Virtual World: The Legendary Thief: loli standards

The Murong Shanshan was sent back. On the back car, I still feel the feeling of holding her small hand. The softness and smoothness can hardly be described by words. If I can, I would rather hold her for the rest of my life. It ’s a pity It ’s impossible for people to go to school if they want to go to school.

Go back to the house and immediately enter the game.

Sure enough, Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu are still waiting for me in the city, Xin Yu is consigning and selling things on the exchange not far away.

“Drip ~!”

System Announcement: Sword and Rose Guild will purchase a teleportation array at coordinates (xxx, xxx). Please check the system for the specific teleportation cost. Players are welcome to use it!


Good guy, this peaceful guy bought the teleportation as soon as he got home!

As far as I know, it costs 10 million RMB to buy a teleport array from the system. Murong Shanshan sold a purple device last time and made a fortune. It is estimated that it is now used on this. Maybe this Guys will even have a problem with the cost of living in a few days.

When Xu Lin saw me coming, she smiled and said: “Shanshan has already bought the Magic Array, we don’t have to go to Yinyue Mountain anymore, just take the through train.”

“Well, there is also a teleportation array right next to the East Gate Square. Let Xinyu sell the equipment and pass it on!”

At this time, Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu also came over, and everyone immediately walked towards the teleportation array.

When I clicked on the transfer interface, I was immediately prompted: The owner of the teleport array set the charging method to bank account direct transactions. The sword and rose guild members use a fee of RMB 5 per time, and the guild members use each time Charge RMB 7 for RMB, no guild players use RMB 10 for each charge, Romantic World guild members use RMB 20 for each charge, and other guild members use RMB 10 for each charge!

Is this the new rule of Murong Shanshan? The fee for setting Romantic World members is twice that of ordinary people, probably only she can figure it out.

Because of the dissolution of the Paradise Lost Guild, our fee is still RMB 10 at the normal level.

After the “brush”, the original half-hour journey was completed in an instant. Xu Lin and I sent it together. The two laughed at each other. After removing the 10 handling fee charged by the system, we also returned Can earn a net of 9 yuan per person, after three points, our Paradise Lost Guild can also get a share of three yuan per person.

Lu Xuehan appeared pretty close to my left. I immediately ran and pulled her and ran out. Xin Yu and Xu Lin also followed me in a panic and asked me in surprise: “Lin Fan, what happened? “

I said without looking back: “Wait and see, traffic will be heavy at this teleport!”

Unsurprisingly, when we ran back and looked back, Wu = Enemy-Dragon 6 Book 5 House. The whole thing was that the white light of the transmission point flickered frequently, and players of all colors ran over to experience the feeling of resident transmission. Soon, the traffic was really crowded, and the screams of the mms and the lewd laughter of the perverts kept coming.

Xin Yu couldn’t help but pat the full two peaks, and said with a lingering fear: “Fortunately, Lin Fan is foreseeable enough, otherwise we will surely be cheaper by others.”

After expressing contempt for Xin Yu, Xu Lin worriedly asked, “Isn’t it going to be like this in the future? Isn’t it too safe to transmit?”

“Shouldn’t it …” I hesitated and said, “Even if there is enough traffic, there will be at most one million passengers a day, with an average of almost 1,000 people per minute. The area of ​​this transmission point is not small. This phenomenon will not happen again. As for today, it is mainly the relationship that the teleportation has just opened. “

Xu Lin strongly agreed, saying: “After Shanshan has bought all of the station, we can supply it directly in the station, which will save more time.”

I smiled slightly. Women are idealists. The prices of those are not so expensive. A senior pharmacist can be worth millions. Besides, if you need to replenish the player ’s medicine in large quantities, one or two pharmacists are not at all. It ’s useful, although it ’s not worth much, but buying dozens of them together is quite impressive. That ’s at least tens of millions. Maybe it ’s not a big deal for Romantic Master, but it is still a little bit for Murong Shanshan.

Should I borrow some money for her …

If she still ca n’t, sign n unequal treaties with her or coerce her to promise her!

I am yy, Xinyu has come over, looking at me with disdain: “What do you want to think about? You see how you smile …”

Look back to see if Xu Lin and Lu Xuehan did n’t look here. I wiped my saliva and reached out with my arms around Xinyu ’s shoulder and said, “Are n’t you going to level up? Let ’s go, it ’s not too early, then delay You can have lunch. “

Xin Yu pouted and expressed a little dissatisfaction, and then said nothing.

I immediately sighed, to what extent Xin Yu’s feelings towards me, not to mention me, I am afraid she doesn’t even know herself.

When Xu Lin and Lu Xuehan were greeted, the four of them set foot on the road to the Yinyue Mountain Range.

