Virtual World: The Legendary Thief: Dwarf surprise

The sky is slightly white, and the road to the White River is very flat and wide. A large number of British cavalry are there. They are fully armed and their intentions are self-evident.

Never Surrender‘s voice shuddered a little: “What’s the matter, why do the British have to come in and mix it up …”

“Cold lips die cold …”

I said a little lightly and then ordered loudly: “Attention all members of the Fourth Branch, form a defensive formation on the road of Baihe and prepare for battle!”

A swordsman player murmured and asked, “Do we really want to challenge the strength of two first-level main cities at the same time?”

I turned my horse’s head and smiled lightly: “We have no choice, think about the Chinese cultural relics that are still in the British Museum! It’s time for us to get some interest back!”

After finishing, I turned around and raised my sword and shouted: “Fight to the end, Never Surrender!”

The crowd immediately became angry and yelled: “* Fuck, get rid of the British and French allied forces!”


Xu Lin shook her head and chuckled in the back, not knowing what he was saying to Xinyu.

The fourth branch finally moved slowly to the edge of the dark forest under my command, and the British cavalry team also began a formal charge. They are extremely elite, and they do n’t know if the fourth branch can stop it. And, the English people looked like a huge piece of land, and it was impossible to see exactly how many people there were. The dusty piece almost covered the dark forest there. It is estimated that the number would not fall below 50,000.

Never Surrender said affirmatively: “We need support!”

I also understand, so I quickly talked to Murong Shanshan: “Shanshan, there are people in you? Would you please lend me a little bit?”

Murong Shanshan seems very speechless. After a few seconds, I said: “I am also very nervous here. I can only lend you the three guilds of the fairy sword world for the time being. You can use it well. Do n’t let them hang up, otherwise I ca n’t explain to them … “

“Okay! How is your situation there?”

“Well, the fight is fierce! The Lost Paradise League and the Sword and Rose League are here, but the main force of the French is also here. Although they are not many cavalry, swordsmen and archers, Players such as mage and so on are almost here. Now that we have emptied their cavalry, we are organizing the cavalry to attack their sub-urban front. If they are successful, they should be able to completely wipe them out within two hours and move the front to the catapult. Be able to attack within the range of the inner wall! “

“Well, Shanshan, we work hard together!”


After I turned off the communicator, I immediately contacted Li Xiaoyao. He did n’t seem to know it, but my words were unquestionable: “The British are outspoken! So, I hope that the world of fairy swords can go to the White River area to lose our paradise. Can the Four Leagues block the British attack together? “

“Boss knows if he doesn’t know?”

“Just said …”

“Okay! It ’s handed over to us! Damn, I have n’t participated in the fight until now, my brothers have been waiting for it!”

I smiled and said, “I’ll give it to you, brother!”

“No problem!”

After Li Xiaoyao patted his chest, I saw that the members of the world of the Immortal Sword waiting in the rear were moving towards the Baihe River in a mighty way, but I could n’t see that Li Xiaoyao ’s ordering efficiency was so high.

Fighting is in full swing across the plains, there are crowds of fighting everywhere, the war has reached the stage of day-to-day, a large number of players hang down every minute, and countless equipment drops on the ground every minute, but No one picks it up. Almost the players on both sides only have their own enemies. This battle is endless until the victory or defeat is divided.

According to the rules of the national war, the two sides will be forced to log off after being killed three times by the enemy during the national war, which means that as long as we kill the online players of Lingtong City three times, they can limit their endless resurrection and Join the battle, but how could Lingtong City, a city with at least 5 million players, be easily conquered?

At this time, Never Surrender was knocked back by a cavalryman in front of him, and directly overwhelmed another swordsman. I hurried forward to make up the position, brandished the sword with a sword, and turned back, shouting: ” Sister Lin, give us a conflagration here, which can’t be carried! Let Xuehan also come up and use thunder for nine days, there are too many French people here! “

Xu Lin responded immediately. Soon, Lu Xuehan ’s beautiful figure appeared next to Xu Lin. She smiled lightly, very soft, and her hands were light, but the magic she released killed the French cavalry. Among them, a large area of ​​strong current was raging in the cavalry formation, and white light was rising, and a vacuum zone was formed.

Not only were the French stunned, but even the players of Paradise Lost opened their mouths in surprise. If every Master of Paradise Lost had this kind of attack power, I ’m afraid that only a row of Masters could stop France The cavalry charged.

Looking at the long, invisible cavalry formation behind, Never Surrender suddenly reached for a finger on the mountain and said in surprise, “Huh? What is that?”

The people looked up and saw black shadows appearing densely in the dark mountains of the east. Those are black armor! The reinforcements of the dwarven tribe are finally sent!


“Oh my god, that’s a 130-level enhanced monster! Are you here to help us or fight us?” a lost paradise player asked in horror.

