Virtual World: The Legendary Thief: Evacuation

In the face of such contempt for middle-aged soldiers, Lu Xuehan has a good temper but only a slight smile. If it is replaced by Murong Shanshan, it may explode.

I stepped forward and asked the old priest: “Teacher, what’s going on here, we saw someone killed on a wooden pile on the road outside the town, what’s going on?”

The old priest froze and said sadly: “Della has not escaped the fate of being killed. I have told the child that the undead creature is inhumane. How could escape and surrender have a good result? “

The middle-aged soldiers spit and said, “Della is going to escape, and it is not wrong to die! Teacher, what should we do below, the two adventurers you trust are already here, whether to open the town door , Leading the villagers back to Silvermoon City to request reinforcements? “

The old priest shook his head: “The regular army of Silvermoon City has already resisted the invasion of undead at the fortress, and they ca n’t help the small stock undead here. They can only be eliminated by some mercenaries and adventurers, so even if we send a letter Huiyinyue City can only let them hang this mission on a cheap bounty card, which is of no use to us. What I want now is to send these townsmen to a safe place! “

Lu Xuehan smiled and said to me: “Our station is a very safe place. No undead dare to go. If undead appears in the station, it will definitely be killed by so many players in seconds! “

I laughed, but the old pastor next to him lighted up and asked, “Can you really provide shelter for these townspeople?”

Lu Xuehan nodded and said, “Of course, but …”

The old priest was overjoyed and said, “It does n’t matter. Each of these townspeople has mastered certain skills. I believe that each of your residents will also play their role in your residence!”

“Ding ~!”

The long-lost mission reminder is here!

System prompt: Do you accept the entrustment of the old pastor?

After another “ding”, the content of mission came out: to protect the township residents of Yongye Town to reach the guild ’s resident site, the mission reward for each township death is reduced by 5, when the township deaths exceed half of the total At that time, mission failed, deducting 5000 reputation points! mission time limit is 300 minutes!

Lu Xuehan looked at me in surprise and said, “mission failed to get 5000 reputation! I have never seen such a mission!”

I smiled and said, “That is, of course, you have killed so many people, it would be good not to deduct your reputation!”

At this time, the old priest urged: “Should we leave now? These dirty ghouls outside the town cannot stop our way forward.”

I glanced at the townspeople and inspected them first. Their names also showed their occupations: “Senior Blacksmith Hans”, “Senior Pharmacist Difu”, “Intermediate Tailor Shalu”, “Senior “Armor Maker Kailin”, etc., are almost all good assistants, and the assistant skill level is not low.

I was overjoyed and said to the little MM next to him, “Xuehan, our guild is well developed! If these can reach the guild station smoothly, then we can save a lot of money! Just A senior pharmacist needs millions to purchase from the system. There are at least five senior pharmacists here! “

Lu Xuehan chuckled: “So, our mission must be completed!”

I glanced at the mission level, the legendary level, and I was a little bit bottomless. It stands to reason that if the reward is so generous, it is enough to be the level of the legendary level. The ghouls are so rude to say that their power is simply not up to the legendary level!

Can there be other obstacles on the road?

I do n’t want to think about it anymore.

I opened the door and said, “I’ll clean these ghouls, and after killing them all, you guys will come out again!”

The middle-aged soldier immediately screamed: “Can you resist these sharp ghouls?”

“Haha ~~” I laughed and did not answer.

And my appearance is undoubtedly a piece of fresh meat for the ghouls outside, so they come rushing, sharp claws and teeth quickly bite up, my orange armor has just been repaired and durable It’s full, don’t worry about it, and although these ghouls’ attacks are as high as 2500, they can’t really break my defense. The maximum value of the attack is damage less than 100 points.

Lu Xuehan also started to release the fire group method behind me. Although the attack was not as powerful as Xu Lin ’s, it also burned the ghouls in pain. The ghouls who wandered in the fire for two minutes would also Hang up.

My attack is so powerful that I can kill these 100-level advanced ghouls in three or five times, and the Xuanbing sword that often bursts out like a war baptism can wipe out a large group of ghouls that have been burned to half blood. The level 10 Xuanbing Sword has a much higher chance of launching. The surface data is 27. After receiving the RP bonus, it can also reach about 10. Basically, every ten attacks can bring out a Xuanbing Sword, which also makes our The speed of killing monsters has been greatly increased.

For nearly two hours, the mouth of the middle-aged soldier turned directly into an O-shape. He probably never imagined that humans would be able to stand against the ghouls without relying on shields. Obviously, the young adventurer in front of him is generally immune to the physical attacks of ghouls, and killing ghouls is also very clean and neat.

