Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor Chapter 1347: Ascension to God

The morale of Goddess Temple is like a rainbow.

Fenner raise one’s head watched Menus cut with the sword inserted into Buckn’s head, closed eyes again, Lord, I have done my best.

Ye Cang looked at Fenner who was about to be beheaded by Menus. It’s a pity. If you don’t know the current affairs, you are a good salesman. Learn from your good predecessor Menus. How happy you are now, you have to think about it. In Holy Church this evil force, it is great, free and happy to join us Goddess Templefamily.

At this time, the space around Fenner fluctuates.

The shock of the space made Agaloth frowned, and the sword that Menus had cut was blocked by the scepter sticking out of the void.


Menus looked at the luxurious scepter in shock, and this voice made her stunned. “It’s you…you are still alive, the first Supreme Pope, Kayn Tiantis .”

The gap in space instantly expanded and turned into an arched gate of heaven built by a huge holy light. The top three-tiered crown of thorns garland on the top of head, the crimson and solemn missionary robe, even Sagaren. Just stand on the right side.

“Both of the family of Light Eyes and the same saints, it is not appropriate for you to slay your elder brother’s great-granddaughter like this. Isn’t it appropriate? The 17th saint who I wear the crown with my own hands, Menus Light Eye ……” Tiandis glanced at Excalibur War, stretched out his hand and pinched the chin of Menus, who was immobile under God’s Domain.

“Let go of your hand, that’s mine.” Ye Cang smiled faintly.

Tiandis didn’t let go and looked at Ye Cang “Are you the sage of Goddess Temple?”

Ye Cang just nodded, and continued to smile and said, “Let go of Menus, let go of your dirty hands, evil mischief heresy.”

Everyone took a breath, including Fenner and Sagan.

“Protect Lord Sage.” Agaloth gave the order directly, and everyone was on guard.

Tyntis froze for a moment, and slowly let go of his hand.

“God’s Prophecy·Stopping the World.”

Everything in the world, the world under the sun seems to have stagnated, the flying birds also stagnated in the sun, Tiantis slowly walked towards the Ye Cang, standing in front of it, none of the elders of Agaloth could move.

“Envoy of the Lord of Light, do you take me too far.” The Arsenosh incarnation stood on the side of Ye Cang, and Ibado also stood on the other side. “If you are too outrageous, I can I really play with you, such a fun sage, I haven’t lost interest yet.”

Tiantis ignored “The God Realm can’t interfere with me, as long as the Spirit of Light and the Lord of Light still exist, even if it is you.”

“Congratulations to the player on the completion of the road to the godhead, please choose whether advanced is a god, please confirm your **** family, is there any other Spiritual God coronation for you?” This system notification, Ye Cang has just received.

“Really.” Ye Cang tilted his head and looked at him playfully, slowly closed eyes.

Arsenosh suddenly looked at Ye Cang, “You… really didn’t let me down.”

Ibado was stunned for a moment and laughed. “Ah Ha Ha Ha, haha, you really came to that step, so why not endorse you…”

Dozens of rays of light fell, Onoa, Mallow, Jam, Irinas, Villi Hill, Amos, Ronas, these seven Spiritual God incarnations were half kneeling behind Ye Cang at the same time and admiring them. “Welcome Lord Sage into the realm of God. .”

The Dark Gemini, Fimmel, Dyce, Dias, and Case also fell by his side. “Welcome to you, the new god, Sage PaleSnow.”

Ye Cang opened his eyes again, the original mana was transformed into Divine Power, and the divinity had already been cast.

“Congratulations to player PaleSnow, becoming the first player in the world to be promoted to Spiritual God. The game world enters a pause until he completes his decision.” World announcement.

“My brother, become a god!?” Zhang Zhengxiong said in surprise in the communication group.

Brother Little White! That’s a cow!” Lin Le was also very happy.

“Since Chrysanthemum Emperor, this is the first…God.” ThornyRose is still in shock, that’s a god.

Other virtual communication circles have exploded long ago.

Three Brothers Fan Club, why haven’t you come out to pull hatred.”

“It is estimated that it is still easing, the first God Rank player after Chrysanthemum Emperor…the monster in the China area, the new era crusher is born, Emperor B.”

“Is this the strength of the player I hate most in the profession circle!?”

“The stars are dead!!! Three Brothers Rule!!! Their Time is Ahead!!! The world is invincible!! Emperor B has become a god!!! Everyone brush up!!! Hang up and spray those who usually laugh at our brains!!! I Three Brothers Fan Club‘s BossB Emperor! ! Become a **** and go to Ritian!!!”

“I said they will definitely come out. Let’s organize and prepare to spray with them.”

“Anyone from our Korean Federation player.”