I said right away: “Continue to fight! The dwarves are our coalition in Silvermoon City. Did n’t you see that their names are green?”

The crowd immediately rejoiced that they took their weapons and continued to fight, while in the rear, the elite dwarf warriors like the tide had rushed down the mountain and directly impacted the French cavalry formation against our enemy, although it looked like The camp is endless, but the number of dwarves is also not to be underestimated. It is enough for the French to have more than 30,000 people to flock together. Especially these dwarves are 130-level enhancements, which are definitely ten million times stronger than ordinary players.

The dwarf patriarch bears the brunt, trotting with a giant axe while shouting: “Kill all enemies for the glory of the dwarf tribe!”

“Slap ~!”

An axe went down and chopped off the horse leg of a French knight in front. Then an axe came forward and chopped off the opponent ’s head, neatly. The axe broke directly into the cavalry formation, and then the axe suddenly slashed to the ground. I saw the ground cracked and the lightning flashed. The surrounding cavalry stood unsteady, and even some were directly killed by this electric light!

It seems that this skill is a common skill for dwarves. In a piece of electro-optic, the pieces of French cavalry fell like wheat cutting, and the situation immediately fell to the side of Silver Moon City.

The French cavalry in front of us seemed to get the order, immediately turned the horse head desperately and rushed back, shouting in his mouth: “Destroy those **** dwarves!”

As a result, a group of people who lost their paradise were stunned and stayed there.

I immediately waved my sword and said, “What are you waiting for, the time to fight back is here, and kill this group of Frenchmen on the dark plains, brothers, come on!”

After that, he urged the horse to catch up with a French cavalry and cut it under the horse with his sword.

The paradise-losing front began to chase the French cavalry, and some paradise-lost knight players also summoned their horses to join the chase.

Under the three-hour desperate defense, everyone in Paradise Lost breathed a sigh of relief, especially when watching the melee defense players in the front row keep hanging down, and the body was trampled by the opponent ’s iron hoof. Everyone’s eyes were red and they went all out to counterattack.

Looking up, about 100,000 French cavalry are surrounded by the vast dark plains, dusty, everyone is writing this epic online game myth.


Sophisticated dwarf warriors assassinated and panicked French players. Three tens of thousands of paradise losers have begun to organize their solid defenses to move forward, cooperating with the dwarves. The tribe strangled the French with melons and vegetables.

In the direction of Baihe, the three guilds of the Fairy Sword World and the fourth paradise of the Paradise Lost together are blocking the offensive of the British cavalry, but fortunately, the British are just like us, just hang up once, They have to run for five hours to get here again.

There was a sudden burst of horseshoes in the city wall not far away, and a large number of cavalry appeared there. As many as ten thousand people, it seems that Ye Qiu has brought together the Cavaliers of the General League and the Sub-League. Rushing in the forefront, waving the sword and rushing into the French camp, shouting: “Brothers! Since they are dying of Simon, then we will assist the friendly forces of the East Gate!”

If there is no wrong guess, the French must have deployed heavy soldiers at Simon, and there are too few players with the Scarlet Sky, and even if there are not many people with the lilac, it is better to fight the frontal annihilation together.

Soon, the cavalry of the lilac and the **** sky came out. They only left the infantry to pin down at the west gate, and all the real practical power came over!

What ’s even more gratifying is that the Cavalry of Paradise Lost and the Sword and Rose League also rushed up from the rear. The beautiful figure of Murong Shanshan appeared there. I immediately drove over and she smiled and said, “Complete mission, We have already killed all the French people outside the city, and after destroying the remaining forces outside the city, we officially throw a stone car to attack the city and directly smash it and kill it! “

I chuckled and reached out and said, “Long time, I will take you to kill you for a while!”

Murong Shanshan held me out with a small white hand, and I pulled her on the horse with a little force, holding it in my arms for a while. Murong Shanshan‘s pretty face is reddish, leaning obediently in my arms, it’s rare, in this **** battlefield I can still enjoy a moment of tenderness …

When I drove a horse and caught up with the last French player, I raised my sword and chopped him off. Instead, Murong Shanshan could n’t attack because of the common riding mode, so I clamored in my arms. I quickly appease: “Don’t worry, don’t worry, when there are more people, you should dismount the horse and release the Sword Qi, and then get on the horse to chase …”

This method is very compromised. The little girl blinked her eyes, and after a little consideration, she agreed.

Due to the high defense relationship between the two of us, I directly urged the horse to squeeze into the other ’s cavalry formation. After the Murong Shanshan jumped off the horse and pulled out the psychic sword, the sword light flashed, and the huge Sword Qi light was already illuminated The sky lit up, and when Sword Qi fell down, a group of people turned their backs.

In order to cooperate, I immediately used a reinforced laser sword, which just formed a cross shape with Murong Shanshan‘s Sword Qi. The French who were killed directly were frightened and beat the horses.

