Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel Chapter 27: Dream a dream

27. Had a dream

I was tired with Zhao Yanyan all day. Zhao Yanyan, which tasted sexuality for the first time, was like a lion with a long hair, and kept asking for it. I even wondered if she was the first time today.

I do n’t do anything with Zhao Yanyan, it ’s just zuo love. From the hotel bed to the ground, to the bathroom, there are traces of our love everywhere. I can clearly feel the affection for me in the eyes of Zhao Yanyan .

Later we were all tired, so we hugged and lay on the bed. Zhao Yanyan curled up in my arms and told me her love.

I stroked Zhao Yanyan‘s smooth back and told her a beautiful story. The protagonist of the story is also called Liu Lei and Zhao Yanyan

When Zhao Yanyan heard “Liu Lei” died in the story, it was already in tears.

When we woke up, the sky outside was already dark, and the neon lights on the street were flickering and gorgeous.

“Are you hungry?” I asked the Zhao Yanyan who was just waking up.

“A little,” said Zhao Yanyan, “What about you?”

“I’m starving …” I looked at my watch and it was already eight o’clock in the evening. I didn’t know that the old man Xu and his granddaughter had not returned.

“Then, you eat me first ~” Zhao Yanyan put her body over and said to me with a very seductive voice.

Oh my god, did she want me to die for the first time today? But I still couldn’t stop the temptation and went into battle with a gun.

It’s been an hour since I finished wearing Zhao Yanyan. Locked the door and found that the room next door was really dark. It seemed that the two had not yet returned.

Out of the hotel, we stroll around Changan Street. Zhao Yanyan‘s body has apparently recovered, jumping up and down happily.

Liu Lei, why do you say this is Changan Street?” Zhao Yanyan asked me loudly, pointing at the sign.

“I don’t know. Is this Changan City in the Western Han Dynasty?”

“What ?! You illiterate, Changan City is in Xi’an, how can you learn history!” Zhao Yanyan laughed at me.

“Hey.” I don’t know anything about history, but if you ask me in the future, I know a lot.

“Is this the capital? It’s so beautiful!” Zhao Yanyan no longer pursues my illiteracy problem and is attracted by the bustling surrounding scenery.

The capital of Huaxia in 1994 is very different from the densely populated city B that I saw in previous life, but it is already a first-class metropolis compared with the more backward Xinjiang .

The late autumn wind blows our faces, bringing a fresh coolness. I took the hand of Zhao Yanyan to a food stall on the side of the road, and the boss immediately came over and said, “What do you want to eat?”

Yanyan, have you ever eaten Maxiao?” I asked, glancing at the menu.

Maxiao? What is Maxiao?” Zhao Yanyan is very new to this word.

At this time, I remembered that the word Maxiao can only be understood by those who have lived in City B, which is actually the abbreviation of Spicy Crayfish. It is a favorite dish of previous life‘s Zhao Yanyan. Every time the company has a meal, she will order it and eat it.

“That’s Spicy Crayfish.” I explained.

The boss of the stall also boasted beside him: “This Little Brother is a person who understands food at first glance. We are not boasting. The Xiaolong shrimp here is a must for Beijing!”

Zhao Yanyan hasn’t been eaten. It ’s highly recommended by the shop owner. I ordered five Maxiao and ordered a few skewers of lamb.

After Maxiao came up, Zhao Yanyan only took one bite, exhaled there, and screamed after drinking soda: “Spicy is dead, spicy is dead. Stop eating! What is this!”

It seems that Zhao Yanyan will be able to eat spicy food in the future. Since she does not eat, I am not polite, and destroy the remaining four and the remaining half of Zhao Yanyan.

When we returned to the hotel, we found the old man Xu who came back in a big bag. Typical peasant consciousness, I sigh! But in 1994 many people were proud to be able to take something home from outside.

Mr. Xu gave me the schedule of the competition and asked me to pay attention to the matters during the exam. Finally, tell me to meet down at the hotel tomorrow morning at eight o’clock, don’t be late.

