Virtual World: The Legendary Thief: Embarrassment is ****

For nearly an hour, we burned all the tigers in the canyon, and the tiger king was sitting there without any movement. I could n’t help but wonder: “Why is that cold-eyed little brother I’m slaughtered and don’t do it, is it a cold-blooded animal? “

Xin Yu said with a smile: “Fool, look at its name!”

Blind Tiger King!

Damn it, it turned out to be invisible.

Without waiting for Xu Lin to give orders, the invited players had already rushed up. When Xinyu and I turned around, we only heard a few screams. Spike!

“No, this blind man is so powerful!” Xin Yu threw his tongue out and said worriedly: “Lin Fan, it seems that you still want to come to the top!”

The Tiger King rushed over. The Fruit MM, because of the need for a shield, could not stand the top two, and finally escaped. I quickly made up, and the system sent surprising combat messages–

You are attacked by the blind tiger king and lose qi and blood 942!


No wonder they will kill those soldiers in seconds. With my defense of 835 and more than 900 blood removed, it is already a miracle that the fruit MM can stand twice.

Xu Lin was killed by a quarter of her blood when she saw me suddenly, and cried in surprise: “The priest all gave Lin Fan blood, others concentrated on attacking!”

Lu Xuehan and several other priests’ healing techniques came one after another, and I finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although this attack is very high, but I have 5 priests continuously adding blood, there is basically no life threatening, Xin Yu And Xu Lin’s attack skills followed, and the tiger’s body immediately sputtered a brilliant light. The dark gorge was brightly illuminated by the gorgeous skills, and the sound of the crisp arrows lingered in the valley.

Although the Tiger King ’s attack is very high, his blood is much less than that of the same level. In just ten minutes, the Tiger King ushered in its first death!

It is still the first time Xin Yu ran to pick equipment, and Xu Lin also hurried over, her beautiful eyes shining with light.

“Maybe a group formation order has been issued!” I thought secretly.

Sure enough, Xinyu turned to everyone and raised the certification of the establishment of the group. He said happily: “It’s hit! We can finally build a guild!”

Xu Lin said nothing, and returned to the city after receiving the order to form the regiment from Xin Yu, leaving a temporary sentence: “Lin Fan will split the equipment!”

Xin Yu handed over several pieces of equipment to me and said with a smile: “Come on, the boss said, you will distribute it.”

I looked at the equipment in my hand. In addition to a purple dagger, there were 4 pieces of high-grade blue equipment and a dozen pieces of green equipment. This is not stingy, unlike other ones, it just explodes. Even a few blue outfits will be considered.

There are no thieves in our group, and I ca n’t assign them. I had to give the group of three pieces of blue equipment and these four pieces of equipment and 14 pieces of green equipment to the group of people. Two pieces Purple equipment is even an appearance fee for our greens family.

The lead warrior is not dissatisfied, after all, the real main force is the players within our green cabbage family.

So everyone returned to the city and it was time to go off-line for dinner. Today it is Li Qing ’s turn to cook. I dare not compliment her craftsmanship. Intuitively, she seems to be only good at serving men in bed.

As soon as I left the room, I saw Xu Lin sitting at the table with a bitter face, and Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan were comforting.

“What’s wrong?” I asked in surprise.

Xu Lin pursed her lips and said, “The king said that I do n’t have enough reputation, so I wo n’t let me build a guild …”

I laughed a lot: “The Murong Shanshan also encountered this situation, but I didn’t expect the same thing to happen to you. Sister Lin, how much reputation do you have now?”

Xu Lin pursed her lips and said, “It was only a little over 4,000, and today I finished playing two, it is almost 6,000.”

I made a rough calculation and said, “At present, our levels are too high, and players of the same level are generally guarded. It is much more difficult to achieve reputation than before.”

“Yeah, I will collect all the refresh information in the afternoon, and I do n’t believe I ca n’t get my reputation to 10,000!”

I nodded my approval and added: “For level 50, you and Xinyu and Xuehan should be okay. In this case, you can also get the most reputation. It is estimated to kill 50 times. The level is almost the same. “

Xu Lin blinked and asked with a smile: “Why don’t you come with us?”

“I want to hurry up and level up!”


After eating, everyone went into the game. Xu Lin took Xinyu and Lu Xuehan to find profitable experience. I went to find a good leveling place. It is estimated that Xu Lin will establish a gang in a few days. At the time, this was probably my last few days in Sword and Rose.

Murong Shanshan is probably due to the fact that I have to cook, and I went online late in the afternoon, and I missed the most important announcement of the system in the past few days.

