Virtual World: The Legendary Thief: The loot crown

A row of archers stood outside. Each archer had lit the cotton cloth on the arrow. The king stood aside with bullfighting and ordered angrily: “Ready to shoot!”

Next to it, a bodyguard asked: “Your Majesty! Li Fei is also in the room, then Li Fei’s life will not be guaranteed!”

The king gritted his teeth and said: “In order to punish these two thieves, what if Li Fei gave her life?”

The guard stands silently and stands aside.

At this time, Li Fei, who was taking a bath in the bucket, exclaimed with tears: “Your Majesty is doing this to me?”

Murong Shanshan said: “Men are all merciless and meaningless!”

I looked back immediately, she immediately showed a charming smile, sweetly said: “Not that you, the women in the soap opera said so, I just cooperate with the situation plot ~”

I was speechless and told me, “Samsam, I ’m going out first. It would be better if I could get rid of the king. If not, you will have a life-recovery technique to come and collect my corpse, then go back to the city, understand?”

“Well, I got it!”

I looked at the concubine again. She lay desperately in the water without a word.

“Squeak ~!”

When the door was pushed open again, the king immediately showed a fierce smile: “It finally came out!”

I pulled out the Feiyu sword and slowly said, “What is going to rush me!”

After I finished, I rushed straight up. After swinging the sword to split the two archers, my body was almost inserted into a hedgehog by the bow and arrow.

The timing is just right!

I quickly activated the Zhanlong strike button, and I just felt a surging energy rushing out of my body, I had to send it!

It happened that the king also came in front of him, and he slashed my sword fiercely on my shoulder. Suddenly, my body was crushed and fell down suddenly, reaching for my left hand, holding down the sharp sword of the other side, and then , The right hand suddenly gave away!

“Pooh ~!”

Bloody of blood, flying feather sword straight into the king ’s chest, the attack effect of the dragon strike was also roared from behind the king, the dragon swept across the palace guard at the gate of the palace, and continued Caused a huge damage to the king.

Although the king ’s blood bar is empty, he actually has a lot of hidden blood. The dragon traverses the king ’s body and looks back at the impact again. Under the repeated baptism of the war dragon, several shocks almost every Each time it caused at least 100,000 points of damage to the king!

It’s so cool to watch the six-digit damage numbers keep jumping out of the king’s head!

Finally, in the last shock, the king finally howled, and fell down softly, the sword fell down, and when I let go, he fell on the ground and burst a few things. Come!

Murong Shanshan rushed out and said happily: “Successful! We finally killed the king of the main city of South Korea! Come, Lin Fan, you take the king, I will take a picture!”

I said: “Don’t you open a video when Zhanlong killed him just now?”

“Oh, that’s right, just take a screenshot! Let’s see what happened to the king!”

At this time, the king’s body has slowly disappeared, and it refreshed after a few seconds. There were a few things lying on his body, three crystals of the kind I had seen before, that is, the legendary bounty tokens, the kind that can wash the red name, and the other one is a top The look of the crown.

I quickly picked up the things. At the moment when I picked up the crown, the system bell came-

“Ding ~!”

System prompt: Your team triggered mission [Beheading Journey], do you accept it?


For no reason, I accepted it immediately, and Murong Shanshan accepted it. What surprised me at this time was that there was another reminder that the player Green Veggie Cocoa had not accepted it. Then Lu Xuehan’s voice came from the team channel: “Lin Fan ~~ Do you want to accept this mission? “

I was surprised for a moment, but I did n’t expect that Lu Xuehan, who was far away in Yinyue City, actually got this mission reminder because of the relationship within the team!

“Xuehan, accept it, there is no harm!” I said.

As a result, Lu Xuehan also accepted it, and the follow-up mission prompted immediately-

“Ding ~!”

System reminder: Your team accepted mission [Beheading Tour], mission progress (completed)!

mission content: Kill the enemy king, get the crown, and deliver the crown to the King of Silvermoon City to get a generous reward! Note: All players who receive mission must be present to get rewards!


Murong Shanshan chuckled: “Unexpectedly, there are unexpected gains ~~”

I smiled, collected the king ’s crown, and threw a bounty token to Murong Shanshan. She blinked and asked me, “What is this, and is it useful?”

“Washing the red name is very useful, please take it first! Do n’t lose it!”

At this time, violent voices came from outside, and Korean players finally found it here!

I and Murong Shanshan smiled at each other, and at the same time took out the back roll from the package and smashed it!

As a result, when a group of Koreans came here, they only saw a messy body, and two Chinese players returned to the city under their eyes.


Swipe back to Silvermoon City, and the name is even redder!

Open the map, not too far from the sword and rose station, I said in the guild channel: “The 40 brothers who just went to the city of slaughter, gathered at the place where we met!”

Then, I sent another text message to Murong Shanshan to let her pass, and Lu Xuehan was called by me.