I checked the schedule. The competition was scheduled for two days. The old man reported me two items, one was typing and the other was programming. Zhao Yanyan has only one type.

The competition is held near Ganjiakou. I do n’t understand why the place to live is so far away, but judging from my experience of previous life, there must be a mess between the organizer and the hotel, but this is related to my nothing. Anyway, there will be a shuttle bus tomorrow morning.

I watched TV with Zhao Yanyan for a while and found that nothing is a good show. Many channels are broadcasting the popular sitcom I love my family.

There are also several channels inside the hotel, all of which are showing some very old Hong Kong and Taiwan movies. I have watched previous life more than ten times on TV, and naturally I ca n’t find interest. Zhao Yanyan is really interesting, and it also gives out laughter from time to time.

The next day, I woke up very early, because I found that Zhao Yanyan was riding my leg on my body, and I was out of breath. I carefully removed it, for fear of waking the sleeping Zhao Yanyan.

When I came to the window, the sky was not bright, and it was gray. I don’t know why, suddenly I felt a sense of blame in my heart. In the previous life, because I lost Zhao Yanyan, I in this life deceived Zhao Yanyan with my 30-year-old IQ and experience, and even had a relationship with her prematurely. Thinking of all this, I think I am selfish. I was afraid I would lose Zhao Yanyan again in the future, so when Zhao Yanyan offered that I could eat her, I accepted it almost without hesitation. Although Zhao Yanyan said that she would never regret it, after all, she is only sixteen years old now, and I can’t guarantee that as she gets older, she won’t regret it.

I used to want to take out cigarettes from my pocket, but there was nothing inside. This is a habit of my previous life. Whenever I have something to worry about, I will stand in front of the window and smoke, but since my rebirth, I have n’t touched it for a long time. But this is also good. Anyway, the harm of smoking is too much, maybe we can use this opportunity to quit smoking.

“Husband, don’t leave me.” A voice interrupted me. I thought Zhao Yanyan was awake. When I looked back, I found that the little girl was still sleeping, and she was just talking.

I walked over, gently stroking the small face of Zhao Yanyan, and said softly, “Yanyan, I will love you for two lifetimes.”

The little girl seems to be able to hear me, the corners of her mouth are slightly raised, revealing a sweet smile.

I hugged Zhao Yanyan, leaned against the bed, and fell asleep again. When I woke up again, I found that Zhao Yanyan was awake, with my eyes open, lying in my arms and watching me quietly.

“When did you wake up?” I yawned and asked.

“Just now.” Zhao Yanyan said quietly: “Liu Lei, I had a dream just now.”

“Okay,” I consoled, “dreams are all false.”

“No.” Zhao Yanyan shook his head and choked, “Very real, I dreamed that you don’t want me, and I chased you behind, but I couldn’t catch up …”

“No, no,” I comforted her. A little girl is a little girl, and a dream is taken seriously.

“Hey,” Zhao Yanyan said with a sly smile: “But then you came back and hugged me and said to me, love me for two lives.”

I’m sweating, where is this dream? Isn’t this what I said just now.

“What time is it?” I was relieved to see she was fine.

Um, it’s more than seven o’clock, let’s pack up and go downstairs!” Zhao Yanyan reluctantly crawled out of my arms, jumped out of bed, and went back to her own bed to find clothes.

I went to the toilet. After washing, I looked at the table below, it was just seventy-five, and the time was just right.

When I went downstairs, I saw Old Man Xu and his granddaughter standing in front of a bus, and waved when we came.

We got on the bus and found that most of the students in the school uniforms were on the bus. Most of them participated in the competition on behalf of the local school or training center. I looked at it, there were only two girls, Zhao Yanyan and Xu Ruoyun, but these boys turned a deaf ear to these two beauties, as if they didn’t exist. Five words flashed into my head: a bunch of nerds.

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