Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor Chapter 824: Thunder Fist

“It seems to be a guest again, come in.” Thunder fist’s voice came from inside.

Again? Little Ye Tian seized the keywords and flashed countless thoughts in his mind, which means that he found the guest and no fighting occurred, it means that there is still a strong person in this ancient tomb, and it is estimated that it is mostly related to the dead. One key clue. . .

“Go in.” Ye Cang wiped his blood-stained hands, put away the kitchen knives, and everyone entered together. The huge circular platform was surrounded by hot metal, the spectacular hot water waterfall behind the stone seat, sitting on the stone seat With an amazing imposing manner Crimson Warframe Dwarf.

“Humans, Elf, Half-Elf, ancient creatures … It’s really interesting.” Thunderquan glanced around, looking at Tiger-kin Little Lei, his eyes were a little surprised.

“Look back, for the sake of the ancient creatures, I will not hold you accountable for blasphemy of my king’s tomb.” Lei Quan said lightly, but there was unquestionable majesty in his tone.

“Do n’t you talk back and look back, you are the oldest! Brother Little White! This silly / forcing is too much, Lele is here to get here! The latest episode of Sister 2 is forbearing and not watching! Hurry and throw your equipment Come out and jump! This way I can also persuade Brother Little White to leave you a whole body! “Lin Le opened the spray directly.

“The red bald dwarf B, my brother doesn’t speak like me, don’t you mind, but he said something wrong, I’m sure I won’t leave you a corpse, you can rest assured, such a good material . “

“Brother, I don’t want to eat dwarves … and it feels like a bit toothy, forget it.”

“This is Zombie, Zombie is not a person, how do you know if you have not eaten teeth, in case it is chewy, like what kind of beef.”

“It’s yak meat, brother.”

Lele, then tell me it’s Howard beef.”

“I listened to Little Tian.”

…. ….`” Little Ye Tian.

…. …. LordAsked, CloudDragon, XV, etc. are ashamed. In the end, they are the characters who are ridiculed by MAX in the league. The meaning is that Zombie can be eaten, but then relieved, it seems that everything I have eaten along the way seems to be all Zombie‘s bones, pus, werewolf, etc., MistyVeil, Gongsun Qian‘s faces are all white, this Team Leader is more evil than any undead potion teacher, metamorphosis wizard.

“Let ’s die !!! dregs !!!” Thunder fist became angry and stunned, he suddenly got up with a Warhammer meal, and the molten iron began to boil and dance, turning into dozens of human-shaped iron Water Element creatures.

“Rain Nana.” Ye Cang did not directly cure the tide. You should control Lan to erupt well, Wu Na started to guide, a lot of snowstorms fell, Ye Cang cooled the audience again, and the ice lotus exploded!

Icicles shattered into crumbs where the thunder fist passed like a tank. Zhang Zhengxiong escaped the hammer, but was smashed by several icicles after a boxing fly. “Be careful! He is very fast. ! “

VastSea just wanted to dodge. The Thunder Hammer ’s Warhammer did not attack him, but directly landed on the Warhammer. The fierce shock blew it up, and his backhand was a hammer-broken skull. The Little Ye Tian bypassed it. Icicle started to resurrect him, VastSea resurrected and shouted “Watch out for his backhand attacks! He is extremely fast! But there is a clear backhand gap, be sure to seize this opportunity!”

CloudDragon also noticed according to VastSea, but although there is such an interval, but the chance is too small, several melees can’t reach his body at all. Once he is caught, it is seconds. Lin Le sees melee defeat, small mouth Dudu, full of skills! I picked up handcart and rushed forward to “eat Lele and handcart !!!”

“Boy! Come here!” Thunder fist also rushed forward to meet, just as the hammer and the car collided, Lin Le giggle aimed the position of the self-propelled gun at the road “Launch! Lele‘s super Dragon Slaying gun ! “

Thunderbolt can’t be avoided at a short distance, and was directly bombarded out. Lin Le leaped away quickly, picked up handcart and smashed “Tell you to delay me to see Sister 2 and tell you to delay me to see Sister 2.”

“Good job! Lele!”

Everyone kept up with the crazy hand-in-hand skills. Thunderfist Battle Qi exploded and shocked everyone. Lin Le had handcart bodyguards. They slammed up again. Thunderfist caught it with one hand and glared at him.

“Grandpa, I was wrong.” Lin Le ahoge stood up and was instantly killed by the thunder of a thunder hammer. His head flew straight and flew out. Zhang Zhengxiong opened the resurrection recorded in the tome and pulled Lin Le up. Ye Cang was heavy. Ballista blocked the position and not only failed. Instead, he was grabbed by the thunder fist and slipped out a few meters away. He turned back and threw it back. Ye Cang quickly evaded, dammit was too strong. ThornyRose, FrozenCloud, and other people pinned it. The Hot Iron Man also recovered from the deceleration, and these Hot Iron Man can’t be killed, which means that it is necessary to kill thunder, Ye Cang directly guides the tide, and Bing Lian blasts again to limit the audience.

Little Wang, you summon the quagmire element, cover melee, you can take a look at it.” Little Ye Tian began to command a few people hiding behind, Fang Ci has become one of the main output of the team, hiding in Tibet, let Ghost Angel ’s constant soul attack on Thunderfist also played a big role, helping everyone to delay for a while, calming down from the outbreak of Battle Qi, but it was also quickly killed by Thunder Fist with a fierce hammer.

Fang Ci had to wait around the icicle to wait for the opportunity to revive the ghost angel again, and kept throwing anti-magic enchantment to ThornyRose to avoid problems with the hot metal man.

Little Toad also couldn’t resist the attack of Lightning Fist and was fleeing from the hammer. But Shise Tang disgusted Lightning Fist and couldn’t kill him. Any magic will work. Although it doesn’t hurt or itch for himself, but what kind of creature is it? !! ? Slime is not like Slime, and elements are not like elements. Launching the flame Battle Qi impact directly blows the ten-colored soup and heads towards the back row Little Ye Tian. Zhang Zhengxiong starts the charge, and the ring’s super variable speed triggers. Thunder fist looked at Zhang Zhengxiong in amazement, this speed, this shock! The body flew dozens of meters away, and returned to a position not far below the stone seat again, and got up to take care of his beard. “You successfully angered the Lord of the Furnace … Become a part of this Furnace !!!”

Thunderfist held up his hammer. The hammer instantly glowed red, the molten iron waterfall started to spray, and the molten iron beneath the surrounding cliffs also surged into waves, covering the ring-shaped site without dead ends.

Ye Cang shouted, “Stay with me!”

Everyone knows that he is about to use his magic skills. As the hot metal is about to devour everyone, the peach blossoms are flying around. Everyone feels that the hot metal baths himself like a spring breeze, and nothing in front of him can only see the golden color of the hot metal.

Ye Cang said in his heart, do not exceed ten seconds, do not exceed ten seconds, the molten iron slowly withdrew, Ye Cang breathed a sigh of relief, and was safe by the seventh second.

“This is impossible!” Thunderfist raised the hammer again, Lin Le summoned handcart, and directly fired his cannon to break the Stone Block.

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