Virtual World: The Legendary Thief: Robbed

It took half an hour to return to the camp at Golden Dawn. After handing over the goods, you can go to receive mission rewards.

The tone of mission‘s words to us has also become somewhat respectful from the previous dominance, presumably because of the increase in our rank.

“Brave warriors, through your outstanding performance, our logistics supply in the near future has finally been guaranteed. In recognition of your merits, I will give you the following mission rewards …”

“Ding ~!”

System Tip: Your team has completed mission [The No. 7 Replenishment Squad of the Silver Legion], you gain 1 billion experience, 1200 gold coins, +1200 reputation, and Friendship +12000!

This mission is not the one marked with equipment rewards, so it is also expected that there is no equipment.

Murong Shanshan just started drooling on the road to imagine the food in the supermarket. Now there is not much nonsense, just say hello to me and go offline.

I was the only one left in the entire Golden Dawn camp. After looking at the rank system, the friendship of the 4w camp could be upgraded from the sentry to the deputy governor. It is equivalent to a position that can actually lead a soldier to fight, and it is not better than the sentry.

“Spend 4 blue mission in a day and it will be OK!”

I said something secretly and went off-line to eat.

When I went out, I saw everyone staring at my door. I was a little surprised and asked, “Are you waiting for me?”

Xu Lin nodded and said, “Yes, it’s even worse. Everyone was ready to start, but Xinyu had to wait for you, so I wasted 5 minutes of everyone’s precious mission time.”

Open the chair and sit down between Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu. I said to Xu Lin funny: “Sister Lin, are you busy doing the military rank mission in the afternoon? How about, can you add gold if you brush enough? How friendly is Dawn? “

Xu Lin shook her head gently, her expression was very helpless: “After spending an afternoon, the team of five people with Xuehan, Xinyu, Guozi and Qingya only made 4 mission, one blue and three green In total, the friendship of the camp was less than 20,000, which was too early to join the camp 5w ~ “

Xin Yu added: “The difficulty of purple is too great. It is difficult for a few of us to handle it ourselves. The fruit defense and qi and blood can’t stand the beat. We tried to make a purple mission in the afternoon, but it failed. … “

I picked up the chopsticks and said with a smile: “Then I will accompany you to do mission at night. With my defense and attack, I should be able to help a lot. With Xuehan as the backing, at least the purple level mission can still Easy to get done. “

Xu Lin looked at me in surprise and turned a little embarrassed: “This mission group allows 5 people, we already have 5 people …”

Everyone immediately turned their attention to Li Qing. She was very conscious and said fiercely: “It’s the old lady again. Forget it. Anyway, I don’t have any help following it. It will be done once for all of you without conscience! “

Beside her, Guozi also said weakly: “I didn’t help much with me, I still didn’t go …”

Xu Lin immediately took a look at me. I saw the machine quickly and stopped saying: “Do n’t be a fruit, it ’s just a great opportunity for you to improve your level and equipment. You will follow behind to eat experience and take equipment. Okay, anyway, we do the same for four or five people, do n’t you want to drag the hind legs of Never Surrender in the future? “

When Guozi heard this, he had nothing to say, and nodded.

Xu Lin smiled slightly: “Then it is so decided. At night, we will pick five purple mission. We hope to enter the Golden Dawn Brush rank earlier. By the way, Lin Fan, you are now in 17 ranks. How old is it? “

I made a rough calculation and replied: “The 14th, the sentry, the penultimate fourth.”

Xu Lin pouted: “Well, you should already be able to add personal attributes and team attributes?”

“Well, I added 3 personal attributes and 1 comprehensive team attributes.”

Xin Yu said with a smile: “It’s only 3, it’s still relatively small, it should be obvious after the rank is high.”

“Do n’t underestimate these 3!” Xu Lin took a sip of tea and said: “Lin Fan ’s current attack should be 1500 after the bonus, 3 is 45 points damage, and general soldiers are upgraded to level 9 and added. The power has increased so many attacks. It is foreseeable that this military rank mission has been brushed to the end, which can make a person powerful and invincible, because of its comprehensive attributes, qi, blood, defense, and magic resistance have increased. . “

Xin Yu got up and brought the dishes over, and Lu Xuehan went to help, and soon afterwards, Xu Lin had never finished, and said, “I heard that I can increase my overall attributes by 50 after I marshal. This is really too much. Abnormal, whoever arrives at the Marshal first, can really be called the God of Yueheng. “

“I don’t see it.” I dismissed her and calculated an account for her: “Rough statistics, it takes at least 1 billion to get the camp friendliness needed by the Marshal. According to the current maximum of 5w per day, it takes 20,000 days, 20,000 days conversion, equivalent to 54 years, I was almost 80 years old by that time. Do you still expect an 80-year-old man who has lost his teeth to brush his rank? “

Xu Lin laughed “poof”, and was quite speechless to me.