When the sword of warsong cut down the last ghoul from top to bottom, I turned back and said, “Okay, everyone can start!”

mission time is only 300 minutes. If these townsmen cannot be delivered to the Paradise Lost Station within these five hours, we will still get nothing, and the trip to Paradise Lost here will be almost an hour. We have just It took two hours, which means that if we meet another enemy on the road, we only have two hours to delay!

The middle-aged soldier carefully stretched his head and looked at the situation outside. This opened the gate of the town completely, turning around and saying to many townspeople: “The soldiers from Silver Moon City have helped us open our way to the source of life Channel, everyone quickly pack up simple luggage, we are on the way! “

Behind, I started to get busy. Almost every townsman ran into his dilapidated house. When I came out, I carried large and small objects. I was anxious when I saw this situation, and ran up to grab the blacksmith ’s hand, Question: “Uncle, can you carry such a large melting furnace? Lost it, I will let someone build another one for you when I arrive at the station!”

The blacksmith immediately rolled his eyes and said, “The treasure that my ancestors have passed down from generation to generation on this stove is also a symbol of my iron family. How can you say that you lose it?”

Fuck, or heirloom?

I immediately identified it, and found that this stove can indeed increase the equipment creation effect and success rate of 25. Forget it, keep it, this stuff is an invaluable treasure, maybe lost in the future. The equipment manufacturing business will be famous in this world!

An old man dragging a pile of planks next to him, and a young man is helping. I was busy and asked, “Old man, what are you doing with this plank?”

The old man said leisurely: “Young people, you do n’t understand this. My old man is used to this pear-wood plank bed. If I change one, I ca n’t sleep well.”

I just think the buzz in my head is messed up. The reason why mission is legendary is probably because of this. This group of people is like a family, not to mention two hours, I am afraid it is four Hours may not be able to rush to the lost paradise station.

Looking at how I was about to hit the wall, Lu Xuehan could n’t help but smiled and said: “Otherwise, let ’s talk to them, can we give up something?”

I nodded and walked over to the old priest: “Teacher, you see, if we must not walk fast in the current situation, the gadget is caught up by those nasty ghouls, everyone must finish it, you still help to convince Let ’s take a look at the townspeople. I promise that after arriving at the station, they will be given a brand-new living environment, and those tools will be distributed to them in full! “

The old priest was half-trusted and doubtful: “Can you really provide them with everything they need to work?”

I said: “Of course, how can we make you believe it?”

After a little consideration, the old priest said, “So, you can distribute them a little gold first, so that they will feel at ease and will not carry those extra things.”

“Fuck, is it a settlement fee?”

Lu Xuehan smiled lightly: “Wow, actually have to pay for the demolition, will you even be a top-notch household this year?”

I was a little embarrassed and said, “That … Xuehan, I have tight hands recently, there is no gold coin, do you have that?”

Lu Xuehan blinked and asked with a smile: “How much?”

I counted the number of people back, there were a total of 100 people, so I said: “Each person distributes 100 gold coins. In this case, 10,000 coins are needed. Do you have any?”

Lu Xuehan smiled and said, “It wasn’t originally, but last time Sister Lin and Xinyu leveled with me. All the gold coins I got were given to me. Well, now I have more than 30,000 coins and I will give you 20,000. Right! “

I ’m busy saying, “Do n’t, just give me 15,000. You can buy blue medicine for yourself. Besides, if this mission is completed, there will definitely be a gold coin reward. Then I will have money ~”

Lu Xuehan did not say much. I was directly traded and gave me 15,000 gold coins. I went to the old priest and said, “Is it possible to distribute 100 gold coins per person?”

The old priest was pleasantly surprised: “So much? Enough is enough ~”

I just remembered that in the context of this setting, ordinary civilians circulate copper coins or silver coins. As for gold coins, they should be regarded as high-end goods. 100 gold coins are enough for a civilian family to live for N years!

However, since the words have been spoken, it is not easy to recover them, so the gold coins in my package were quickly deducted by the system, and the townspeople who got the money only brought simple things that they could carry with them. But the blacksmith was more rogue. After accepting the money, he still refused to put down the furnace. In the end, the middle-aged soldier had to carry the furnace. He was still young and strong, and he was not too slow to carry such a thing.

So a group of people came out from the town gate, two players, four combat types plus more than 100 civilians, it is also a mighty, the ground outside the town is covered with layers of ghouls The body, blood and flesh, some broken limbs twitched occasionally, scaring the children among the townspeople crying.

After the stone guardrail, the broken clothes and the silver armor that had become two halves were scattered all over the ground. That was the relics left by the soldier who hung to protect us. In tears, after a few minutes of prayer, he told everyone to move on.

