Virtual World: The Legendary Thief: Dragon riding

I stood there staring, what kind of picture this is. Yangliu Yiyi, the grave is covered with grass, the butterflies dance around, and the long sword inserted in the soil is still very bright. Binglan gently strokes the blade, sobbing in a low voice.

The tombstone is engraved with a line of “Emperor Mingyu’s Tomb.” The two butterflies in front of the tombstone dance up and down, surrounded by long swords.

After a long time, Binglan turned slowly, and my eyes shook suddenly when I contacted her. The kind of sorrow was actually similar to Xinyu’s eyes at that time! Binglan lost the teacher she might love, and Xinyu lost more than she could talk about.

“You are here …” Binglan said lightly.

I nodded and went straight to the tomb and said, “Binglan, is this the place where the Dragon Talker sleeps?”

“Well, the teacher likes the scenery here, so I buried him here …”

I said: “Don’t live in the past, it will only make you miserable.”

“Well, I know that after a hundred years, some things should be wiped out!” Binglan sighed quietly.

I do n’t know where the courage came from. I grabbed Binglan ’s arm and said, “Come on, I ’ll take you out of here!”

Binglan looked at me in surprise, did not speak, let me pull away from this mountain, and after turning around a small wood, we came to the mountain stream, the stream was covered with pebbles, and the legs on the shore were very long Birds are drinking water.

“Where do you … take me?” Binglan finally couldn’t help asking.

I shook my head: “I don’t know, where did you live?”

Binglan laughed softly: “I live in no fixed place. Most of the time, I am practicing on the top of this mountain. If the Dragon Domain has mission, I will gather all the Dragon Knights to execute, In the rest of the time, I will also travel alone in the mountains and waters, traveling around the Heng mainland this month to increase my knowledge. Otherwise, people might laugh at the Dragon Talkers and do not eat fireworks on earth. “

I looked at her and suddenly asked, “That … Binglan, I want to ask if there are gods on this continent, such as gods of God of War, Goddess of Nature, Goddess of Ice and Snow?”

Binglan stunned slightly and could n’t help but smiled: “I have n’t been involved. If there were gods in heaven, would the earth be charcoal like this? The ravages of undead, humans roared for survival, they all Ca n’t you see it? If there is a god, I think it ’s just to provide faith to the world, just like the spell left by the goddess of ice and snow. Only that spell can activate ice magic. Forbid curse! “

I nodded, and suddenly felt a collapse of my whole body, the whole person fell involuntarily, Binglan exclaimed, and quickly supported me with her eyes, she said: “You should still rest more! The period of transformation Time has lost a lot of your energy, let’s go, I will take you, where I live here … “

Binglan finished speaking, holding me up into the air, the wind screamed, and in a blink of an eye, I had reached below the summit of the mountain, the mountain breeze was blowing, and the green forest was swaying, and under the forest, a simple The house is located there, next to it, a waterfall descends from the sky and flows past the house, the sound is not very loud.

After landing, I could n’t help sighing: “It ’s a good scenery. If you can build a villa here, it should be at least 100,000 square meters …”

Binglan blinked her eyes, obviously did n’t understand what I was talking about, she helped me into it, and said, “I hope you do n’t dismiss the shabby …”

I looked around. It was really simple. There was only a bamboo bed and a table next to it. This should be furniture made by Binglan. You ca n’t see it. The craftsmanship is not bad ~

My eyes fell on Binglan. I looked up and down until Binglan was a little cramped. I said, “Binglan, where did you buy the clothes you bought?”

I do n’t even have a wardrobe in this room, which makes me very puzzled.

Binglan said: “I often go to the Silver Moon City Palace to get all the clothes and equipment … Well, they use the salaries provided by the Dragon Knights … In Shuijian City, there are several clothes in the store They are also very beautiful. I go there once every half a month … “

I ca n’t help but be speechless. Sure enough, Binglan is a woman after all, and things like buying clothes are indispensable.

Looking at the time, it is already 10 o’clock in the evening. Although I ate the roast rabbit just now, my real muscles are already hungry and twitching!

So I just wanted to say that I was leaving, but Binglan was very tacit and said: “Then rest first, I will wait outside. As for the purpose of your trip, Dragon Riding, I will obey Promise to teach you, but wait for your body to recover ~ “

Well, dragon riding? I rely on it. Isn’t it NB?

I almost understand that I can only receive mission rewards when my weak time passes. This is fine. Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu are online at the same time, and you should be able to get experience and reputation!

Binglan went out after talking, and took the door. I climbed into the bed and looked at the bamboo leaves swaying outside the window. Although Binglan was lonely, her taste in life was not bad. After watching for a few minutes, I informed Xin Yu and Lu Xuehan, and then went offline.