Xin Yu said at this time: “It may only be that the demand conditions at the last few military ranks have jumped relatively large. I think those early days, up to the governor of the province, can still be achieved in our lifetime. “

I patted Xinyu’s small shoulder and told her with her eyes: “Xinyu, I appreciate you more and more!”

Xu Lin did n’t say more, everyone would eat quietly, because there was still something to do next, so they ate faster, and Li Qing, who did n’t have important things, was forcibly left to wash the dishes, although he gritted his teeth, She did not dare to stand up to the tyranny against Xu Lin’s orders.

When you deliberately want to overthrow tyranny, tyranny will often overthrow you first.

This truth, the clever Li Qing understands deeply.


After dinner, I made an appointment with Xu Lin and others to meet at mission. I was off the line there, so I stood there and waited. Fortunately, Xu Lin ’s hands and feet are quite good. , Came in less than ten minutes.

They walked in from the town entrance. From a distance, Xu Lin was still wearing the orange robe. It is estimated that the robe can be worn to level 100 without changing, and Xinyu also wears it. An orange leather armor with a purple long bow in his hand is very beautiful. Lu Xuehan’s priest outfit, although there is no orange equipment, but there is a purple body close to it, and the super high treatment output is unique in Silver Moon City. Fruit still uses the purple shield, which is the only equipment she can get out of her body. Although Never Surrender does not have purple equipment, the blue equipment is all superb, and overall it is much stronger than fruit.

I secretly thought about it: Anyway, the price of purple equipment has dropped to below one million. After that, if I do n’t use it, I will simply throw it to the fruit. Just like her, going out will be a shame to our family, and it will be a loss. The core members of the paradise actually have green equipment on them, which will make people laugh.

“Lin Fan, you choose mission, it is best to choose a promising one.”

Xu Lin added me to the team, and then said a lot: “Why do n’t you do mission with Murong Shanshan tonight? The two of you can be regarded as a mission gold combination, and the cooperation is quite tacit, do n’t tell me In order to cultivate feelings with the few of us. “

I was suddenly embarrassed and told the truth: “Shanshan went shopping with Coco at night. Of course, this is not always the case. I feel that I haven’t been with Xuehan and Xinyu for a long time, and I feel sorry for myself.”

Xu Lin smiled ambiguously and did not argue: “Choose mission, don’t waste this precious time.”

The purple mission of these mission I basically screened with Murong Shanshan during the daytime, so I was very familiar with it, I determined the mission level, and quickly selected two purple mission that we are likely to complete. One of them is to protect the supply team of a front position on your side to reach the destination smoothly-

[escort Golden Dawn No. 12 supplies] (level-purple)

mission Content: In the fierce war, we must keep the logistics supply line unblocked, but in the recent period, Golden Dawn ’s supply line has been repeatedly harassed by small forces in Hurricane City, which prevented the timely delivery of supplies to the front line. Please You go to **** the No. 12 material convoy. After the material successfully reaches the target area “Ice Blue Forest”, the default is mission. Remember, you must repel any forces that threaten supplies along the way!


After reading mission, Xin Yu said: “It seems very simple, **** supplies …”

I glanced at her, and felt that this girl was too good, and I could say that.

So I said: “Look at the description of mission. In the last sentence, we may encounter threats from any force. As far as I know, there are at least two kinds of wild monsters and Hurricane City troops in these forces. Two of them have given us headaches, and if there are others, it may be troublesome. But fortunately, this is only the purple mission. Even if it is robbed, it will not be unable to resist. “

Xu Lin nodded slightly: “Then, let’s get started!”

After starting mission, a long convoy drove slowly out of the Golden Dawn Camp warehouse behind us. Compared with the convoy that I and Murong Shanshan robbed in the afternoon, our own convoy was bigger and transported. There are quite a lot of supplies, so the speed of the convoy is correspondingly slower.

The system does not specify the time of transportation. It is foreseeable that this purple mission must be enough for the purple mission. On the road, I do n’t know what will be waiting for us.

The logo of the team shows the word “12”, and it has been marked that the undertaking of mission is the “Qingcai Feiyu Squad.” Seeing this, Xin Yu smiled and said, “mission has already started running. Come on, do n’t be robbed of materials by others ~ “

Xu Lin took a closer look at the details of mission and said, “This is a mission with equipment reward. The equipment output rate is 50. The highest level of purple equipment.”

Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan have taken a few steps and looked back at her and said, “Go away, do n’t mention any equipment if something is taken away.”

Xu Lin smiled and followed with her staff.


