Upgrading Every Second Chapter 862: Black Diamond King

According to information obtained from Locking Sky King, Northern River King, etc., Tang Junming knows that even in Extreme Cold Spirit Island, Golden Dragon Clan is also the top five superpower, and it is even close to the top three.

After all, Golden Dragon Clan has two Nine Cauldrons class kings, one Nine Cauldrons Initial Stage, and one Nine Cauldrons Middle Stage, which is not uncommon among super powers. Most Extreme Cold Spirit Island super powers have only one Nine Cauldrons class king.

With such amazing power, the resources occupied by Golden Dragon Clan can be imagined. One tenth of the huge Extreme Cold Spirit Island belongs to Golden Dragon Clan, which corresponds to the wealth of astronomical figures.

Tang Junming calculated it a little bit, and knew that if Golden Dragon Clan could be searched, it should be able to bring him nearly 10 billion experience stones, catching up with dozens of ordinary domains.

From here, you can see how rich Golden Dragon Clan is. With the wealth and resources searched by the power of a family, it can catch up with dozens of mortal domains, and Golden Dragon Clan has also mastered several mortal domains.

It should be known that the area of ​​a random domain far exceeds the area of ​​Golden Dragon Clan. The resources contained in it can be imagined, but the result is only a few tenths of the wealth of Golden Dragon Clan.

How can such an affluent race not be exciting?

After thinking about it, Tang Junming started to lay it out, and Locking Sky King, which had recovered its strength quickly, successfully released the distress message, and at the same time, Northern River King and the King of Life who stayed outside also sent Soul Guide back to Golden Dragon Clan.

Extreme Cold Spirit Island, Golden Dragon Kingdom, where the ancestral land is located.

Golden Dragon Clan‘s oldest, oldest and most powerful Black Diamond King’s complexion changed slightly, and he grabbed a soul guide that flew to the front, one of which was released by Locking Sky King.

After reading these soul guides, the look of the black diamond king changed.

“This stupid thing, Suo Tian, ​​takes so many people to siege a five-ding general, and there will still be an accident. It is really more and more practice, and he will go back. When this matter is dealt with, he must come back and work hard. It will take thousands of years to complete. If you don’t practice Nine Cauldrons Middle Stage, you don’t have to go out.”

“But it’s just a general with five tripods, and it is actually able to trap Suotian with the amazing Array Method Cultivation Base. Its attainment on Array Method is really remarkable. It should have reached the sixth level and even be about to break through the seventh level Treasure Array division. Well, otherwise, how can you have such amazing Array Method attainments.”

“Let’s go in person, otherwise, if the naive thing happens, we will be a little passive in Golden Dragon Clan. Many things still need him to deal with.”


After thinking about it for a moment, the Profound Diamond King turned into a silver ray and disappeared in the ancestral land instantly, rushing towards the location of the Mang Mountain.

It only took more than a day for the Black Diamond King to reach the outer edge of Mangmang Mountain. The eyes of millions of Golden Dragon Clan troops attacking Mangmang Mountain, of which Northern River King, Seizing King and others were in front of the team .

Seeing an extremely bright silver ray appeared, Northern River King, Zuo Ming Wang and others immediately guessed something, and quickly paused, kneeling down towards the silver ray: “See Old Ancestor.”

“Roll up.” Xuan Zuanwang said politely: “What’s the matter?”

Northern River King hurriedly said: “Because the Array Method group that defended the Mang Mountain has not been breached for more than 100 years, the two ancestors personally observed the situation around the Array Method group in the past two days, but they did not expect to be attacked when they were close to the Array Method group. Sudden expansion swept in.”

“The second ancestor originally wanted to take the countermeasures into account and clean up the Tang Junming after entering the defense Array Method group, but did not expect to find that Tang Junming had been hidden in the core of the Array Method group after entering. The second ancestor could not break in at all, and was attacked by the slaves under Tang Junming. , We are also responding outside, but in no way can this defense Array Method group.”

Xuan Zuan Wang frowned, glanced at Locking Sky King, who was attacking Array Method in the defense of Array Method group: “Waste, since I know that Tang Junming Array Method Cultivation Base is amazing, what else I can play will count, and it is really looking for death.”

“Next you continue to attack this defensive Array Method group, and at the same time let the Spirit Array divisions try their best to find the flaws of the defense Array Method group. I will wait for the maneuver to break this defense Array Method group.”

“Yes.” Northern River King and others suddenly agreed to continue to attack the defense Array Method group of Cangmang Mountain in coordination with the action of King Black Diamond.

Defending Locking Sky King in the Array Method group also bombarded the defense Array Method group somewhat, resisting the attack of the slaves under Tang Junming.

The performance of this big drama is so vivid that there are hardly any flaws. Naturally, the King of Diamonds can’t think of Locking Sky King, Northern River King, King of Life, etc. who were actually enslaved by Tang Junming. They are performing a good show for him with Tang Junming. Drama, waiting for the moment he fell into ambush.

Seeing that the Northern River King, the Desperate King, and others are all attacking the Array Method group, the Black Diamond King began to observe around the defense Array Method group and wanted to find the flaws of the defense Array Method group.

Nearly 100 Spirit Array divisions cooperated with the Black Diamond King to observe around the defense Array Method group.

It’s just that the Black Diamond King and a group of Spirit Array divisions observed for several hours, but no flaws were found, and the Locking Sky King in the defense Array Method group has obviously been attacked and fell completely. If it continues this way, maybe there will be The possibility of failure.

The situation is urgent, and the Profound Diamond King doesn’t even think about it, and is ready to use the talent Divine Ability of Golden Dragon Clan to see if he can break a hole in the defense Array Method group.

Nearly 100 Spirit Array teachers cooperate with the Black Diamond King, guarding around the Black Diamond King, waiting for the Black Diamond King to display his talent Divine Ability.

“Xuanlong Diamond!”

The black diamond king sits cross-legged above the defense Array Method group, and the rolling power of the body fluctuates. The nine accompanying Xuan Ding slowly emerged~IndoMTL.com~ Among them, there are three Xuan Ding at the ground level, and the others are human. The associated Xuan Ding.

With so many companion Xuan Ding above human level, it is not uncommon to look at the extremely cold spirit realm. It can be seen that the practice techniques of Xuan Zuan Wang are also extraordinary.

I don’t know how long it has passed. A silver drill that is tens of thousands of miles thick and thousands of miles thick appears above the defense Array Method group. Here is the Xuanlong drill, which is also the most powerful secret technique of the Xuanlong king.

The title of the Black Diamond King comes from this trick. I can imagine how powerful this trick is.

I don’t know how long it has passed. When this silver drill grew to hundreds of thousands of miles and was thick, it slowly moved towards the defense Array Method community, and the layers of light bloomed around it. Every ray of light exudes surging power fluctuations.

Even if Tang Junming feels these power fluctuations, he feels terrified and terrified. If there is no barrier to defend the Array Method group, I am afraid that any ray of light may focus on Tang Junming.

At a certain moment, in Tang Junming’s worried eyes, a huge silver drill fell on the defensive Array Method group and began to spin rapidly.


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