However, on the offline interface, I saw a system announcement. Ten days later, the “Winner is King” challenge was held in the whole server! I was rarely depressed immediately. This announcement has been released for four days, but I did n’t pay attention because of the mission relationship. I clicked on the detailed rules and looked at it. It is a team P game of a five-person team. The advanced selection of various regions can appear. Teams can only participate in the World Finals, the quota allocated to China is 4 teams!

And, when the game is over, the champion team will also get the chance to challenge the beast! As for what rewards will be obtained, the official did not give a statement, just sold a pass, saying that the rewards are very rich!

I ca n’t help but laugh. According to the rules of this game, the five players of the championship team must get a level upgrade of 5, which is very tempting for me now. After level 110, the upgrade is too great It’s too hard, even killing two 140-levels will only advance to one level. If you kill the mobs, it’s not even a year since the donkey, but once you win the championship in this game, you can directly upgrade to five levels. Time?

Well, the next thing is to seek teammates! Li Qing and Guo Guo are definitely not good. The equipment of the two of them is average, not to mention the operation. They ca n’t even talk about it. They can be described in terms of dishes. In the game, P knew that they were holding a pair of small buns. running in and out.

Lu Xuehan and Xinyu ’s level and equipment are quite excellent. Perhaps they can be considered. Although their operations cannot reach the front line, as for Xu Lin, her level is also superior, but if you really want to win this world It is estimated that the champion of the competition is still somewhat reluctant. I have had the experience of the Brave Challenge before, but that was limited to Hurricane City. We played so reluctantly, and now, there are so many strong players in the world participating in the equipment rankings. Those masters of artifacts are not decoration, just killing one or two of them will make us trouble

Forget it, wait until you go offline to discuss slowly!

After taking off the helmet, the whole body seemed to be collapsed, and it would be tired after lying down for too long.

Open the door, Lu Xuehan was standing there pretty and said with a smile: “Wear the clothes, we go out to dinner, Sister Lin said to treat ~”

I was a little surprised: “Most of the night, which guest did she invite, could it be a bad attempt?”

Lu Xuehan chuckled and said, “I’m afraid of anything. I and Xinyu will accompany you to go with you! Shouldn’t you have eaten one day? Shouldn’t you have a good meal? The table has been booked and the car is waiting for us downstairs Hurry up! “

I nodded, then went back to the room, opened the closet and found a fairly stylized outfit, put on a mouthwash, chewed a piece of xylitol, and went out.

Xin Yu is already outside, standing in the corridor and talking to Xu Lin downstairs: “What anxious, Lin Fan will come out immediately.”

Xu Lin said, “Well, I ’m not in a hurry. Anyway, Lin Fan ’s hungry body has nothing to do with me. It ’s not for you to use in the future ~”

Xin Yu choked for a while, I patted her shoulder from the back, said: “Xin Yu, let’s go, Xuehan has gone down!”

“Well, good!”

Xin Yu turned around and habitually held my arm. I was also happy. My shoulders were pressed by a ball of softness. I felt uncomfortable and comfortable. Having such a full and upright wife is also considered happy. !

When I came downstairs, there was already someone in the business car. Xu Lin drove and sat in the front passenger seat. I looked inside, and Li Qing and Guoguo occupied two seats, and only two seats were left. For the remaining three people.

Xu Lin turned around and apologized: “The driver said that his wife will be producing in these two days, so I went back first. Another car sent several employees of the company to Shanghai for training. The three of you … squeeze one Crowded, doesn’t it matter? “

I was stunned for a while, and then smiled: “I ca n’t do it ~!”

After the talk, he sat in, and Xin Yu also followed in. Lu Xuehan, who was originally inside, said: “Well, it seems to be crowded, otherwise, Lin Fan got off and took a taxi by himself?”

Even Lu Xuehan was so unscrupulous, a few MMs snickered immediately, and then I said, “Do n’t, it ’s a waste of taxis, you have to learn to save … wow! Xinyu, how do you occupy such a big place, Is your **** so big? “

Xin Yu said innocently: “I do n’t want to, but how can this cheap commercial vehicle be so narrow …”

Xu Lin said in the front: “The business is sluggish, so just order it. Do you think I don’t want to drive a Mercedes?”

*, crying poor with so much money, it is quite Xu Lin style!

So I said to Lu Xuehan: “Come, Xuehan sit on my lap …”

Li Qing and Guo Guo immediately ridiculed and said, “Wow, they have all developed to this point. Have you honestly told us, have you already completed the last step? Huh, look at Xue Han, has the girl become a young woman? “

“Fuck, you * are a young woman …” I couldn’t help but stared at them, but I found Li Qing and Guo Guo looked very coquettish, and it was useless to stare at them.

Lu Xuehan was not very willing at first, but it was really crowded. I had almost nowhere to put one leg, and there were a bunch of company promotional magazines in the car. I do n’t know which idiot did not withdraw.

There is really no way, Lu Xuehan stood up, and I hugged her in my arms as soon as I took her arms. She was a little embarrassed, and finally sat obediently on my lap, lying across the car, Xin Yu was in The next ghost yelled, “Come, let me hug …”

Lu Xuehan was even more blushed, and I felt her body trembling slightly.