“Tired, I don’t want to spray Korea anymore, destroy it…”

Ye Cang looked at everything that was still around, and couldn’t move it. When he opened the panel, his level became God level 1, his attributes were already astronomical, at least hundreds of millions, and he was in charge of cooking and agriculture. The system also rewarded the Celestial Roulette three times, and the additional rewards for my associated Godly Artifact attributes and divinity, let’s get started.

Looking at the sky, the huge wheel starts to spin, the universe is the source of power! It must be this! It’s not too much, Irinas’s panties, billowing! I want as many as I want for that thing. Can you not put those nasty things on such a solemn roulette, the pointer slowly moves on the blessing of lucky Goddess, this can be! I was originally lucky, and with the blessing of lucky Goddess, I was lucky to be his father when I went to the God Realm! No one knows luck better than me!

“Ah!!” A scream of horror.

“Fortunate Goddess was cursed by you and fell into a state of death. You completed the killing of the gods. The level of divinity was increased. The Celestial Wheel was cancelled and changed to the Celestial Wheel of Doom. Get the blessing of doom Goddess.”

Fuck! Fortunately, Goddess is too bad. I can’t cover her with luck. How bad is the law and order of the God Realm! ? No matter what, go on, the Sky Wheel of Doom is the Sky Wheel of Doom.

“The pro-gaze of Congratulations, you’ve obtained Doom Goddess.”

“Ah!!” A scream of extreme fear.

“Doom Goddess was cursed by you and fell into a state of death, and your divine level increased!”

My %¥#%, Ye Cang has 10,000 grassy mud horses running wildly in my heart, so I won’t be, hey, blame me, bad luck Goddess is definitely not able to bear my lucky physique, this is like the evil undead, seeing that is the most sacred Fortunately, there are no two garbage gods, luck and bad luck, in the God Realm. I am the **** of luck. They might as well give them to me who is the lucky one who is the lucky one in the world.

Ye Cang took a look at his **** level, it was just level 1, now there are more than 80 levels, don’t look over Mallow, this is only more than 70 levels, look at Ibado and Arsenosh, both are ? ? ? , Irinas too? ? ? There are more than Amos90, no wonder you are called the **** of miscellaneous fish.

“Because your strength is strong enough, please choose no more than three people as your envoys to accompany you ascend.”

Ye Cang quickly chose Zhang Zhengxiong, Lin Le, Little Ye Tian, and sent an invitation, and the three immediately agreed.

Completed a series of confirmations.

The world begins to flow again.

In the stagnant world, Zhang Zhengxiong, Lin Le, Little Ye Tian also came to Ye Cang in an instant.

Tiantis looked at the divine eyes that he could hardly reach. They were an absolute shackle, a difference between humans and gods.

Ibado looked at Ye Cang in disbelief, so cruel, killed the two absolutely neutral gods before going to the gods, the throbbing of excitement made her tremble slightly .

Arsenosh also felt the fall of lucky Goddess and bad luck Goddess, and looked at Ye Cang somewhat complicatedly, how did you find and kill the gods, you have not yet entered the gods, and your Strength is not just entering the gods. You have more strength than the three sisters, what is your divinity! ? For Tiandis, in the mortal world, she has no interest in it. The difference between humans and gods has no meaning in this war. “Go back to the realm of God, there is no war in any sense.”

Ye Cang snapped its fingers, and the stagnant world continued to flow.

Agaloth and others looked at him incredulously.


Tiantis, his expression is very complicated. He witnessed the ascension of a demigod “You have won…”

“The dusk of the gods has begun…” Ibado’s eyes were full of enthusiasm and excitement.

“Brother, what’s the matter?” Zhang Zhengxiong asked.

“Let’s go, go to the God Realm to do it, just leave it to them here.” Ye Cang turned around and disappeared on the battlefield with the gods.

“Respectfully send the Goddess Temple Lord God·PaleSnow back to the God Realm!” Makarlo took the lead.

Everyone knelt down towards the place where Ye Cang and others soared.

“Respectfully send Goddess Temple the main god·PaleSnow back to the gods!”

Shaqili Muse has tears in her eyes, and I can finally celebrate my birthday on Guild Master Island.

Menus slowly brushed off Buckn’s head with the blade stuck in it. My trembling days, ooh, finally ended. No, I’ll find a coffin to cover myself to death and use it in Mithril. On the third floor, the outer third floor, find someone plus various enchantments and throw them into the endless sea.

The morale of Goddess Temple is blessed by the protection of Ye Cang. All Goddess Temple people are full of fanaticism, and they can witness the incarnation of God with their own eyes!

Tiantis slowed down closed eyes. This war was meaningless. He took Fenna into the space crack and returned to the Holy City. As long as he kept there, as long as he could keep there, the rapid rise of Goddess Temple was still hesitating. When I was determined to do it myself, I waited to witness my ascension to God.

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