Virtual World: The Legendary Thief: Destroy mission

After the scene of Silver Moon City, we quickly came to the camp of Golden Dawn. It was almost 12 o’clock in the middle of the night, but we found that several players were picking up mission there. It seems that we can discover this secret. There are more than just us.

That ’s fine, the development of Yuehengzhong has started to be driven by players. The mission we received are all related factors of the situation. Once the logistics supply is normal and our players complete mission smoothly, they can often If the other party’s supply and investigation cause a blow, the chance of Golden Dawn acquiring the hurricane power is even greater.

These players are people in the **** sky, they did n’t say anything after seeing us, they just followed mission, and we did n’t have much control. After all, there are so many players in Yueheng, we ca n’t possibly Dominate the Golden Dawn mission distribution center.

Fruit first ran over and handed over mission, only to see a light yellow light flash, she rose to another level, and the experience given by the high-level orange mission was truly extraordinary.

Xu Lin smiled and asked: “Fruit, did you get any equipment?”

Fruit mm looked at the package and beamed with joy: “Bring a 55-level purple knight sword ~”

“Well, good luck ~” Xu Lin smiled, then motioned Xinyu to hand in mission.

Xin Yufei quickly stepped forward and walked back with disappointment after handing over mission, saying, “50% of the unequipped chances made the old lady run into …”

“rp ~”

Xu Lin chuckled and turned over to mission, but she was also disappointed, and it seemed that her rp was not good.

It’s Lu Xuehan’s time. Her rp is obviously better than others, not only upgraded, but also got a very good piece of equipment. She smiled and shared the equipment attributes-

[Glorious Power Leggings] (Armor-Orange Equipment)

Defense: 274

Physical strength: +65

Strength: +85

Agility: +60

Intelligence: +72

Additional: Increases its own strength attribute bonus by 10

Required level: 58


Everyone was taken aback by the attribute of this piece of equipment. The orange equipment at level 58 was really powerful! The defense is 274, even higher than the 52-level orange armored clothes on my body. The strength attribute is also added to the horror 85. The most important thing is to increase the strength attribute of 10, which is equivalent to increasing the attack power of 10. The effect is far from generally comparable with dozens of points of strength.

Lu Xuehan blinked, and the equipment was thrown to me with a smile, and said: “It has always been Lin Fan who equips us. This time there is finally a piece of equipment that can be handed over to Lin Fan!”

My eyes are instantly wet, so the equipment of the nb attribute is not only available, I am afraid that there is no armored leggings that are more nb than this leggings.

This is the importance of luck. Although everyone has a chance to get the equipment, Xin Yu and Xu Lin have nothing, but Lu Xuehan got such a valuable equipment. If it was not given to me, it would be Going to auction at the auction, it is estimated that the price will definitely reach a very horrible number.

Fortunately, Lu Xuehan is not short of money.

“Hurry up and equip, let’s look at the attributes ~” Xin Yu said with a smile.

I immediately replaced the original 40-level leggings on my body, and all of a sudden, the attributes were greatly improved:

Green Veggie Tofu Soup (Silver Swordsman)

Level: 63

Life: 6420

Attack: 1080-1521 (× 110 [God of War Aura]) (× 110 [Blessing of Strength]) (× 110 [Orange Leggings Strength Bonus Effect])

Defense: 1275 (× 110 [Blessing of Power])

Prestige: 130600

Friendship of the emerging camp: 192500

Lucky: 0


Because Xinyu is around, the attack increases by 10.

Fruit was surprised and closed his mouth, pointing at my property panel and saying: “This is too abnormal, even if I change the purple equipment I just hit, I ca n’t compare with you at all!”

Xu Lin smiled and said: “Fruit, equip the purple knight sword, let everyone look at your current attributes. Although it is not as good as Lin Fan, it should be regarded as the best among knight players ~”

Fruit nodded, then quickly changed into equipment and shared the attributes —

Green cabbage fruit (knight)

Level: 57

Life: 4125

Attack: 652-985 (× 110 [Aura of God of War]]

Defense: 1123

Prestige: 21050

Friendship of the emerging camp: 203940

Lucky: 0


As a knight with 3 points of physical strength per level, the fruit ’s total energy is only a little over 4,000. In general, it is indeed a little worse. The strength barely exceeds 1,000 after being strengthened by Xinyu ’s aura. At the current level Among the knights, it’s not bad. Unfortunately, she added two points of defense at each level. She actually ended up not as high as mine, and when equipped with a shield, her equipment was indeed second.

Xu Lin smiled and said: “Fruit’s equipment is not bad, defense and qi and blood are higher than Never Surrender, but the attack is still worse, and there is still a big gap with Lin Fan.”