I have to say that there are indeed a lot of players walking with me now. There are a lot of dragons and snakes, no matter what the color, there are half-orc warriors who resist axe and a belly with **** chest hair, and they show most of their purple skin. , Elf players with long ears, as well as dwarves and gnomes high enough to get on the bus for free, a large group of people like the torrential river, surging into the Silver Moon Mountains.

Unfortunately, Yinyue Mountain does not seem to give everyone a face. The 55-level monsters at the foot of the mountain filter out 80 from the crowd, and the 58-level monsters that are upwards leave the remaining 18 at the foot of the mountain. There are only a few people who can move up the mountainside, and when we continue to go up, the few players who were with us all began to be timid, and can only send us up the mountain with the eyes of worship and envy.

Level 60 is not only a watershed for players, but also suitable for monsters. Monsters above level 60 are definitely more powerful than monsters at level 59. Those players around level 53 killing level 58 monsters is really not a problem. But if you let them kill level 60 monsters, the risk factor will increase greatly. Within a few minutes, after witnessing several events where players were returned to the city by monsters in seconds, everyone has learned to be good, and the equipment is not very good. If you still feel comfortable, hit the monster of level 58 to get some insurance.

Our group of people is completely different. Except that Lu Xuehan has only 5 pieces of purple equipment, everyone has more than three pieces of purple equipment and more than one piece of orange equipment. Especially me, the purple shadow is exploding After the necklace, the equipment on the body is still quite nb. Six pieces of purple equipment and two pieces of high-grade orange equipment are enough to knock over any one-month player. If it is not too easy for me to meet, these 8 pieces of equipment are sold together. The estimated price is absolutely More than 500 million, and this is only a conservative estimate. After all, no one is willing to sell orange equipment, not to mention orange weapons.

Those monsters can be low-level players with poor equipment, but they do n’t have much damage power for us. Especially for me, the 1200 defense makes those 68-level monsters impossible to start. The whole person is like an iron plate. The wind and rain in the pile of monsters are not dangerous at all.

In a little while, everyone came to the leveling place yesterday. The monsters killed last time were all brushed out, and the whole mountainside was covered with dense monsters again. At the command of Xu Lin, Xin Yu and I once again played the role of demon, while Lu Xuehan and Xu Lin still played the important role of the main thugs.

I ca n’t help but smile bitterly, I always cut monsters, but when I am with the mms in this studio, I have to do what a warrior should do. Although it is very reasonable, but Resources are a bit wasted. As the world’s second-ranked player, he was smitten by a few mm of drinking and drinking. This is strange if you let everyone know that you don’t laugh.

After the blessing of Lu Xuehan ’s temporary attack scroll, Xu Lin ’s magical attack power can only be described as horror, especially when she wears a superb equipment with a fire spell attack. The speed of burning monsters is absolutely unprecedented. Not only that, even me with strong magic resistance can’t stand her enthusiasm of flames. Just now she accidentally burned the No = Enemy-Dragon 6 book 5 house with the whole attack mode. Take me for a while, the result In just three seconds, my blood was mad with more than 1,000. If you change another warrior, it is very powerful without being killed by a second. No wonder Xu Lin ’s ghost fire can easily clear up an enemy during a team battle.

If our guild can have more than a dozen super magicians like Xu Lin, then when they encounter a large p, they are really invincible. The entire front can be moved forward with the fire, and eventually the enemy Strangle clean.

Think about it. After all, this skill is extremely rare, and it can even be said to be unique. Just like my Xuanbing sword and Murong Shanshan‘s Sword Qi, although the mad sword will also use Sword Qi, he is also a hidden profession anyway. Players, and Sword Qi is his housekeeping skills, which is equivalent to Murong Shanshan a swordsman steals the ultimate skills of others, but the mad sword can not learn the swordsman ’s housekeeping skills such as combo heavy blows and charge, etc. On a different level, Mad Sword seems to be losing money.


Until noon, after more than three hours of high-intensity killing monsters, Xu Lin quickly rose to level 57 and officially became the fourth in the Silver Moon City ranking list, while Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu were still at level 55. Different from yesterday, the experience of this level is almost full, and it is just around the corner to reach 56, and my experience bar has quickly climbed to 87. It is estimated that after killing another five hours in the afternoon, you can return to level 60. .

The equipment is still sorted out by Xin Yu. In the morning, 4 pieces of blue equipment and 7 pieces of green equipment were harvested. Although they were less than yesterday ’s, everyone was quite satisfied. After all, Yueheng ’s equipment burst out very well. Little, many single players have not burst out of blue equipment because they ca n’t leapfrog, and now high-level green equipment has become a popular item. The reason why it is popular is because the green equipment has a higher explosion rate than blue. The explosion rate of equipment does not know how many times higher, so it can be quickly popularized among players, and the price of equipment is not very expensive, generally between 100 and 1000rmb, whether it is a white-collar worker or a petty bourgeois, There is no problem in spending money on green equipment.

