Upgrading Every Second Chapter 292: Wanjian Guizong

Tang Junming sat cross-legged and poured eleven trillion Common Experience onto Splitting Body Shadowless Sword Qi.

The Splitting Body Shadowless Sword Qi is certainly powerful and amazing, but the Common Experience required for each upgrade is also increasing, almost tenfold growth.

The massive amount of Common Experience surged, and instantly took Tang Junming‘s Splitting Body Shadowless Sword Qi to a higher level, and a prototype of Shadowless Sword Qi began to appear in the body.

Under the influence of Common Experience, these prototypes of Shadowless Sword Qi have become larger and sharper, gradually surpassing the previous Shadowless Sword Qi.

I don’t know how long it has passed. When the eleven trillion Common Experience was exhausted, the Tang Junming already had one million more new Shadowless Sword Qi in the body.

Each of these Shadowless Sword Qi is sharper than before. If there is enough time to absorb the essence of the sword, the power of these Shadowless Sword Qi can soar several times.

Unfortunately, there is not enough time for Tang Junming at this time. In the previous batch of Shadowless Sword Qi, thousands of Shadowless Sword Qis that have absorbed the essence of the sword have collapsed, and Tang Junming is also very distressed.

Feeling the huge amount of Shadowless Sword Qi in the body, Tang Junming took a deep breath, driving several Shadowless Sword Qi, and came quietly to somewhere in the Sifang Sky Dome.

This is naturally done to avoid being discovered by those monsters of Sixth Level, Seventh Level, and even Eighth Level, they will deliberately target Tang Junming, affect Tang Junming and earn Common Experience.

Although the upgraded Shadowless Sword Qi is powerful, it is still difficult to kill monsters above Sixth Level, not to mention Seventh Level and Eighth Level monsters, but it is much easier to deal with monsters of Fifth Level.

“Boo boo boo boo boo…”

In silence, one million Shadowless Sword Qi swarmed out, covering all the Fourth Level and Fifth Level monsters in large numbers. When they had not responded, Shadowless Sword Qi had already killed their lives.

You have cross rank killing monster Fifth Level Low-Rank monster blue sky carving, Common Experience+200 million……

You cross rank killing got the bald-headed dragon of Fifth Level Middle-Rank, Common Experience+300 million…

You have cross rank killing the crocodiles of Fifth Level High-Rank, Common Experience+500 million…


In just a few minutes, the sky within a few centimeters was cleared by Tang Junming, and it seemed empty for a while. At the same time, Tang Junming also harvested more than ten trillion Common Experience from it.

The power of one million Shadowless Sword Qis is so shocking, looking at the vast open space, not to mention cultivator in the Central Plains main city, even the monsters outside were stunned.

Many Central Plains lords who are killing Sixth Level, Seventh Level, and Eighth Level monsters with their full strength are also betting on Tang Junming for the first time. Although the monsters killed by Tang Junming are only Fourth Level, Fifth Level monsters, but to be honest Talking about the contribution to the main city of Central Plains, perhaps still above them.

Because so many Fourth Level and Fifth Level monsters united to destroy the Sifang Sky Dome, it can be said that it far surpassed a few or a dozen high-level monsters.

“Boo boo boo boo boo…”

At this time, one million channels of Shadowless Sword Qi went out for the second time. Wherever they passed, God stopped and killed the Buddha. The hundreds of thousands of Fourth Level and Fifth Level monsters fell like raindrops.

After a few minutes, the Common Experience of Tang Junming has increased by more than a trillion, and the speed of earning Common Experience is simply shocking.

“Boo boo boo boo boo…”

When the one million Shadowless Sword Qi came out for the third time, the monster corps outside responded. Soon, hundreds of Sixth Level, Seventh Level, and Eighth Level monsters swarmed in, trying to block Shadowless Sword Qi of Tang Junming.

With the wits of monsters above Sixth Level, they can already feel that these Shadowless Sword Qis have little lethality on them, and they can also defeat these Shadowless Sword Qis.

Even if Tang Junming tried to control Shadowless Sword Qi to avoid, nearly ten thousand Shadowless Sword Qi were destroyed by these high-level monsters, but Tang Junming successfully obtained more than ten trillion Common Experience.

Your influence is expanding, Common Experience+16666 million…

You installed a big force, Common Experience+122.22 million…

Your influence among monsters has expanded, Common Experience+66.66 million…


The expanded influence of Tang Junming can not only earn Common Experience among humans, but also Common Experience among monsters. Unfortunately, monsters will not play Venus, otherwise Tang Junming may have a large number of monster fans.

Thinking of the Venus star, Tang Junming can’t help but shine.

Now the monsters outside have noticed him. It’s hard to sneak attack. If you can’t sneak attack, then start live broadcasting.

In this way, you can divert the attention of the monsters, secondly, you can expand his popularity, and thirdly, you can earn Common Experience…if that is the case, what are you waiting for?

Tang Junming immediately opened the star, took dozens of small intelligent drones into the air, started shooting around him, and selected the best and most handsome screen live broadcast as much as possible~IndoMTL.com~ Now Tang Junming live broadcast room The number of followers has reached tens of millions, so as soon as Tang Junming started broadcasting, a large number of viewers swarmed immediately.

“The anchor has started again, has the state-level Grand Competition started, has the Grand Competition of the Central Plains Divine State started so quickly?”

“It’s not that the state-level Grand Competition started. It’s because our anchor is in big trouble. I just received a message saying that the Central Plains Divine State is surrounded by more than one hundred billion monsters. I did not expect the anchor to fall into the Central Plains main city.”

“No, there are trillions of monsters surrounding the Central Plains main city. Is there such an exaggeration. My God, this seems to be true. Look around the anchor, there are monsters everywhere.”

“Anchor, you are almost done and you are still in the mood to live broadcast, your heart is too big.”

“I am on the front line of the main city now, and the anchor is above my head. Do you want to see the anchor from my perspective.”


Tang Junming has no mood to care about the fans in the live room. After opening the star, Tang Junming let dozens of smart drones choose the best quality and shocking pictures as possible to pass to the audience in the live room. Tang Junming began to fully control nearly one million Shadowless Sword Qi.

“Wanjian Guizong!”

Tang Junming squeezed the Sword Finger and danced against the wild winds of hunting. More than 900,000 channels of Shadowless Sword Qi radiated dazzling nine rainbow lights around the body and began to spin around Tang Junming.

This amazing scene was faithfully photographed by smart drones and passed to the audience in the live broadcast room. The Tang Junming live broadcast room was quiet, and over one million viewers were silent.

Even many residents of the main city of Central Plains were attracted by this shining scene in the sky. They couldn’t do anything else, so they all focused on Tang Junming.

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