Xin Yu gave her a glance: “Nonsense, do you think anyone can compare with Lin Fan’s bt, you see that his equipment does not add more than 40 power, and he also adds 5 power, level 60? It ’s 300 more power than the fruit. It ’s natural to attack so much higher than the fruit. ”

Xu Lin smiled and was not angry. She looked at the time and said, “It’s already midnight, let’s all go offline. I will continue to brush the rank tomorrow. I found that this rank mission can not only make the rank rise quickly, And there are a lot of benefits to take. Also, there are activities in the guild every day, let’s not go for a few of us, let Qing girl come forward. “

Everyone agreed, so we were ready to go offline.

At this time, I suddenly thought, * Has been busy for a long time, and my own mission reward has not been received yet. When I said it, a few mm laughed tremblingly.

Getting there quickly, I clicked on the mission system and submitted mission.

mission looked at me as usual, and said aloud: “Brave warrior, your team completed the sacred mission, these are your rewards!”

After “ding ~” a system bell.

System Tip: Your team completed the orange level mission [escort Golden Dawn No. 12 supplies], gained 12 billion experience, gained 5000 gold coins, reputation +5000, camp friendliness +80,000, obtained equipment: [Battleman Battle Boots!

“Ding ~!”

System Tip: Congratulations, your rank has been promoted!


Very good. Within a day, the military rank has been upgraded to three consecutive levels. Now it is already the official “Superintendent”. If you remember correctly, Murong Shanshan is still a sentry, only two levels below me!

Xu Lin and Xin Yu gathered around and eagerly asked: “Have you got the equipment?”

I shared the attributes of the equipment without looking. Hem, Tauren boots. When I look at the name, I know that the equipment is very good.

As a result, I saw mm guys all covering their lips and laughing, could it be that something went wrong again? Busy look at the attributes-

[Tauren Boots] (Green Equipment)

Defense: 124

Strength: +

Physical strength: +21

Agility: +8

Addition: Since this item has been used by Tauren warriors, it is very unsuitable and reduces the movement speed by 25

Required level: 65


I was petrified in an instant. What’s the matter? The level requirement is 65. This is unique for the time being, and no one can be equipped at all. Murong Shanshan, the first on the ranking list, is also It ’s just level 64.

Unfortunately, the attribute of the equipment is very incompatible with its level, even if the number of points added is small, there is actually a negative attribute that reduces the movement speed. This is rare. It is estimated that the equipment ’s The price is only 10 yuan, um, used to buy breakfast, it is estimated that it is barely enough to eat, this must be in the case of mm weight loss.

The gap is too big. People Lu Xuehan took the orange equipment, and the fruit also got the purple equipment. Even if Xin Yu and Xu Lin were not equipped, even if I got such a superb equipment, it was a shame.

Xu Lin comforted and said: “Relax, this piece of equipment can also be sold as a souvenir, maybe someone is willing to give 100 pieces …”

When she said this, her expression was completely out of phase, and she was very fortunate to laugh.

I threw the equipment to Xinyu, and said, “Okay, everyone is tired, wash and sleep …”

So everyone went offline, nothing happened overnight.


The next morning, get up and eat.

Because Xu Lin has already reached the second transfer request, Xin Yu, Lu Xuehan and Guozi all went to help, but I was left alone. Xu Lin ’s original words said: “Your time is more precious, still Brush the military rank with Shanshan, so I can feel at ease, just switch to mission. Are you still afraid of not completing so many of us? “

So I went online with confidence, and the characters appeared in the camp at Golden Dawn.

Obviously, the system was updated again last night. The same mission appeared not far from the original one, probably for the purpose of diversion. The players coming here will be massive. The golden dawn is in Plan ahead.

Unlike the previous two days, many players have appeared in the Golden Dawn Camp today, which surprised me a bit, knowing that it will be discovered by many people soon, but I did not expect that this day will come so early.

Open the friends list and find that Murong Shanshan’s name is bright, so he sends a call request.

Murong Shanshan responded quickly. When she accepted the request, I asked the first time: “How did you go with Coco last night, and I haven’t been online again overnight.”

“It’s okay ~” The little beauty is in a good mood, she smiled and explained: “I came back after supper after 11 o’clock, because it was too late and too tired, so I didn’t go online, just wash and sleep . “

“Well, where are you now?”

Murong Shanshan apologized and said: “There are some things in the guild today, and the various materials in the resident are almost full. I have to spend a lot of time to deal with these. I guess there is no time to brush with you today. mission, you can play it yourself, okay? “

I was stunned for a moment, and answered quickly: “Okay, well, I also had the rank that I brushed with Sister Lin last night. Now I ’m the governor …”

“Um … Must be with me tomorrow …”

I almost heard drooling.

Turn off the communicator. Since Murong Shanshan does not have time to brush mission today, then I must be self-reliant.

