Virtual World: The Legendary Thief: The power of strong attack

) “Hoo ~!”

The movement is very neat, all the wolf cavalry are leaning against the wall, and the saber is pulled out, and it is a slash against the wall!

In the sound of “Zheng Zheng”, the wall of Lingtong City was almost completely shaken under such an attack. The players in the city were all in fear, and they could n’t figure out what the following is. What arms can give the city walls such a strong damage!

“His mother, all the archers hit me, punch through this layer of knight’s iron plate!” hysterical shouting of the French player commander of Lingtong City shouted.

I took a step forward and cut a fierce sword on the wall, but only left a white trace, but the heavy sabers of the wolf cavalry are different. The saber seems to have some energy. Every time you cut down, you can make the bricks piled up in the wall torn apart, and go down one knife at a time until you have cut a large recessed gap.

Looking up, you can even feel that the entire city wall has begun to tilt slightly!

“簌簌 ~! 簌簌 ~!”

Arrows rain down the city, and the knights and wolf cavalry below are immediately beaten.

Ayue in the distance hurriedly said: “Salvo! Cover!”

As a result, the archer of Lilac can still shoot in the future, and the sky has gradually darkened. The square array of archers arranged on the open ground in the city is another powerful launch!

“Pappa ~!”

The fast-paced arrows hit a row of lilac archers powerfully, and a vacuum zone was formed there in an instant. How can an archer with little blood be able to withstand such a strong rain of arrows? baptism.

Ayue and Ye Qiu were both anxious. Ye Qiu then opened the magic shield to rush up, and I immediately shouted, “Do n’t come! Find death! You are the soul, you **** **** can’t die, understand?” “

Ye Qiu gritted his teeth tightly and stood there bitterly. Ayue ordered to the cavalry phalanx of Lilac behind him: “All ready! Go to the reinforcements brother!”

The sound of horseshoes suddenly sounded, and the elite cavalry of Lilac passed the vacuum zone formed by the archer ’s phalanx just now, and then joined together with the cavalry, but it is obvious that this force is still not enough to confront the French players in the city. After all, Lingtong City, as a first-class main city, cannot be managed by the two guilds with Lilac.

In the city, a French player nervously watched the fierce offensive of the Silvermoon City troops below. He said with a trembling voice: “Deco Guild Master, are we going to request reinforcements from fellow defenders in the East …”

The boss named Deco took off his helmet and said with hate: “Damn! Not for the time being. According to our information, the two strongest guilds in China, the sword and the rose and the paradise lost are all Had entrenched in the East Gate, once we relax our vigilance there, they will be rushed into Lingtong City, and we will lose our homes, do you understand? “

“Yes, Guild Master, your knowledge is as far away as bright …”


The players under the city began to exercise. Ye Qiu commanded loudly: “Left of the first branch, right of the second branch, swordsman in front, master in the back, all connected to me, and the catapult, all launched, The ladder is also on the shelf, all attack me! The third branch, the fourth branch, prepare for battle! Notify the boss of the **** sky, the wolf knight plans to succeed, ready to charge! “

I am slightly surprised. Is Ye Qiu so sure about the strength of the Wolf Cavalry?

Soon, the shadow of the dark forest in the back was sullen. Large players of Silver Moon City rushed out of the forest. The front is the cavalry of the **** sky, followed by the swordsman of the **** sky. Occupations such as mage and so on, almost all players in the entire forest, the five branches of the **** sky surge like a surge, nearly 100,000 players almost covered half of the plain!

Seeing this scene, Deco Guild Master in the city was furious and patted on his legs: “Cunning Chinese! They actually hide such a powerful strength in the dark plain!”

Another boss of the guild asked: “What should I do, then immediately request reinforcements from the East?”

“It’s too late! These **** Chinese people don’t know what siege weapons are used to destroy our walls, no more! Quickly notify the cavalry assembled in the city square to prepare to charge, and it’s time to play for the kingdom!”


“Booming ~!”

Several dozens of cloud ladders drove to the edge of the wall under the ejection of the siege machine. The soldier who had been holding the top of the cloud ladder was immediately bombed in. The pot suddenly exploded above the wall, and the swordsman entered the mage and archer ‘S close-up is almost like a tiger entering the flock. The big swords are flying around. The laser sword of the four-turn player can sweep down a row of archers in the city. At this time, my little wolf 001 is still fighting. I do n’t know how many people have been killed. I only saw that my national battle points are rising!

In the city, the Guild Master named Deco pulled out his long sword and shouted loudly: “Offense! Not for glory, but for dignity and companions!”

Suddenly, a large number of French swordsmen swarmed into the city, and the light of combos and blows shone everywhere. The number of them was so large that the successful swordsmen who made their way to Silvermoon City could not contend.

Ye Qiu waved his staff and shouted: “Give me! Don’t let the ladder go idle, and fight for more time for our wolf cavalry brothers!”

