Upgrading Every Second Chapter 911: Raiders Marvel

Blue Star Universe, Magnificent Tang Immortal Court, the land of the gods.

When I saw the figure of Tang Junming appearing above the Divine Realm, whether it is the Magnificent Tang Immortal Court army in the Divine Realm, or the Magnificent Tang Immortal Court intelligent life that is watching the live broadcast, Qi Qi collapsed towards Tang Junming.

“Wish to see my emperor, and congratulate my emperor on wiping out the Extinguishing World Demon army and building a great cause!”

Obviously, what happened in the seventh-order void turbulence outside, the entire Magnificent Tang Immortal Court is already known, and even knows that Tang Junming has used his own strength to almost destroy the remaining king-level Extinguishing World Demon.

Looking at the ecstatic Magnificent Tang Immortal Court intelligent life, Tang Junming smiled slightly and waved slowly, beckoning everyone to get up.

This time can win the Extinguishing World Demon legion and achieve unprecedented glorious victory. The greatest credit is of course to Tang Junming, but without the support of the entire Magnificent Tang Immortal Court, Tang Junming will not be able to win this victory, even before the defeat of the Extinguishing World Demon army. Was killed.

Because of the huge support of Magnificent Tang Immortal Court, Tang Junming was able to block the attack of the Extinguishing World Demon army, and by delaying the time, it accumulated its own power and marked the top level of Extinguishing World Demon, and finally completely destroyed the Extinguishing World Demon army.

Now that the Extinguishing World Demon legion is finished, then it is time to reap the fruits of victory.

For so many years, the Extinguishing World Demon army has fully explored several universes, several spiritual domains, and thousands of mortal domains. These are all treasures.

Or these places appear to be a place of destruction and death in the other intelligent life of the dawn universe, without any resources and treasures, and with the power of strange pollution, which has no value at all.

However, after hundreds of years of analysis by the Blue Star Universe, it has been found that these so-called ruins are difficult to digest, but they are not indigestible, and they also contain rich energy.

These Extinguishing World Demon are the Extinguishing World Demon heads bred by the dawn universe itself. The power they possess is the power of destruction that cannot be digested by the dawn universe for hundreds of millions of epochs, but the inability of the dawn universe to digest does not mean that the blue star universe cannot digest. .

After all, these destructive forces are strange powers that have grown up based on the characteristics of the dawn universe. The main target is the dawn universe. The Blue Star universe is not targeted by this power.

This means that the Blue Star universe has the potential to use this kind of destructive power, so in Floating Star Mortal Territory, Tang Junming specifically made the Blue Star universe swallow the destruction of Floating Star Mortal Territory and study whether it can be used.

After so many years of analysis and research, I finally got a good result, that is, these places of destruction not only contain a lot of power of destruction, but also contain the power of the original dawn.

The source power of this dawn universe is even more than that of the same volume of land in Lingdao. The reason why this is so is that the dawn universe is using the origin to restrain the spread of destruction, so Only then will a large amount of the power of dawn be integrated into the ruined land.

What this means is self-evident. For the intelligent life of the dawn universe, it is a polluted area of ​​the Jedi. For the blue star universe, it is a piece of fat.

As for the power of destruction, although it is difficult to digest, it does not mean that the Blue Star universe cannot digest it, it just takes more time.

And the energy contained in these ruined places is not inferior to the power of dawn, in other words, if Tang Junming helps the Blue Star universe to swallow these ruined places, you can get double the spiritual volume of the same volume. Energy is the experience stone.

The only drawback is that only half of the experience stone Tang Junming can be directly obtained, and the other half needs to wait for the Blue Star universe to digest these ruined places before it can be obtained.

But even if you can only get half of the experience stone temporarily, it is no less than the experience stone obtained by the Tang Junming occupying a large area of ​​Lingdao.

It’s just a troubled place of destruction for the dawn dawn universe. It has become a blessed place in Tang Junming and Blue Star universe, which makes Tang Junming a bit ridiculous.

If this is the case, then I really want to take a good look at these ruined places.

Considering it properly, Tang Junming immediately arranged a large number of manpower and began to attack the ruined places destroyed by Extinguishing World Demon.

Dawn universe, Xinghai Lingyu.

The Xinghai Lingyu is located behind the seventh-order void in the northwest, and it is also the largest spiritual area of ​​the Extinguishing World Demon army. Its area is nearly a hundred times that of the Yaori Spiritual Domain, and the number of intelligent life is up to tens of trillions. .

Unfortunately, such a huge and splendid spirit domain, under the iron hooves of the Extinguishing World Demon army, has become a ruin in just a few hundred years, and almost no intelligent life can escape to heaven.

At the moment, the glorious Xinghai Spiritual Realm, only a piece of silence and despair came into view at this moment, the black destructive power and the gray earth everywhere, and almost no living creatures could be seen.

Sometimes there are some low-level Extinguishing World Demon shuttles among the power of destruction, looking for everything that can be eaten and destroyed.

The vast Xinghai Spiritual Field contains about 3,000 ordinary fields. The area is huge and terrible, but it is thousands of times that of the solar system.

Tang Junming’s first guide is the Xinghai Spiritual Domain. cultivator of nearly 10 billion Magnificent Tang Immortal Court wears armor that can easily resist the erosion of destruction. It enters the Xinghai Spiritual Domain along the connection point and begins to lay out civilized satellites and establish a civilized system. .

Without intelligent life, if you want to explore Xinghai Lingyu more easily, you only need to build the equipment and machines that mark the Blue Star universe civilization, such as wireless base stations and technology towers. Able to conquer these places in terms of civilized system.

After that, you only need to arrange some intelligent life of the Blue Star universe to stay in these places, and stay for a few days, which means that these places are conquered by the Blue Star universe, so that the Blue Star universe can swallow them all.

It looks a lot easier~ IndoMTL.com~ But to be honest, I also lost a lot. After all, without intelligent life, without all kinds of resources, without exotic flowers…Magnificent Tang Immortal Court can’t grab extra from these places Wealth.

If not occupying these places is equivalent to gaining double the power of the universe’s origin, then Magnificent Tang Immortal Court and Tang Junming will suffer a big loss.

With the passage of time, more and more Magnificent Tang Immortal Court intelligent life has entered the Xinghai Spiritual Domain, and it is attacking the huge Xinghai Spiritual Domain at an alarming rate.

As for Tang Junming, we are now galloping towards a universe that the Extinguishing World Demons used to attack. The name of this universe, Tang Junming, was quite familiar when we were on earth.

Because movies about this universe have caused a sensation in the world, many are popcorn movies, creating many box office myths, this universe is.

Marvel Universe!

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