Virtual World: The Legendary Thief: The desire of the sky

Returning to the company, I was surprised to find that Xu Lin, Murong Shanshan, Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan did not go to dinner. Instead, they stood in the lobby of the office building. Fengshen and Bingshen were also there with some security guards.

Entering the door, I lost my smile and said: “Why don’t you go to dinner?”

Xin Yu came over and said angrily: “How come we can rest assured that you are not coming back. This time you are too careless and dare to go out alone. Are you not afraid of getting caught in Xu Fei’s trap?”

“Relax, I have my own measure, let alone, in broad daylight, are you still afraid that Xu Fei will not succeed?”

Xin Yu pouted and said, “How do you know he won’t? Many times, you made Xu Fei so ugly. How much did he hate you? It’s so rare that you don’t know? By the way, Ayun told you a little bit. What? “

I glanced at Xu Lin and Murong Shanshan and said, “Why not go to dinner first, let ’s talk while we eat, how?”

Xu Lin smiled and said: “I think so too, let’s go, I have already greeted the cafeteria, as soon as we arrive, the dishes can be served.”

Everyone sat down in the cafeteria, Xu Lin asked anxiously: “Now I can say, what did A Yun say, and did not mention the thing that came back?”

I glanced at Lu Xuehan and said, “This time, Xu Fei will start against us again, but the goal is not me, but Xuehan?”


Xu Lin was shocked and asked, “What does he want, don’t you think there is no king in this world?”

Xin Yu chuckled: “In Xu Fei’s heart, Wang Fa was the one he set. Whoever has the big fist and who has the final say.”

Murong Shanshan smiled beside him: “Is Xu Fei’s fist big? I can’t see it!”

“He doesn’t have much to do with our fists. The point is, we don’t know what Xu Fei wants to do now, so there is no way to prevent it.” I took a sip of annoyance and watched the landing Xue Han felt powerless.

Xu Lin asked: “Don’t Yun say all of Xu Fei’s plans?”

I smiled: “Do you think that with Liu Yun’s status next to Xu Fei today, is she eligible to know Xu Fei’s plan? However, she revealed that Xu Fei seems to want to use Xue Han’s family as a breakthrough.”

Lu Xuehan wondered: “My family?!”

“Yes, your family, Xu Fei intends to use them as a breakthrough, and he doesn’t know what idea he played.”

In the impression, Lu Xuehan mentioned to me last time that her family is not much. A father, an elder brother, and a lewd stepmother have already gotten in touch with the younger elder brother.

Xin Yu asked: “What is the purpose of Xu Fei this time?”

“Yeah, what does he want from Xuehan?” Murong Shanshan also asked this question.

I thought about it and said, “Xu Fei is tired of playing Liu Yun, and Wu Jia and Wang Xiang ran away again, so he wants to find the next target, which happens to be our beautiful Xue Han beauty. , Won the prize. There is a possibility that Xu Fei wanted to take the opportunity to hit us, which was regarded as revenge for the last time I filmed his erotica. “

Fruit blinked and said, “You mean, Xu Fei is tired of playing Ayun, and now want to try our Xuehan?”

I protect Lu Xuehan with one hand, and cut the railroad: “Nonsense, of course not to give, go to Xu Fei, I am not so generous!”

Lu Xuehan’s pretty blush, she smiled and said nothing.

Xu Lin could n’t help but smiled and said, “Okay, okay, everyone knows that you do n’t want Xuehan, I think the most important thing for us now is how to take measures against this matter, after all, the relationship To Xuehan’s safety. Lin Fan, what do you think should be done? “

I thought for a while and said, “There is no good way. Xu Fei ’s trick is nothing more than spending money on the target or people around the target. I think, if you do n’t leave the ten, you will buy it with heavy money. Xuehan’s dad or brother, as for the next step, we can only see the tricks. Anyway, Xuehan doesn’t go out often. I’ll accompany him when I go out. As for the company, if you don’t worry, Shanshan and Xuehan Hiding a room? “

Why did n’t I and Xuehan live in a room? “Xin Yu is a little dissatisfied.

“People can’t even beat the mad sword, you can’t …”


Lu Xuehan said at this moment: “You can rest assured that I am such a big person and I can take care of myself. Lin Fan, will you go online or do mission later?”

“Yes, that mission is only one point behind the progress, what’s wrong, are you okay?”

Lu Xuehan shook his head and said with a smile: “It’s okay, I just think you have done this mission for too long, which is not like your usual style.”

I was helpless and said: “A group of elite monsters of level 85, do you think I do n’t want to make a quick decision? Besides, I am the only one who has not been beaten back to the city by those blame. Thank God.”

“When will this mission be completed?”