Xu Lin started the car and went out with a cry.

There are not many vehicles driving on the street and it is quite safe, so I asked, “Where do I go to eat so late?”

Xu Lin said: “Just get together once, the people in our family haven’t been together for a long time ~”

“Fuck, are n’t we all together when we eat in the cafeteria every day?”

“Oh, that’s different ~”

Xin Yu patted me on the shoulder and said, “Anyway, Sister Lin invites you, you ask so much for what, after all, just order the most expensive dish ~”

Xu Lin fainted and said, “Girls are extroverted, why is this my cute and lovely Xinyu sister!”

I almost didn’t spit it out and said, “Xin Yu will be my own afterwards, so please accept your fate!”

Xu Lin smiled slightly and suddenly asked: “Yes, I heard Xue Han said that you are doing mission to learn riding these days, and I heard that there are dragon knights and death knights, mission, finished. Is it? “

I nodded and said, “It’s done, but the mission rewards need to be received tomorrow. Let’s talk about it when it comes online. However, these days mission has hit a lot of advanced equipment. Today, two of the two broke out. I use low-level artifacts … “

“What, two artifacts?” Xu Lin was so surprised that she couldn’t even control the direction of the car.

“Well, two low-level artifacts, a helmet, a wrist brace, the attributes are very good, in the next winner of the king game, it should be able to play a big role!”

At this time, Lu Xuehan in my arms said, “Eh ~” and said, “So you also knew the game where the winner is king, and thought you only focused on mission and ignored it!”

“Well, it was originally ignored, but I just saw it when I was off the line. This was a good opportunity. The champion team each upgraded to level 5, and it is said that there are mysterious rewards. This is too tempting. I am now If you want to upgrade to level 5, it will take about two months for ordinary level training! “

Xu Lin said: “By the way, when I went offline today, I saw that Xin Yu actually ran to the second place in the ranking list. What happened, your upgrade speed is too abnormal?”

Xin Yu said with pride: “Of course, at that time, the super skills I possessed killed countless monsters at once. Not only did I upgrade myself by three levels, but also two Lin Fans by nearly two levels. What! “

Xu Lin could n’t help but sigh, saying that she missed a good time. After a while, she asked again: “By Lin Fan, the winner is the king ’s game. Now it ’s the most watched by players. What are your plans? , Are you going out to find someone to team up, or are you still using our studio as a unit? “

I was a little hesitant, so I said: “I haven’t considered it yet. That … If you go out to find someone to form a team, you may have a higher win rate, but you always feel that you are out of the group. If we are looking for a team in our guild … “

Xu Lin couldn’t help but laughed and said: “Yes, we will hold back! There are some masters in our guild, but there are few top-level masters. I’m afraid that even a powerful team of five is difficult to put together Um, five people, you count as one. Xuehan and Xinyu may also be able to handle it. As for me, the level is a little lower now, but if you do n’t dislike, I still have to keep up. The last one is made. Headache … “

At this time, Li Qing later said: “I am also good, defense 2400, qi and blood 7000, can always help some people, can you all abandon me …”

Xu Lin chuckled: “It’s not to abandon you, but why should you send points to others in the past? Qingya, you’re honestly mixing up with Guozi ~ Your defense is not enough for senior thieves Yes, it was a few knives … “

Li Qing has a chest, a look like “You ca n’t insert me,” and said, “Okay, that ’s why I have to accompany Guoguo and the couple Never Surrender …”

Fruit is furious: “Who said dogs and men … we are just …”

“But what is it?” I was interested.

Li Qing was overjoyed, adding oil and vinegar: “It’s nothing, just in the forest in the game, try to kiss the mouth, play guns or something, really nothing ~”

Everyone laughed immediately, and the fruit was embarrassingly dead, pouting, “That’s not unsuccessful, what’s so funny …”

I ca n’t help but sigh ~ ~ Never Surrender was originally a child who was following the rules, and he learned to mess up with the fruit, injustice!

Finally, Xu Lin said: “How to form a team, you have time to discuss with Shanshan later! However, your kid is very unreasonable. According to my observation, you have n’t been looking for Shanshan for a long time. Is n’t she afraid that she will be abducted by the playboys at school? “

“Abduction … Maybe not, Shanshan is so idiot, if you want to abduct her, I am afraid it is not easy …”

I said so in my mouth, but I was nervous to die.

Xu Lin glanced back and found that Lu Xuehan was sitting in my arms, and Xin Yu was holding my arm, so she said with great sigh: “What is the bliss of enjoying the world? , These silly girls, I really do n’t know what ’s in my head ~ “

I smiled, and suddenly the words changed and asked, “Where are you going to take us so long after coming out? This is almost coming to the park!”

“It ’s here ~ Do n’t worry ~”

The car was parked on a square. I had lost my way. I did n’t know what it was like.

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