Basically, Xinyu is an equipment maniac. Except for seeing me, I have never seen her show her bright eyes on things other than equipment. Give her a good package of equipment and she will be happy and happy. One morning, this was one of the reasons why she asked to pick up equipment, and the amount of reward equipment in our guild was also determined by her. After all, she also holds the title of deputy helper. Although the paradise no longer exists now, but The members who stayed know that the beautiful and fierce elf beauty archer is the deputy helper, and she has a lot of money and equipment.

Although the equipment lasts for a long time, there is not much wear and tear, but everyone still returns to the city to buy medicine and take a break. Anyway, when they go again, they can be sent to the foot of Yinyue Mountain with 10 yuan. It has already been saved. After buying a lot of corresponding ones in the station, you will save even if you go back to the city. You can go down the mountain to repair the equipment and buy medicine.

After repairing the equipment, Xu Lin took a look at the time and said, “Let’s go off-line for dinner. There should be no fruit cooking today. Xin Yu, can you check how much equipment was sold yesterday?”

“It’s impossible to sell much in such a short time ~” Xin Yu opened the trading interface with a smile, and the smile immediately froze. She looked back at me and Xu Lin, moved her lips, and said : “Guess what the total income of yesterday’s equipment is now?”

Xu Lin glanced at her doubtfully: “How much can there be? Now there are tens of thousands of blue equipment. Isn’t it possible to sell more than 1 million equipment yesterday?”

Xin Yu raised three jade-like fingers and proudly said: “Full three million! This time it is developed!”

A few of us were taken aback by this number: “Why, how many blue gears can sell for millions?”

“Do n’t believe you guys come and see for yourself!”

Xin Yu opened the sharing of transaction records, and the interface immediately appeared on the group ’s screen, and dozens of records were spectacular from top to bottom.

The strange thing is that the final purchase amount of each record is the same as the price of Xinyu standard, and this guy is also invincible. A blue leather armor with the effect of absorbing damage can be sold. The price of 300,000, this price is quite rare in the current situation.

From a week ago, the price of equipment began to drop significantly, and the passion started to rise until the current resurgence. It seems that everything is as I expected. From the perspective of the current equipment guild, unless it is added Especially good special effects, otherwise blue equipment is difficult to sell more than 100,000, after all, 100,000 is equivalent to the annual salary of a junior white-collar worker, not everyone can afford it.

It seems that the price of the equipment with reflection damage and damage absorption effect is wrong. The people are crazy. The people playing Yueheng are even more crazy. How many mm found the other half in the game in a few months? Abandoning the original spouse, how many salacious males used pieces of equipment to lure the ignorant mm to bed. Since these are already commonplace, it is more normal to sell a few pieces of equipment at a high price.

What’s more, the “Green Veggie Temptation” id of Xinyu is also well-known in Silvermoon City anyway, the average player will always pay more attention to seeing the person who sells equipment. It can be imagined that if it is replaced by more popular If the Murong Shanshan sells these equipments, the effect may be more obvious. The idol effect is also applicable in the game. Men can be crazy about the mm they like, or they can be crazy about the nb equipment, then they can sell it for the mm they like. The nb equipment is crazy.

Xu Lin looked at the three followed by six zeros on the account and was happy. She said excitedly to Xin Yu: “At this rate, we can hit a few monsters that only need to brush for a week. More than 10 million pieces of equipment can be sold! “

“How can there be such good luck, there are only a few pieces of equipment this morning, and yesterday our rp broke out!”

Xu Lin felt that the girl was quite ignorant, so she said to me again: “Lin Fan ~ ~ Do you think we can sell 10 million RMB for our blue equipment?”

“Sell is definitely available.” I touched my nose, and then said: “But the point is, it takes a long time, I think, we should go back to the level of the current level. Go deeper, after that, I think there may be, and now no players will go there, we may burst out the certification of the formation of the group. “

“Really?” Xu Lin’s beautiful eyes began to flash strangely.

“Of course, my experience is close to ten. If we are lucky, we can really restore the former glory of Paradise Lost at night!” I said very seriously.

Xu Lin was even more excited, but Xin Yu punched me in the side: “Do n’t tease Sister Lin, now go off-line for dinner, what will you say in the afternoon!”

So I went offline to eat, and I did n’t mention anything about the fruit ’s craftsmanship. Anyway, she did n’t meet the standards in my mind. At first, she did n’t have enough angel, and secondly she did n’t have enough devil. The only perfection in my heart was Lu Xuehan and Murong Shanshan. .

With the ugly idea, I finished the meal. Lu Xuehan, who was sitting next to me, was reddened by my face. Xin Yu was also quite speechless about this. He was directly invisible and self-serving.

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