Put Murong Shanshan on again and continue to catch up. Behind him, the lost paradise players followed slowly, and the French cavalry left behind were not slashed on the spot.

At this time, the cavalry of several major guilds of Silvermoon City have begun to gallop on the plains, especially the cavalry of the paradise lost and the sword and the rose, especially tough. The loss of cleanliness, and what is more terrible in the rear is the attack of the dwarf tribe. Almost every axe makes the French chill. This high-level reinforcement is definitely not a joke!

“Lin Fan, what’s the matter with these dwarf warriors? Why would they help us siege?” Murong Shanshan asked immediately.

I briefly explained: “I made a mission and saved their building base. As a reward, they helped me win Lingtong City!”

Little beauty chuckled: “Fortunately with you, otherwise this time is really dangerous, I did not expect the French to fight back so violently …”

She looked back at the direction of Baihe and gritted her teeth: “There are also wicked Englishmen who are busy with their business and waiting for Lingtong City, the next one is them!”

I secretly panicked and smiled: “Shanshan, you are so aggressive …”

As a result, she chuckled and said: “Just talk about it, I feel so tired of playing Lingtong City, and then call the main city of England, let this kind of thing be given to others, let’s just relax and have a chat with tea!”

I smiled slightly, and then urged Tianma to start crossing the French cavalry camp. Murong Shanshan did not experience the feeling of cavalry charge. This time it was really refreshing, watching me swinging people into two parts with a sword, she Just say I am too cruel, but in fact, it may not be better to change her own.

After nearly two hours of fighting, the French cavalry on the plains have been completely destroyed. Finally, the stubborn rebellion was also smashed by the dwarf warrior with a giant axe, and no one survived.

Several guilds met again, and as a representative, wiped the blood of Jian Feng and said: “Finally, it is cut, what should I do next?”

I said: “The players of Paradise Lost and Lilac all went from the dark forest to the back of the British cavalry, cut off the route of the White River Avenue, then attacked the British, closed the door and beat the dog, make sure they all hang up, we In Paradise Lost, all forces start to attack from the front. Let ’s take a good lesson to these busy guys! “

Murong Shanshan hurriedly took my hand and asked, “What about me? What are swords and roses doing?”

I chuckled: “We are here to attack the city, but not specifically to kill people ~~ Except for Paradise Lost and Lilac, the rest of the Silver Moon City players all cooperate with the sword and rose main attack to fight for us to kill the British. At the time, the inner wall of Lingtong City had already fallen! “

“Well, I got it!”

Murong Shanshan smiled, and then left with a group of players. After five hours of fighting, the French suffered heavy losses, and the Silver Moon City also suffered terrible losses. Nearly half of the players have hung up and returned to the city. At this time, a large number of Silvermoon City players are on their way to here.

On the contrary, the French and the British are not so optimistic. Because the Yinyue City attack was abrupt, they were caught off guard, and it is now 12 o’clock in Beijing time, but it was just in the early hours of Britain and France, and it just hung up. Many players can no longer support it, and I am afraid they will not go online anymore.

According to my strategy, a large number of lilacs and horses have entered the forest, and I have led nearly 50,000 players of the Paradise Lost General League, First Division, Second Division, and Third Division to The direction of Baihe is advancing, where a war is in full swing.

When I came to the first front, I found that the battle situation was terrible. There were less than a quarter of the players in the fairy sword world. The two-hour battle made many of them fall under the enemy ’s knights ’guns, but There are some kinds of people in the fairy sword world, and it is still here that this loss is exhausted.

I saw Murong Ziying and asked, “What about Li Xiaoyao?”

“Big Brother has already hung up and is coming with the brothers who have hung up!” Murong Ziying pulled out the sword from the enemy’s body and looked back at me and said ~ ~ The players in the fourth and fifth leagues of Paradise are not much better. Although the loss is not as serious as the fairy sword world, only about one third of the people are left. Li Qing directs his little lion in the crowd In the rush, he squeezed the bow and arrow to shoot the opponent’s cavalry.

Due to my acquiescence, the dwarf tribe also joined the battle against the British. Compared to ordinary players, these perennial dwarves are better at fighting in the mountains, and they came to the British through the woods quickly. The position of the two wings suddenly killed the British people, and the blood of the axe flashed, and a head was flying high, blood was splashing, and the scene was very unsuitable for children.

British cavalry is also about 100,000, all of which are densely covered in the valley here, so at this time, the skills of Xinyu and Xu Lin, and Lu Xuehan are very powerful, especially Xinyu She has a high attack and a high frequency of attacks, and can often kill pieces of cavalry.

The three beauties were attacking on three fronts respectively. Due to their powerful skills, the British frontline retreated. When they tried to exit this valley, they found that the retreat had been blocked by a group of murderous Chinese. Too.

The leading British player glared and shouted: “For glory, rush!”

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