Virtual World: The Legendary Thief: Guardian memory

Lu Xuehan is also offline, Xin Yu is putting a few dishes from the plate on Lu Xuehan’s glass table.

I walked in, the nose smelled sweet, so I said: “Xin Yu is so good. I haven’t had any cooking in a few months, and my craftsmanship hasn’t diminished ~”

Xin Yu laughed and said: “Did you not hear about it? To keep a man’s heart, he must first keep his stomach. But unfortunately, the little sister I want to keep is not conscience Yes, there is no stomach! “

I was stunned and smiled and hugged Xinyu’s waist from behind, saying, “How come? I haven’t stayed by your side all the time? What else do you want, don’t you stay by your bed?” Satisfied? “

Xin Yu gave me a white glance and said, “Xue Han is here, follow the rules ~”

Lu Xuehan lightly smiled and said: “You can do it when I don’t exist anymore.”

Xin Yu was a little bit uncomfortable, but I freed my hand and took Lu Xuehan in my arms as well. Suddenly, she blushed and said, “Lin Fan ~ What’s wrong with you today? Same ~ “

“Well, what ’s the difference? It ’s just a mission plot …”

“What plot?”

“The love story of a banshee and a human being has been destroyed by me …”

Xin Yu chuckled: “Some regrets?”

I shook my head: “There is nothing regrettable, imperfection may also be a kind of perfection. Both banshees and humans can accept it calmly, and I have nothing to accept, but the game designer is really abnormal, just Can’t I get some normal mission to let me do it? For example, killing the Bear King or something, last time, they had an inescapable responsibility for the death of Hongye … “

Xin Yu asked: “Are you still entangled with the red leaves?”

“Just sorry.” I looked at the cover of Yueheng, a virtual world magazine by the table, and said, “I thought Hongye would stay with me until the end of the game, but I did n’t expect that she would leave. So early. The red leaves are very kind, and the kind is not like one. “

Lu Xuehan shook my hand and said, “Don’t think about it anymore, Hongye is a passer-by, don’t remember it anymore. Let’s eat, after eating, accompany me and Xinyu to level up! “

I nodded, so everyone ate, and it did n’t take long for Xin Yu to ask suddenly: “Lin Fan, did you know? After this national war, Xu Fei has left France with his thousands of Romantic World old players Lingtong City now seems to have gone to our Moonlight Dragon City again. It seems that just this morning, several big-line meetings of Moonlight Dragon City had some conflicts with the people of Romantic World, and I did n’t know how Xu Fei evened out. Of. “

I frowned: “Xu Fei? Why is he back?”

“This, you better ask A Yue, we do n’t know very well, it seems that Xu Fei has some conflicts with the top players in France. And, do you remember? When we attacked the lost city, France People conspired and stormed our guild station with lightning, and even Hurricane City almost fell out of control. This timing was too coincidental, and it also covered everyone’s eyes and ears. In the Silver Moon City, there must be their Neiying, I think, even if it is not Xu Fei, it must have a great relationship with him. “

“Xin Yu, you mean, the person who really spurred the attack on Silvermoon City was actually Xu Fei. However, after the siege failed, Xu Fei had no use value. The French kicked him with the Romantic World guild in one fell swoop? “

Xin Yu smiled slightly: “Smart! Talking to you is easy ~”

I smiled and said, “Yinyue City has more than 10 million players, and Xu Fei is too small. Is this the main city? Besides, Yinyue City, as the most populous main city on Yueheng Continent, is used by humans. The alliance is regarded as the largest bastion against the undead legion, and it is naturally equipped with the most powerful army. These troops will also become the backbone of the Silver Moon City in the national battle. I do n’t know what the French thought. “

Xin Yu nodded and said, “Yeah, it ’s a pity that I only saw the Griffon Knight this time. If I could see the legendary Dragon Knight, that would be great ~”

Lu Xuehan couldn’t help laughing: “I was delusionally delusional, I heard that only ten dragon knights in Silver Moon City were sent to the peak of Silver Moon Mountains to execute mission, I am afraid that I can’t see it for two months. They are back. “

“Hey, how does Xuehan know that the Dragon Knight is up the mountain?” I was a little surprised.