It did n’t take long for the players of Sword and Rose and Paradise Lost 4th League to come.

Murong Shanshan looked solemn and said: “Just now the news came from Moonlight Dragon City, the four outer cities and towns were all slaughtered by South Korean sneak attack teams, and none of them remained.”

I ’m so impressed, I did n’t expect Koreans to act so fast!

As soon as Mei Mei was sighing next to me, I asked, “What does it feel like?”

He said: “It’s like a wife who just played with someone’s wife and turned back but someone else dug her ancestral grave …”


At this time, Murong Shanshan‘s expression was refreshed, and it was said with excitement: “But it doesn’t matter, we have killed the king of South Korea’s main city, it is definitely worth the fare!”

I nodded, and then whispered in the ear of Murong Shanshan: “In order to compensate for the loss of the rank and equipment of these brothers, no one subsidizes 50,000 RMB, how?”

“Well, good.”

Then, I announced the compensation measures, but I did n’t expect that, just after I finished speaking, I was met with strong opposition from Mei Mei. He raised his eyebrows and said: “Guild Master, what do you think of us? Brothers are willing to follow you The charge is only because of trusting you, and willing to breathe a breath for the Chinese! We all hang up because of our lack of ability. If you give us money now, what will we pay in South Korea? Is n’t it like doing business … “

The other players immediately showed their loyalty and refused to accept any charity under his leadership. They all expressed their true love for the nation and their loyalty to the country. Murong Shanshan and I looked at each other, forget it, it saves money!

So, I said again: “Since the brothers are so upright, then, Shan Shan and I will give you 1000 guild points, so it ’s not too much. If you go out with us, it ’s just for the sake of doing things. We will be attending, and we must reward and punish clearly. “

1000 guild points, you must kill 300 players in the hostile guild to make up, this number can be quite a lot.

A little plum pondered for a moment, and he readily said: “Guild Master is beautiful, but disrespectful.”

So, Murong Shanshan and I started to add points to the members of our respective guilds, and then Murong Shanshan announced: “It ’s not too early. Friends who want to go to work must go offline to rest, so let ’s dismiss it. Thank you all for today. Support! “

Everyone was very excited and left reluctantly. Finally, only Murong Shanshan and I, and Lu Xuehan were left.

I said: “Let ’s go, you two go to Dongmen open space High Grade me, I ’ll wash the red name, and see if I can help Shanshan wash the red name too!”

The two little beauties did not know what I meant, but both nodded in agreement.

I went on the horse and went directly to Silvermoon City. In fact, I am afraid that both of them are there. Tianma can only carry one more person. It is not good to choose which one. It seems that it should be a huge one in the future. Long’s pet, with two little beauties, embraced from left to right, envious of others ~~

At the east gate of Yinyue City, a few players who went out all night to level up immediately pointed at me in the distance and said, “Look, I rely on it. It’s Green Veggie Tofu Soup. It’s a big name. See how arrogant people are. He swaggered to the official road, and after looking at our youngest, after the red name, he only dared to hide in the old forest of the deep mountain, just like the grandson of TMD. “

“Your uncle! The youngest was not in conflict with the people in the team just to grab the MM of that video for you, or can he PK with others?”


Seeing that the guards of the Silver Moon City in front have gone back and forth, I dismounted and entered the stealth mode directly, and then carefully entered the wall to mix in. At this time, not only ca n’t see, even the players ca n’t see me. Unless it is a team, it is very difficult for someone to detect my stealth state in Silvermoon City. Of course, Ayue’s kind of sensation-enhancing elf is another matter.

I have been slyly crouching next to the palace of the Silver Moon City. In front of the gate of the imprisonment camp, I disbanded the stealth state, and the guards immediately frowned and said: “Who is this? Such a high value for sin!”

I was busy and said, “A few people, it’s me? I’ve been here last time, don’t you remember?”

The captain of the guard immediately realized: “Oh ~ it turns out to be yours! Lord Nana has ordered us not to defend you last time, so please go in!”

I nodded and walked in. Nana, the captain of the Imperial Palace Guard, was really considerate ~

Still in the office lobby, please let me know. Nana ’s beautiful figure quickly appeared in front of the door. She looked at me and was slightly surprised: “How come you have such a high anger … … “

I said: “No way, there are too many gangsters! Nana, this time I brought a bounty token, can you help me eliminate these anger?”

As I said, I took out the bounty token from my arms, and Nana immediately smiled happily, saying: “Of course! Bounty tokens are extremely valuable. With this thing, your majesty can reward those who wandering outside Lunatics, those martial arts gangsters really give His Majesty a headache ~ “

Nana took the bounty token from my hand, and then pressed it with one hand on my chest, and suddenly a cyan brilliance leaked into the armor, and my name was quickly washed away!

“Ding ~!”

System tips: lose bounty tokens, gain 20 billion experience, get 40,000 gold coins, and gain +25000 reputation.


