Virtual World: The Legendary Thief: Necromancer Talker

“Ding ~!”

Combat information: You suffer from the entanglement attack of the Crypt Demon and cannot move within 5 seconds!


On my feet, the green thread became tighter and tighter, and my eyes were fast and I slashed the Feiyu sword!

After only hearing the sound of “Brush ~”, those silk threads were cut off, and the sharpness of the artifact was not able to be blocked by these 125-level ordinary monsters!

As my attack began, the Dragon Knights also started to work. These 125 level Crypt Demons are stronger than the Skull, but they are nothing under the Dragon Knight ’s sword. Three or two swords can solve one. , Neat and clean.

And dozens of crypt demons surrounded by a group of quasi, awesomely a bigger spider, named “Nebra guard”, should be considered a small captain type monster.

After cleaning up a piece of spider, we started to face this big spider called “Nebra Guard”. Xinyu’s corrosive arrow quickly turned the spider into a fuchsia, and the outer shell was also heavily corroded. The armor was fierce drop.

I rushed up, cut it with a sword in my hand, and only listened to “click”, the front jaw of the spider was cut in unison, and it was suddenly hit by more than 30,000 blood. It was a fatal blow, the other dragon knights also helped, the sword light shone, the blood of the big spider plummeted all the way, it could not stand such a ravages no matter how strong it was, a few minutes later, a wailing scream After that, the spider collapsed softly, exploding a piece of equipment and a pile of gold coins.

I hurried forward, collected the gold coins, then picked up the equipment and looked at it. It turned out to be a long rifle with a triangular blade. The rifle was made of materials of unknown texture, gleaming with glare.

[Shuttler ’s Spear] (purple equipment)

Attack: 345-560

Strength: +125

Physical strength: +110

Agility: +90

Intelligence: +75

Additional: Increase the user ’s defense value by 200 points

Required level: 95


The attack is not bad, the key is the high level of equipment, basically, according to the current market conditions, this equipment can also sell thousands of pieces, so I happily threw the lance into the package, now a package Equipment, up to 10 sets of obsidian suits, and some scattered equipment. Judging from the words of Binglan in the morning, the destroyer suit on Xin Yu is actually the only one. We can gather it in such a short time. It’s good luck.

I raised the shuttle spear and said, “This thing is enough for us to eat breakfast for three weeks a week!”

Xin Yu could n’t help laughing: “It ’s not too busy to have time, what to do with that thing ~ Let ’s finish this mission as soon as possible, so that we can eat lunch and dinner together again!”

I smiled slightly, nodded, and continued to kill forward.

The road on the second floor is relatively wide. More than a dozen dragon knights are divided into several teams. They are making a fatal blow to the surrounding crypt demon, but the exciting thing is that their experience of killing monsters is actually given in full. We, the experience bonus caused by the difference in levels is very rich, my experience bar has been flashing, and it is estimated that it can be upgraded to level 109 by the third floor!

Binglan looked attentively, staring blankly at the surrounding walls, and seemed to be caught in the memories of the past.

I do n’t want to do much fuss, so I continue to concentrate on killing my own monsters. At this time, Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu are entangled in two crypt demons at the same time. Speed, Lu Xuehan’s curse and punishment spared no effort to attack, but because of the large gap in levels, their attacks were still resisted a lot, one of the monsters was already close to Lu Xuehan, and the danger immediately appeared.

Although I knew that Lu Xuehan ’s vitality would certainly not present any danger, I still ran a few steps in anxiety, struck back the spider ’s disgusting forehead, and smiled to Lu Xuehan, “Xue Han, be careful Point, the pastor can’t fight me ~ “

Lu Xuehan smiled lightly: “Well, I understand …”

Xin Yu felt a bit numb, so she touched her white arm and said that she had a lot of goose bumps.

I chuckled, but turned around and saw Binglan Dingding looking at us. Her body shook slightly, and the thin sword brush in her hand fell off, and it was inserted into the city brick to shake back and forth.

“What’s the matter, Binglan?” I felt a little surprised, so I asked.

Binglan leaned against the city wall with her chest covered, looking very weak. When I saw her, she gently shook her head and said, “It’s nothing, just a little uncomfortable …”

I said: “Isn’t the wound from the last battle with Lich Ricky fully healed yet?”

Bing Lan smiled slightly and said, “It’s okay, that kind of injury is not enough to make me like this. Just seeing you and your companions, I suddenly remembered the team that I originally had. We also helped each other in this way, just Now, only me is left … “

It ’s because of this … Binglan ’s companions should be very powerful!

I nodded and said nothing, and went back to Xinyu and Lu Xuehan to work hard to do mission.

In about two hours, we wiped out all the monsters on the second floor of the psychic tower, and I was also swept by the halo when the last batch of spider demon fell to the ground, the attribute has been improved a little bit, already Raising to level 109 is a step closer to level 125.

