Upgrading Every Second Chapter 866: Seizing Life King

However, Tang Junming obviously cannot wait for such a long time, so after some consideration, Tang Junming decisively poured all the 10 billion experience stones accumulated over the years into the Array Method way.

With a large amount of experience stones infused, Tang Junming can clearly feel that his Array Method Cultivation Base is constantly improving, and various positions of knowledge continue to flow into his mind, making his strength on Array Method soaring. Leaps and bounds.

Although there is no breakthrough to the seventh-order Treasure Array division, but in the case of Array Method Cultivation Base, Tang Junming can be called the pinnacle in Extreme Cold Spirit Island, and no Spirit Array division can compare with him.

The first person under Treasure Array division!

Know that Extreme Cold Spirit Island does not have a Treasure Array division of the seventh order. In other words, Array Method Cultivation Base of Tang Junming is already the first person of Extreme Cold Spirit Island.

Unfortunately, from the sixth-tier Spirit Array division to the seventh-tier Treasure Array division, too many experience stones are needed. It is impossible to reach tens of millions. Tang Junming can only temporarily increase some experience points.

Because it is upgraded with a game system, Tang Junming‘s ability in Array Method is extremely comprehensive, and it has been mastered in all aspects. It is more comprehensive than any Spirit Array master in Extreme Cold Spirit Island.

With the assistance of the game system, Tang Junming’s Array Method Cultivation Base is inherently invincible in the same stage, and with the addition of 10 billion experience stones, one can imagine how strong Tang Junming’s Array Method Cultivation Base is.

The Array Method group, which originally took a lot of time to crack, still takes a hundred or two hundred years at the moment, but Tang Junming has other detours.

That is to destroy hundreds of nodes in the Array Method group of the imperial capital, and let it stop for half an hour at a certain moment. As long as this half hour, Tang Junming can capture Seizing Life King alive and make it become Own servant.

As long as Seizing Life King becomes a servant of Dream India, the subsequent attempt to dispose of the entire Song Family is nothing more than a show of effort.

Due to proper consideration, Tang Junming cast Void Altering Technique, infiltrated the imperial capital, and began to work on hundreds of nodes in the Array Method group of the imperial capital.

While doing hands and feet, Tang Junming even placed some Array Methods such as Myriad Clouds Sealing Sky Array, Soul Soul Array, Tiandi Po Spirit Array, etc. around the imperial capital. This is naturally to avoid Seizing Life King from escaping during the war, or letting out for help Signal to the familiar Nine Cauldrons class king, increase the variables of this operation.

It took nearly two years to complete, and Tang Junming made hands and feet on hundreds of important nodes in the Array Method group of the Royal City, and dozens of Array Methods of their own were arranged around the Royal City. action.

One night, Tang Junming quietly infiltrated the imperial Array Method group and headed towards the side hall where Seizing Life King is located.

As a Nine Cauldrons king who used Extreme Cold Spirit Island as the assassination technique, Seizing Life King attaches great importance to his own safety, and is more worried that other people will use the same means to deal with him, so he has to change his residence every once in a while.

Hundreds of thousands of palaces in the imperial capital, even the queen of Seizing Life King does not know where he lives every night, quite a kind of emperor of the earth.

If Tang Junming is not supported by Golden Dragon Clan’s intelligence network, I’m afraid I can’t find the residence of Seizing Life King.

Although I found Seizing Life King‘s residence tonight by relying on gangsters, there are several residences in this residence. I still need to verify Tang Junming one by one, and I haven’t determined the specific residence.

Yangyuan Hall!

Tang Junming came to the first palace where Seizing Life King might live in the intelligence, and after searching for a circle, there was nothing unusual. Apparently Seizing Life King was not here.

Tang Junming immediately hurried towards the second palace, again without finding anything, then the third, fourth, and seventh, Tang Junming finally felt the anomaly.

Relying on the powerful Array Method Cultivation Base, Tang Junming implicitly perceives that the Array Method group of the imperial capital has a lot of energy gathered in this palace, lurking under the palace, far more than any other palace.

This should be the residence of Seizing Life King these days!

Tang Junming launched Cauldron Artifact and Void Altering Technique, looking for the specific location of Seizing Life King, but found nothing. It is worthy of being the strongest assassination master of Extreme Cold Spirit Island.

Although the specific location of Seizing Life King cannot be found, according to the convergence of Array Method energy, Tang Junming has more than 80% certainty that Seizing Life King is here.

So consider for a moment, the energy in Tang Junming body spreads along with Array Method around this palace of true king, gathers the energy of dozens of Array Method arranged by Tang Junming, and envelopes around the palace of true king.

Until the palace of the King of Truth was strong enough, even the king of Nine Cauldrons Middle Stage didn’t want to break away and escaped in a short time, Tang Junming quietly withdrew from the Hall of King of God, releasing Locking Sky King of Nine Cauldrons Initial Stage, and attacked the big Temple of the True King.


Under the assault of Nine Cauldrons Initial Stage Locking Sky King, the huge Hall of True Kings instantly turned to ashes, and Seizing Life King hiding in the Hall of True Kings couldn’t hide anymore. I didn’t know where it came from. I stared angrily at Locking Sky King: “Gold lump” Root, what do you mean, running in the middle of the night ruined my palace of true kings, is it easy to bully when I Song Family?”

“Naturally, I want to use his own way to cure his own body. Seizing Life King has attacked so many people. I shouldn’t expect to be attacked by someone one day.” Locking Sky King sneered.

Seizing Life King said angrily: “Even if I have attacked many people, but I have not attacked you, you come to me for what to do.”

“Although you have not attacked me, but one of you who attacked me has an old friend of mine, so it is normal for me to revenge you~IndoMTL.com~Locking Sky King nonsense.

“Okay, then I want to see how you want to retaliate against me.” Seizing Life King said coldly, the sword in his hand turned into a shimmer, and instantly came to Locking Sky King.

Seeing that Seizing Life King did not immediately activate the Array Method group of the imperial capital to deal with him, Locking Sky King considered it, and confronted Seizing Life King as instructed by Tang Junming.

The two of them huddled together, and everything around them instantly turned into powder. If it wasn’t for Array Method division to raise the enchantment Array Method in time, I am afraid that the two would soon destroy the entire emperor.

To be honest, Locking Sky King‘s strength is not as good as Seizing Life King, and even worse than Seizing Life King, so it was steadily suppressed by Seizing Life King in the confrontation. Seizing Life King may also see this, so he did not immediately launch the Array Method of the Imperial City. The group dealt with Locking Sky King, but confronted Locking Sky King alone.

And Seizing Life King also has fears. He doesn’t believe that Locking Sky King will recklessly run and sneak attack on him. This is different from death. Locking Sky King is not a fool.

There must be some backers behind Locking Sky King, and Seizing Life King should naturally prepare for this backhand.

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