The experience bar has risen a little bit, although it is not much, but the upgrade speed is much faster than the leveling outside. I ca n’t help thinking, if every time the city can get a bounty token, actually go to slaughter people The king of the king city is also a very good upgrade path, although the risk is also quite high.

Nana’s flirtatious hair curled up and asked, “Is there anything else?”

I am a little bit difficult to say, but after a while I said: “That … Nana, I have a friend who also owns a bounty token, but she thought it was too aggressive so she was blocked from outside the city. , You know, the guards of Silvermoon City will not allow people with such high crimes to enter the city. See, can you follow me out of the city to receive the bounty order? “

Nana could n’t help but smile, and said with a smile: “Of course I can ~ I happen to be free now, so let ’s go!”


At this time I was no longer a red name, so I swaggered out of the palace and walked to the east along the main avenue of the city at the east gate. Nana walked sideways with me with a smile, narrating the recent surroundings of Silver Moon City The situation: “The recent undead natural disasters seem to have begun to dormant. They haven’t actively attacked our towns for a long time, but His Majesty is still very worried. He feels that this is another catastrophic war brewing in undead.”

I said: “In the afternoon, my companions and I entered the contested territory in the passage after Silvermoon Valley, and killed the guardian Frost Magic Dragon sent by undead there!”

Nana stopped immediately and looked at me in surprise: “Oh my god, you would n’t really kill the terrible existence of the Frost Dragon? We sent a dozen dragon knights in casualties. It hasn’t been able to kill it under the severe circumstances! “

I took out the Scourge Token from the package and said, “Well, this is the treasure that fell from the Frost Dragon!”

Nana took the token, stretched her white fingers to touch it gently, bit her lip, and said after a while: “This is true … I really do n’t know how to thank you … True Yes, the Human Alliance has not been able to launch an active offensive against undead, because this magic dragon trapped the road leading to the undead fortress. Now that you have eradicated it, it is really helping the Human Alliance to open the channel to clear undead! “

Nana was very excited: “Oh, that’s great! I’ll go back and inform my Majesty the King soon, our Silver Moon Alliance should have united the City of Life, Moonlight Dragon City and Shuijian City to deal with the undead Scourge It’s broken! “

Then return the token to me and say: “This token is very valuable. Keep it well, it will be very useful in the future! Great, I did n’t expect you to actually kill the Frost Dragon ~~ “

Nana almost jumped up happily, her beautiful long hair fluttering in the wind, and her job title and name were displayed above her head-Nana, the leader of the Imperial Guard of the Silver Moon Kingdom …

Aside, the player immediately pointed at us and said, “I fucking! Look, the 145-level player is with a player ~~ How is it possible, the player can take such a beautiful shopping street, yes Isn’t the system now opening the employment system business? “

Someone immediately retorted: “Are you stupid? Look, that is the highest-ranking officer in Silvermoon City! Do you TMD hire one to show this to Lao Tzu?”


Listening to the pictures of people around me, I felt a little uncomfortable immediately, and felt like I was taking a rare giant panda to the street, rather than a very beautiful beauty.

Fortunately, Nana just glanced at the people around her and suddenly pulled out her sword. I was shocked. Who knew Nana chuckled, but she raised her sword to pay tribute to the team of guards, then The movement of the team guards was even more exaggerated. They even gave Nana a half-kneeling ceremony, but I was really refreshed by the side. These guards were usually proud of their strength, and now they are kneeling!

“Adult! The patrol squad will report to you at No. 9527!” The leading guard word sounded loudly.

Nana nodded her head gently: “You don’t have to be polite, let’s go!”

“Yes, Master!”

As I watched the patrol squad continue to go further, I could n’t help but laugh and said, “Nana, are these your subordinates?”

Nana smiled and said with a smile: “Yes, in the Silver Moon City, except for the three main battle legions stationed outside, the rest of the army must obey me!”

I was a little shocked ~ ~ I did n’t expect that the beauty beside me was really a powerful military officer who had military power!

At this time, we have come to the East Gate Square of Yinyue City, no doubt. Nana’s tour made more players stunned and talked about each other, and the guards standing on both sides of the road knelt down when we arrived. It was awesome!

Come outside the city and find two little beauties under the poplar tree. Murong Shanshan saw Nana beside me and immediately raised her eyebrows: “Lin Fan, who is she?”

I suddenly remembered that I was working with Lu Xuehan and Xinyu when I was doing mission. Murong Shanshan did n’t know Nana, so I had a good explanation and the little girl was relieved and said, “So, what purpose do you bring her over? ? “

I said: “Idiot, give her your bounty token to help you wash the red name!”

Murong Shanshan immediately rejoiced, quickly took out the bounty token from the package and gave it to Nana, and cried sweetly: “Sister, then please please ~”

NND, when there is a good thing, the Murong Shanshan‘s cry can be so sweet …

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