There are thousands of gold coins, but there is not much equipment. Only the purple spear, and a few green high-level garbage equipment, it is estimated that some people may not want it if they are thrown on the ground.

There are no iron gates on the third floor. The green mist is hazy and haunting. Our group walked in carefully, and Roth shook hands with the big sword. His forehead was covered with sweat, and he said nervously. : “I feel more and more that I am obviously affected by the dragon ball killing, and the power seems to be devoured …”

Binglan said calmly: “Don’t use dragon power. After a while, you can clean up the little croup, and let the lich give me!”

Rot did not refute. Under the power of Dragon Ball, he really can’t play a role.

As we were going on, we saw a figure faintly hidden in the mist, leaning against the wall, carrying a long sword in one hand, wearing armor on the body, and the broken cape left only rags, swaying behind us Swing around.

“Who is it?” Roth snapped.

The figure shook, suddenly stood upright, and stepped over step by step, he must be a very bullish character, the pressure of the aura was uncomfortable.

Gradually, we can see his face. He is a calm, middle-aged male, with no expression on his sturdy face, and the skin also looks stiff, as if he has died for a long time. Similar.

“Let me see who is the human invader today? Is it the Warrior from Stratholme or the Knight of France?” He said stiffly, his eyes swept on us, and then he fell on Binglan’s body.

“Why did you come back ?! Are you really not afraid of death?” The middle-aged man shouted sharply.

Binglan stared deadly at the middle-aged man. After a long time, she said sadly: “23 generations, are you really? Why, you will also become a puppet of undead …”

“What, he is the 23rd-generation Dragon Whisperer? Has n’t Mr. Mac died in the war hundreds of years ago?” Roth looked at the middle-aged man in horror.

Middle-aged man, Mike, the 23rd generation Dragon Talker, said: “Bah! Do n’t presume the dirty word of the Dragon Talker in my face! What justice, glory, dignity, these are the pretexts to deceive the world. , For the sake of so-called justice, actually letting his teacher in a desperate situation, the Dragon Talker … hum, this term should have disappeared! “

Bing Lanyou sighed and said: “Dragon Talker Mike, do you … still resent him? Do you know that he died a hundred years ago?”

Mike suddenly laughed out loudly, saying, “Don’t call me the Dragon Talker, I’m already a Necromancer in front of His Majesty the Lich King, what a sacred word, Hum, the word Dragon Talker is a blasphemy in the field of undead! His Majesty the Lich King gave me endless youth and vitality, I do n’t have to worry about when I will die, when I will age, and, I have more For a powerful force, it is by no means the power that ordinary humans can have! “

The undead dragon whisperer Mike glanced at Binglan and suddenly smiled strangely, saying, “Do you know? The unscrupulous student, his eyes were still wide when he died, and he didn’t believe the killer The person is me! “

“Ah! What, you killed him …”

Binglan exclaimed in silence. Two lines of tears ran down her snow soft face. After a while, Binglan raised her head and gritted her teeth: “Why are you killing him, he is your only student, Do you know how much he respects you, and his whole life is only to achieve your ideals … “

“Wow, it’s all deceiving lies!” The Necrotic Dragon Talker was excited, and said close to the heartbroken: “Everyone needs to pay for the mistakes they made! He is the same, when I am one The punch punched his chest, and the warm, **** smell made me very satisfied. I just wanted to see if his heart was red, so I emptied his internal organs and fed it with the internal organs of the so-called noble Dragon Talker A group of lowly ghouls! However, he is my student after all, I still keep his body, you, you must think he died in the desert ?! Haha, a group of ignorant humans! “

Binglan couldn’t withstand this kind of blow anymore. She fell down as soon as she was soft. I hurriedly reached out to catch her. Xinyu and Lu Xuehan also looked nervously at Binglan. This time the core character of mission is her If she falls down like this, a group of us will definitely not be able to pass the moment!

Binglan lies helplessly on my shoulders, tears of undisputed tears are falling down, she has been persevering for too long, and now this terrible sad news may not be acceptable to her for a while.

“Patter ~!”

Binglan ’s crystal-clear tears splashed on my newly-purple purple breastplate, and also fluoresced in the dim psychic tower.

The Roth on the side finally broke out, and he angrily asked, “Dragon Talker! The strongest human on this continent, you have tarnished this sacred title! Once the 24th generation of the Dragon Talker adults are loyal to the race of humans, He is worthy of heaven and earth, why do you kill him for his own selfish desire? “

Mike glanced contemptuously at Roth, and said coldly: “Well, he is my student, I taught him to learn all fighting skills, and I took him to accept the blessing of the Dragon God, everything about him is I gave it, but for a timid and ridiculous king, he actually gave up the only chance to save me. What qualifications do these people have to become dragon speakers? “

Roth sneered: “You value your life above everything else, and then you are satisfied with your qualifications as a Dragon Talker! The 24th generation is one of the best Dragon Talkers, and his student Binglan is even more Compared with them, the masters who have not been born in hundreds of years, you are humble like a timid clown. What else are you qualified to talk about justice, glory, dignity and responsibility? “

Mike disdainfully smiled and slowly pulled out the saber. I saw a gleam of light. Even if Mike became a slave of undead, he still kept the power of the powerful Dragon Talker.