Lu Xuehan said: “I found it with Li Qing when I went to the Adventurer Hotel to see the mission yesterday. It was said that there was snow all year round at the peak of Yinyue City, the temperature was very low, and the main peak was already frozen. There, the palace magician It was measured that there was extremely terrible undead energy, so the Silver Moon City Alliance sent the Dragon Knight to the mountain. The environment at the top was too bad, and even the Griffon Knight could not be reached. Only the strong strength of the Dragon Knight can Survive there. “

I am very yearning to say: “Dragon Knight, what a name to pull the wind! If I can learn to ride, I must not have any pets until I catch a dragon. In that case, directly in the national war At the top, the laser sword swept across, I do n’t know how pull it is! “

Xin Yu couldn’t help laughing: “Are you dreaming again? Lin Fan, you are still too young, still a dream chasing teenager …”

“Youth … Please, I ’m almost twenty-four. Now the junior high school students can almost call my uncle, and still a teenager …”

Lu Xuehan said with a smile: “In fact, there is nothing dreaming or dreaming, Lin Fan, did you say there was a clue to learn riding in Duck last time? Since there is such a precious clue, why not try it? Well, there is only one line between dreaming and dreaming, the key is whether you want to do it ~ “

“Xuehan said it makes sense!” I couldn’t help but praise.

Xin Yu smiled slightly and said, “So, after dinner in the afternoon, Xue Han and I are ready to go with you to try it? Anyway, it is so difficult to upgrade now. It is good to take a few days off and keep leveling. Will drive people crazy! “

I am a little bit overwhelmed: “This is not so good? You and Xuehan sacrificed their game time to accompany me to do mission. Even if I am grateful to ask each other, I do n’t know who to give …” >

Xin Yu smiled angrily: “Who wants you to agree with me, and Xue Han and I are so kind to be disgusted by you. Besides, if we are with you to do mission, we also have the same There is no loss in experience ~ “

“Haha, that ’s good, that ’s it. After dinner, we will go to Hurricane City together, and three four-turn players will act together. Our title will definitely envy a bunch of people!”

“Well, if those people were kicked by donkeys, they should be able to do it ~”


After eating, go back to your room.

After going online, I opened the remote teaming function and brought Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan in. In the buddy list, the name of Murong Shanshan is still dark and should be foraging.

Everyone agreed to meet on the Dongmen Bridge. I hurriedly repaired the equipment and bought medicine. By the way, I checked at the equipment consignment store for good equipment. I searched for a warrior armor. As a result, the highest level of equipment sold by the player was only But it is the purple armor of level 65, which is not as good as this one on my body, so I returned with disappointment.

It did n’t take long for Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu to come over. They both had a compelling title on their heads. Xin Yu ’s and Murong Shanshan ’s were all grasses of Mei, while Lu Xuehan ’s and me were the same. Similarly, the Moon Shadow of the Earth is much better.

The three of them went directly to the teleportation point and sent directly to Hurricane City. At this time, Hurricane City had already been renovated. The city style is very similar to Silver Moon City. I do n’t know if it was a craftsman who came to Silver Moon City. There are many new public missions that everyone can access. The store also sells a lot of equipment with even higher levels than the Silver Moon City store, so there are not many players who come here. Generally speaking, the price of public equipment that can be bought in equipment stores is cheaper than that of players. After all, gold coins have begun to depreciate. It is more cost-effective to buy things in stores with gold coins than to buy things with RMB.

On the central avenue of Hurricane City, the three of us have attracted much attention. The title of the three undoubtedly envy the players who do not have four turns, and the equipment of the three of us is too high for the average player The lowest level of equipment on an individual is purple, and the highest level of equipment is a spirit weapon. Even, I have a peerless flying sword known as Feiyu. After the national battle, the Feiyu sword has officially become my symbol. The scene of the Shenjian Megatron Silver Moon City was talked about by everyone.

Passers stopped by to wait and see, and talked about:

A player who spreads all his stuff and says: “I’m relying on it, you see it, people have turned around, the title is so cool! Our class king MM said, if I can play the title in a month If so, she promised to be my girlfriend! “

A person next to him despised: “Cut, a month? You are now at level 45, are you * superman? The woman whose surname is Wang in our class is clearly a non-mainstream, and the ugly people are doing a lot of tricks. Do you have any nails? Who knows if there is any under her, and you dare to play with her, and you are not afraid that your younger brother will be put on a pair of dresses? Besides, do women in non-mainstream still have to worry about it? You go directly to her and tell you Mimi is so big, I want to go to you! ‘I can guarantee that there is an 80% chance that she will immediately split your legs with you, hum, those women will think you are cool, in fact, you are just a brain … … “

“MB, you are mentally disabled. If you are not mentally disabled, you will not pretend to pick up the ballpoint pen on the ground. You are clearly using the phone to take pictures of the back of the table wearing a skirt girl underwear, shit, I heard the phone The shutter sounded, do you dare to say it? Say, that, that girl looks so coquettish, her boyfriend changed 7 a week, what color underwear did she wear? “

“Haha, is your kid fancy with others, so care about what other people’s underwear does? Ask me to eat lunch, and I will tell you that she is not wearing underwear!”

“! Do you dare to see that she does not wear underwear, watch tricks!”

# ¥ # @% ¥ ……

“There are two SBs in Class 4 fighting there, hurry up and watch the fun!”


The streets of Hurricane City are very lively.

Everyone is very calm about the disturbance caused by us, young people are energetic, so they are noisier.