Thinking about it, I have already killed the elite monsters on the sixth floor almost in the afternoon, only the last few and the rest are left. If there is no accident, the time tonight is enough to clean up the sixth floor. As for The seventh floor should not take too long. After all, the seventh floor is stationed at the highest level of the Lost Temple. undead focuses on the mentor Russ. If facing him face-to-face, I have only two options. One is to kill quickly. To kill him, the second is to be quickly killed by him.

I said: “If it is mission, it should be completed before tomorrow night. I’m about to kill the last layer.”

“What is the last layer?” Murong Shanshan asked in surprise. After receiving my affirmative answer, she said in dismay: “I thought I would be able to share a slice of it with you in the past, but I didn’t expect you to really fall Marry. “

I laughed: “Okay, if you want to visit the Temple of Lost, no one will stop you, but the first five floors have already been hung up, basically there is nothing good, if you kill For the second time, they should laugh when they can produce a purple outfit. By the way, Shanshan, you have been mixing on Yinyue Mountain in the past two days, did you get any outfit? “

“No …” Murong Shanshan shook her head gently. After a few seconds, she seemed to remember something, saying: “When upgrading the guild tier 4 city, I received extra rewards, only for the city owner.”

I am busy asking: “What did you reward?”

“An orange staff used at level 68!” Murong Shanshan looked at me and said, “However, I have given that staff with good attributes to the young frenzy as a reward for his management of the guild. The price of that staff is at least over 2 million. Do you think I did it right? “

I nodded and said: “It’s not bad to do it. The young frivolous boy has great management skills and affinity. Such a talent can spend 2 million yuan to let him work hard for you. You are making a lot of money!”

Murong Shanshan smiled sweetly and said, “I think so too!”

“Then let ’s eat, tomorrow, if I finish mission, let’s go to Yinyue Mountain to see the scenery together. Let’s go together too, let me see the power of the spirit sword!”



After eating, I went back to my room and clamored next door. That was Murong Shanshan. I moved to live with Lu Xuehan temporarily according to my wishes. So far, this test is too big, known as the most beautiful two in the Silver Moon City. A little MM lives next door to me, it’s hard to think about it.

Entering the game, I still appear in the hall on the sixth floor, not far away, three demonized silver warriors are wandering there blankly. They must have been Amy ’s father ’s cronies before they were born, and were pulled by the undead dedicated mentor Sri Lanka invaded the soul with the power of undead to be demonized.

The red leaves were summoned, and it took nearly twenty minutes to kill three demonized silver warriors. I also formally faced the end of this layer, the tall general in the dark cloak who was always playing cool back to me Looks like people.

When I stepped forward, the system immediately heard a ringtone when I got close-

“Ding ~!”

System prompt: You triggered the follow-up plot of mission [Muttering Song]!


I was wondering. At this moment, when I turned around, I was taken aback. Not only was his cloak black, but also his armor was black. A giant sword with a purple light flashed He held it in his hand, and he didn’t feel big at all. You should know that, according to a rough visual inspection, the sword was almost as long as my height.

What ’s more exaggerated is that this is not as unrecognizable as the silver warriors. Even, this face is only covered with black gas, with a clear outline, thick eyebrows, and a burst of eyes. The fierce and evil looks owe me. He looks like a lot of money. At the same time, on the top of his head, it gradually showed the name-“The Desire of the Sky”!

It’s strange, how can a name be so strange, actually called the desire of the sky, I know the lust, but it is the first time the desire of the sky has been heard.

“Stranger, what are you here for, wealth or death?”

After speaking, he stood there and gave a burst of laughter.

I do n’t have much to say to him. The blood-red sword attacked decisively, and the cyan light was included in the critical attack skills. Finally, there was another dragon attack!

“Slap ~!”

The black armor of the blood red sword drew a dazzling spark. The piercing sound made people feel very uncomfortable. Then, I immediately felt a huge rebound force on the big sword in my hand, and a backup of “Dang ~” After returning, the resulting damage was also greatly discounted due to the failure to break the opponent’s defensive effect. Only a heavy blow with the dragon energy effect only knocked out more than 1200 points of his blood.

“Haha, are you the only one who can bear this?”

This is very intelligent, and will actually use real “sneering” skills. If it is replaced by a brainless person here, maybe the trembling is already rushing to death.

I am not, and this did not give me a chance to fight back. During his speech, his figure moved quickly and even ran past me. That giant sword also left a big one on my chest. The wound, even the orange armor has produced a huge crack, the area of ​​the injury is too large, and the automatic repair function can no longer keep up.

*, the sword in this hand is definitely beyond the orange rank, it should be a magic weapon, maybe it will be an artifact! No … The minimum required level of the artifact is 100, which does n’t seem to exceed level 100, otherwise, I will definitely get more than half of my blood lost just now, but in fact, I only reduced my breath by more than 2,500 points. Only blood.

