Upgrading Every Second Chapter 766: Dragon Heart Weaving Soul

There are about thousands of cultivators in the Dragon Blood Empire, most of which are cultivator in the first and second tripods, and only a few hundreds of Great Venerable above the Three Cauldrons level.

Of the hundreds of Great Venerables, about 750 are Great Venerables of Three Cauldrons Initial Stage and Three Cauldrons Middle Stage, and only nearly two hundred are Great Venerable of Three Cauldrons Late Stage, Three Cauldrons Perfection.

But even so, its strength and power are far better than Tang Junming, and dozens of people together cannot be confronted by Tang Junming.

With the current strength of Tang Junming, with all kinds of martial arts secret techniques, plus Divine Weapon weapon, at the same time, it can deal with Great Venerable of Three Cauldrons Perfection digital at the same time.

Even if you encounter the more powerful Three Cauldrons Perfection Great Venerable, the two or three Tang Junming can beat the mouse, and with the current strength of Tang Junming, it is still far from doing what it wants in the Dragon Blood Empire.

Not to mention that the Dragon Blood Empire may still have a hidden quasi-Four Cauldrons Old Ancestor, the strength is even more terrifying, and a single Tang Junming can be beaten.

Since the hard work is not enough, you can only continue to lurking carefully and slowly expand your strength and power.

Anqing Palace, Xiangxiang Temple.

Lei Wuwei is feasting on all the ministers, and all the cultivator sitting in the hall of Huanxiang are the core high-level of his department. Most of them are Great Venerable above Three Cauldrons, and there are many top powerhouses of Three Cauldrons Late Stage and Three Cauldrons Perfection.

In the Blue Star universe, Lei Wuwei obtained a large number of strange ores, which has a huge boost to the development of the Dragon Blood Empire, so the rewards are not huge.

In order to celebrate this victory, the officials under Lei Wuwei will naturally hold a banquet.

“Congratulations on the victory of His Royal Highness, and the seizure of a large amount of radiation treasure for the empire, which is getting closer and closer to the throne. This time the great prince is completely suppressed by the second prince.”

“Haha, the eldest prince was so timid as at that time, he didn’t dare to rush to the wilderness of the black blood, and even pretended to escape from illness. Now that he has completed His Royal Highness, let’s thank the great prince. “

“Who said no, let’s take the time to send a banner to the crown prince to express our gratitude to him.”


A group of people sang and laughed, complimenting the Lei Wuwei sitting in the first place.

Lei Wuwei raised his cup: “You are right, drink!”

Many courtiers raised their glasses together: “Congratulations to Your Highness.”

A cup of fine wine is down, many courtiers are not aware of the abnormality in the wine, and they never think that Lei Wuwei will give them medicine.

“This wine is really energetic. It is indeed a treasure that His Royal Highness got from that special Barren Island(s). After a little drinking, I felt dizzy, but it was really delicious.”

“It is said that Barren Island(s) is a popular technology that can use technology to create all kinds of strange things. This kind of fine wine is one of them.”

“A drunk solution will make me worry. For so many years, this is the first time I have encountered a wine that can make me drunk. Everyone continues to drink.”


The cultivator above Dingjing soon fell, but other people didn’t think there was a problem. According to Lei Wuwei, this kind of wine comes from that special Blue Star Barren Island(s). It is said that anyone who gets drunk should be drunk. Also known as 3rd-Step down.

It seems to be the case now.

Seeing that all the cultivators were almost gone, Lei Wuwei smiled and arranged for the beautiful maid to lift the fallen courtiers to the palace, where Tang Junming had been waiting for them for a long time.

“The Technique of Dream Seal!”

In the face of a group of cultivator who was overturned by 3rd-Step, Tang Junming can be said to be invincible. A Great Venerable above Three Cauldrons is enslaved by Tang Junming.

During the period, there was a little problem. There were two Great Venerable above Three Cauldrons Late Stage with special Spiritual treasures, which withstood the invasion of Dream Seal, and almost woke up.

Fortunately, 3rd-Step was powerful enough, and Tang Junming had some precautions in advance. Various Cauldron Artifact above the fourth order shot, easily suppressed the two, and enslaved them smoothly.

In this short period of time, there have been dozens more Great Venerables above Three Cauldrons under Tang Junming, including Three Cauldrons Late Stage and Great Venerable of Three Cauldrons Perfection. The gains are not rich.

With the help of Lei Wuwei, a traitor, this harvest is just the beginning for Tang Junming.

In the following dozens of days, under the command of Tang Junming, Lei Wuwei brought the radiation ore to the Great Venerable above the Three Cauldrons of the Dragon Blood Empire. On the surface, they were drawing these Great Venerable with radiation ore, but in fact, they were assisting Tang Junming in secret All Great Venerable above Three Cauldrons are enslaved.

In order to ensure foolproof, Tang Junming carries digital Great Venerable above Three Cauldrons Late Stage each time, and as time goes by, the number of slaves increases, Tang Junming is no longer carrying Great Venerable above Three Cauldrons Late Stage, but has become Great Venerable of Three Cauldrons Perfection .

With a lot of Divine Weapon weapons, and a lot of Three Cauldrons Perfection Great Venerable support, plus the unexpected, and the magic of the dream seal, the Tang Junming line can be described as unstoppable.

After a month, Tang Junming’s power in the Dragon Blood Empire is already terrifying.

Three Cauldrons Perfection Great Venerable sixteen digits!

Three Cauldrons Late Stage Great Venerable thirty-six!

Two hundred for Three Cauldrons Middle Stage Great Venerable!


As for cultivator below Three Cauldrons Initial Stage and Three Cauldrons Initial Stage, Tang Junming has no mood to spend time enslaving them. After all, the strength is too weak. Tang Junming has a limited number of slavery places. How can it be wasted at will.

Tang Junming still needs to reserve some places for other Dragon Blood Empire Great Venerable above Three Cauldrons Late Stage~IndoMTL.com~ So there is no quota for Dragon Blood Empire cultivator who are Three Cauldrons Initial Stage and below.

In just a month or so, one-third of the power of the Dragon Blood Empire was controlled by Tang Junming in its own hands. As for the remaining Great Venerable above Three Cauldrons Middle Stage, although it is not enslaved, it takes a lot of time. The price/performance ratio is too low.

After thinking about it, Tang Junming decided to take a risk, first enslaved the Dragon Blood Empire Emperor Lei Zheng’an, and then used the power of the Dragon Blood Empire Emperor to enslave most of the remaining Dragon Blood Empire strong. By.

The reason why Tang Junming did not start with the Lei Zheng’an emperor of the Dragon Blood Empire was mainly because Lei Zheng’an not only had extremely strong personal strength, but also the soul, energy and blood were connected to the quasi fifth-order Spirit Array dragon heart weaving soul array that enveloped the imperial city. With Lei Zheng’an, there will be serious consequences immediately.

But after a month of research, coupled with Tang Junming deliberately spending a lot of experience stone to upgrade Array Method Cultivation Base, Tang Junming has been able to crack the Dragon Heart Weaving Soul Array, thus not disturbing anyone to enslave Lei Zheng’an.

Looking at the dormitory in front of Lei Zheng’an, Lei Wuwei chuckled, sorted the collar and walked in, carrying an Happy Couple Holy Ring.

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