Thinking of this, I immediately dismounted and gave Tianma a command: “Go, Xiaobai, kill all enemies!”

Tianma immediately hissed and started sweeping the French players above with a lightning chain, and I went straight to the ladder.

At night, half of the sky was illuminated by a blaze of fire on the city wall. The artifact Feiyu Sword in my hand was even more shining, and several French players above immediately panicked: “God! Do n’t let this person come up, Push me down the ladder! “

Unfortunately, it ’s too late. My movement speed is far beyond their imagination. When a knight ’s big sword approached the ladder, I quickly jumped onto the city wall. The Feiyu sword shone coldly. The sword with his arm was unloaded, he screamed, and I kicked him off with a kick, and the national war score rose again by 100 points.

The city walls are in chaos, arrows and rain are flying, fireballs are roaring past, large stones hit the city bricks violently, collide with splashes of sparks, frost magic bursts around, attacking The lilac players who came with me on the wall, around everyone, did not know which side of the wind blade was raging everywhere, and the pain of cutting the skin was almost irritating to everyone.

Under the city, a dozen or so catapults that had just been set up began to operate. In the whispering wind, huge stones roared over our heads and fell into the city of Lingtong City. A large group of ready-to-go cavalry immediately After being smashed with blood, the leader’s knight player immediately calmly shouted to the panicked cavalry behind him: “! (Stay in place)”

The team calmed down immediately, but the second stone fell and dozens of cavalrymen hung under the rolling rolling stone.


After flying Feiyu sword and killing two players who tried to approach me, nearly ten archers released panic arrows to me in panic. The white feathers fluttered on my chest, but unfortunately their attack power was not What caused damage to me, I immediately stepped forward with a smile, brushing a few swords, chopping melons and vegetables to cut them all off, at this time I am not fighting alone, there are still brothers with Lilac around me, so I am also confident It’s a lot.

“Boom ~!”

The dull noise came, and then the city bricks stepping on my feet seemed to shake like an earthquake. Ye Qiu was happy in the distance from the distance: “It will be successful soon! Everyone will stick to it for a while, this side Once the wall is down, we can attack with all our strength! “

At this time, the troops of the Scarlet Sky have already been killed, and they are waiting for the battle of the plains after the city walls collapse.

Unsteady feet, far away, the French player panicked and asked: “What should I do? Hurry and ask for support, otherwise we will lose the first time here!”

Deco seems to have made a big decision and nodded painfully: “Go to the Second Cavalry Regiment of the Kingdom and you can’t use it anymore, otherwise their situation will be very bad!”

“But Guild Master, there is no war at the East Gate, the Chinese below do not know why, they have not been siege!”

Deco was shocked and gritted his teeth: “What are these Chinese people thinking, cunning Chinese, do they have any tricks to deal with us?”


At this moment, with a loud noise, the entire city wall lost its balance and crashed out. Ye Qiu had already foresighted the cavalry back far, but the wolf cavalry who cut the wall was not spared.

I grabbed the Lingtong City flag on the city wall and fell down with it!

The cracking sound resounded through the sky, and the whole earth trembled, and almost everyone stopped the things in their hands. Looking at the crashing wall, Lingtong City’s guard officer knelt down with a trembling voice, and said with a trembling voice: “Did the kingdom’s defense that has been in operation for many years fail?”

The rumbling horseshoes began to shake the ground, and the intact Scarlet Sky Alliance finally began to attack!

I stood up from the ruins, and at the same time, a ray of white light appeared in the rubble that formed the city wall. The 800 wolf cavalry were all tragic and hung under the wall, and no one survived!

However, their sacrifices are valuable and open the door to counterattack for the Chinese!

Then something unimaginable to all of us happened-

After the smoke dissipated, all the Silver Moon City players rushing in front were dumbfounded, and the knight in the front shouted, “Why is this, why is there a second wall!?”

In front of us is not the main road of Lingtong City, but an open area paved with flagstones.

“! There is even an inner city!” Ye Qiu couldn’t help scolding.

Blood Red stands beside Ye Qiu and asks: “What next?”

“Continue to attack and sweep all the French under the first wall!” Ye Qiu gritted his teeth.

At this time, there were rumbling horseshoes in the distance, a large area of ​​French cavalry appeared, and the cavalry of the **** sky was on top of it, and the two sides quickly fought together.

I immediately summoned Tianma and came to Ye Qiu and Ayue, saying: “The troops at Dongmen were transferred, you withstand them, I immediately went to command Dongmen to launch a strong attack!”

“Okay! Be careful!” A Yueding said.

Ye Qiu said: “After taking over this city, let’s gather together, not drunk and not return, Youlan and blood red come!”

Ayue smiled slightly and agreed, the blood red was also an undesirable appearance. Soon, the three of them joined the observation and command of the battle.

I raised my sword and drove directly to the direction of the East Gate, while sending a text message to Murong Shanshan: “Began to attack, attack!”

