Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel Chapter 96: PASS all she wants

I called my phone in accordance with Brother Wang and it turned out that the number was down. I sighed helplessly, it seems that she does not want others to disturb her.

520, in the large conference room of the main building of Huaxia University, the public street shops were auctioned.

Chu Gao and I participated in the auction in the name of student entrepreneurship.

Also came with Zhao Yanyan and Yu Ting. Chen Wei’er was selected as a school staff. Because of this, I also got a lot of first-hand information about the auction.

The prospect of this auction is very promising. The school means that it does not take care of any internal relations, because the school’s logistics group is counting on this auction to generate revenue and wants to raise the relationship to avoid the floor price.

Because the commercial street is located below the university town, the consumer groups are stable, have very good sustainable development, and the business scope is not clear. Regulation(s), that is, as long as you buy a store, you have complete control right.

Although the investment promotion is open, it is only for the family members of the school staff and some capable students. The purpose of the school doing this is not to participate in the society.

But the Huaxia University Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and more than one or two students with strong backgrounds, so the auction can be said to be crowded.

“Boss, the situation today is very serious!” Chu Gao said while watching the room.

“Oh, it’s your general manager’s job to be serious or not, I just look at the results! 100% of the shop’s ownership!” I patted the shoulder of Chu Gao and said, “You don’t have to worry about funding. Despite bidding!” /

Chu Gao nodded, he knew he had a heavy responsibility this time.

Although I’m just playing with it, since I have done it, I must do my best. The name of the new company, I discussed with Chu Gao and Huang Wenjing and decided to call it New Century Group.

I chose this name because I completely took this company as a new start. I hope it is different from my other two companies. Chu Gao is my favorite talent, but he still lacks experience. He is not the same as Zhao Junsheng and Su Yuanchao. Zhao Junsheng and Su Yuanchao are both Old Fox who has worked **** commerce scene for half a lifetime. I can safely let them manage a fast-growing large-scale group, and Chu Gao is just a fledgling Brat, so I don’t want to make his success come too fast. I hope he can make New Century Group become as good as Dawn through own wrist and ability And East Asia Motion new commercial aircraft carrier.

In terms of shares, I decided to give 5% to Chu Gao, and Chu Gao did not quit. Knowing the fate of own will be closely related to the new century.

, Guangwei company bid 400! “The auctioneer said!”! “

I signaled Chu Gao, Chu Gao held a sign: “500!”

I looked at Chu Gao immediately, and it suddenly increased the price by 700,000, which is too exaggerated.

“500 for the first time, 500 for the second time, and 5 million for the third time, the deal! Gong Group bought shop a01!” While the audience was still shocked, Chu Gao had already won the place.

The second shop, because of the good start of Chu Gao. The price was instantly fired up, reaching a price of 550.

“560!” is that Guangwei company again.

Yang Wei! That person is called Yang Wei! A flash in my mind. That karate president who raised the bar with Ding Wenfeng that day!

It seems that this person’s strength cannot be underestimated!

But we are bound to get it this time, when Chu Gao quotes a price of 600. Yang Wei gave up his teeth. 220 meters of shops, the price of 6 million is indeed

Next, the new century won nearly half of the shops in the same way. The behavior of the new century attracted the attention of the audience, and many people even gave up directly after the Chu Gao quote.

Seeing the stance of the new century, the discerning person knows that the new century wants to be full of people!

Yang Wei was irritated with teeth, and he learned from the gossip that Liu Yue and Situ Liang had terminated their marriage, and they were extremely happy! Thus. He will have the opportunity to enter the core position of Liu Family! As long as your own land ability is outstanding, becoming a new generation of homeowners is not a problem. And commercial street this investment project. Yang Wei took him as a place to try out own, but the New Century Group made it clear that he had to eat alone!

“700!” The next shop is a 350-storey, two-storey company-style basement with a base price of 680.

“800!” A female voice sounded. In addition to Chu Gao, this is the only person who dare to increase the price by 100! The whole scene was uproar. Did it kill a dark horse?

My head buzzed. is her! It was her! This sound still makes me remember it.

I slowly turned my head and saw the beautiful face again. It’s her, the girl I rudely snatched from the first time! Today she is dressed in a very solemn manner, nothing like the hot day.

if not I still remember this face very much, I even thought I knew the wrong person. But my intuition tells me that there is nothing wrong with her! However, a girl who can give out eight million will go out to sell herself? !!

My mind is blank, and the Chu Gao around me is trying to raise a card. I quickly waved to stop Chu Gao ’s behavior and called: “p:

I don’t know why I suddenly had such an abnormal behavior, but I did get a bit ill. I have a loud voice, and everyone present turned to look at us.

The girl probably heard it, and turned her head strangely. Obviously, when she saw that it was me, her body was obviously stiffened, her face turned pale and she stared at me severely. After a while, he slowly turned around.

“Boss, what’s wrong with you?” Chu Gao looked at me with the same pale face and asked strangely.

nothing.” I sighed: “Give her the storefront.”

“Boss, aren’t we going to win everything?” Chu Gao asked.

“Don’t ask, we p. whatever she wants.

Chu Gao did not understand, but still nodded.

The next connected shop was still sold by her for 800.

She did not participate in the subsequent shops, all of which were sold at high prices by Chu Gao. It seems that her goal is the two shops.

16 million! This is not something an ordinary student can take out! Who is she?

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