Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor Chapter 492: Heavenly Sword Sect door

Lin Le looked at the road map cheated from Father Qin, sitting on the train clenching his fists, and drawn out photos of young men similar to himself in the information. Dad, wait for me. Lele is here to save you!

Ye Cang followed the breath of Lin Le’s and took the second bus to Nebula.

Lin Le crosses the nebula city and enters Xingyao Mountain. According to the map, it comes to a wilderness, which seems to be a wilderness. According to the Heavenly Sword Sect gate of Father Qin, there is a formation method. Ordinary people will only go out when they enter, not Going deep into the mountains, the formation method of the mountains is not difficult for Father Qin who is proficient in Yin Yang Eight Trigrams Technique . Lin Le has an intuition for Yin Yang Eight Trigrams Technique that Father Qin can’t figure out where it is. There is almost no formation method that can trap him.

Lin Le just took a step, and a shoulder came to be pinched by one hand, and then shoved his head. Ye Cang appeared indifferent, and happy, full of guilt “Brother Little White

Lin Le is happy that Ye Cang really came after him, and guilt is that he has to involve him and Brother Little Xiong, because he also saw Zhang Zhengxiong running not far away.

Lele, we are brothers, so your father is ours too. To save is together.” Ye Cang reached out with a trembling blow, Lin Le covered his head with pain, and was moved “Brother Little White, It ’s dangerous, I do n’t want

Ye Cang is another back brain blow, looking sadly at the distant mountains and muttering, “I am very strong, okay, I use my best, I am afraid of …..”

Lin Le is cold and sweaty.

“Go Ye Cang step forward.

Ye Cang took everyone around for a few laps, and was unable to enter the inner mountain. The Ye Cang, who was so angry and furious, intended to destroy, even if it could not go, it would become a sea of ​​fire. Zhang Zhengxiong hurriedly stopped it, but went into the mountain with Lin Le who was suspected of getting lost. Ye Cang looked at the wilderness behind him and was quite speechless.

Ye Cang Looking at the two towering stone pillars in front, the middle is mountain stairs. Clouds and mist everywhere, flowers and trees, it feels like a paradise.

A man and a woman appear in front of the three men. The men’s features are handsome, the women’s faces are good, and the bear is very proud in front of the stone pillar. simultaneously shouted “comer

The words haven’t finished yet, and they feel the white hair that suddenly passes by like ghosts, and they can react in the future with a sudden pain, and simultaneously faints.

Ye Cang supports the long handle at the waist with one hand, and mountain stairs with the pocket in one hand. Faintly said, “Go up.”

Lin Le did not forget to step on the two people’s feet when crossing the road, followed by Ye Cang’s and walked up.

Three people went up the ladder. Many Heavenly Sword Sect disciples who came with sword qi, as soon as they appeared, had time to say, they were immediately knocked down by the Ye Cang pocket knife, and they continued to move upward without stopping, Zhang Zhengxiong Some also laughed and cried. Neither he nor Lele reacted, and he put all his opponents down.

The three are looking at the end of the stairs. The quaint and solemn hall slowly caught the eyes of the three, and at the same time, the formation of nearly a thousand Heavenly Sword Sect disciples across the hall also entered the field of vision.

“I’m Heavenly Sword Sect, serve Sword Hall elders, Lin Zhongtian! Three hard came to Jianxiao store had better explain ….” A middle-aged man in a black blue shirt came out, although there is no sabre, But it feels like a sharp sword in itself!

Lele. Let’s go.” Ye Cang gave way, holding his right hand on the hilt. Looking at Lin Zhongtian, there was no trace of fear.

“You bad guys! Let go of my dad!” Lin Le jumped out and yelled. After seeing Lin Le’s in Lin Zhongtian, his mouth opened wide, and he frowned and cried, “evil creature, read your father repeatedly pleading, the Presbyterian also said that you are a child of Lin Family, and a fool, Sect Master didn’t take care of you, let You work hard, you’re good, I don’t know if life and death will cause trouble, set up a battle !!! “

As soon as the words fell, all the people in the original array fell to the ground. The figure of Ye Cang’s was only slightly blurred. Looking at Lin Zhongtian, he said faintly, “You’d better stay aside because it is not annihilation quest. Killer. “

Lin Zhongtian just wanted to move, Ye Cang has been wiped by his side, and the hand with the pocket pressed against his shoulder, chuckling “Don’t do stupid things, okay

Lin Le and Zhang Zhengxiong in horror went directly to Sword Night Palace.

Lin Zhongyue The sweat suddenly wets the whole body, what speed is that! ? I did n’t dare to turn around for a long time, because he knew that at the moment of turning, his head may have changed hands. I am afraid that the strength of the white-haired man …. Lin Zhongyue looked down and saw his **** as Sword Finger on the ground, and he did not feel anything. The cold in my heart freezes .

The three enter the unusually large inner hall. An alien beast blocks the way of the three. giant ape, Ye Cang, and raise one’s head, both eyes, which are almost 40 meters in length, are like the Nine You Abyss. giant ape slowly retreated to one side. Out of the way, because it saw countless strange beasts chopped into meat sauce by this man.

Ye Cang Looking at the chair on Sword Night Palace, there is no one inside, it is very empty, and continues to go deeper, out of Sword Night Palace, looking at the place where the two stone sword pillars above, there should be the Sword Pavilion area, and continue with the two Upward.

“Who is the white-haired man who has come out?” At the top of Sword Pavilion, a handsome man with a handsome face frowned. This person is the current Heavenly Sword Sect‘s Sect Master.Lin Zhongyu.

“Unknown, but it is most likely 10 Commandments‘s Silver Devil ….” squinted.

“What a courage, a little 10 Commandments is so arrogant, to help that hybrid hack Heavenly Sword Sect, what do the elders say?” Lin Zhongyu Even so, but very afraid of the strength of Ye Cang’s, even similar to their own strength Lin Zhongtian are all defeated and can only be handled by the Presbyterian Church.

Heavenly Sword Pavilion, somewhere in the dungeon.

Zhongyu, your son came to you, but he still broke into Sword Night Palace and forced Lin Zhongyu to retreat to Sword Pavilion. Please leave us the elders of Heavenly Sword Guard.” A crane-haired woman sat on the dusty table and painted like a picture The hooked slim eyebrows, with a beautiful face, smiled at a long-bearded man with gray hair and limbs locked by FallingStar iron.

Lele ….” ​​man both eyes resumed clarification, first a joy, then a desperate sorrow, watching the Hefa woman begged “3rd Elder, please be sure to keep the life of Lele“.

“I will. You are the only son of your sister. He is also the only grandson of your sister. I will try my best to save his life, Zhongyu. You are too much like your sister. For the sake of others, you will not only affect others, but also It hurt her closest person. “The Hefa woman said, and turned to go out. The other rooms on both sides were also suppressing various prisoners. One of the elegant men with a goatee stepped on his feet and sneered at the Hefa woman. “See …. outside”

“Is it possible? Yunlang.” The Hefa woman walked out of the dungeon without turning back. (To be continued)

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