Murong Shanshan returned a smiley face symbol, and I have been able to see the paradise lost and the sword and rose people from a distance to start the first wave of siege! Some people are planning to hit up with a ladder.

When I came to Murong Shanshan and Xu Lin, the siege equipment refined by the sword and rose guild had stood in the crowd. As the world ’s first guild with a guild residence, the sword and rose private craftsman The production level is also far ahead, and the siege weapon damage produced is naturally second to none.

Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu were also on the side, Xin Yu smiled and asked: “How is it with the **** sky?”

I shook my head and said: “Not too optimistic. I just fell down the first city wall, but was blocked by the second city wall behind. The defense of Lingtong City is very special and has an inner city defense!”

Murong Shanshan was slightly surprised: “What shall we do?”

“We can only rely on us to attack, I hope Ye Qiu and Ayue can hold them for a while, the French cavalry ca n’t be underestimated, and the removal of a main cavalry regiment will help us a lot!”

“Well, then start attacking!”

She pulls out the psychic sword with a bang, and the divine sword shines brightly!

“Projection cars, indiscriminate attacks, directly smash their broken walls!”

The sound of Murong Shanshan is not loud, but it is extremely penetrating, and almost every player in Silver Moon City present is invigorated.

I glanced back and saw that at least hundreds of siege machines were set up between the sword and the rose, so I ordered: “All the people in front of you retreated! This useless wall directly bombarded it with siege cars. ! “

“I also mean this!” Murong Shanshan smiled lightly.

The voice was just falling, the deafening spring machine sounds one after another, and a group of flamed stones whistled past us, and many French players defending the city wall were suddenly shocked: “I rely on them! Many siege weapons! “

“Boom ~ Boom ~ Boom ~!”

The sounds of the sky shattered together. The flaming stones from the high-quality catapults hit the walls like cannonballs. The city level of Lingtong City was not high. As a result, one cannonball could hit a pit.

“Boom ~!”

A flaming stone hit the tower with precision, and crashed into the gravel. The defensive players on the wall suddenly could n’t stand it. Almost dozens of people thought that such an attack caught fire. , When the city wall fell, it was already dead.

French players have no way to take this ultra-long-range siege weapon. This weapon is so powerful that it was not used in the last few national battles. When Murong Shanshan came back, the players of sword and rose also realized that The opportunity for the city came, so he no longer had reservations and went all out to fight this national war.

Originally, French players could organize a cavalry group charge under the city to destroy these deadly catapults, but they believed too much in the defensive power of the city walls, so they forgot the essence of cavalry suitable for sports warfare.

About ten minutes later, the East Gate City Wall is already full of holes. Although the gates below are tightly closed, it is clear that players in Silver Moon City are not interested in their gates, since we have such a strong Siege weapon, then the goal is to destroy the whole wall!

Finally, when everyone is looking for something to wear, the city wall that has been crumbling for a long time crashes to the ground, and a cloud of smoke billows!

Murong Shanshan covered his mouth and said, “The smoke is so big, aren’t their walls made of stone but of mud?”

I chuckled and said loudly to the sword piggy: “Ready to charge the cavalry!”

Zhangjian Xiaozhu said with confidence: “Boss, don’t worry! The elite cavalry of 20,000 people have been waiting to be dispatched at any time!”

As soon as I finished speaking, the sound of the horseshoe shaking the earth reminded me that countless French cavalry were killed from the ruins of the wall that fell in front of me!

Without my command, the piggy has already shouted his sword and shouted, “Attack!”

The neat parade of cavalry in Paradise Lost immediately entered a state of charge, and hurriedly passed us by the wind. At the next moment, they collided with the cavalry of the other party. .

Murong Shanshan glanced back and smiled: “We should start too!”

Under the sun and the heart, after drawing a command from the spear, the elite cavalry of the sword and the rose also started to move, and the cavalry of the paradise lost their right to the French cavalry.

Murong Shanshan looked at the situation on the field and chuckled. In fact, we have now taken the absolute initiative. On the plain, the cavalry of Silvermoon City has the assistance of local players, and the French cavalry is equivalent to Fight alone.

At this moment, a rumble of horseshoes came from our right, and a scout reported that “My Day! A group of French cavalry of about 20,000 people appeared on the right ~ ~ How can we resist? ? “

I looked at the terrain and said, “The second and third points of Paradise Lost, all players are facing the right!”

After finishing, I looked at Xinyu and said, “Your 1200 four-turn archer comes in handy, come with me!”

I just finished, and someone came to report: “There are also a large number of French cavalry on our left, the number cannot be calculated!”

The bosses in the rivers and lakes and Qixia Town immediately said: “Leave it to us! Otherwise, we are simply a decoration here!”

Murong Shanshan smiled and nodded.

At this moment, a ring of system bells came from our ears-

“Ding ~!”

System reminder: The Royal Sword Guild launched a battle for the sword and rose guild resident, starting 6 hours later, please prepare for both parties!

“! These shameless things …” The young man gritted his teeth incisively.

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