The red leaf has been cursed, and then continued to heal me, so that I can also recover a small life.

Standing in shape, no matter how much, Frost Sword gave away without reservation. After being frozen, it jingled and drove all its own active attack skills, even breaking the sword. It was used at the same time, in this case, he should no longer use the description of attack skills.

The result was more than I expected. Twenty minutes later, when I had just done one-tenth of his blood, I saw my arm screaming, and if my body suddenly burned like a fiery red, at the same time, the fighting message The reason for the change is suggested here-

Combat prompt: “The Desire of the Sky” accepts the baptism of whispering singing, the power of the soul is improved, and it has officially entered a state of madness!

Why are there murmurs?

During the time when it turned red, I listened carefully. Sure enough, the melodious singing voice came from the underground, just like the soprano in Vienna, roaring with the unsatisfactory voice of Thunder.

Can it be that the seventh-level undead dedicated instructor also raised a female star who can sing and go to bed?

I am writing YY. The first attack after the madness has arrived. It is still a normal attack due to the limitation of the magic sword.

“Pooh ~!”

The black giant sword hit my shoulder with incomparably huge force. The protective equipment of the shoulder armor was greatly damaged. The silver-white armor fragments were scattered and flew into the air. The giant sword continued to cast off, and still stabbed fiercely, even hitting the stone wall with a “bang ~” with my body.

I only felt a burst of numbness in my left arm, but when I looked again, I found that I had been nailed to the wall by the opponent’s sword.

“Ding ~!”

System reminder: You are hit by the “desire of the sky”, causing a huge wound, and the qi and blood continue to decrease, 200 points per second!

This situation makes me mess up, reducing 200 points of blood per second, and 12000 points of blood per minute will be lost. Who can bear this?

The more terrible thing is yet to come. The intelligent “desire of the sky” once again gave a grin of laughter. He said with pride: “How, have you tasted the pain? You stupid humans, only death, Only then can you realize how humble you are! “

My body is already in the air, and my feet cannot touch the ground. The only focus is on the left shoulder that is inserted on the stone wall, and the whole person is suspended in mid-air.

“How is it, pain? I like to see how humans struggle!” Continue to sarcastically, do not know which perverted programmer would actually think of this design.

I suffocated my stomach, held back the pain in my shoulder, and waved the red sword with one hand: “Your mother struggled!”

“Pooh ~!”

The blood red sword just chopped on the neck, which is also the area where I am most likely to attack him now.


Looking at the numbers of damage, I ca n’t believe it. An ordinary attack caused more than 12,000 damage. Is this the advantage of the vulnerability attack that is popular on the forum?

My heart is dark, I cut the combo again-






Although there are only five attacks, the damage output makes me very happy. Sure enough, this position is the best angle for my attack!

After suffering severe pain, “The Desire of the Sky” suddenly became furious, and he pulled his big sword outward, but unfortunately, it was probably too deep, and the sword was always firmly inserted in the stone wall. On top, there is also a skewers like me.

Between anger and anger: “Despicable human beings, I will let you try another method of death !!”

After finishing, he accumulates his right fist and hits hard!

“Boom ~!”

I just feel that my ribs on my chest are about to be broken, I am very upset, but the strange thing is that my qi and blood have not decreased much, and the unarmed attack is not high, probably I can only kill me every time Only about 500 points of blood.

As soon as I saw a play, I suddenly saw hope. While waving back with a red blood sword, I said to Hongye: “Hongye, you will stand there and add blood to me. Do n’t move, this will not move for now.”

Hongye nodded cleverly: “I see ~ ~ brother, be careful!”

So, the tug-of-war started, and you came and went. Reward me an old fist: “Humble human!” I immediately shot a sword on his neck with color: “* undead!”

I think it ’s funny myself. Ever since Silvermoon City, I ’ve never tried to be so embarrassed in the game. The situation now looks like I am playing with the lamb skewers inserted in my sword. same.

In fact, this is not the case. I have continuous supply of red leaves and blood bottles, and I cannot restore the qi and blood. It is less when I am knocked down. Moreover, under the disadvantage of weak attack, his qi and blood decrease very quickly. .


Nearly an hour later, I was almost dying, and I could n’t even scold it, just a fist, and with such a long period of mutual abuse, I still maintained more than half with the help of Hongye Qi and blood, but this 95th level is not so lucky, he did not bring a small secret, Qi blood was hit to about one tenth.

I really do n’t know if it ’s a blessing or a curse. Although it ’s stuck on the stone wall, I ’ve killed him badly. Assuming this does n’t happen, I ’m most likely already in his perverted attack. Successfully returned to the city.

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