“Humble clown? Really?” Mike Necromancer sneered and looked straight at Rot, and then said: “Well, let me see you like a knight full of justice If you have the right to defend justice, otherwise, go to **** to preach your justice words to demons! “

Rotte gritted his teeth and did not retreat. Qing Jian was in his hand and said angrily: “Why am I afraid! For the survival and dignity of mankind, I have already decided to give up everything. You do n’t deserve the title of Dragon Talker, dirty Dirty undead! “

I hurriedly cast an appraisal technique to Mike, and I really do n’t know how hard he is ———————————

【Necromancer Talker】 (Legendary Level)

Level: 140

Attack 😕 ? ?

Defense 😕 ? ?

Qi blood 😕 ? ?

Type of attack: undead attack, with weak click-breaking effect, double the attack on cloth armor damage

Defense type: Heavy armor, with additional damage under magic attack

Introduction: Mike, the Dragon Talker, died hundreds of years ago in the fierce battle between humans and undead. When there are no warriors in the human race who can fight the undead lich, he stands up and takes the heavy responsibility of protecting human beings. However, he was unable to kill several undead leaders, and finally was injected into the undead will by the Lich King, becoming a very powerful knight in undead.


There are no three attributes. I only know that he is a positive level of level 140, but I know that Mike is indeed a generation among the Dragon Talkers. Although it is not very outstanding, it also fulfills his original obligations, but he has more energy. Insufficient, and finally fell under the will of undead.

I ca n’t see the ranks of Dragon Knight, Binglan and others, but it should not be much higher than this Necromancer, probably because of it.

A weird smile flashed over Mike ’s mouth, and he rose, his figure fell down, and his broad sword was unstoppable towards Roth!

Rot was slightly shocked when he saw this, and rushed forward quickly, striking Mike ’s attack with a large sword, only to hear “Dang ~”, Roth was shocked, and was hardened by Mike Eli ’s sword. After pushing back, the whole person was cut and flew out with a big sword. The speed of the necrotic dragon whisperer Mike was very fast. The sharp sword slashed on Roter’s sword one after another, following Roter like a shadow charm. Fortunately, Luo As a dragon knight, the response is quick enough, otherwise I am afraid that there will be damage.

The situation is very critical. When Rote retreated to my side, there was no way back. He slammed Mike ’s sword, but Mike ’s strength clearly overcame him, and the sword was unstoppable. Rott continued to back away.

“Zheng ~!”

With a loud noise, Mike ’s sword finally stopped the offensive. I pulled the sword with one hand and cooperated with Roth. The two swords blocked Mike ’s attack!

Mike, the Necromancer, was a little surprised, then he smiled, looked at Binglan in my arms, and suddenly said: “Whatever is determined, it ’s all * shit!”

Binglan burst into tears, stood on my shoulders, and said to Mike one by one: “You said it again, did you really kill Mingyu?”

“Yes, his heart is red. I saw it with myself. Haha, the Dragon Talker ’s vitality is really tenacious. He did n’t want to die after watching his heart swallowed by ghouls. Now, I still remember his eyes. The dying animals all have that kind of eyes, despair and fear! “The Necrotic Dragon Talker said that there was no humanity and said with a grin.

Roth next to me struggled so hard that the sweat on his forehead had dripped.

Here is very close to the Dragon Ball Killing. Roth must not fight any more intensely, otherwise there will be accidents!

When I gritted my teeth ~ ~ reached out and pushed Roth outward, and he stood up, Feiyu sword cleverly opened the sword of the Necromancer, and after flying an arc in the air, he flew The light of the feather sword flashed with snowflakes and fell on the shoulders of the Necromancer!


Mike looked at his shoulder in disbelief. A large area of ​​ice and snow formed sharply there. The sound of the sound was chilling. Mike tried to resist, but how was the 10th level ice cut so easy to crack, and finally However, Mike was still in a predicament.

“Slap ~!”

Before being frozen, the powerful Mike still gave me a light shot, but I could n’t take any precautions. I could only bear it. I just felt a sharp pain all over my body, and my blood was actually in his first time. Nearly half of it fell under the attack!

It seems that the Dragon Talker with the undead attack attribute is extremely powerful!

“Boom ~!”

I lifted my feet and kicked on Mike’s body. His body was immediately kicked out with the ice cone, and after rolling a few times on the city brick, the ice began to loosen!

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