Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor Chapter 1295: Launch

The huge accumulation of rewards along the way has made Ye Cang’s Cthulhu Strength more and more powerful, and it has become less and less disgusting. The tentacles can almost break through various barriers in space, completely liberate them, and hold no The halberds of both sides cooperated with countless tentacles to kill the constantly spreading deformed creature “A’Xiong !!! Go !!! Kill!”

“Oh! Brother!” The super-giant Zhang Zhengxiong looked at Abholos, Slime, I feel like I am endless like this stuff, like a cheetah bowed to the body, stepped on the ground, the body brought up The monstrous flames rushed away.

Lin Sen stood on the air while standing on the air, grabbed a handful of coins, and shook them out. The coins brought countless pulses and magnetic forces, but at the end they merged in the middle coin, and all the coins collided together. The second big magnetic pulse explosion occurred. After the magnetic pulse exploded, the Lin Sen followed by the sky full of coins hit it again. Countless impacts of the magnetic explosion shattered deformed creatures in all ranges, but after the magnetic explosion, these shredded fragments Things, once again growing and being born, have become even more “this regeneration speed, this is no longer regeneration, this creation speed.”

The huge Slimeized Abholos as the body is just a lot of ripples on the body surface.

“I’m afraid this alone …” Lin Sen stood in the sky with his hands in his pockets and looked at the frown slightly underneath.

Zhang Zhengxiong The flaming giant has hit Abholos and the sea of ​​fire explodes across Abholos. .

“Is the green inflammation messenger checked by Tulzscha? That cowardly and incompetent coward can’t help me before! Now green inflammation is even more impossible !!! Extinguish it!” Abholos was shouted by Ye Cang live translation.

The people who slaughtered with the abnormal creatures on the ground felt speechless. The guy had a translator OCD. No matter how nervous and fierce he was, he couldn’t help translating. . Whether it makes sense or not. .

Countless tentacles are inserted into the body of the Abholos, and the Zhang Zhengxiong is crushed underneath by the tyres of the train.

A’Xiong, retreat first !!” Ye Cang countless tentacles helped to delay the creeping crushing of Slime, Zhang Zhengxiong felt the flames quickly extinguished, turned into a small flame, Lin Sen reached out and sucked it back “Be careful, just what he said has a meaning In fact, it is very taboo about green inflammation. You are one of the keys. Quickly recover … because green inflammation is not a flame. “

“Hmm …” The flame turned into a flame villain and cultivated in the palm of Lin Sen.

Nayako raised physical to learn Holy Sword, which directly caused a huge gap, but Abholos has almost unlimited regenerative power and creativity, and it was repaired almost instantly. “Useless !! Naya! Chaos !!! This planet will be my first step in conquering the universe and the beginning of revenge !!! “

“Love love chop !!!”

Ye Cang’s without the two heavenly halberds violates physical, the mechanical rules instantly cut out countless loving blades, and cut Abholos into a large number of small pieces of love.

“What kind of skills, what disgusting and filthy name !!” Wu Na feels creepy and loves to cut. .

“Well, magic girl, understandable …” ThornyRose sword smiled at the surrounding deformed body.

“Don’t chat, the older and stronger, you can’t stand it anymore.” LordAsked didn’t feel good.

Nalan Qingshou roared and turned into a weightless son of a huge wind, assisting everyone, FlameEmperor also felt extremely inflexible. His special genetic requirements were too harsh, and he had to contact Jug Sotos Bubbles, just do it, as the messenger of Aphrodite!

The love-like blocky gray liquids are once again fused together, but the love-like edges have enchantments and cannot be reunited again, but Ye Cang watched those block-like objects directly engulfed the love-like enchantments again and became A huge Abholos.

“Where did this disgusting Strength come from, but it still can’t stop me !!! You’ve played enough, it’s my turn.” Ye Cang continued to translate, and this translation let everyone know the big move! !! Nayako hid behind Ye Cang’s “cover me!”

“Get off !!!” Ye Cang grabbed her and put it in front of herself “You cover me !!!”

“…” … Nayako imitated the expression of a human innocent girl, and Xv and others were softened.

The Ye Cang is basically immune to this expression and is tired of looking at the temple. Every day when I meet to see myself, my eyes look pitiful. I ca n’t help but let go, hiding in her skirt and crossing her to make perfect use of the shield.

Abholos gathers all deformed creatures in the body, and finally merges into a chaotic and deformed creature ball.

The biosphere explodes with a ray of light, flying like a meteor towards the surroundings.

Nayako keeps waving physical to learn Holy Sword to resist, Ye Cang keeps her body dodging, Lin Sen holding Zhang Zhengxiong and releases a few coins at high altitude to defend with pulse shield, as for everyone below Behind Nalan Qingsoul, a child of the wind, watching Nalan Qingsoul be sifted by deformed creatures.

After the light and the disgusting creatures penetrated, Nalan Qinghun looked at his interface and showed that he was infected, lost his mind, and his body began to decay. Fortunately, this corruption has time to transform, and this transformation is hidden. In the back FlameEmperor saw “He is out, everyone be careful, this giant is now an enemy and a friend.”

The giant of Nalan Qingsoul’s rapidly degenerate, his face gradually began to decompose, and Lu Chi looked stubborn. Those deformed creatures were constantly parasitizing on it, and a large number of limbs, hands and feet grew like crickets. Hundreds of various creatures and feet grew on one hand of Nalan Qinghun, making people shudder.

Nayako is constantly destroying with physical and Holy Sword. Ye Cang pokes his head out from under the skirt and looks at it. Slime blasts out objects like arrows, and he hides again. “Cover me well, I will Revenge for you! “

Nayako said, “How do you know my next sentence …”

Ye Cang was silent for a while and didn’t answer.

In such a devastating scene, NASA made a sound in that direction.

The sound of the broadcast seems so out of place under the shooting of this freak creature meteor.

“The‘ Hope of Light One ’, which is about to be sent to the universe, will be launched in two hours, and is currently in the state of preparation! This Fire Arrow carrying hope is about to be empty!”

Little Ye Tian secretly said, I hope that No. 1 is the bearer Fire Arrow that was ready to be launched a few years ago, only now started, and so on! !! More than Abholos! !! And other things! !! I began to think about the words of Abholos. Revenge. Even if it is alive with the ability to corrupt the beam, it may not be absolute, then it needs an absolute source of corruption, the true source. . not good! !! You must tell your father! !!

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