When I first went online, I got a notice from the system: Congratulations to the player Romantic Master for successfully applying for the 007 area as a guild station. The guild station can buy teleport arrays from the system, or you can buy them. Doormen own.

I was stunned. Romantic Master was indeed the rich owner. The 200 million guild resident even applied so easily. According to our information, their members have not been filled yet. Senior players Not up to Romantic World, the low-level player Romantic World also looked down on, just responded to the phrase “Something to do with the secretary, nothing to do with the secretary”, oh, I’m sorry, I was wrong, “You don’t do it without money, you don’t do it with money” ……

It did n’t take long for Murong Shanshan to go online. She was on the Silvermoon Valley supply underground line. I was here just now. She went online under the tree not far away. The light sword was shining with beautiful light. It was it that made Murong Shanshan directly rush to the number one position in the city. Although it is also at level 50, Murong Shanshan ranked first in the main city due to the large gap in experience, but I couldn’t even enter the top ten.

“Qiao!” Murong Shanshan patted my shoulder and said with a smile.

I ’m not in a mood to joke with her, Shen Sheng said: “Did you know? Just now Romantic Master applied for the guild residence, which is No. 007, I do n’t know if it is the treasure land under the Yinyue Mountain, in case it is true, we I’m going to miss the chance … “

Murong Shanshan said angrily: “No need to guess. I just checked the Yueheng map in the morning. The codename of our eastern area is 007. Romantic Master is a bit of a vision …”

“What shall we do?” I asked depressively.

“What else can I do, level up normally, find mission!”

At this time, the system again sent a message: Romantic World Guild and Qingyi Tianxianhui formally form an alliance!

Murong Shanshan and I immediately looked at each other:

“The two guilds finally put on the same pants …”

Murong Shanshan bit his lip and spoke on the guild channel: “All members above level 45 will gather at the Silvermoon Valley supply camp!”

“What do you want to do?” I asked in surprise.

Murong Shanshan smiled and said, “I just received information that Romantic Master has brought a large group of people into Silvermoon Valley when we have lunch. It is estimated that we are currently engaged in urban defense construction at the resident, we will take some people to visit Let ’s see if we can learn any experience? “

I am a little worried: “There are hundreds of players in our guild of more than 45, and they have been swallowed alive by tens of thousands of people in the past?”

“What are you afraid of? It’s not during a guild battle or a siege. Now even if they have more, they won’t take the initiative to attack us.”

“Well, okay.” Although I still had some doubts, I agreed to Murong Shanshan.

In a while, the group with the highest level in our guild has gathered, there are more than 400 people, most of the levels are between 45 and 48, which should be regarded as the most explosive in the current Silver Moon City. Gang up.

Murong Shanshan was full of enthusiasm and said to everyone: “Romantic World even bought our own site under our eyes. Now I will take you to investigate the enemy’s situation and terrain on the spot. If there is a chance, we will attack. The city battle grabbed this town worth 200 million yuan. “

Everyone immediately agreed, and the voice of the young man was the loudest.

The team has not yet started, but the system has once again heard an amazing news: Congratulations to the player “release that girl” to establish a guild axe gang, rewarding its level +1!

Everyone is dumbfounded, and this savage does n’t know where it came from …

Soon, letting go of the girl sent a system message: “I set up a guild axe gang, and welcome friends who do n’t do good or bad things to join us. Our slogan is: to eliminate evil and maintain justice!”

“Fuck, how do I think he can already represent evil?” The young man shook his head frantically ~ ~ said with a smile: “Don’t worry about him first, let’s look at the Romantic World‘s residence first. Right … “


At the foot of the Yinyue Mountains, a large grassland has been replaced by a small village made of wooden fences. A turquoise river flows through the periphery of the village. Several heavily armed guards are standing at the village ’s door, arms Groups of players with the Romantic World logo are walking in and out of the village.

Murong Shanshan walked in with a group of us, and several members of Romantic World immediately watched us alertly and asked aloud, “What are you doing here?”

Murong Shanshan grinned and said lightly: “Visit! You will not be disappointed, we have no complaints in the future and no hatred in the near future.”

Fuck, they have done several publicly. This is also called Yuanri Wu complaining and recent hatred?

I couldn’t help admiring the Murong Shanshan hooligan, and the players of Romantic World were already dumbfounded by the pretty beauty of the little girl, and only one was sober, shouting into it: “Notify the boss, Murong Shanshan has brought someone over!”

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