will just drive me away impatiently.” Jing Jing sighed pretending to be sad at the end.

Half a cup of black tea pondered for a long time.


“Then… I’ll try it, if that’s the case.” Half a cup of black tea finally decided to go.

She is a gentle person with a big sister, and she really wants to help people like Lan Feng. But she was helpless, and Lan Feng himself refused it, just when the martial arts tournament started…

Even at that time, Lan Feng took the initiative to express the true thoughts in his heart before half a cup of black tea.

Now, after watching quietly and talking about it, maybe she still has the possibility to help Lan Feng get rid of loneliness, even if the possibility is small.

And they also need Lan Feng’s help now, even now she doesn’t have much idea of ​​asking for his help.

Of course, it really depends on the person, not everyone can make half a cup of black tea have such an idea. As the low-key great man said just now, not everyone can make Lan Feng feel the existence of the special feeling of the team, and even made a counterexample with Wanli Wuyun.

But they also happen to be mutual, don’t they?

“Then you’d better go to his territory Wanlu now, time is tight.” Jing Jing said.

“Yeah.” Half a cup of black tea got up.

“Then I’ll go first. If you still need help from my guild in the future discussion results, just contact me directly.” Half a cup of black tea said.

“The beauty of black tea, go and bring us a good guy.” Wanli Wuyun said.

“I know you’re single, but if you’re so enthusiastic, even the big beauty of black tea would look down on you.” The low-key great man complained mercilessly again.

“Could it be that you are so wretched?” Wanli Wuyun became angry instantly.

“Sorry, I have a wife.” The low-key great man smiled wretchedly.

“I TM…”

If it weren’t for the meeting table, Wanli Wuyun would rush over and beat someone up!

“But having said that, Chun Yujing, is it really okay for you to use your emotions to drive black tea to get close to Lan Feng? Although she is only a few years old now, it is still dangerous to have a relationship with him after all.” A low-key great man Said.

“Onlookers are clear, it is true that Chun Yujing was suspected of using her just now, what kind of medicine are you selling in this gourd, didn’t you just get him out of the national war? Now you want to pull him back?” Xingyun Longbow asked.

Although he doesn’t like Lan Feng, he has to admit Lan Feng’s strength.

“Did I use her? Emotions belong to me, after all, isn’t she willing?” Jing Jing said with a smile.

Inexplicably, it once again gave everyone a strange feeling.

“Also, have you guys made a mistake? What I want is to let him let go of the sins that are heavy in his heart, discard the suffocating guilt that he is carrying, and make him feel more relaxed. It’s not about keeping him away from the national war.”

“In the final analysis, what he desires in his heart is still that the national war can be resolved in a more peaceful way, and what I’m doing now is just to let him not have too much trouble without any other psychological burden. Under pressure, just return to the national war.”

“It is logical to help him realize a dream in the game now, and half a cup of black tea can be a key part of it, and it is more possible to get in touch with him smoothly.”

Jing Jing watched and smiled, but behind this seemingly gentle smile, the several presidents present seemed to feel the creepy other side of Jing Jing watching.

“You still feel so scary.” Han Tan

“That’s why I’m annoying you. It was the same with the last siege of Monello City. In the end, you used it to take the initiative to attack. I only paid hundreds of thousands of people.” Xingyun Longbow.

“Cough…Since you are like this, you should protect her more secretly, otherwise your fiancé will find out and you will fall out again.” The low-key great man smoothed things over.

“Of course I know, I won’t put her in danger.” Look quietly.

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