The convoy ’s course is rather weird. After turning half a circle around the forest around Moonlight Town, it only meanders from a mountain range extending beyond the Silver Moon Mountains, probably to avoid the interception of the Hurricane City army.

After traveling for nearly half an hour, the mountain road became more and more spacious, and it seemed that it was about to hand over the road.

At this moment, there was a sound of flying birds flapping their wings in the forest in front. Several quartermasters responsible for escorting the supplies immediately stopped and looked around carefully, as if they had noticed that something was approaching.

“What’s going on?” Lu Xuehan asked doubtfully.

I shook my head: “I don’t know, it’s probably going to happen …”

It seems that to confirm my words, the system immediately issued a defense warning to us-

System prompt: If an enemy approaches, they will arrive after 60 seconds, please be sure to protect the safety of supplies!

The accompanying transportation has no attack power at all. If you ca n’t count on them, you can only rely on ourselves.

I pumped the Red Sword and strode to the front of the team, and then said to me: “Everyone pay attention to the defensive camp, Xuehan and Sister Lin are at the end, don’t go to the periphery, and, Pay attention to protecting these transportation items. If they hang up, we will travel more slowly. “

“Call ~”

As soon as I finished speaking, a lot of golden shadows sprang out of the bushes and pine forests in front of them. They moved at an alarming speed, and they reached me in an instant.

“This is …” Xin Yu’s amazed voice came from behind.

I also have her doubts. Now I am in front of me with dozens of monsters of level 75, all with golden yellow fur, and a strange glow in the night. If you have to find an animal in reality, In that case, it can only be a combination of a tiger and a lioness. They also have sharp claws and teeth, and a meat ball sweeps back and forth in the tail, and also makes a “slap” sound, just like the rattlesnake’s tail But the rattlesnake made a noise to imitate the sound of spring water to lure small animals. What did the monster say to lure?

I do n’t want that much, so let ’s say it first-

【Lynx】 (Ordinary monster of level 75)

Attack: 1000

Defense: 700

Attack speed / movement speed: very fast

Additional: The attack effect is a toxin attack, which can paralyze people and slow their movement. The bobcat is a fur creature and is naturally afraid of fire


Fear of fire? This is easy!

I quickly turned back and said: “Sister Lin, this monster is afraid of fire, and protect our convoy with a fire!”

Xu Lin responded happily, and a blaze formed a fierce dividing line between me and the Bobcat.

Lu Xuehan also put the fire on the rear very cooperatively, and after they did all this, the bobcats finally could n’t help it, and they all threw up, but the huge body was very agile, and almost only There is still a ghost image, but fortunately, the range of the magic film in the fire series is relatively large, and most of the bobcats are trapped in the sea of ​​fire.

Surprisingly, the Bobcats’ fear of fire magic has reached such a point that they become very slow after being exposed to an open fire, and their movement speed is not even as good as players with neutral frost slowdown magic. In the middle, more than a dozen bobcats kept crying screaming, and then buried in it.

Xu Lin ’s fire system damage is really strong, and the monsters of level 75 can only maintain for less than half a minute in the fire. The numbers of damage jumping out of the head are almost above 1000, which is unimaginable. If she bombards the Bobcat with the powerful fire magic of Yanbang, what terrifying figure should damage be.

A dozen lynxes all turned into experience in a blink of an eye. I was just breathing a sigh of relief, but I found that the sound of rustling in the woods and bushes seemed to be more and more dense, and I could even see the leaves violently. In the dark bushes, how many bobcats should there be!

“Sweep ~”

The real offensive is finally here! Looking at the bobcat rushing between the bushes and the woods ~ ~ I suddenly realized that I should have thought about how the difficulty of purple mission can be as simple as a few 75-level monsters. Described as Purple Difficulty, a large piece of lynx rushed over, breaking through the fire defense that Xu Lin placed at the front. Although there are not many lynxes caught in the fire, those who will soon be in close contact with me will be more many!

The monster ’s offensive came too suddenly. Xu Lin was a little shocked and his hand slowed down a bit. The pressure to resist all the attacks in the front was doubled suddenly. These Bobcat 1000 attacks may not break me at all. Defense, but their small size, almost in a second, there will be dozens of cat paws falling on my armor, dozens of dozens of blood reduction stacking up is quite scary.

“Brush ~!”

Lu Xuehan’s large-scale treatment with 5 seconds of savings finally arrived, and after forcing it for almost ten seconds, 6000 blood was only less than 1,000. Fortunately, Lu Xuehan’s treatment was one-time. Pulling back nearly 3000 qi and blood, according to this output, plus my own potion, I should still be able to hold on.

“Sister Lin, you just set it on fire, Xuehan keeps adding blood to me, * These monsters really hurt …”

Xin Yu laughed softly at the back: “Relax, we all know this.”

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