A short time later, an open field appeared on the side of the road, where shocking wooden posts were still erected, and the dead bodies on the wooden posts had begun to emit a rancid smell. The old priest frowned and said: “Drae’s sins are unforgivable, but we cannot allow his body to be so exposed to the sun that should be holy.”

The middle-aged soldier nodded and said, “Teacher, send Della back to the land!”

The old priest nodded silently. After about half a minute, he began to condense a scorching fireball. The condensing became bigger and bigger, and the townspeople who finally roasted must retreat backwards, seeing that the fireball had formed With a deep groan, the fireball flew off its hand, hitting the top of the pile with a bang, burning like a blasting gasoline bomb, making a “crackling sound”.

In the blink of an eye, half of the pile was turned to ashes with the corpse, and was blown by the wind, all of which was scattered into powder, and fell in the dirt of the field. It was also regarded as dust and dust.

The old pastor prayed again silently, and then ordered everyone to move on, but I was so anxious that if I continued this way, I would be afraid that the daylily would be cold when I arrived at the station.

It seems to see my concerns. The old priest smiled a little and shouted: “Everyone speeds up. That **** undead doesn’t know when it will come. They are more than ghouls!”

The middle-aged soldier was surprised: “Teacher, besides ghouls, is there any species of undead?”

The old priest nodded and looked awe-inspiringly: “Ghouls are like skeleton warriors, but they are the lowest level of the undead army. The erosion ability of undead is far more than that, hidden underground crypt demon, evil Wizard undead, as well as the beautiful and tight-fitting undead banshee, who were once beautiful elves and became servants of undead, these banshees have a more powerful charm ability. Once the human warrior is lost in the tenderness of the banshee , Will be occupied and lose everything including body and soul! “

Middle-aged soldiers ca n’t help but say: “Is the Banshee so powerful? I once heard that the Light Knight of Silvermoon City once killed 4 high-ranking Banshees …”

The old priest could n’t help laughing: “The light knight passed blessings of the magician ’s light magic, and he was naturally not afraid of the charm of the banshee, but we could n’t do it. People with weaker mental resistance might lose it after seeing the banshee. Mind. “

I thought aside, in this way, the Banshee should be at the same level as Murong Shanshan and Lu Xuehan. They all belong to the type that people ca n’t walk at a glance. The difference is that Murong Shanshan and Lu Xuehan rely on What is beautiful and beautiful looks, and the female demon, it is only possible to use the chest and buttocks to display the enchanting charm skills.

The old priest sighed again: “The power of undead hidden in the dark, no one knows how much power they have not taken out, they are for the purpose of destroying everything, it is really terrible!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a pathfinder soldier in front ran over and crawled, panic-stricken, pointing to the forest on the right, panting and saying, “Teacher, there are a large number of undead troops there. ! “

The old priest was shocked: “Is it a ghoul?”

The soldier shook his head: “It ’s not a ghoul, it ’s a creature crawling slowly on the ground, like a large spider, and there are still many shadows in the air, and my eyes cannot recognize them, but, their It moves so fast that it will reach us in a few minutes! “

The old priest was shocked and looked back at the townspeople behind him. At this time, he was already in a dilemma. If he moved forward, he might collide with the undead army. If he retreated, it might be even worse. Those sky No one knows what is flying. But the speed must be very fast, this group of unarmed townsmen must be destroyed.

I am also hesitant to see the pastor as the leader. I ca n’t help but feel annoyed. In any case, if I do n’t make a decision now, I will just sit back and die.

So I immediately drew the sword of warsong and went to the front and said, “I’m going to attract the attention of the undead troops. You bypass the woods, but pay attention to this woods, where a large group of iron-thorn porcupines live!”

The old priest glanced at the dense forest next to his eyes and nodded, saying, “Then be careful, we cross the woods and will wait for you at the station!”

After that, the old priest organized the staff to quickly cut down the thorns on the roadside ~ ~ traversed directly from the woods.

Looking forward, I said to Lu Xuehan: “Xuehan, you follow the townspeople and protect their safety along the way. You must not let anyone hang up!”

Lu Xuehan shook his head and said, “No, I will follow you, otherwise you will be bitten by a ghoul!”

I was speechless for a while but with a hint of comfort, so I quickly summoned the red leaves that I have n’t used for a long time. She wore a green priest robe and just smiled and said with a smile: “Brother, you are willing The red leaves are breathable! “

I did n’t have time to tease her, and directly ordered: “Hongye, you retreat with those townspeople, you must ensure safety!”

Hongye looked at the situation and nodded immediately, then quickly followed the old pastor.

Looking at the figure of Hongye, I can’t help but play with the taste: “Xuehan, people’s red leaves are more obedient than you!”

Lu Xuehan smiled slightly and said, “The red leaves are red leaves, I am me … ah!”

Suddenly, Lu Xuehan stared at me behind him.

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