It seems a bit too bh to brush the team mission by myself.

Several players around the team looked at me in surprise, and the masters were different!

Looking at the mission list, these newcomers are obviously not conscientious. Yesterday I remembered that there are more than 100 missions above blue, but now I refreshed and found that only 50 are less than that. The rest of them were divided by them. Fortunately, Golden Dawn’s mission refreshed relatively quickly. At present, there is no danger of not receiving mission.

I repaired the equipment in the next place, and then picked a blue level mission that I can almost complete by myself, and this mission is also very interesting to me and very happy to do-

[Destroy the enemy’s 274 mission] (level-blue)

mission content: 11 minutes ago, a team of players from the Hurricane Kingdom camp received mission [Eliminate Mountain Porcupine King], they were asked to kill a savage Porcupine King who recently broke into the farm, although the Porcupine King The farm resources have been plundered, but we still cannot allow the development of the strength of the Hurricane Kingdom, so please make sure to kill the opponents once before completing mission, and be able to bring back their mission items: [Porcupine King ’s Fangs 】!


Well, to put it bluntly is to kill people, and then **** their mission after killing to make mission. This mission seems to be quite suitable for rogues who do nothing, but I like it.

At this moment, several coordinates appeared in the upper right of my perspective, which are the coordinates of the five players in the opposing camp. They are constantly moving. Open the big map, and you can see 5 red bright spots flashing on the map move.

It ’s not far from me, it ’s about a 50-minute trip. On the other hand, it ’s time to promote this golden dawn camp in the guild, so as not to have someone join the camp of the hurricane kingdom and fight each other. I feel embarrassed.

In mission, if you are killed by an opponent player, there will be no experience loss by default, but the equipment will also explode. Last night, the purple robe of Romantic Master and the big sword of Mad Sword should be after the system update. The first victim.

Pick up everything and start rushing to the mission target, but I do n’t know if they will be able to see my coordinates. If they can, they will definitely laugh to death. It ’s a joke to kill 5 people by themselves!

On the way, it was boring, but at this time I received a message from Xinyu: “What are you doing now, are you doing mission with Shanshan?”

I replied: “No, Shanshan has something to do today, so I ca n’t brush mission together. However, I am doing it myself now. How about you, sister Lin ’s second transfer mission, is it difficult?”

Xin Yu said: “Fortunately, it is to kill an elite bear monster that has just been refreshed. It is estimated that Sister Lin is enough, but we still go with her. After the transfer, we will be together again. Do mission? “

“Okay, see you later, I will get this mission in hand ~”

Xin Yu no longer responds, and I also entered the territory where the mission target is located after half an hour.

In the morning fog, several large farms occupy almost the entire field. Among them, many farms have been abandoned, and only some soldiers are guarding in the middle of the road.

The soldier ’s name is red, and I was shocked to realize that I had entered the territory of the Hurricane Kingdom of the hostile camp. These would default on me.

Having entered stealth mode, on the small map, the other party’s five-person combination has also been very close to me.

There is also a yellow dot, showing that their mission goal-King Porcupine!

Crossing a small hill, there was a fierce battle situation in front of them. They were fighting the Porcupine King, but obviously, they did not find me coming, they were still fighting monsters intently.

The Porcupine King is just a level 50 gold, and this player squad has two level 53 senior warriors, two level 54 mages, and a level 51 priest. Without exception, all five of them I ’m a Romantic World person. It seems that Romantic Master has defaulted to let his guild join the camp of the Hurricane Kingdom. That ’s fine. I wo n’t be soft to kill or feel guilty. After all, the game is cruel inside and outside Yes, the resources are limited, and the fittest will survive.

The Porcupine King is constantly shooting poisonous needles flashing fiercely, and the two warriors of the other party are just balanced with the help of the priest, and the battle is proceeding steadily.

I quietly sneaked in ~ ~ unexpectedly overheard these people talking, seeing that their equipment and level are the backbone of Romantic World, and what they say should be considered confidential. So I put my ears to eavesdrop —

The warrior said: “Last night, playing cards with several of you was revealed. My wife ’s colleague was actually a relative of the owner of the bar, mb. My salary this month was deducted by my wife in the morning.”

The mage sneered: “Fortunately, the massage you did last night was not exposed. Otherwise, today I am afraid that I have no life standing here to do mission with us.”

The soldiers faced back with red ears: “MB you are not much better, hum, as far as I know, your salary this month seems to have been lost to one at the bar.”

Another warrior asked curiously, “Why did you lose to that?”

“Hey, that woman is betting on our dude with a certain amount of looks, playing 13 games in a game. If she loses, she will blow to our dude once in public. If she wins, we All the money on this man is to be paid to her, haha, yesterday was just the 10th to pay, you should know everything about the rest. “

“My day, did you blow it afterwards?”

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