Virtual World: The Legendary Thief: Experience

Holding the game helmet, I obviously felt my heart beating faster. Half a year later, I still came back on the old road of the game!

Different from the past, I played online games this time. Although I heard that it is related to the personal game innate skill in “Yueheng”, I have no idea, game innate skill? That’s the same thing as a mirage.

When I put on the helmet, my brain was suddenly cool. When I recovered, I found myself standing on the edge of a cliff in the cold night. Looking down, the palm lines are clear with both hands, should this be my mirror?

A simple clothes made me feel awkward, but the cold wind on the cliff caused the clothes to move, but there was no other kind of fun. Looking at the sky, a blue glowing moon was shining on the earth. The void at the foot is transforming a terrible war.

In the symphony of the horn, a neat array of human cavalry rushed forward without fear. The knights waved their spears and sabers, and the pale white light made people chill. The **** moved slowly forward, whispering obscure spells, and a huge flame rushed into the other party’s camp, shining brightly in the dark night.

Under the fire, I found out that what the human legion faced was actually a huge ice bone dragon!

Poor flesh and blood stick to the tragic red dragon wings, some of them are dragons, and some are human knights. The fireball hits the dragon ’s bones and makes a “zizi ~” sound, then disappears.

A black piece under the dragon, I took a closer look and found that these were actually skeleton warriors without flesh and blood. They wielded bone shields and rusty steel swords in their hands, strangling with human knights. together!

The strong impact of the cavalry drove the skeleton square into gaps one after another, and then it was replaced by the endless skeletons again and again. The knights who entered the skeleton group were immediately isolated, but they were still in Struggling to kill, puncturing the skeleton ribs again and again with the knight’s spear, the war horse fell down and immediately pulled out his sword to continue fighting, the blood slowly flowed down on them. Whenever a human warrior fell in a pool of blood, their flesh and blood fell silently, and a dark light flashed in the skull’s eyes, and then joined the ranks of skeleton warriors!

If there is a substantial ripple blooming in the air, the skeleton warriors within a few meters immediately scattered into a pile of broken bones, and then a milky white light fell on the injured knight, and the bleeding wound quickly Healing, the human priest finally arrived!

From a distance, there are dozens of dark undead mages hidden behind the skeletons and bone dragons. It is they who are controlling this **** kill!

Some vague figures appeared beside Master undead. They had been waiting for the opportunity. Finally, when Master undead concentrated on summoning the second bone dragon, a blood-red light smelled badly at Master undead. Flashed across his neck, and the dagger hidden in the black cloth revealed Sen Han’s sharp edge.

The screams came one after another, and the strength of the undead side was gradually weakened, and the human thief actually controlled the victory of a battle!

In the distance, behind the human camp, a group of old, weak and sick villagers are watching this torture.

It turned out that the soldiers vowed to defend their homes!

The two big characters “Yueheng” appeared faintly on the horizon, and the war below was nearing its end.

“Call ~”

I ca n’t help but breathe out, this promotional video is simply amazing!

The screen gradually fades out, and then I appear on the edge of an empty wood, and various operation prompts appear beside the field of view. To be honest, this game with a virtuality of 70% is more difficult to operate than the keyboard. It’s much more difficult. Fortunately, I do still have some innate skill for the game. After nearly two hours, I only rely on the keyboard and brainwaves to convey the commands. I can already make various actions handy and wait until the game When officially opened, it is estimated that there will be no problems with killing monsters.

It seems that the official website suggests that it can be adapted to the operation of “Yueheng” after three days, but I only used it for two hours. Is this the so-called game innate skill?

Turn to think about it. When I play WAR3, I can effectively click six times per second. People who use this kind of operation adapt to the new game. It does n’t matter if it ’s faster. It ’s just that I do n’t know my old friends Is it possible to solve the operation problem so fast? The Ye Qiu kid’s operation speed is faster than mine. If he gives up Warcraft to “Yueheng”, it is estimated that it will not be bad.

“Ding! System prompts!”

“You have been online for eight hours, please rest!”

“You are using this helmet for the first time, do you need an iris lock?”

I quickly made sure, and it took me most of the night. When I took off my helmet, it was already three o’clock in the morning. I hurried to wash and sleep. If Xu Lin saw that I was not asleep at three, I would definitely not Show me a good look.

Sleeping in bed, still thinking about the feelings in the game just now ~ ~ Such a real game really makes people look forward to it. Before the game started, many functions were not opened, such as pain, taste and other systems, It is currently closed, and there is no real character. It is said that the face shape of the character in the game is confirmed by scanning his face shape with the helmet. It can be modified appropriately, but it cannot turn a dinosaur into a beauty.

It ’s fine, but it ’s estimated that a woman as shameless as Xinyu must definitely modify her appearance to be more beautiful. It ’s more convenient to hook a man like that … but she is already pretty already, no need to modify It is also capable of fascinating a large group of single-cell men, let alone Lu Xuehan, her face is the kind that makes men drool when they see it.

Xu Lin is also pretty, but more charming than Lu Xuehan, and more mature. If she can scan her body, it is estimated that she chooses a night elf MM, which will definitely make a lot of rich sons in the game die. Followed her behind.

Let ’s say I ’ve been here for half a year and I do n’t know exactly what her identity is. She never picks up customers. Although many regular customers have this kind of request, they have been politely rejected by her. , At least not to deduct wages and commissions.

Thinking about it, I finally fell asleep in a daze. When I woke up the next day, it was already three shots in the day. Fortunately, others seemed to have played too long, and I was the first one to wake up.

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