In the distance, the newly built Royal Palace in Hurricane City is in front, a row of majestic guards are standing there, and even two high-level mages are also participating in the defense. The high palace wall is faintly blue. The light should be what kind of magic prohibition has been placed. Such a perfect defense is probably related to the national war two days ago. After all, according to the players at the time, the first point of attack chosen by French players was Hurricane City, which was later strongly blocked by local players and the Golden Cavalry Regiment before giving up.

“This place is well guarded, will we not let us in?” Lu Xuehan said with some concern.

I smiled and said, “Relax, anyway, I am still the honorary rank of the governor, they should give me a little thin face …”

Xin Yu smiled and said, “If they do n’t give it, what are we going to do to kill them directly?”

I chuckled: “Wait until they stop!”

It seems to be to give me face. As we approached the front hall steps, a guard officer came over and saluted me respectfully: “Sir, you are here!”

Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan were very surprised. The memory of these guards was better. I do n’t seem to have been here for a long time. They still remember me as a number one.

The officer smiled politely and said, “Sir, Your Highness has often mentioned you recently. I didn’t expect you to come here today. You are here to see your Highness, I will report it to you immediately!”

“There is labor.”

The officer turned and entered the palace. About five minutes later, he hurried back and said, “Sir, Your Royal Highness is waiting for you in the main hall!” He glanced at Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan, and said, “These two are ? “

“Oh, they are my big and small wives, come with me this time and talk to Your Highness Duck to discuss important things together!”

I said this, Lu Xuehan immediately blushed, and Xin Yu looked at me with joy, with a happy expression on his face.

The officer immediately showed an ambiguous expression and said, “Adult, your taste is not bad ~ Such a beauty, even in our palace of Hurricane City, we can’t find the third one, ha ha, sir, hello Blessing! “

I immediately patted him on the shoulder and said, “Brothers do n’t need to be so envious, I will also introduce you to such a peculiar one if possible, and make sure you are satisfied!”

He hurriedly waved his hand and said: “Then don’t do it. The tigress in the family can’t stand it anymore. If you look for another one, I’m afraid I will have no life here to guard the court for Your Highness! Such a beautiful beauty, look That’s it! “

Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan both covered their lips and chuckled, which was cute and frank.

“Adult and two girls, please go here, I will show you the way!”

The officer said a word, and left first, and we quickly followed behind. The palace was full of checkpoints. With such a live pass, it would be wasted if not used.

The front hall is still some distance away from the main hall. Among them, we saw countless armored guards, and even Duck set up a drill field in the palace. A row of cavalry was training to sprint immediately.

It does n’t seem to want to be lost in the palace of the city. There are n’t too many servants and court ladies. Some are just soldiers with iron bones.

So I asked: “Dark is okay recently? Is there any favored concubine in the harem?”

The officer shook his head and smiled bitterly: “The original 400-plus concubines in the palace were all deposed, and His Royal Highness gave them travel expenses to allow them to go home separately. The soldier ’s personal clothing did not favor any one. Even, His Highness has always rested in the partial palace, where the main leader of the Golden Knights lives, and only discusses with the Highness daily how to conquer the territory occupied by undead.

I shook my head and smiled: “Dark has plunged himself into that painful *, how can there be an emperor like him!”

The officer smiled and said: “For the Kingdom of Hurricane, this is a blessing to the people, but for His Highness Dak, he has lived for a long time in the pain caused by his own hands. Do n’t say this, immediately When you arrive, you go inside, Your Highness is waiting for you! “

I nodded and took Xinyu and Lu Xuehan along the hall steps. The two guards saluted me. Far away, Duck was facing us, standing alone in the hall.

I stepped forward and said, “His Royal Highness, I’m here!”

Dark turned around, but I found that he was holding a short staff with a small gem on the top of the staff, which looked very familiar.

Thinking for a few seconds ~ ~ I suddenly awakened. Wasn’t this the staff that her soul was attached to when I rescued Princess Misha at the Crow Neck Cemetery? Misha has already disappeared, and Duck can only find some memories of Misha from this staff, guarding carefully, for fear that this memory will be wiped out by the years.

I said, “Dark, can you still remember?”

Dark smiled, “How can I forget …”

After glancing at me, Duck put away his staff and said, “My dear friend, your arrival makes me feel very happy. If you travel around the mainland, there must be something important.” Come back here? “

I nodded and said straight away: “Yes, Duck. I heard Captain Coma mentioned before that you were originally a swordsman, but then you mastered the advanced skill of riding I want to know these details, because I need riding very much, it can help me defeat powerful enemies! “

Dark hesitated and said: “The years have passed. I am afraid that the requirement to learn this skill is not what you and I can imagine. Are you confident of accepting difficult challenges?”

Of course I will not miss this great opportunity, so I nodded again and again.

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