Urban Banished Immortal Chapter 75: Even if there are tens of thousands of customs, what is more?

  Li Mochou asked Wu Meiniang coldly: “Meiniang, how far do you think those people can go?”

  Wu Meiniang silently calculated the time, and replied softly: “Sister, I estimate that they can run out of two or three miles at most. Looking at the scene, they seem to have rummaged the bodies of the three brothers, brothers and sisters. Walking Yuhuan, Feiyan, Jinlian Heping’er, now it’s raining again, it shouldn’t go far.”

   So Li Mochou exhaled and shouted: “Small friends, you don’t have to hide in the woods anymore, we have found you, come out and die!”

   Her voice is not very loud, but it is not condensed, just like talking to the ears of everyone.

  Fanchen knew that Li Mochou was cheating them, and it was impossible to find their traces.

   The third-order phantom array, if it is not a Array Formation master who is proficient in Array Formation, can’t see the mystery of this Array Formation. Not to mention breaking this illusion.

   If prophecy is the result of the mystery world able to spy on the mystery of the rules of time through research, then Array Formation is the result of the monk’s study of the rules of space.

  Phantom arrays and maze arrays are often confused, but the principles and effects of the two Array Formations are different.

  The illusion array is mainly based on illusion, which makes people hallucinate, thus shielding the exploration of outsiders. It can refract the light of the space and the scenery countless times, so that you can’t see anything in the phantom array.

  Now, in the eyes of Li Mochou and Wu Meiniang, the place where they are located is just a sparse forest, and there is no shadow at all in this tent.

  Mazes are dominated by fans, confusing people’s five senses and six senses, namely eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and inspiration.

  Frankly speaking, it can confuse people’s sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch and subconsciousness of the sixth sense.

  The role of the maze in battle is even smarter than that of the phantom. It can confuse or even trap the enemy.

  The inside of the maze are all folded spaces. The people who enter the maze are like entering the maze. There is no sense of direction at all. Walking in the folded space for a day or two actually turns around.

   can’t get out of the puzzle, of course, he is trapped.

The advantage of    phantom array is that the scenes and objects look very real, which can confuse people’s eyes most. People can’t see any mystery in them.

  Maze if you don’t enter, it won’t play any role at all. And there are no scenes in the array. They are all foggy or endlessly dark.

   The maze can even isolate the sound, but the phantom array cannot block the sound, so there must be no noise.

  Fanchen has confidence in this third-order phantom array, but has no confidence in the two “materials” in the phantom array.

   Xia Ruolin is soft on the outside and inward on the inside, with a delicate mind, and hunting beasts all year round, with some guts and some insight.

   If Yang Gong doesn’t like publicity and has a stable personality, he has established a family and established a business, and has been in the shopping mall for two years.

  Although Yang Qianhua has been mixed in rivers and lakes and fished in society, he has a rugged personality, is informal, bold and attentive, and sometimes occasionally confuses, and sometimes can be wonderful, which is a factor of instability.

  Ye Shuang is currently the highest among these people. He is cheerful and lively, and dare to be a dare. Although he is very clever and sometimes clever, he doesn’t like to use his brain, and he made a late debut. Coupled with the nerves and careless habits, it is an extremely dangerous troublemaker.

  After Li Mochou’s utterance, Fan Chen felt Ye Shuang’s shortness of breath, her eyes shining, her mouth open, she wanted to speak, and she wanted to stand up immediately.

   Just when Ye Shuang shrugged her shoulders and wanted to stand up, she suddenly stretched out an arm and embraced her neck, and her big hand went around her head, covering her back. The little mouth of Cherry who made no sound.

   A man’s breath filled Ye Shuang’s nose and mind.

   Some people say that two people in love rely on smell to attract each other. Ye Shuang has been wrestling with Fan Chen’s ears for several months, and he has already fallen in love.

  At this moment, she turned her head to see Fan Chen’s arms around her fragrant shoulders, one hand gently covered her fragrant lips, and her first index finger stood in front of his lips, indicating that she was silent. The man in her eyes, although ordinary in appearance, is mysterious, mature, and calm. He always sees him with a good heart, decisive and handsome.

  She looked at the serious expression of this young man, with very concerned eyes, sniffing the bosomful atmosphere that only the big man in him had, suddenly suddenly stupid, and forgot where she was. I just want to spend the stormy years with this young man so that I can spend a quiet or magnificent life together.

  Fan Chen lowered his head, covering Ye Shuang’s cherry mouth with his right hand, staring at her beautiful face, and seeing that the starry sky was full of passionate love.

  Hong Chen has never seen through, so he needs to dispel the seven emotions and six desires of human beings; the opportunity has not been possessed, so he has to suffer from Mortal World; what three thousand avenues, what Yongzhi longevity, this Mortal World‘s affection and love, has been left in the heart of Fanchen An indelible mark. When Jinfeng Yulu met, it won over Mortal World!

   In Yancheng, where Fanchen met Ye Shuang for the first time, the scene was fragrant, soft at that moment, heart-momenting at that moment, and the inexplicable day was like the arrangement of the creator in the underworld.

  Under the dust and unconsciousness, I first glanced at the tension and helplessness of the jade body~IndoMTL.com~ Ye Shuang lost the embarrassment and trance of Jingzhou, but still remember it at this time…

   For more than two months, Fan Chen became the accompaniment of Ye Shuang, the skin blindness again and again, the pain that hit you in my heart time and time again, swearing again and again, chasing and chasing again and again, All became sweet memories bit by bit, rippling and flowing in the hearts of two people…

   is exactly: Without the colorful Phoenix wings, he has a good sense of heart.

  Which young girl does not contemplate spring and which young man is not passionate? Ye Shuang and Fan Chen, a pair of teenage girls who were emotional at the same time, actually looked at each other from their eyes to their hearts. The kind of sweetness and attachment is not enough for outsiders.

   “There are vines, and there is no dew. There is a beautiful person, Qingyang and Wanxi. Encounter, meet my wish. There are vines in the wild, and there is no dew. There is a beautiful person, and it is like a Qingyang. Encounter, With the child.”

   In fact, Ye Shuang was drunk and that night, Fan Chen almost lost her child, entered the cave room, dedicated to save the beauty, Ye Shuang already knew about the situation of the two of them that night.

   But she is as smart as she is, she won’t break the point, she just borrows her father’s serious illness and has to rent her boyfriend to go home.

  Ye Shuang and Fan Chen are deeply rooted in each other and can no longer extricate themselves. The so-called: “This is the year to go, it should be the beauty of Liangchen, and there are tens of thousands of styles. Who do you tell?”

   The two of them looked at each other, their eyes met, and they seemed to have a thousand words. Through this silent communication, they deeply penetrated into each other’s hearts.

   “Ask what is love in the world? Directly teach life to die!” Xia Ruolin yinfeng Yongyue next time.

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